The following list has been compiled from sources that are nationally acceptable and are taken from documents that are published by such agencies as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, medical references, the MERCK Manual, and medical dictionaries such as Dorland’s Medical Dictionary.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Symbols

|2 times a day |BID |

|3 times a day |t.i.d. |

|4 times a day |QID |

|1st heart sound |S1 |

|2nd heart sound |S2 |

|3rd heart sound |S3 |

|4th heart sound |S4 |

|Ask, Advise, Assess, Assist, Arrange |5 A’s |

|A |

|abdomen, abdominal |Abd |

|Abdominal pain, Chest pain, Headaches, Eye problems, Severe leg pain |ACHES |

|abnormal |Abn, ABNL |

|Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome |AIDS |

|Acromioclavicular |AC |

|activity |act |

|Acute Respiratory Disease |ARD |

|Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome |ARDS |

|adequate |adeq |

|administered, administrator, admission |adm |

|advised |adv |

|Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices |ACIP |

|Advisory Opinion Statement |AOS |

|after (post) |post, p |

|after meals (post cibos) |pc |

|after surgery |Post-op |

|agglutinate, agglutination |agg, aggl |

|alert and oriented |A/O |

|alert and oriented to time, person, place, and date |A+Ox4 |

|anatomy |anat |

|anatomy and physiology |A&P |

|anterior |ant |

|antibiotics |abx |

|antibody |Ab |

|Anticubital |AC |

|antigen, silver |Ag |

|aqua – water |aq, aqu |

|arteriosclerosis |AS |

|artery |art |

|artificial |artif |

|as directed (modo praescripto) |emp, mp |

|as soon as possible |ASAP |

|as tolerated |as tol |

|B |

|backache |B/A |

|bacterial |bact |

|balance |bal |

|because of |B/O |

|bed rest |BR |

|before |ā |

|before dinner |ap |

|before meals |a.c. |

|before surgery |Pre-op |

|begin, began, beginning |beg |

|bilateral |bilat |

|bilateral breath sounds |BBS |

|biopsy |Bx, bx |

|blood |Bl, bld |

|blood alcohol |BA |

|blood alcohol level |BAL |

|blood glucose |BG |

|blood pressure |BP |

|blood sugar |BS |

|blood sugar level |BSL |

|blood urea nitrogen |BUN |

|Blood volume |Q |

|body mass index |BMI |

|body surface area |BSA |

|body weight |BW |

|bone |os |

|bone mineral density |BMD |

|born |b |

|bowel movement |BM |

|bowel sounds normal |BSN |

|breath sounds bilateral |BSB |

|bright red blood |BRB |

|brought in by |BIB |

|buccal |B |

|By mouth (per os) |po |

|C |

|carbohydrate |CH20, CHO, COH |

|cardiovascular system |CVS |

|case unknown |CU |

|Casual Blood Sugar |CBS |

|caucasian |cauc |

|Centigrade/Celsius |C |

|centigram |cg, Cgm |

|central nervous system |CNS |

|Certified Medical Assistant |CMA |

|certified, certificate |cert, crt |

|cervical |cerv, C |

|cervical motion tenderness |cmt |

|cervical spine |C-spine |

|chemical, chemistry |chem |

|chest |ch |

|chest pain |CP |

|chest x-ray |CXR |

|chest-back |C-B |

|chicken pox |ch px |

|chief complaint |C.C., CC |

|chronic |chr |

|communicable disease |commun dis, CD |

|Community Health Nurse |CHN |

|compare, compound |comp |

|complains of |C/O, ℅ |

|complete |compl |

|complete blood count |CBC |

|congestive heart failure |CHF |

|Consistent with |C/w |

|current diagnosis |cd |

|D |

|date of admission |D/A |

|date of birth |D/B, DOB |

|decrease, decreased |decr |

|deep tendon reflex |DTR |

|deficiency |def |

|deformity |deform |

|deviated nasal septum |DNS |

|diagnosis |Dx, diag |

|diarrhea and vomiting |D & V |

|diastolic blood pressure |DBP |

|discontinue |disc, D/C, d/c |

|Discussed with |D/W |

|disease |dis |

|dislocate, dislocation |disloc |

|distal |D |

|distal pulses |DP |

|Doctor’s orders |DO |

|Dorsalis pedis pulse |DP |

|double vision |dv |

|drops |gtt |

|E |

|each eye |OU |

|ear, nose, (and) throat |ENT |

|ears, eyes, nose, throat |EENT |

|elbow |elb |

|elect, elective |el, elect |

|electrocardiogram |ECG, EKG |

|electroencephalogram |EEG |

|emergency |emer |

|emergency operations plan |EOP |

|emergency room |ER |

|emotional |emot |

|equal bilateral breath sounds |EBBS |

|estimated blood loss |EBL |

|evaluate and advise |E&A |

|every 2 hours |q2h |

|every 3 hours |q3h |

|every 4 hours |q4h |

|every 5 hours |q5h |

|every 8 hours |q8h |

|every day |qd |

|every four hours |qqh |

|every hour, each hour |qh |

|every morning |qam, qm |

|every night |qn, qpm |

|every other day |qod |

|every other hour |qoh |

|every other night |qon |

|examination |Ex, exam |

|exterior, external |ext |

|extremity |ext |

|eye |E |

|F |

|family history |F/H, FH, FHx |

|fasting blood glucose |FBG |

|fasting blood sugar |FBS |

|flexion |flex |

|fluid |Fl, fld |

|foot, feet |ft |

|for your information |FYI |

|forearm |FA |

|four times a day |qid |

|fracture |frac, fx |

|fragment |frag |

|full range of motion |FROM |

|full strength |FS |

|G |

|gastrointestinal |GI |

|genitourinary |GU |

|genitourinary system |GUS |

|glucose |glu |

|gluteus maximus |glut max |

|H |

|half |Hf |

|head and neck |H&N |

|head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat |HEENT |

|headache |HA, h/a |

|heart sounds |HS |

|Herpes Simplex |HS |

|Herpes Simplex Virus |HSV |

|Herpes Simplex, Genitalis |HSG |

|Herpes zoster virus |HZV |

|high |hyper |

|high blood pressure |HBP |

|history |Hx |

|history and physical |H&P |

|history of |h/o, H/O |

|history of present illness |HPI |

|hospital |hosp |

|hypertension |Hpn, HPN, HTN |

|hypertensive cardiovascular disease |HCVD |

|hypodermic injection |hypo |

|I |

|ideal body weight |IBW |

|immediate, immediately (at once) |immed, stat |

|incision and drainage |I&D |

|infect, infection |infect, infx |

|inflammation |inflam |

|influence |infl |

|Influenza A |H1N1 |

|information |info |

|injury |inj |

|Intensive Care Unit |ICU |

|intravenous |IV |

|iodine |I |

|iron |Fe |

|Iron-deficiency anemia |IDA |

|irrigate, irrigation |irrig |

|Irritable Bowel Syndrome |IBS |

|isolation |isol |

|J |

|jaundice |jaund |

|joint |jnt, jt |

|juvenile |juv |

|K |

|Ketoacidosis |KA |

|Ketone bodies |KB |

|L |

|laboratory procedure |lab proc |

|large |lg, mag |

|lateral |lat |

|left arm |LA |

|left deltoid |LD |

|left eye |LE |

|left forearm |LFA |

|left leg |LL |

|left lower lobe |LLL |

|left lower quadrant |LLQ |

|left lung |LL |

|left to right |L-R, L/R |

|Left upper lobe |LUL |

|left upper quadrant |LUQ |

|left, length |L, lt |

|lethal dose |LD |

|limited |Lmtd |

|loss of consciousness |LOC |

|loss of motion |LOM |

|low blood pressure |LBP |

|low or below |hypo |

|lower extremity |LE |

|lung |L |

|M |

|magnesium |Mag, Mg |

|Magnetic Resonance Imaging |MRI |

|median |md |

|medical history |M/Hx |

|metabolic, metabolism |metab |

|metastasis, metastasize |M, metas |

|Mononucleosis |mono |

|mouth |os |

|moves all extremities |MAE |

|moves all extremities well |MAEW |

|muscle |musc |

|musculoskeletal |MS |

|Myocardial infarction |MI |

|N |

|nausea and vomiting |N&V |

|nausea, vomiting, diarrhea |NVD |

|nervous |nerv |

|nervous system |NS |

|no acute distress or no apparent distress |NTD |

|no complaints |TR |

|no evidence of disease |NB |

|normal |NIDDM |

|not known |NFTD |

|not significant |NR |

|not yet diagnosed |nssc |

|O |

|observation and examination |O&E |

|observed |obsd |

|obstruct, obstruction |obst |

|occasional |occ, occas |

|once a day |id |

|on examination |O/E |

|opposite |opp |

|P |

|palpable |palp |

|past history |PH |

|past medical history |PMH |

|Period late, abnormal bleeding; Abdominal pains, pain with intercourse; Infection, STD, abnormal|PAINS |

|discharge; Not feeling well, fever, chills; String missing, shorter or longer | |

|posterior |post |

|posterior/anterior |P/A |

|prescription |Rx |

|prognosis |Px |

|progress |progr |

|pulse |P |

|pulse and respiration |P & R |

|pupils equal and react to light |PERL |

|pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation |PERRLA |

|pupils equally round and reactive to light |PERRL |

|Q |

|quadrant |quad |

|quantitative |quant |

|quantity not sufficient |QNS |

|quantity sufficient |qs |

|R |

|rate and rhythm |R&R |

|reaction |react |

|recommendation |recc |

|red blood cells |RBC |

|respiratory rate |RR |

|Respiration |R |

|right |D, R, rt |

|right arm |RA |

|right deltoid |RD |

|right eye |RE |

|right leg |RL |

|right lower lobe |RLL |

|right to left |R-L, R/L |

|right upper leg |RUL |

|right upper lobe |RUL |

|rupture |rupt |

|S |

|seizure |Sz |

|shortness of breath |SOB |

|shoulder |shld |

|signs and symptoms |S/S |

|slight |sl |

|symmetrical |sym |

|symptoms |Sx, symp |

|T |

|Tachycardia |tachy |

|temperature |T |

|temperature, Pulse, Respiration |TPR |

|thigh |fem |

|three times a day |tid |

|three times a night |tin |

|three times a week |tiwk |

|to be taken 3x a day |tds |

|transverse |trans |

|treatment |tr, Tr, Treat, Tx |

|twice |b |

|twice a day |bd, bid |

|twice a week |bi-wk |

|Tympanic Membrane |TM |

|Tyrosinemia type-III |TYR-3 |

|U |

|up to date |UTD |

|unilateral |unilat. |

|unknown |unk |

|upper and lower |U/L |

|upper arch of the jaw |MAX |

|upper gastrointestinal |UGI |

|upper respiratory |UR |

|upper respiratory infection |URI |

|upper respiratory tract infection |URTI |

|upper right quadrant |URQ |

|urinalysis |UA, U/A |

|urinary chorionic gonadotropin |UCG |

|urinary output |UOP |

|urinary tract infection |UTI |

|urine |U, ur |

|urogenital |UG |

|V |

|vascular |vasc |

|vision |vis |

|vital signs |VS, V/S, v/s |

|W |

|white |wh |

|warm and dry |w/d |

|warm, pink, dry (skin signs) |WPD |

|white blood cells, white blood count |WBC |

|wound |wd |


|birth |* |

|change |∆ |

|death |† |

|difference between |~ |

|female |♀, O |

|male |♂ |

|microgram |µg |

|microliter |µl |

|micrometer |µm |

|micromicro- |µµ |

|mu, micro- |µ |

|once a day |i/d |

|one |I |

|one half |ss |

|pending |(p) |

|primary |1° |

|secondary |2° |


CDC Publications

Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices – ACIP

Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine–Preventable Diseases (The Pink Book)

1998 Guidelines for Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

The Core Curriculum on TB

Medical Acronyms, Eponyms & Abbreviations by Marilyn Fuller Delong

Merck Manual

Dorland’s Medical Dictionary

Contraceptive Technology


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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