
Grosse Pointe North High School Course Syllabus and OutlineTeacher: Ms. Tracey D’HondtCourse: Geometry College PrepEmail: Tracey.DHondt@ Topics Covered This Year Semester 1 Semester 2Essentials of GeometryReasoning and ProofsParallel and Perpendicular LinesCongruent TrianglesRelationships Within TrianglesSimilarityRight Triangles and TrigonometryQuadrilateralsProperties of CirclesMeasuring Length and AreaSurface Area and VolumeCourse Expectations: Students entering this course are expected to have a strong understanding of Algebra. Students should be able to work with fractions and decimals fluently without the use of a calculator. Students should be able to solve multi-step and systems of equations. Students should be able to factor and solve quadratic equations. Students should have been recommended by their Algebra I CP teacher to take this course. Students are expected to maintain a C- or above grade with strong work habits to remain in the College Prep sequence. Materials Needed: It is recommended that students have a 3 ring binder, a scientific calculator, pens, pencils, and hiliters for this class. A box of tissue may be brought in for extra credit points each quarter. Students are to bring their math textbook to class every day. Students should use their agenda books to write down homework assignments and get a pass to and from class. Assessments: A quiz and a test will be given for each chapter. Quizzes are weighted 30% and Tests 50% of a students overall grade. If absent on the day of a quiz or a test, students should see me to schedule a day and time for it to be made up. If a quiz or test is not made up, a zero will be given. Cell phones may not be used as calculators on tests or quizzes. Students will be notified at least a week in advance of a quiz or a test. There are no retakes!Homework: Students will be given homework on a daily basis. Homework will problems from the Geometry CP textbook put on a worksheet. Each homework assignment is worth up to 5 points. Homework counts as 10% of a students overall grade. Students are responsible for making up work when absent. Late homework is accepted but points deducted. Work must be shown to receive full credit on homework!Responsibility Points: Students will receive up to 10 points each week for being a responsible student. This includes being to class on time, bringing homework and materials to class, avoiding using their phones or other electronic devices during class, being polite and respectful towards others, and following classroom rules. Points will be deducted for tardiness, unpreparedness, rudeness, disrespect, and disobedience. Responsibility Points will count as 10% of a students overall grade.Standardized Test Preparation: During the year, students will be asked to complete practice ACT/SAT questions. Students are expected to participate in these and will count as part of their grade.Grading Scale: The Grading Scale used in this class is as followsA+ 98 – 100 C+ 77 – 79E 59 or belowA 93 – 97C 73 - 76 90 – 92C- 70 - 72B+ 87 – 89D+ 67 - 69B 83 – 86D 63 - 66 80 – 82D- 60 - 62Read these sections carefully and sign on the line below.Classroom Rules: The following rules are to be followed in this class by all students at all times.Be on time and in your seat when the bell ringsPut cell phones and any other electronic devices away when the bell ringsTreat others in this class with respect and courtesy whenever possibleBe courteous and helpful to guest teachersNo food or drink allowed, except waterUse proper language and exhibit appropriate behaviorCellphone Guidelines: The following guidelines regarding cell phone use are to be followed by all students in this class.Cell phones should be put away and on silent when the bell ringsCell phones may not be placed on student desks during classCell phones may not be used as calculators in this classCell phones may be used during independent seatwork but should not be a distraction to other students in the classCell phones should not be used during class notes, when math problems are being done, or when students are instructed to complete an activity during classI have read and understand the Course Syllabus for this class and will follow it to the best of my ability each day_________________________________________________Student SignatureDate__________________________________________________Parent/Guardian Signature Date ................

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