Come, Enter the Mikvah – Set-Apart unto Yahuwah

THE UNLEASHING!A Prophetic Warning for This Halloween and After I walked into Walmart recently to get groceries and, of course, the store was packed with things for sale for Halloween. Halloween is a major holiday in America. Halloween night and Christmas Eve are the two main days of human sacrifice to Satan. But, this Halloween has particular significance to the dark kingdom. As I walked towards the fruit and vegetable section, I saw displayed on a table various kinds of Halloween cookies. One particular group of cookies was decorated with a lot of detail. Each cookie had a different face of a demon or a witch on it. The name of the cookies was: “Day of Death Cookies.” This is supposed to be fun? Sweet to the mouth, bitter to the spirit! Both Ezekiel and John the Apostle were given portions of the Word to eat. When they did, it was sweet in their mouth but bitter to their stomach. It is in the stomach/reproductive area that our eternal spirit resides. (Ezekiel 2:7-3:4; Revelation 10:9-10) Both passages of Scripture relate to the time of judgment and finalities. We are in the time of finalities. I’ve been writing and podcasting for many years about things that are being unleashed into and onto the earth from the dark kingdom, but especially in the last two years. I’ve been hearing more and more warnings from those in high places like insider military believers who are sharing the urgencies. I give you some inside information here that you need to know! Yes, genocide of the Kurdish people is going on right now in Syria, part of Turkey and northern Iraq. ISIS has been released from the prisons in Syria to go about their murderous tasks to topple the government of Iraq and then return to do more damage in Syria – all at orders from America. Betrayal, abandonment, and slaughter of Christians by American orders, while men like John Kerry sit by in Syria and watch without mercy. Everything America is touching is resulting in death of the innocent, while the ruthless are released to murder more. Yahuwah’s judgment on America is already manifesting. Yet, while the nation celebrates death and hell, torture, cannibalism, and human sacrifice, little children are eating candy dedicated to Satan by witches during October. Yesterday, I re-read my article “America’s Secret Destiny” -- Mikvah of Present Reality. What I wrote, and the quotes that substantiate it by a historic Freemason occultist, makes all this understandable. Many churches organize “Harvest Festivals” at this time, thinking it’s an alternative to Halloween. Actually it is a part of Halloween – the part that includes orgies, sexual perversions, pedophilia, and human sacrifice to the fertility gods, and gods of the harvest of fruit and grains. Oh the tragedy of shallow and ignorant religion! A few days ago, I was listening to an awesome video interview with Dave Hodges and Steve Quayle that is included with Hodges’ article: “Foreign Armies, Demonic Attacks and Earth Changes Begs the Question: Is This the Final Chapter in American History?” October 15, 2019. These two men are definitely on the cutting edge as watchmen for America, with warnings for the world about what starts in America. Hodges gives much confirmation for those of you who keep up with my insider news reporting. First up, from Hodges’ article, “At least 1 million UN troops are in our country. Many experts proclaim that thanks to places like the Port of Long Beach, as many as 5 million Chinese are in our country and awaiting orders. ISIS, MS-13 and the Sinoloas, round out an impressive 5th column paramilitary force to go with the Chinese forces. It is clear that a coup is planned against Donald Trump as the impeachment narrative falls apart.? Our culture is under attack by demonic forces. Even Attorney General Barr, said as much in a speech at Notre Dame…`Not only our lives hang in the balance, but so do many of our souls…’ And then there is the spiritual realm where the really frightening creatures reside.” … “Food will be used as a weapon and woe to America as these days are filled with great suffering: [The horrible man-created blizzards in the Midwest right now are destroying the fall grain crops] `Those?slain by the sword are better off than?those?who die of hunger; for these pine away, stricken?for lack?of the fruits of the field.’ Lamentations 4:9. ‘As a result, cannibalism will abound and there are multiple references to cannibalism including?from Deuteronomy 28:53-ff.’?Here I share a few of my notes about what they discussed… Do you remember the violent earthquake under Ridgecrest, California and the area of China Lake on July 4th and 5th? Do you remember that one of our key Navy bases had to be abandoned because of the earthquake? Did you know that the aftershocks numbered 950,000, from large to small, for months afterwards? The earthquakes and tremors uncovered the fact that a huge amount of magma under the earth in that region was heated and has begun to move towards the San Andreas Fault Line. A volcano dome was found within it also. Dave Hodges’ military informants say that if they tell the truth about this, they’d be killed. Do you remember the day that V.P Mike Pence was on his way to a meeting in New Hampshire and his plane had to turn back immediately to take him to the White House? Do you remember the emergency phone calling between President Trump and Vladimir Putin? Even the U.N. met over this. Do you remember that America sunk a Russian explorer submarine from a larger ship that had crewmen on it, exploding it and killing 14 Russian sailors? Do you remember that Russia sank the America submarine? What was that all about? It has leaked out that Russia found an “alien” artifact on the sea floor and went to retrieve it. America immediately tried to stop their retrieving it. Long story short: Russia retaliated against what the U.S. did by a targeted electromagnetic strike on the area of Ridgecrest/China Lake which contained several of our D.U.M.B.S. [Deep Underground Military Bases], rattling the under-earth so that the magma was heated and loosed. That’s not speculation; that is now out-in-the-open fact. There have been 950,000 tremors to date 0.08-1.2 from July 4th. 10s of thousands of tremors have followed the first hit-quake by Russia. Hodges: “Heat from magma is drying out the green things, trees, grass, plants, crops…” Hodges: “Soon domes of magma will break through the surface of the ground creating new volcanoes all through California. We’re going to see the magma hit the ocean. How many explosions will it take to break the sea-wall?” Henry Gruver passed into heaven a few days ago. He will be missed greatly! STEVE WAS TOLD BY HENRY GRUVER YEARS AGO THAT GOD TOLD HIM NOT TO WALK IN LOS ANGELS FOR THEY WERE GIVEN OVER TO JUDGMENT … HENRY WALKED ALL OVER THE WORLD, BUT ABBA STOPPED HIM FROM WALKNG IN LOS ANGELS. Henry mentioned to Steve also that he was forbidden to walk in San Francisco and another city, whom he did not mention, because Yahuwah had already passed judgment. Yahuwah would not hear any plea for mercy.” “Who would heed the warnings”, Steve asked. “90% of Americans would not believe it … and they would do nothing…We have been programmed to participate in our own destruction.” Dave and Steve both have heard that the presence of Marines has doubled in strategic places in America, anticipating something huge. The UN troops are still here by nearly a million, and Russian and Chinese troops on inside by the tens of thousands, and the FEMA camps ready to open. Two weeks ago, I wrote two articles reporting on a “2-day” scare that was piling in from military sources, and confirmed. Those articles are under “Present Reality” for October 5th and 6th 2019. It was not just a 2-day scare – it is building! Many of the U.N. troops are now in California along with the F.E.M.A. camps. A coup against President Trump is a reality! Steve said there were about 5 million containers at US container ports from China. These containers contain missiles and other weapons and things needed by the troops. I know that most UN troops are Russian or Chinese --their generals are all Communists. Steve regarding the Kurds: “When Trump made the deal with Erdagon, he made a deal with the devil himself!” Steve reminds us that Turkey is the House of Togarmah. (Ezekiel 38) Steve reminds us that the throne of Satan was in Pergamos. Chills! I stood in Pergamos and saw were that throne once sat. Near the end of the 19th century, German archeologists brought this throne to Berlin and reassembled it in its own museum. Shortly afterwards, Germany got Hitler and the Nazis. Please review the article “The Pergamum Altar and the Throne of Satan”/Mikvah of Present Reality. The article has many pictures, a few I took. It includes history to date that will let you in on very important information. The principalities in the heavenlies are transferring their warfare to earth and resurrecting Satan’s plans to bring them to pass! Steve said, by his sources, that the infiltration of U.N. troops is increasing, like 5,000 or more in major cities spread out over the U.S.! “Red flag Laws” will be implemented. Shortwave receivers are being taken away from people in California. All information is being cut worldwide from California and from the U.S. in general. The Cal-exit movement knows what is happening. Its goals are published in Russia. It’s all about a communist takeover plan. Top U.S. politicians like Eric Holder and Nancy Pelosi are involved. Part of the plan is to put California under the U.N. for its “protected.” California has put an embassy in Moscow. There is a plan to physically arrest Trump. Some of the military is working with those who want to do this. Steve said: “Someone is giving Trump, using his own ego, very false information that is leading him to make very wrong decisions.” Yes! People are telling Steve: “Don’t you care about what Mark Taylor says or Kim Clement? Steve said: “I don’t care what they say; I want to hear what the Word of God says.” Yea – go Steve!!! He said: “We need to repent as a nation.” Steve said he and some friends got a map and pinpointed the most evil areas of California and found that those were the areas of the biggest magma buildup. Steve: “America doesn’t get a free pass from God after we’ve murdered and butchered up to 90,000 babies.” We also have promoted and paid for this slaughter all over the world. We are a bloody nation. I have a long list of products by major food and beverage companies that use baby parts as “flavor enhancers.” How evil really are we? Steve said: “We’ve become a nation of cannibals…Plans by the U.N. for population reduction includes cannibalism!” In a recent conference hosted by the House of Representative Alexandria Ocasico-Cortez, a woman stood up and said that the answer to world famine was “eat the babies.” She kept emphasizing “eat the babies,” and no one stopped her from saying that several times. It’s just out in the open! Steve said: “We can pray for our loved ones, we can pray for people, but if they don’t want to hear it – don’t say anymore, just pray. … The spiritual nature of the warfare has never been greater.” Steve: “What are people going to do when things now invisible become visible?” They can’t take correct information now and apply it. Their minds will shut down. We’re facing a national mind-meltdown.” Dave said the U.S. is going to spend a billion dollars to train soldiers to fight underground. What’s under there to fight?” He and Steve know: Reptilians. Steve said that for 5 years of his radio work he was taught by 4-star general and other high ranking officers who told him they were preparing to fight those things that are invisible to us now. They trained this general to know what has been planned. Steve is calling for a day of fasting and prayer from October 30-November 1 - over Halloween this year. He said that his military sources are saying that sacrifices are being gathered. I remember my friend Ken McBride, a once very powerful warlock over many witch’s covens in the Fort Worth area, talking about the kidnapping of children and putting them in cages for Halloween night. After he was miraculously saved, he helped the Fort Worth police department find kidnapped children held in cages for sacrifice at Halloween. *****Steve warned: “Don’t let your children go outside without an adult with them. STEVE WAS TOLD BY MILITARY CONTACTS: Maximum sacrifices are being gathered for what is coming AFTER October 31st. He said he did not know what they meant, but something is coming down after Halloween and Satan is calling for a maximum sacrifice. They want Christian blood. These Satanists are already saying “we have the taste of Christian blood in our mouth already.” Steve said “protect your children.” Regarding Messiah’s cursing the fig tree, Steve said: “You will wither and die for being inactive, not seeking the Lord…” speaking of believers who bear no fruit. Dave said he had a vision of volcanic craters that were cooled. He saw coming out of them many giants, an army of giants. Steve quoted Isaiah 13:1-3 from the Septuagint about the giants coming to fulfill the wrath of Yahuwah. Dave talked about the “super soldier” project of DARPA in which they’re making cyborgs out of human soldiers, i.e. mixing their DNA with that of white tigers and other such things to give them supernatural abilities. Steve said that powerful world governments are working through scientists to get “extractable DNA from giants that are in stases to use to create giant super soldiers.” Governments are looking for the “giant DNA markers” in humans, whose genetic makeup can be traced back to giants, so they can use these people – perhaps even clone them. So, while some of the giants may be present-day Nephilim, some may be cloned or put in robotic bodies. Steve said that a 4-star general told him that Luciferians are looking for the most evil people on the face of the earth, throughout history, to extract their Nephilim DNA to create other such beings. This would include DNA from Hitler and Joseph Mengele, Himmler, etc., along with those barbaric ones further back in history. Remember: A demon is a disembodied spirit of a once-dead giant – a Nephilim or Rephaim. Many have been kept in stases for thousands of years. Steve said that America would be divided geo-physically. As the fault lines split the earth, the nation will be fragmented. The coastline of California will become islands off shore. Volcano eruptions and geo-physical mayhem is associated throughout history with the “gods” – the giants, the might men, the “men of renown.” I know this to be true. Dave closes with: “This Halloween pray, fast, and pray for President Trump because I do believe he is in danger.” Another time marker! Pay attention! These markers are given to us by Abba.Pray for the children in your neighborhood and for your family. Tell your children how bad Halloween is. Tell the ones 7 and older the truth about the enemy’s realm, that it is real, it is increasing strength, and we must prepare to stand strong for our Savior and Master, Yahushua ha Mashiach in his armor (Ephesians 6:10-18). Emphasize the love of Abba and Yahushua for them! Tell them so that they are not afraid, but take on His boldness like a lion, so typical of righteous children. In His love, Yedidah SHABBAT SHALOM! October 18, 2019 [One year ago today I left Georgia by faith as I followed Abba’s instructions and relocated to Fort Worth, Texas. I arrived October 19, 2018. I continue to live day by day carrying out His instructions.] ................

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