VIPER Program External SOP - SRCA



Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060-5246

The INSCOM Virtual Intelligence Projection Equipment Reserve (VIPER) Program External Standing Operating Procedures (SOP)

Chapter 1 Introduction Paragraph Page

Purpose 1-1 1

Scope 1-2 1

Applicability 1-3 1

Responsibilities 1-4 1

Sponsors 1-5 1

Virtual Warehouse 1-6 2

ACofS, G3 and ACofS, G4 Validation Process 1-7 2

VIPER Owned Equipment vice VIPER Program Equipment 1-8 2

VIPER Program Funding 1-9 2

Semi-Annual Review 1-10 3

Chapter 2 VIPER Program Capabilities and Services

General 2-1 4

Equipment Management 2-2 4

System/Equipment Deployments 2-3 4

Equipment Integration 2-4 4

General Logistics Support 2-5 5

Chapter 3 How to Become a VIPER Program Sponsor

General 3-1 6

Sponsor Request Process 3-2 6

Chapter 4 Requesting VIPER Program Support

General 4-1 7

Program Support Request Process 4-2 7

Chapter 5 QRC Warehouse Equipment Additions, Deletions, and Transferring of Ownership

General 5-1 9

Equipment Request Process 5-2 9

Process for Equipment not Located in the

MSRA Warehouse 5-3 10

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Chapter 6 Receiving VIPER Program Equipment

General 6-1 11

Procedures for becoming Primary Hand Receipt Holder 6-2 11

Receiving Equipment at the MSRA Warehouse 6-3 12

Receiving Equipment by Shipment 6-4 12

Interim Sub-Hand Receipt Procedures 6-5 12

Special Accountability Procedures 6-6 12

Sub-Hand Receipting to Contractors 6-7 13

Chapter 7 Returning VIPER Program Equipment

General 7-1 14

VIPER Equipment Return Process 7-2 14

Preparing Shipping Documentation 7-3 15

Partial Equipment Return Process 7-4 15

Shipping Instructions 7-5 15

Chapter 8 Requests for Extensions

General 8-1 16

Extension Request Process 8-2 16

Chapter 9 Reporting Lost or Damaged Equipment

General 9-1 17

Sensitive Items 9-2 17

Chapter 10 Maintenance of VIPER Program Equipment

General 10-1 18

TRISA Support 10-2 18

Basic Support Procedures 10-3 18

Support Costs 10-4 18

Reporting Support Issues 10-5 19


A. ACofS, G3/G4 Memorandum 20

B. ACofS, G3 Sponsorship Memorandum 21

C. Requesting VIPER Program Support Memorandum 22

D. Primary Hand Receipt Holder Memorandum 23

E. Primary Hand Receipt Holder Memorandum 24

F. Example DA 2062 25

G. Example DA 3161 26

H. Example DD 1149 27

I. Directions to MSRA 28

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A. References 29

B. Glossary 33

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Chapter 1 Introduction

1-2 Purpose

The VIPER Program External SOP is an extension of INSCOM Regulation 700-33, The Virtual Intelligence Projection Equipment Reserve (VIPER) Program, providing further program definition and specific procedures necessary for applicable organizations to request and receive VIPER Program Support.

2. Scope

The VIPER Program SOP encompasses the procedures necessary for applicable users to acquire equipment from the Mission Stock Record Account (MSRA) Warehouse and Quick Reaction Capability (QRC) Mission support as established in INSCOM Regulation 700-33.

1-3 Applicability

This regulation applies to HQ INSCOM staff elements, subordinate units, contractors, and any organization requesting VIPER Program support.

4. Responsibilities

INSCOM Regulation 700-33 established the VIPER Program Office to manage the execution of this SOP and the VIPER Program at large. The VIPER Program Office is under the direction of the Maintenance Division. The Maintenance Division is an operating element of the United States Army Intelligence and Security Command (USAINSCOM), Assistant Chief of Staff (ACofS), G4, headquartered at Fort Belvoir, Virginia.

1-5 Sponsors

The VIPER Program is dedicated to rapidly responding to QRC mission needs. To facilitate a rapid, yet managed, response time to QRC requirements, VIPER has implemented a process in which individuals assigned to intelligence organizations can receive immediate VIPER Program support through a simple e-mail request. In Accordance With (IAW) INSCOM Regulation 700-33 each intelligence organization that wants to participate in the VIPER Program must be designated in writing as an authorized Sponsor by the ACofS, G3. Upon designation by the ACofS, G3, the Sponsor holds the authority to approve VIPER Program support as it relates to their organization. Sponsors have full authority to exercise the capabilities and services of the VIPER Program with the exception of those responsibilities reserved for the ACofS, G3 and ACofS, G4 in INSCOM Reg 700-33 paragraph 1-4. Chapter 3 of this SOP provides detailed instructions for obtaining Sponsor status.

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1-6 Virtual Warehouse

The MSRA Warehouse is just one of the sources that can be utilized to satisfy equipment requirements. Only equipment acquired IAW Chapter 4 will be VIPER owned equipment and managed in the MSRA Warehouse. However, under the virtual warehouse concept any equipment can be acquired on a temporary basis to accomplish a QRC mission. The VIPER Program Manager will, upon receipt of a validated VIPER support request; directly coordinate with subordinate units, contractors holding GFE, other DA and DOD agencies, or any other source identified by the requester, to utilize that organization’s assets.

1-7 ACofS, G3 and ACofS, G4 Validation Process

This validation process is required whenever new equipment is to be added to the MSRA Warehouse, equipment will be permanently removed from the program either through turn in or transfer or purchase of equipment for the program is warranted. Throughout the remainder of this SOP, the process is referred to as the G3/G4 memorandum (see Annex A, Sample ACofS, G3/G4 Memorandum).

1-8 VIPER Owned Equipment vice VIPER Program Equipment

VIPER owned equipment is simply that equipment that has been approved for addition to the program by an ACofS, G3/G4 memorandum and is managed by VIPER. VIPER Program equipment refers to any equipment that has been issued on a consolidated hand receipt through the VIPER Program.

1-9 VIPER Program Funding

The VIPER Program is not funded and therefore must rely upon users of the program to provide funds for each request. To facilitate the exchange of funds, VIPER has a line within the ACofS, G4 budget and can receive CCP and BA1 program funds. Other program funds can be utilized but will be approved on a case by case basis. In all instances, the VIPER PM is responsible for coordination with the Sponsors at the time of their request to ensure that adequate resources are available. The VIPER PM will provide directions for the transfer of funds to support the request. In addition, the VIPER PM will provide budget input to Sponsors to defray the cost of supporting VIPER owned equipment in the MSRA Warehouse.

1-10 Semi-Annual Review

The VIPER PM will provide the ACofS, G3 a listing of VIPER owned equipment every six months. The list will include recommendations for equipment disposition. The ACofS, G3 is responsible for reviewing the list and validating the requirement to continue maintaining the equipment, concur/nonconcur with recommendations from the Project Manager (PM), and/or make additional recommendations.

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Chapter 2 VIPER Program Capabilities and Services

2-1 General

The VIPER Program offers numerous services to provide logistics support to the QRC Missions. The availability of these services may depend on the availability of funds to support the request/mission. This chapter outlines these capabilities and services.

2-2 Equipment Management

a. Maintain authorization and accountability for standard and non-standard Army equipment acquired by ACofS, G3 designated Sponsors to support QRC.

b. Maintain a database of MSRA Warehouse (VIPER owned) equipment that intelligence organizations can view when planning QRC initiatives.

c. Acquire equipment from other sources (Virtual Warehouse) to support QRC initiatives.

d. Provide consolidated accountability documents to the end user.

e. Conduct inspection, Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS), and repair of VIPER equipment stored at the MSRA Warehouse.

2-3 System/Equipment Deployments

a. Issue equipment from the MSRA Warehouse when requested by Sponsor.

b. Coordinate transportation requirements to include Packaging and handling.

c. Provide personnel to assist or accomplish deployments and/or installations.

d. Provide maintenance training for deployed systems.

2-4 Equipment Integration

a. Provide equipment integration through INSCOM managed contracts.

b. Sole source contracting for equipment integration (Requires ACofS, G3/G4 memorandum).

2-5 General Logistics Support

a. Provide documented support procedures unique to each equipment or system issue or deployment.

b. Fly-away support capability.

c. Technical support capability for new equipment testing and evaluation.

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Chapter 3 How to Become a VIPER Program Sponsor

3-1 General

Determining eligibility for participation in the VIPER Program as a Sponsor is the responsibility of the ACofS, G3. IAW INSCOM regulation 700-33, anyone can participate in the program and request to be a Sponsor. Use the following process to request to be a Sponsor.

3-2 Sponsor Request Process

a. Prepare a memorandum from the ACofS, G3, to the ACofS, G4, (IALO-M-VPR/VIPER PM), requesting designation as a VIPER Program Sponsor (See Annex B, ACofS, G3 Sponsorship Memorandum). Include the following information on the request:

(1) Subject line: Request for Designation as a VIPER Program Sponsor.

(2) Name of organization making request.

(3) Organizations mailing address.

(4) Name, Rank and title of individual(s) who will be authorized to request VIPER Program support.

(5) Office symbols

(6) Phone numbers, secure line numbers, fax numbers and e-mail addresses, associated with the persons nominated for Sponsor status.

b. Upon approval by the ACofS, G3, ensure that the VIPER PM receives the original copy of the memorandum.

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Chapter 4 Requesting VIPER Program Support

4-1 General

a. VIPER Sponsors can:

(1) Request and receive immediate validation for any or all services listed in Chapter 2.

(2) Validate request for non-Sponsors who have requested services or equipment under their operational control.

b. All requests are subject to availability of equipment and resources.

c. Sponsors making or validating a request are responsible for all funding associated with the request.

d. Requests are not limited to the services described in Chapter 2. Any request that fits the capabilities of the VIPER Program will be considered.

4-2 Program Support Request Process

Contact the VIPER PM with all requests (See Annex C, Requesting VIPER Program Support Memorandum). The preferred method of contacting VIPER PM with requests is the use of the ACofS, G4 Portal, however, any means used will be accepted. Sponsors request will be immediately validated, acknowledged, and processed for the appropriate action. Non-sponsor request will be forwarded to the appropriate Sponsor for validation. Provide as much information pertaining to the request as possible however; the following minimum information is required before processing of request will begin:

a. Service (as offered in Chapter 2) being requested.

b. Organization making request. Include primary and secondary decision maker point of contact information.

c. Requirement date.

d. Information on what is needed. Nomenclature, Model, Make, NSN, Serial number, and quantity will be included at a minimal.

e. Reason for request.

f. Availability of funds to support the requirement. The requestor will pay all cost associated with requested and validated VIPER Program Support. Exceptions will be on a case by case basis and will require approval from the ACofS, G3 and ACofS, G4 before execution of the request. The VIPER PM will assist in the expeditious processing of these requests to ensure that financial difficulties do not hinder the timely execution of the mission. All work that can be completed prior to funding being available will be accomplished as if funds were already present.

g. Point of Contact (POC) information along with an alternate when possible.

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Chapter 5 QRC Warehouse Equipment Additions, Deletions, and Transferring of Ownership

5-1 General

VIPER Sponsors can request equipment additions, deletions, and transferring of ownership, but all requests must be made using an ACofS, G3/G4 memorandum.

5-2 Equipment Request Process

a. The Sponsor will prepare a memorandum providing a brief description of the circumstances for the transaction. The subject line of the memorandum will state whether the request is for addition, deletion or transfer action and the text of the memorandum will support the appropriate transaction (See Annex A, ACofS, G3/G4 Memorandum).

b. Regardless of the type of action, the following information pertaining to the equipment will be provided:

(1) Make

(2) Model number

(3) Nomenclature

(4) National Stock Number

(5) Part Number

(6) Manufacturer

(7) Price

(8) Serial number

c. Sponsor point of contact information and, in the case of a transfer, receiving organization point of contact information must be provided.

d. Obtain ACofS, G3 signature.

e. Forward memorandum to the ACofS, G4, ATTN: IALO-M-VPR.

f. Upon validation of the request, the VIPER PM will coordinate the appropriate supply action with the Sponsor and/or agency providing or receiving the equipment.

g. When the request is for addition of equipment, that equipment will become VIPER owned equipment under the exclusive operational control of the requesting Sponsor and will be posted to the VIPER database by the VIPER PM. Refer to INSCOM Regulation 700-33 paragraph 2-3a(1) for an explanation of VIPER owned equipment.

5-3 Process for Equipment not Located in the MSRA Warehouse

It is VIPER policy that all equipment be physically processed through the MSRA warehouse. Some circumstances may warrant exceptions to this policy and will be dealt with on a case by case basis. However, the paperwork process described above in paragraph 5-2 must still be completed.

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Chapter 6 Receiving VIPER Program Equipment

6-1 General

The recipient of VIPER Program equipment, whether the equipment is VIPER owned or borrowed, will be required to sign a hand receipt or sub-hand receipt document assuming property accountability. This may be a DA form 2062 (sub hand receipt) (See Annex D, Example DA 2062), DA form 3161 (temporary hand receipt) (See Annex E, Example DA 3161), or an ALV-151/153 (automated hand receipt). The type of hand receipt that will be used will be at the discretion of the VIPER Property Book Officer (PBO). Per Army regulation, there is no limitation as to the number of times equipment can be sub-hand receipt. However, the individual who holds the hand receipt directly from the VIPER PBO will be responsible for tracking and returning the equipment to the VIPER Program. The person that holds the hand receipt directly from the PBO is referred to as the Primary Hand Receipt Holder (PHRH). The PHRH must be appointed in writing (see Annex D, Primary Hand Receipt Holder Memorandum) by the commander having command responsibility over them IAW DA PAM 710-2-1 paragraph 5.3. A copy of the signed memorandum must be forwarded to the VIPER PBO.

6-2 Procedures for becoming Primary Hand Receipt Holder

All Primary Hand Receipt Holders will be appointed in writing (see Annex D, Primary Hand Receipt Holder Memorandum) giving them the authority to be a Primary Hand Receipt Holder. The PHRH will be assigned by their commander IAW DA PAM 710-2-1 paragraph 5-3 which states “The commander having command responsibility appoints primary hand receipt holders (PHRHs).” This memorandum will be obtained by using the following procedures.

a. The unit will completely fill out the memorandum and the PHRH’s Commander will sign the memorandum. The hand receipt number will be obtained from the VIPER PBO.

b. The unit will return a copy of the signed memorandum to the PBO.

c. If there are any problems in getting the memorandum, or if there is a problem with the memorandum, the PBO will deal with the individual or the unit to resolve.

6-3 Receiving Equipment at the MSRA Warehouse

When picking up equipment from the MSRA (See Annex G, Directions to MSRA), equipment will be issued by the PBO on a hand receipt. Per paragraph 6-1 above, this individual will be responsible for tracking and returning the equipment to the VIPER Program. Paragraph 6-5 below provides for interim accountability when equipment is being accounted for while being delivered to its ultimate location.

6-4 Receiving Equipment by Shipment

a. The following documents should be enclosed as part of the shipping documentation when receiving equipment:

(1) Shipping Document – DD Form 1149 (2 copies)

(2) Hand receipt Document – DA Form 3161 or DA Form 2062 (2 copies)

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b. Upon receipt of the equipment, the receiving organization will take the following actions:

(1) Inspect and inventory received package. If discrepancies are found, refer to AR 735-5 Chapter 6 for instructions and notify the VIPER PM.

(2) Sign both copies of the hand receipt and one copy of DD-1149.

(3) Fax signed copies of Hand Receipt and shipping document to the PBO at 703-806-6243 (DSN 656).

(4) Verify faxed copies were received by PBO.

(5) Mail the original documentation to the PBO. The address is:


ATTN: IALO-SS-PB (Ms. Moyer)

8825 Beulah Street

Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-5246

c. A memorandum needs to be given to the PBO in order to become a PHRH for VIPER. The

6-5 Interim Sub-Hand Receipt Procedures

When equipment is sub-hand receipted to an individual for the purpose of accountability during deployment or delivery, a DA form 2062 will be used (See Annex D, Example DA 2062).

6-6 Special Accountability Procedures

It may be necessary to meet mission requirements, to acquire equipment for the VIPER Program in a Theater of Operation. In this instance, the procedures provided in chapters 2 and 3 for the acquisition and addition of VIPER equipment applies. However, the issue procedures described above may not. Under these conditions, the following equipment issue procedure will apply:

a. The Sponsor will prepare the necessary acquisition and addition documentation. (See paragraph 4-2 for more information)

b. A copy of all documentation assembled during acquisition of the equipment will be provided to the VIPER PM.

c. The VIPER PBO will either update the sub-hand receipt holders hand receipt reflecting the new equipment or generate a new hand receipt. Coordination between the PBO and hand receipt holder will determine a means of acquiring the proper signature on the documentation needed.

6-7 Sub-Hand Receipting to Contractors

Army regulation prescribes that equipment utilized by contractors be provided to the contractor as Government Furnished Property (GFE), therefore prohibiting contractors from signing for DOD property on a sub-hand receipt. However, Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) do provide relief for organizations that employee contractors to perform duties traditionally reserved for soldiers or government civilians. Specifically, contracts must contain reference to the appropriate FAR and Clause to allow sub-hand receipting under the provisions of AR 735-5 and DA Pam 710-2-1. Organizations that require sub-hand receipting of VIPER equipment to contractors should contact the VIPER PM for assistance in resolving the documentation needed.

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Chapter 7 Returning VIPER Program Equipment

7-1 General

VIPER equipment will be returned as issued with all components, accessories, and documentation. Less fair wear and tear (FWT), VIPER equipment will be returned in the same condition in which it was issued. VIPER equipment is managed by serial number. Substituting like items of different serial numbers is forbidden unless the exchange was accomplished under the provisions of the equipment's support procedures and was the result of an approved maintenance action. Documentation Supporting the serial number differences or maintenance action will be required at the time of turn-in. Items returned in other than fair wear and tear (OTFWT) condition, short components, and/or accessories will be handled IAW AR 735-5 Chapter 13. VIPER Equipment will never be provided to a contractor by a sub-hand receipt holder unless instructed to do so in writing by the VIPER PM or unless the return is IAW support procedures provide with the VIPER equipment.

7-2 VIPER Equipment Return Process

Use the following procedure to return equipment to VIPER:

a. Notify VIPER PM that equipment is being prepared for turn-in. E-mail is the preferred method.

b. Perform all services and organizational maintenance required under the equipment's support procedures. Record the results on the form specified in the Support Procedures.

c. Prepare DA3161 (turn-in) and provide copy to PBO. This must be done prior to turn-in or shipment.

d. If equipment is to be shipped, properly pack and secure equipment IAW TESOP paragraph 4-6.2(2). Equipment will be shipped via an authorized government carrier. Refer to paragraph 7-5.

e. Retain copies of all shipping documentation until confirmation of receipt is provided by the VIPER PM.

f. Upon receipt and satisfactory inventory by VIPER, the VIPER PBO will send confirmation to the user that their hand receipt is clear.

7-3 Preparing Shipping Documentation

When authorized by a program sponsor to ship equipment to a designated location, the following documentation will be packed with the equipment:

a. The DD Form 1149 shipping document (2 copies). One copy of the DD Form 1149 will be completed and inserted inside of the shipping container. The other copy will be signed and retuned to the VIPER PBO.

b. Hand receipt document (2 copies). For all DOD organizations, either a DA Form 3161 (for issues of 30 days or less), a DA Form 3063 (all other durations over 30 days), or an ALV-151/153 (Computerized hand receipt) will be used. Which document to use is at the discretion of the PBO.

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c. Equipment technical documentation. OEM manuals and TM’s will be provided when available.

7-4 Partial Equipment Return Process

Partial returns of equipment are authorized. Use the following process to request retention of selected items.

a. For partial equipment returns that do not need an equipment extension approval by the Viper PM, follow the equipment return process outlined in paragraphs 7-2 and 7-3.

b. For partial equipment returns that need an equipment extension, prior approval by the Viper PM must be granted before a partial equipment return can occur. For equipment extensions follow the equipment extension process outlined section 8-2. Once the decision for the equipment extension has been granted, follow the equipment return processes outlined in paragraphs 7-2 and 7-3 to return the items that are being turned in.

7-5 Shipping Instructions

a. The VIPER PM will provide specific instructions to the user prior to returning equipment or systems when special handling or shipping procedures are required.

b. In general, when the user has completed their requirement for the VIPER equipment, the equipment will be returned using the user’s local DOD transportation office. The return to address is provided below:

US Army Intelligence and Security Command

Mission Stock Record Account (W81GNX)


9801 Dalrymple Road, BLDG 712

Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-5453

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Chapter 8 Request for Extension

8-1 General

Requests for extension only apply when specific return dates are provided at the time of equipment issue or deployment. Because projected equipment availability for other projects will be based upon this date, request should be made at least 30 days from the specified return date. Sponsors need not request extensions for VIPER owned equipment for which they are the approving authority. Sponsors will be provided an e-mail indicating that the equipment required date will be extended if a specified return date was provided at time of issue. Sponsors will request extensions for equipment on loan from other organizations through the VIPER PM.

8-2 Extension Request Process

a. Send an e-mail to the VIPER PM requesting the extension - provide the following information:

(1) Organization.

(2) Equipment or system.

(3) Duration of extension requested.

(4) Reason for extension.

b. Extension request for VIPER owned equipment will be forwarded to the appropriate Sponsor for approval.

c. The VIPER PM will obtain and issue approval for extension of equipment on loan from other organizations.

d. When extensions are approved, the user will conduct a 100% inventory of the equipment or system and provide a copy of the inventory to the VIPER PM.

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Chapter 9 Reporting Lost or Damaged Equipment

9-1 General

If equipment in the possession of an organization becomes damaged beyond use through accident, or is lost or stolen, the VIPER PM will be notified immediately. If equipment is lost or damaged through perceived negligence, the using unit will be issued a document number by the VIPER PBO. The using unit will initiate the report of survey IAW AR 735-5 paragraph 13-4/13-6 and process through unit’s report of survey chain. A copy of the Report of Survey will be forwarded to the VIPER PBO. The Report of Survey is the authorization document to correct the PHR.

9-2 Sensitive Items

If lost equipment is a sensitive item, then an AR 15-6 action will be conducted per AR 735-5, chapter 13, paragraph 13-2a(6).

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Chapter 10 Maintenance of VIPER Program Equipment

10-1 General

The INSCOM managed GENESIS contract provides the VIPER Program with its primary means of maintenance support through the utilization of existing TROJAN Intermediate Support Activities (TRISA) as well as contractor engineers and technicians located at various INSCOM facilities throughout the world. However, support is not limited to this support concept. When the requirement is for other than TRISA support or a hybrid of TRISA and other support options, specific procedures will be documented by the VIPER Program and provided as part of the system or equipment accountability documentation.

10-2 TRISA Support

When it is established that TRISA is the primary support provider for VIPER equipment, a copy of the TROJAN External Standing Operating Procedure (TESOP) will be provided with the deploying system and/or equipment. The specific TRISA will be determined at the time of deployment and will be based on requirements and theater of operation.

10-3 Basic Support Procedures

When TRISA is not the primary support for VIPER Program equipment, support procedures relevant to the equipment issued will be a part of the documentation package provided to the user at the time of delivery. These procedures will contain the following minimum information:

a. Organization responsibilities.

b. Level of maintenance authorized at organization level.

c. Points of contact for direct support.

d. PMCS requirements.

e. Maintenance requirements when returning equipment to VIPER.

10-4 Support Costs

Support costs are the responsibility of the equipment Sponsor. Requirement for up front funding or cost reimbursement will be determined prior to system or equipment deployment or issue. When practical, annual support cost will be estimated and provided to VIPER negating the need for financial transactions on each support action. This philosophy would apply primarily to organizations such as MASINT, where VIPER is providing basically a property accountability function.

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10-5 Reporting Support Issues

The VIPER Program maintains overall maintenance responsibility for VIPER Program equipment. Issues relating to the inability to obtain adequate support will be reported to:



8825 Beulah St.

Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-5246

COML 703-706-1119

DSN 235-1119

NSTS 964-7738

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Annex A ACofS, G3/G4 Memorandum

IAOP (710)


SUBJECT: Type of Action needed (i.e. Acquisition of Equipment for the Name of Program)

1. Request the ACofS, G4 make arrangements to add equipment previously acquired in support of (Name of operation or give reason for acquisition). Equipment should be added for accountability, warehousing and maintenance purposes. The items to be added to the VIPER books are as follows:





Part Number



Serial Number

Any other information you have on this item.

2. The POC for this action is NAME, TITLE, and Phone Number.


Colonel, GS


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Annex B ACofS, G3 Sponsorship Memorandum

IAOP (700)


SUBJECT: Request for Designation as a VIPER Program Sponsor

1. IAW INSCOM Regulation 700-33, the following organization is an authorized Sponsor.

a. Unit name

b. Street address of unit

c. Name, Rank and Title of individual(s) who will be authorized to request VIPER Program support.

d. Office symbol

e. Phone Numbers (secure line, commercial, DSN, and FAX)

f. E-mail addresses

2. The POC for this action is NAME, TITLE, and Phone Number.


Colonel, GS


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Annex C

Requesting VIPER Program Support Memorandum

XXXX-X-XXX 1 January 2002


SUBJECT: (Type of action needed) of VIPER Equipment

1. Request ACofS, G4 initiate action to (state type of action needed).

2. (Name of Organization with POC and contact info)

3. (Explanation of what is needed and requirement date)

4. (All needed information to include, but not be limited to: NSN, Nomenclature, Model, Serial number, and Quantity)

5. (Reason for request)

6. (Availability of funds to support the requirement)

7. (POC information)

Signature block

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Annex D

Primary Hand Receipt Holder Memorandum

XXXX-X-XXX(710) 1 January 2002


SUBJECT: Duty Appointment as Primary Hand Receipt Holder, VIPER Property Book

1. Effective this date you are appointed as the Primary Hand Receipt Holder (PHRH) for Hand Receipt W00Y##. This duty appointment designates you as the responsible person for all items you sign for on the hand receipt.

2. Authority: AR 710-2, Chapter 2, paragraph 2-5g(3)(a).

3. Purpose: To perform the duties as PHRH with direct responsibility for property authorized on TDA W00YAA.

4. Period: Until officially relieved from appointment.

5. Special instructions:

a. All previous duty appointments for this hand receipt are rescinded upon your assumption of responsibility as the hand receipt holder.

b. As a minimum requirement, you will familiarize yourself with the following published procedures on accounting, using, caring, and the proper custody and safekeeping of Government property:

(1) AR 710-2, Chapter 2 and Tables 1-1 and 2-1.

(2) DA Pam 710-2-1, Chapters 2 thru 5, and Chapter 9.

(3) AR 735-5, Chapters 2, 7, 12, and 13; and paragraph 6-3.

(4) INSCOM Reg 700-7.

c. Direct responsibility is defined as follows: The obligation of a person to ensure that all government property for which he or she has receipt for, is properly used and cared for, and that proper custody and safekeeping are provided. Direct responsibility results from assignment as an accountable officer, receipt of formal written delegation, or acceptance of the property of hand receipt from an accountable officer. Commanders and/or supervisors will determine and assign in writing the individuals who will have direct responsibility for property.

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6. You have thirty (30) days from the date of this document to inventory all organizational and installation property associated with this organization. If you require additional time, you must request it in writing through me to the Property Book Officer (PBO). You have available to you the TDA, Supplement in Section III to the TDA, CTAs, SCs, TMs, etc. to assist you in researching the property's identity.





Chief, IALO-M-VPR, (PBO, VIPER (Ms. Moyer))


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Annex E

Primary Hand Receipt Holder Memorandum



SUBJECT: Duty Appointment as Primary Hand Receipt Holder, VIPER Property Book

1. Effective this date you are appointed as the Primary Hand Receipt Holder (PHRH) for Hand Receipt W00Y##. This duty appointment designates you as the responsible person for all items you sign for on the hand receipt.

2. Authority: AR 710-2, Chapter 2, paragraph 2-5g(3)(a).

3. Purpose: To perform the duties as PHRH with direct responsibility for property authorized on TDA W00YAA.

4. Period: Until officially relieved from appointment.

5. Special instructions:

a. All previous duty appointments for this hand receipt are rescinded upon your assumption of responsibility as the hand receipt holder.

b. As a minimum requirement, you will familiarize yourself with the following published procedures on accounting, using, caring, and the proper custody and safekeeping of Government property:

(1) AR 710-2, Chapter 2 and Tables 1-1 and 2-1.

(2) DA Pam 710-2-1, Chapters 2 thru 5, and Chapter 9.

(3) AR 735-5, Chapters 2, 7, 12, and 13; and paragraph 6-3.

(4) INSCOM Reg 700-7.

c. Direct responsibility is defined as follows: The obligation of a person to ensure that all government property for which he or she has receipt for, is properly used and cared for, and that proper custody and safekeeping are provided. Direct responsibility results from assignment as an accountable officer, receipt of formal written delegation, or acceptance of the property of hand receipt from an accountable officer. Commanders and/or supervisors will determine and assign in writing the individuals who will have direct responsibility for property.

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6. You have thirty (30) days from the date of this document to inventory all organizational and installation property associated with this organization. If you require additional time, you must request it in writing through me to the Property Book Officer (PBO). You have available to you the TDA, Supplement in Section III to the TDA, CTAs, SCs, TMs, etc. to assist you in researching the property's identity.





Chief, IALO-M-VPR, (PBO, VIPER (Ms. Moyer)


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Annex F

Example DA 2062


The person listed in the “TO” block will sign in the next available column.

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Annex G

Example DA 3161


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Annex H

Example DD 1149


Used for shipping and also provides documentation to change Hand receipt.

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Annex I

Directions to MSRA


From Route 1 enter Ft. Belvoir using Tulley Gate (Pohick Rd).

Turn Right (at MP station) on Theote Rd.

Turn Left (corner where RV storage lot is) on 16th St.

Turn Right (fuel pumps on left) on Dalrymple Rd.

MSRA is first building on left. Entrance is in middle of building.

US Army Intelligence and Security Command

Mission Stock Record Account (W81GNX)


9801 Dalrymple Road, BLDG 712

Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-5453

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Appendix A Reference

Section I Required Publications


Standard Property Book System-Redesign (SPBS-R) (For Single and Multiple-Users) Using Personal Computers

AR 710-2

Inventory Management Supply Policy Below the Wholesale Level

AR 735-5

Policies and Procedures for Property Accountability

AR 750-1

Army Material Maintenance Policy and Retail Maintenance Operations

DA Pam 710-2-1

Using Unit Supply System (Manual Procedures)

DA Pam 738-750

Functional Users Manual for the Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS)

INSCOM Regulation 5-50

Configuration Management

INSCOM Regulation 700-33

The Virtual Intelligence Projection Equipment Reserve (VIPER) Program

(O) TB 380-41

Procedures for Safeguarding, Accounting, and Supply Control of COMSEC Material


Trojan External Standing Operating Procedure

Section II Related Publications

AR 5-9

Area Support Responsibilities

AR 25-400-2

The Modern Army Record Keeping System (MARKS)

AR 55-38

Reporting of Transportation Discrepancies in Shipments (RCS: MTMC-54)

AR 58-1

Management, Acquisition and Use of Administrative Use Motor Vehicles

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Appendix A Reference Cont.

AR 71-9

Materiel Requirements

AR 71-32

Force Development and Documentation-Consolidated Policies

AR 190-11

Physical Security of Army, Ammunition and Explosives

AR 190-51

Security of Unclassified Army Property (Sensitive and Non-sensitive)

AR 220-1

Unit Status Reporting

(C) AR 381-143

Logistic Policies and Procedures (U)

AR 700-4

Logistics Assistance

AR 710-1

Centralized Inventory Management of the Army Supply System

AR 708-1

Cataloging of Supplies and Equipment Cataloging and Supply Management Data

AR 725-50

Requisition, Receipt, and Issue System

AR 750-43

Army Test, Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment Program

CTA 50-900

Clothing and Individual Equipment

CTA 50-909

Field and Garrison Furnishings and Equipment

DA Pam 25-30

Consolidated Index of Army Publications and Blank Forms

DA Pam 710-2-2

Supply Support Activity System: Manual Procedures

TM 38-230-1

Packaging of Material: Preservation (Vol 1)

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Appendix A Reference Cont.

TM 38-250

Preparing Hazardous Materials for Military Air Shipments

INSCOM Pam 5-50

Configuration Management Procedures

INSCOM Pam 25-30

Index of Administrative Publications and Command Forms

INSCOM Regulation 25-70

Acquisition and Management of Information Resources

INSCOM Regulation 25-400-2

Records Management Program

INSCOM Pam 25-30

Index of Administrative Publications and Command Forms

INSCOM Pam 310-3

Equipment Authorizations

Section III Prescribed Forms

This Section contains no entries.

Section IV Referenced Forms


Hand Receipt


Systems Component Listings

DA Form 2028

Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms

DA Form 2062

Hand Receipt/Annex Number

DA Form 3161

Request for Issue or Turn-in

DD Form 1149

Requisition and Invoice/Shipping Document

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Appendix B Glossary

Section I Abbreviations

ACofS, G3

Assistant Chief of Staff, G3

ACofS, G4

Assistant Chief of Staff, G4


Communication Security


Commercial off-the-shelf


Consolidated Cryptologic Support Activity


Department of Defense Activity Address Code


Fully Mission Capable


Fair Wear and Tear


Government Furnished Property




In Accordance With


United States Army Intelligence and Security Command


Mission Stock Record Account


Non-mission Capable


Original Equipment Manufacture

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Appendix B Glossary Cont.


Other than Fair Wear and Tear


Primary Hand Receipt Holder


Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services


Quick Reaction Capability


Reportable Item Control Code


Signals Intelligence


Standard Property Book System-Redesigned


Table of Distribution and Allowances


TROJAN Intermediate Support Activity


Unit Identification Code


Virtual Intelligence Projection Equipment Reserve

Section II Terms


The act of acquiring VIPER Program Equipment.

Borrowed equipment

Equipment used in the VIPER Program that is not VIPER owned equipment.


Any Intelligence Discipline, Staff element, or organization designated by the ACofS, G3 to have authorization to validate VIPER Program support requests.

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Appendix B Glossary Cont.

Supporting unit

Any organization responsible to provide mission support for deployed equipment under the VIPER program

VIPER owned equipment

Equipment owned by the VIPER Program that is either held against the VIPER Property Book or stocked at MSRA and coded as VIPER property.

VIPER Program Equipment

Any equipment, owned or borrowed, used in a VIPER supported mission or requirement; or that could potentially be borrowed and issued by VIPER.

VIPER Program Manager

Individual that is responsible for establishing and managing the VIPER Program Office.

VIPER Program support

Any inherent resources, or any resource, that can be leveraged through the VIPER Program.

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 2 VIPER Program Capabilities and Services

Chapter 3 How to Become a VIPER Program Sponsor

Chapter 4 Requesting VIPER Program Support

Chapter 5 QRC Warehouse Equipment Additions, Deletions, and Transferring of Ownership

Chapter 6 Receiving VIPER Program Equipment

Chapter 7 Returning VIPER Program Equipment

Chapter 8 Requests for Extensions

Chapter 9 Reporting Lost or Damaged Equipment

Chapter 10 Maintenance of VIPER Program Equipment


The VIPER External Standard Operating Procedures



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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