Sample telephone and refill encounter shortcuts

Sample shortcuts for telephone and refill encountersOne way to work more efficiently is to create standard messaging, also known as SmartPhrases, in your electronic health record (EHR) to help the team quickly categorize inbasket messages. The shortcut examples provided here are specific to two of the most common types of messages received: telephone calls and refill requests. These messages can initially be fielded by the patient services representatives on your team. Team members may find it useful to have a copy of this on hand at their desk as a guide. Note that the practice that provided this example, Bellin Health, uses EPIC.* You may be able to modify your system to use similar SmartPhrases. Work with your EHR vendor to explore options and implement changes.Not all phone encounters in the example fit into these categories. Those that don’t will have to be documented with free text.*The AMA does not endorse or recommend any commercial products, processes or services and mention of the same on this website is not an endorsement or recommendation. The AMA website provides information on commercial products, processes and services for informational purposes only. The AMA is not responsible for, and expressly disclaims all liability for, damages of any kind arising out of use, reference to or reliance on such information.Patient services representative: Telephone encounter workflowIdentify patient correctly in EHR and open a Telephone Encounter.Identify provider & department.Obtain patient call back information.Identify specific reason for call (e.g., “abdominal pain,” not “pain”). Writing “question” as a reason for call is not sufficient. Please be as specific as possible to help your team members answer calls promptly. Enter the correct SmartPhrase in the Documentation tab. The SmartPhrase is based on the reason for call.Symptom call.tesymptomComplete ALL (*) information or SmartPhrases using F2 to toggle from question to questionExample of SmartPhrase for symptom call:SYMPTOM:Primary symptom: ***Length of time symptom present: ***Please schedule appointment if length of symptom is greater than one week.Previously seen in the last two weeks for this symptom: {YES NO:22853}Okay to leave message: {YES NO:22853}Please confirm and update pharmacy.Use Routing tab to select the appropriate team pool or individualClick “X” on Patient tab to send messageDO NOT USE “CLOSE ENCOUNTER” TABOrders call (lab, mammo, bone density, physical/occupational therapy, imaging, etc.).teordersComplete ALL (*) information or SmartPhrases using F2 to toggle from question to questionExample of SmartPhrase for order call:ORDERS:Type of order (e.g., lab, imaging): ***Reason for order: ***Scheduling preference: {YES NO:22853}Location preference: {YES NO:22853}Okay to leave message: {YES NO:22853}Non-clinic address and fax number: {NA/WILDCARD:27363}Use Routing tab to select the appropriate team pool or individualClick “X” on Patient tab to send messageDO NOT USE “CLOSE ENCOUNTER” TABReferral call.tereferralComplete ALL (*) information or SmartPhrases using F2 to toggle from questions to questionExample of SmartPhrase for referral callREFERRAL:Type of referral requested: ***Reason for referral: ***Previously seen by care team provider for this reason: {YES NO:22853}Scheduling preference: {YES NO:22853}Specific Provider preference: {YES NO:22853}Okay to leave message: {YES NO:22853}Non-clinic address and fax number: {NA/WILDCARD:27363}Use Routing tab to select the appropriate team pool or individualClick “X” on Patient tab to send messageDO NOT USE “CLOSE ENCOUNTER” TABMedication question.temedicationquestionComplete ALL (*) information or SmartPhrases using F2 to toggle from questions to questionExample of SmartPhrase for medication questionMEDICATION QUESTION:Medication name and dose: ***Patient question or concern: ***Okay to leave message: {YES NO:33537}Please confirm and update pharmacy preference.Use Routing tab to select the appropriate team pool or individualClick “X” on Patient tab to send messageDO NOT USE “CLOSE ENCOUNTER” TABPrior authorization call .tepriorauthComplete ALL (*) information or SmartPhrases using F2 to toggle from question to questionExample of SmartPhrase for prior authorization callType of prior authorization: {bln prior auth choices:35769}Reason for prior authorization: ***Requestor and contact number: ***Insurance company phone number: ***Patient ID number: ***Additional comment: ***Use Routing tab to select the appropriate team pool or individualClick “X” on Patient tab to send messageDO NOT USE “CLOSE ENCOUNTER” TABForms dropped off by a patient.teformsComplete ALL (*) information or SmartPhrases using F2 to toggle from question to questionExample of SmartPhrase for formsType of form requested: {Type of Form Requested: 37753}Requested date for completion: ***Special instructions: ***Upon completion: {Mail, Fax, Pick Up: 37756}Okay to leave a message {YES NO:33537}Use Routing tab to select the appropriate team pool or individualClick “X” on Patient tab to send messageDO NOT USE “CLOSE ENCOUNTER” TABResults.teresultsComplete ALL (*) information or SmartPhrases using F2 to toggle from question to questionExample of SmartPhrase for Results call:Type of result (e.g., lab, imaging): ***Location/facility where test was performed: ***Date test was performed: ***Okay to leave message: {YES NO:26005}Use Routing tab to select the appropriate team pool or individualClick “X” on patient tab to send messageDO NOT USE “CLOSE ENCOUNTER” TABPatient service representative: Refill encounter workflowIdentify patient correctly in EHR and open a Refill Encounter.Identify provider & department.Obtain patient call back information.Select Medication to be refilled from the Meds & Orders tab.Click Reorder behind the requested medications.Click Pend all.Click Documentation. Enter any additional information that would be helpful to the team. For example, note if the medication the patient is requesting is not listed in the Meds & Orders tab. Keep in mind anything entered here can appear on the patient’s record.Select/confirm correct pharmacy. Use Routing tab to select the appropriate team pool or individual.Click “X” on Patient tab to send messageDO NOT USE “CLOSE ENCOUNTER” TABExample provided courtesy of Bellin Health.Source: AMA. Practice transformation series: Inbasket management. 2017. ................

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