Academy of Arts & Minds

Mater Lakes Academy

2013 - 2014 Syllabus

COURSE: American Government


Room: 523

School Phone: 305-512-3917

Email: 282116@

MATERIALS: 2 subject notebook or 3-ring binder,

blue/black pen, pencil, loose leaf paper, and highlighter.

TEXTBOOK: Magruder’s American Government. 2009. Prentice Hall.

TRADE BOOK/NOVEL: To be Announced


American Government is a one semester course that will provide each student with a modern and comprehensive study of American Government, its political institutions, and their configuration. Further, the content includes an analysis of those documents which shape our political traditions, a comparison of the roles of the three branches of government at the local, state, and national levels, and the importance of civic participation in the democratic political process.


A variety of instructional methods will be used in class: student-centered activities, lecture, class discussion, project based learning. It is expected and essential that students take comprehensible notes during lectures and class discussions. Students will work independently and cohesively to achieve mastery of the respective content area.


Students are expected to arrive to class on time and to be prepared to actively engage in daily classroom activities. Disrespect of the teacher and/or classmates will not be tolerated. Assigned readings and written exercises are to be completed prior to class. Materials necessary for participation in class are to be accessible for every class. Completing assignments on time is expected. It is imperative the student request all missed material due to an excused absence 10 minutes before class dismissal.


100-90 A Tests/Projects 40%

89-80 B Quizzes 20%

79-70 C Classwork/Homework 25%

69-60 D Participation 15%

59 and below F


Tests will be administered on a chapter basis. They will consist of multiple choice and essay.

Quizzes: will be administered weekly. They may consist of multiple choice, identification, comprehension question & answer, or essay. Quizzes may be administered without prior announcement.

LATE WORK: will be penalized 10 points per day unless it is an excused absence.

ABSENCES: It is the responsibility of each student to find out what assignments were missed due to an absence. The grading of makeup work will be calculated on a case-by-case basis. Excessive unexcused absences are grounds for receiving No Credit for the course.

The class content will cover personal beliefs as well as facts, it is absolutely essential that students at all times demonstrate respect for the views and opinions of others in the class. Any disrespect for the opinions or statements of others will not be tolerated.


Students are expected to be honest and ethical in their academic work. Academic dishonesty is defined as an intentional act of deception in one of the following areas:

• Cheating: use or attempted uses of unauthorized materials, information or study aids

• Fabrication: falsification or invention of any information

• Assisting: helping another commit an act of academic dishonesty

• Tampering: altering or interfering with evaluation instruments and documents

• Plagiarism: representing the words or ideas of another person as one’s own.


1. Grade of zero, parental contact, and warning from administration

2. Failure of the grading period


1. All assigned essays, and research papers must be typed in MLA or APA format. The font size should be 12 font size, Times New Roman, and double space.

2. Paper heading (hand written assignments/assessments) for this class will be as follows: (in upper right hand corner of the paper)                                                                                                                     

                                                                                                           Full Name


Assignment Title

                                                                                                           Period: ____Grade:____


3. Restroom Policy:  Students are strongly encouraged to use the restroom between

classes. Student will only be allowed 2 RESTROOM PASSES each nine weeks. Hallway passes will not be issued the first, and last fifteen minutes of class.

4. Students will clean up their designated area 10 minutes before class dismissal and remain seated until the teacher dismisses the classroom. **ALWAYS REMEMBER THE TEACHER WILL DISMISS YOU!

5. All Electronic devices must be powered off and out of sight.

6. Always raise your hand to ask questions or to share your comments in class


7. Students are held accountable to access the Dadeschool’s student portal and Mater

Lakes Academy website.

American Government

Course Sequence

Unit 1 Foundations of American Government

Chapter 1 Principles of Government

Chapter 2 Origins of American Government (sections3,4)

Chapter 3 The Constitution (1,2)

Chapter 4 Federalism

Unit 2 Political Behavior: Government By the People

Chapter 5 Political Parties (sections 1,3)

Chapter 6 Voters and Voter Behavior (2,3,4)

Chapter 7 The Electoral Process(1)

Chapter 9 Interest Groups (1,2)

Unit 3 The Legislative Branch

Chapter 10 Congress

Chapter 11 Powers of Congress

Chapter 12 Congress in Action (3,4)

Unit 4 The Executive Branch

Chapter 13 The Presidency

Chapter 14 The Presidency in Action

Unit 5 The Judicial Branch

Chapter 18 The Federal Court System (1,2,3)

Chapter 19&20 Civil Liberties

Chapter 21 Civil Rights(2,3)


The attached syllabus is a general outline of the American Government semester course. By signing this syllabus contract you agree to have read the requirements and policies established within the classroom. As your child’s Social Studies teacher, please feel free to state any comments or concerns you may want me to be aware of. Also, please provide a telephone number and email that I may be able to reach you.

I look forward to working with you and your child and making this an academically successful school year!

Mr. Malcolm

Student Signature: ____________________________________________

Date: _______________________

Parent Signature: _____________________________________________

Date: _______________________

Telephone #: __________________________________________________

Email: _________________________________________________

Comments: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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