0. Alphons Rommelse O Rio Vouga, o rio sem poetas. (Rivier de Vouga, de rivier zonder dichters; oud caciens gezegde. Verslag van een driemaands milieusociologisch onderzoek naar de gevolgen van de vervuiling van de papierfabriek Portucel in Cacia in Portugal. (Jan. 1986)

1. H. Renting Het milieuvraagstuk sociologisch beschouwd. Een aanzet tot een milieusociologische analyse. Verslag van een 3-mnds afstudeervak Milieusociologie onder begeleiding van Gert Spaargaren.

2. Bert Wiebing Geïntegreerd milieuonderzoek Emmeloord. Een verslag van "het doen van onderzoek" op het gebied van de communicatie, August 1987

3. Gerard Brinks Natuurvriendelijk handelen en vakmanschap op kleinschalige boerenbedrijven. Scriptie over het doorzettingsvermogen van boeren die ondanks alle tegenslagen en tegenwerkingen doorgaan met hun bedrijf, October 1987

4. Margriet Poel Positie van Surinaamse jongeren in Nederlandse ondernemingen. Een onderzoek naar de positie van Surinaamse jongeren in Nederlandse ondernemingen en hun kansen op toetreding tot deze ondernemingen, December 1987 Supervisor: Q.J. Munters; 69 pp.

5. Marlou van Campen Over leven op gif. Een onderzoek onder actieve bewoonsters van chemisch verontreinigde gebieden, February 1988

Supervisor: Q.J. Munters; 100 pp.

6. Thea Hilhorst Arme stadsbewoners en de staat. Stedelijke problematiek in ontwikkelingslanden met speciale aandacht voor de Filippijnen. 1988.

Supervisor: Q.J. Munters; 140 pp.

7. Hilde H. Marbus Landhervormingen in Puno, Peru. August 1988.

Supervisor: Q.J. Munters; 37 pp.

8. Sandra Verkade Spreken en Zwijgen over openbare ruimte, overheid en planner. Wageningen 1988.

Supervisor: Q.J. Munters; 37 pp. (projectno. C100-810)

9. Karen Kraakman Sociale konstruktie van milieutechnologie. De ontwikkeling van

Marc de Rooij anaërobe waterzuivering in Nederland. April 1990

Supervisor: Tuur Mol; 88 pp. + 7 bijlagen

10. Floris van Bentum Mogelijkheden voor een milieukeursysteem in Nederland. Aanzet voor een differentiatie naar produkt-, situationele- en individuele factoren. June 1990.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol; 42 pp.

11. Marcel van der Does Uit de machten gegroeid. De gevolgen van grootschalige aan

Marcel Hazeu plant van eucalyptus voor de boeren in noord-oost Brazilië.

Mark de Vries August 1990.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol; 101 pp.

12. Martin Woestenburg Mens & Kunstwerk. Kunst & Maatschappij. Een sociologische benadering. November 1990.

Supervisor: Q.J. Munters; 103 pp.

13. Marcel Vijn Europese Gemeenschap en bodemverontreiniging. Een onderzoek naar het bodemverontreinigingsbeleid van de Europese Gemeenschap en in het bijzonder naar de totstandkoming en de gevolgen van de grondwaterrichtlijn. December 1990

Supervisor: Tuur Mol; 71 pp. + 5 bijlagen

14. Albert Aartsen Gescheiden inzameling van huishoudelijk afval. Een scenario

Dorine v.d. Drift voor de gemeente Driebergen. September 1989

Maike Nelissen Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 95 pp. + 23 pp. bijlagen

15. Luuk Schouten Bij de bron beginnen. Een onderzoek naar drie methoden voor gescheiden inzameling. April 1991

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren, 46 pp. + 4 bijlagen

16. Stijn van Liefland De ontwikkeling van het milieubeleid in de Sovjet-Unie. Een onderzoek naar problemen en veranderingen in het milieubeleid in de Sovjet-Unie. April 1991

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 49 pp. + 2 bijlagen

17. Koen Delen Onmisbaar in het moderne huishouden. Een produktgericht

Femke Vergeest milieubeleid voor witgoed. March 1991.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 121 pp. + 2 bijlagen

18. Seerp Wigboldus An inquiry into the discussion on interdisciplinarity. Backgrounds and application in the rural development research context. June 1991.

Supervisor: Q.J. Munters, 61 pp.

19. Annemieke Ackermans Een sociologisch onderzoek naar de geschiedenis en de opkomst van de kleinschaligheidsbeweging. March 1991

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 56 pp. + 1 bijlage

20. Stefan Pasma Innovatie, inzameling en verwerking van lage druk kwiklampen.

Bart Wijffels Wageningen, September 1991. [7]

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, vi + 55 pp.

21. Mieke van Bussel De implementatie van EG-milieurichtlijnen. De-

Arjan Huysmans cember 1991 [7]

Supervisor: Tuur Mol/J.D. Liefferink, 100 pp.

22. Suzanne de Zoeten Japan and the rainforests. Impact of Japanese (company)

Marc Keijzer activities in tropical forest area's. November 1991

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 78 pp. + 20 bijlagen [8]

23. Marianne Luiting Harmonisatievormen in het EG-milieubeleid. January 1992.

Supervisor: J.D. Liefferink, 105 pp. [?]

24. Volkert Beekman Naar een natuurverbonden wijze van landbouwbeoefening. Een onderzoek naar de omschakeling van gangbare boeren naar de biologisch-dynamische landbouw. January 1992.

Supervisor: H.J. de Haan, 60 pp. [?]

25. Rob Stuurop Habermas, werknemers en milieuzorgsystemen. Een onderzoek

Joost Thissen naar de toepasbaarheid van de maatschappijtheorie van Habermas op de positie van werknemers in milieuzorgsystemen. January 1992.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 72 pp. [?]

26. Luc Smolders Preventie en hergebruik van huishoudelijk afval op gemeentelijk

Barent Brouwers niveau. Belemmeringen en oplossingsrichtingen.

Jeanet Hekhuis February 1992.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 57 pp. + 8 bijlagen [7]

27. Bas van Vliet Milieu als wisselgeld. Een onderzoek naar het belangenspel rond de milieu investeringen in de olieraffinaderij op Curaçao. August 1992.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 114 pp. + 4 bijlagen [8]

28. Willem Koert SF - en andere verhalen. Een veldtheoretische interpretatie van science-fiction, post-modernisme en allodoxia. August 1992.

Supervisor: Q.J. Munters, 221 pp. (in 2 delen) [9]

29. Frank Bos Neo-corporatisme en het doelgroepenbeleid-industrie. Een case-studie naar de intentieverklaring-basismetaal. September 1992.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 69 pp.

30. Peter Perdok Schone Rijn of schone schijn? Het Rijnbeleid ter illustratie van het internationale water- en milieubeleid op weg naar duurzaam beheer. August 1992.

Supervisor: W.J. Kakebeeke, 165 pp.

31. Annemieke Grimbergen Milieuzorg en werknemers in horeca en contractcatering.

Karin Hoeksel July 1992.

Marcel Vijn Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 115 pp.

31b. Harrie-Jan Hendricks Franssen Sign of the Times. Bespreking van enkele consumptietheorieën, toegespitst op milieu. November 1992.

Supervisors: Gert Spaargaren & Q.J. Munters

32. Willem Koert Komkommertijd in oorlogstijd. Een kwalitatieve inhoudsanalyse van triviale artikelen, verschenen in het propagandatijdschrift "Signaal" (1940-1942). najaar 1992.

Supervisor: Q.J. Munters; 96 pp. (Leeuwenborch-bibliotheek)

33. Linda ter Haar Ervaringen van mensen die in milieuvriendelijke huizen wonen en hun invloed op een duurzame ontwikkeling van bouwen en wonen. Een verkennend onderzoek naar de sociologische problemen en perspectieven van duurzaam wonen. January 1993.

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren; 70 pp.

34. Marchen de Gouw Individualisering: een conceptuele beschouwing. April 1992

Supervisor: Q.J. Munters; 47 pp.

35. Erik J. de Vries Integraal ketenbeheer; een zelfreguleringsconcept voor bedrijven. Een aanzet tot een theoretische uitwerking en verdieping van het concept, plus een typering van de bouwketen. December 1992.

Supervisors: Gert Spaargaren en Kris van Koppen; 90 pp. + 4 bijlagen

36. H.P. van Dokkum Omgaan met Maaswater. Systeemanalyse ten behoeve van het

S.P.H.W. Lenders ecologische herstel van de Maas. June 1993

A.A.M. Kleine Schaars Supervisor: Tuur Mol; 75 pp.

I.H. Minnesma

37. Hans Broekhuijsen Lak aan het milieu?! Een onderzoek naar ecologische moderni-

Marjolijn Knot sering in de Nederlandse verfindustrie. June 1993

Supervisor: Tuur Mol; 137 pp. + 2 bijlagen

38. Adriaan Mels Grond of Substraat? Een onderzoek naar duurzaamheid van

Joost van Capellen teeltsystemen in de glasgroenteteelt in Nederland. June 1993

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen; 100 pp.

39. Esther Jaarsma Reconstructie van het Beleidsproces rond Regulerende Energieheffingen in Nederland. July 1993

Supervisors: J.D. Liefferink en Tuur Mol; 65 pp.

40. Veronique Kortmann Arbodiensten en hun invloed op werknemers. 17 August 1993

Supervisor: A.L. Mok; 33 pp. + 10 bijlagen

41. Adriaan van Andel Kunststoffen milieuvriendelijker? Over Ecologische Modernise-

Wolfgang Richert ring in de Nederlandse kunststoffenindustrie. September 1993

Supervisor: Tuur Mol; 114 pp. + 5 bijlagen

42. Voline van Teeseling Evaluation of Western environmental assistance in the Black Triangle. October 1993

Supervisor: Tuur Mol; 79 pp.

43. Karine de Laat De positie van kultuur en identiteit in het proces van sociale integratie. Theoretische beschouwing van het integratieproces van etnische minderheden. October 1993

Supervisor: Q.J. Munters; 25 pp.

44. Petra van den Brand Environmental Groups Influencing US Federal and EC Nitrate Policy. November 1993

Supervisor: J.D. Liefferink; 76 pp.

45. Bas de Jong Hoe waterdicht is het waterbeheer? Evaluatiestudie naar de

Corine van As uitvoering van rijksnota's door waterschappen.

Sophie Lauwaars December 1993

Supervisor: Tuur Mol; 55 pp. + 4 bijlagen

46. Judith van de Bogaart Overleg of Onderweg? Onderzoek naar de actiestrategieën van

Joris van Aart de milieubeweging gericht tegen het gebruik van bestrijdingsmiddelen over de laatste 20 jaar. February 1994

Supervisor: Tuur Mol; 140 pp.

47. Léon Kerstjens Normalisatie van milieuzorgsystemen en de gevolgen hiervan

Raymond Ubachs op het integratieproces tussen milieu- en kwaliteitszorg. February 1994

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen; 72 pp.

48. Mineke Lievaart Verpakkingsafval: de relatie tussen de totstandkoming van nationaal- en EG-beleid. March 1994

Supervisor: J.D. Liefferink en Tuur Mol; 69 pp. + 4 bijlagen

49. Katinka Binnendijk Milieumaatregelen van buitenlandse bedrijven in Tsjechië in een periode van hervormingen. February 1994

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen; 53 pp.

50. Daphnis Brederode Ecologische modernisering, de vakbeweging en de factor arbeid. February 1994

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen; 38 pp.

51. Roos Vervoordeldonk De BSB-operatie: motor van het bodemsaneringsbeleid? Wage-

Gerlies Nap ningen, June 1994

Supervisor: Tuur Mol; 59 pp. + 6 bijlagen

52. Marlies Hallingse Netwerkstructuren omtrent het beheer van grensoverschrijdende onbevaarbare rivieren. August 1994.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen; 79 pp.

53. H.L.J. Lamers Verschillen in eetcultuur tussen mensen uit een hogere en een lagere welstandsklasse. July 1994

Supervisor: Q.J. Munters; 52 pp.

54. Harold van Til Integratie-mogelijkheden van zorg voor arbeidsomstandigheden en milieu. May 1994.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen; 25 pp. + aparte bijlage (39 pp.)

55. J.R.C. de Rijk Bureaucratisch afval. Alternatieven voor een bureaucratisch beleid betreffende gevaarlijk afval. September 1994.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol; 63 pp.

56. Nathalie Matijsen Aansturing van gecombineerde arbo- en milieuzorg vanuit de

Marijn Mayjler branche-organisatie. May 1994.

Supervisors: Kris van Koppen en A.L. Mok; 95 pp. + 3 bijlagen

57. Harald Bekkers Biedt de handel in hout een toekomst voor het regenwoud?

Martine de Vaan Wageningen, November 1994.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol; 130 pp.

58. Mirjam Hommes Onbeperkt houtbaar? Over de bijdrage van branche-organisaties aan het milieubeleid van de overheid: een case-study naar de houtverduurzamingsindustrie. February 1995.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol; 67 pp.

59. Monique Riphagen Prijs, kwaliteit en het milieubeleid. Een onderzoek naar

Douwe Ybema consumenten, detaillisten en de omgang met milieu-(on)zekerheden. March 1995.

Supervisors: Q.J. Munters, Gert Spaargaren en Astrid Hendriksen; 37 pp. + 3 bijlagen

60. Adriaan van Andel Herverwerking van kunststoffen uit huishoudelijk afval. Tussen milieu en economie. March 1995.

Supervisors: Tuur Mol en A. Klapwijk; 128 pp.

61. Bas Holla Transfer of Environmental Technology. Experiences from Poland and The Netherlands. A Model. May 1995.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol; 75 pp.

62. Wendy Akkers De rijwieldetailhandel als intermediaire organisatie tussen producent en consument. Milieugerichte ketenanalyse van de Nederlandse fietsenbranche. May 1995.

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren; 62 pp.

63. Mark Doorneveld Milieuzorg en handhaving. Een onderzoek naar de afstemming van informatiestromen in het kader van de relatie milieuzorgsysteem en handhaving van de milieuvergunning. June 1995.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen; 89 pp.

64. Willem van der Deijl Draagvlak voor agrarisch natuur- en landschapsbeheer. Alblasserwaard/Vijfherenlanden. August 1995.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen; 97 pp. + 3 bijlagen

65. Astrid Zoeteman Waterschappen & andere overheden. Veranderingen in gouvernementele relaties door recente ontwikkelingen. Dordrecht, zomer 1995.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol; 74 pp. + 4 bijlagen

66. Jacco de Hoog GATT and the Environment in Third World Countries. A Literature Survey. July 1995.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol; 46 pp.

67. Linda Docter The integration of sustainable development in education and

Marlies Peschier research at universities in Europe September 1995.

Supervisors: Tuur Mol en W.J. Kakebeeke; 118 pp.

68. Hans Nieuwenhuis Energiebeleid op Curaçao. Een beleidsnetwerkanalyse. September 1995.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol; 185 pp.

69. Paul Procee Curitiba's Garbage Policy: A Look under its Leaf. January 1995.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol; 62 pp.

70. Jolle Landman Exploratie van een veranderende koers. Beleidsnetwerkanalyse van de veranderende interactie tussen non-gouvernementele organisaties en overheidsinstanties in het kader van de bescherming van het Noordzeemilieu. October 1995.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol; 112 pp. + 17 bijlagen

71. Henrike Branderhorst Classificatie en waardering van informatiefuncties. Een case-studie naar de Nederlandse Waddenzee. October 1995.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen; 74 pp.

72. Arnoud de Vries Industriële ecologie. Toegespitst op bedrijfsterrein De Kar. September 1995.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen; 79 pp. + 2 bijlagen

73. Karin Blaauw Participatie van branche-organisaties in het milieubeleid. Een case-studie bij verenigingen van hoofdaannemers in de woningbouw. November 1995.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol; 108 pp. + 9 bijlagen

74. Arjan Verschuur Structuratietheorie en arbeidsvraagstukken. Een literatuurscriptie. August 1995.

Supervisors: Q.J. Munters en A.L. Mok; 85 pp. + 1 bijlage

75. Leon de Vos Beleidsafstemming Waterbeheerder en Gemeente(n). Een netwerkanalyse in het gebied van de Dommel en het Gelders Rivierengebied. December 1995.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen; 47 pp.

76. Fieke van Eck Bouwen of saneren. Gemeentelijk bodembeleid in relatie tot

Suzanne Por artikel 8.2-c uit de Woningwet, 'Het tegengaan van bouwen op verontreinigde bodem'. December 1995.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol; 54 pp. + 5 bijlagen

77. Mesfin Tilaye Identification and prioritization of environmental problems: A case study among citizens and government officials in Addis Abeba City. February 1996.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol; 77 pp. + 4 bijlagen

78. Wilfried Aarsen Milieugericht integraal ketenbeheer in de varkensvleesketen. Onderzoek naar de mogelijkheden om, rekening houdend met het beleidsprincipe 'integraal ketenbeheer', het integrale ketenbeheersingsprogramma (IKB) in de varkensvleesketen uit te breiden met milieu-eisen. November 1995.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen; 61 pp. + 4 bijlagen

79. Guihong Chi The Emergence of Voluntary Agreements in Environmental Policy-making. A Case Study on Dutch Dairy Industry. March 1996.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol; 97 pp.

80. Jeroen Winckers Natuurontwikkeling in de Gelderse Poort. De visies, communicatie en ontwikkeling van het beleid. April 1996.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen; 134 pp.

81. Christy Duijvelaar Beyond Borders. East-East cooperation among environmental NGOs in Central and Eastern Europe. May 1996.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol; deel I: 79 pp. + deel II: 100 pp.

82. Madanny El-Aaidi Natuurdoeltypen in het gebiedsgerichte natuurbeleid.

Michel Jeuken Wageningen, June 1996.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen; 74 pp.

83. Apostolos P. Siskos Assessing functions and values of cultural landscapes and analysis of the policy instruments for conservation and sustainable management: a case study of the municipality of Mythimna (Lesvos, Greece). April 1996

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen; 64 pp.

84. Emile M. Lindemulder A Potential for Cooperation? A Case Study on the Opportunities and Obstacles for Joint Actions between the Netherlands and Sweden in the European Pesticide Policy Network. October 1996.

Supervisor: Duncan Liefferink; 157 pp.

85. Kees van Kilsdonk Afval langs de weg naar duurzame ontwikkeling. Een studie

Etienne le Jeune naar afvalbeleid en de verzelfstandiging van de reinigingsdienst Selikor op Curaçao. November 1996.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol; 184 pp.

86. Christiaan Abeelen De Rijn: Voorbeeld voor de Maas? De lessen die de Internationale Maascommissie kan leren van de ervaringen van de Internationale Rijncommissie. December 1996.

Supervisor: B.P.S.A. Ovaa; 81 pp.

87. Albert Faber Risico’s in de laatmoderne samenleving: de ozonlaag. Een case-onderzoek naar de invloed van hoogmoderne risico’s op de huidige laatmoderne maatschappij. January 1997.

Supervisors: Joris Hogenboom en Gert Spaargaren; 71 pp.

88. Thérèse Straatman Integratie van ARBO- en Milieuzorg bij composteerinrichtingen. February 1997.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen; 73 pp.

89. Zerihun Desta Beshah Industrial environmental management; the case of Awassa Textile Factory, Ethiopia. January 1997.

Supervisors: Tuur Mol & Bas van Vliet; 95 pp.

90. Orlando H. Jiménez B. Controlling illegal dumping of industrial solid waste; Assessment of environmental policy alternatives for the Santiago Metropolitan Region of Chile. January 1997.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol; 169 pp.

91. Heleen Boerma Naar een beoordelingsmethode voor de duurzaamheid van water-zuiveringsprocessen. De mogelijkheden en beperkingen van de milieugerichte levenscyclusanalyse als beoordelingsmethode voor de duurzaamheid van kleinschalige afvalwaterzuiveringsprocessen in het buitengebied. February 1997.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen; 58 pp.

92. Ilse Chang Joint environmental policy-making at the European level. A case study on the priority waste streams programme. September 1996.

Supervisors: Tuur Mol & Duncan Liefferink; 55 pp.

93. Michael ten Donkelaar Future member states and harmonization with EU environmental policy: the case of the Czech Republic and Poland. May 1997.

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren; 65 pp.

94. Iris Kolkman Besluitvorming rond saneringsvarianten; een analyse van het beslisproces. Deventer, May 1997.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol; 164 pp.

95. Rutger Pol De keerzijde van Joint Implementation. Een analyse van de bezwaren en problemen van Joint Implementation. July 1997.

Supervisor: Duncan Liefferink; 45 pp.

96. Kaj Smits Environmental consequences of the entry of the Visegrád coun-tries into the EU. A comparison based on the experiences of the accessions of Greece and Spain. August 1997.

Supervisor: Duncan Liefferink; 82 pp.

97. Heleen Boerma Prioriteringssysteem voor een efficiënte handhaving van de Wet milieubeheer bij de gemeente Deventer. Aanzet tot een geïntegreerde en transparante weging van bedrijfsmilieuprestaties in relatie tot een prioriteringssysteem voor handhaving van milieuvergunningen. August 1997.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen; 34 pp.

98. M.G. Hoogenraad Een beoordeling van waterzuiveringsscenario’s: een analyse van graf tot wieg. August 1997.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen; 113 pp.

99. Samson Jatuat Nibi The role of women in domestic solid waste management in a growing city (Tamale) of a developing country. august 1997.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen; 62 pp.

100. Natalie Manenschijn Integraal waterbeheer, het plan en de praktijk. Effectiviteits-evaluatie en knelpunten-analyse van het integraal waterbeheers-plan Veluwe en Vallei 94-98. November 1997.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol; 43 pp. + bijlagen

101. Melissa Shinn The environmental rationale of Portuguese environmental policy making on urban solid waste management. january 1998.

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren; 102 pp.

102. Zhang Lei Challenges and opportunities: a study on environmental manage-ment of Township & Village Enterprises (TVEs) in China. December 1997.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol; 85 pp.

103. Maurice Owino Onyango Municipal Solid Waste Management in Mombasa, Kenya. A Social Behaviour Perspective: Target Groups Approach. December 1997.

Supervisors: Gert Spaargaren & Bas van Vliet, 65 pp.

104. Annick Schmeddes Milieuprestatie-indicatoren voor bedrijven, December 1997.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 47 pp.

105. Le Van Khoa Industrial Environmental Management: A case of the Tapioca Starch Industry in Vietnam. march 1998.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 85 pp.

106. Anthony P.J. Voets Industrial solid waste management. A plan for 3 industrial zones in Dong Nai Province. march 1998.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 86 pp.

107. Judith Beltman Omgaan met risico’s: de ozonlaag en UV-straling. April 1998.

Supervisor: Joris Hogenboom, 153 pp.

108. Christa de Bruin Solid Waste Management in Villa el Salvador (Lima-Peru). A case study. March 1998.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 90 pp.

109. Petra van den Hengel Why producing waste if it is thrown away anyway? Prevention of waste and emissions of small and medium scale textile dyeing enterprises in HoChiMinh City in Vietnam. April 1998.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 93 pp.

110. Le Van Khoa & Industrial environmental management. The case of the tapioca

Sander Boot starch industry in Vietnam. April 1998.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 113 pp.

111. T. Hettinga Milieuzorg in ziekenhuizen. Organisatie, problemen en ondersteuning. April 1998.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 30 pp.

112. Sander van den Burg Consumer involvement in the ecological modernization of household consumption. May 1998.

Supervisors: Gert Spaargaren & Bas van Vliet, 80 pp.

113. Hester Branderhorst Oases in de tijd. Vrijetijdsbesteding van mannen en vrouwen in Nederland tussen 1975 en 1990. July 1998.

Supervisor: Liset van Dijk, 71 pp.

114. Eveline van der Herberg ‘t Thuisfront. Onderzoek naar conflicten tussen man en vrouw

Hendrikje Schoppink over de taakverdeling in het huishouden. July 1998.

Supervisor: Liset van Dijk, 47 pp.

115. Wilco van der Last Stedelijk waterbeheer in verandering. Een onderzoek naar de samenwerking tussen gemeenten en waterschappen in het stedelijk gebied. July 1998.

Supervisor: Erna Ovaa, 86 pp.

116. Micaela Schuster ABridging the cap@The Balanced scorecard as a tool for communicating and measuring environmental issues. IHS, Rotterdam, December 1997.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 97 pp.

117. Marco de Bakker Een referentiemodel voor het opstellen van milieuprestatie-indicatoren. August 1998.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 85 pp.

118. Chris Ogbu Standardizing environmental management in multi-national companies. A brief on NAM and SPDC. December 1998.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 76 pp.

119. Karien Vreekamp Een vlot proces is het halve werk. Onderzoek naar de informatiebehoefte van provincies en de rol van de minimale data-set in het nieuwe bodemsaneringsbeleid. December 1998.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 82 pp.

120. Alfan Subekti Tana Ulen. A customary forest management system by Dayak Kenyah people in Long Bagun East Kalimantan. A study of social management, ecological, and policy aspect of a customary natural resources management system in East Kalimantan. January 1999.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 96 pp.

121. Veronica A. Manga Environmental management in natural rubber processing. A case study of Cameroon development corporation, Tiko Factory. January 1999.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 72 pp.

122. Sophie Marguliew Lobbying for the integration of environmental considerations into the European transport policy. The case of T&E and the policy for internalising the external costs of road freight transport. January 1999.

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren, 88 pp.

123. Mark Richmond Environmental performance indicators and food. Measuring a concept of environmentally friendly pork. January 1999.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 92 pp.

124. Victor V. Sabandeja Trust and strategic approaches for the improvement of the quality of community water supply: the Metropolitan Manila Case. January 1999.

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren, 147 pp.

125. Emmy A. M’mbwanga Exalting community participation in urban environmental management. An example of Nairobi. January 1999.

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren, 75 pp.

126. Marek Nasilowski Assessment of a company’s risks and opportunities on the road to a certified Environmental Management System

Wageningen, March 1998.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 70 pp.

127. Nguyen Phuc Quoc Industrial Solid Waste Prevention and Reduction

Wageningen, January 1999 (REFINE)

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 216 pp.

128. George Wasonga Constructing public-private correlation within a tangible wastewater management scheme: a case study of Kisumu Municipality, Kenya, January 1999

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 96 pp.

129. Hari Prasad Bhatta Adaption of adequate land development methods for improving the urban environment in Kathmandu, January 1999

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 123 pp.

130. Doris Balvin Diaz Social behaviour and solar energy technologies (The cases of Puno and Arequipa, Peru)

Wageningen, January 1999

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 137

131. Neba Cheo Joseph Solid waste management in the Yaounde Municipality – Cameroon; New instruments to strengthen the role of the informal sector and community based organizations, January 1999

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 81 pp.

132. Joyce Ndesamburo Waste and emission prevention in industries. The case of Tanzania Breweries Limited, Dar es Salaam, January 1999.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 120 pp.

133. Effuah Hagan-Brown Challenges of urban environmental management: Public-private partnership in the delivery of solid waste management services in Accra, January 1999.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 80 pp.

134. Claudia Simons Hoe sociaal is Nederland? Een onderzoek naar opinievorming in relatie tot sociale ongelijkheid. February 1999.

Supervisor: Liset van Dijk

135. Aneta Ciszewska and Municipal Solid Waste Management in Poland.

Izabela Konopelska Towards entering European Union, April 1999

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren, 116 pp.

136. Sybrand Landman De rol van de waterkwaliteitsbeheerder bij de aanpak van diffuse verontreiniging vanuit de bouw, Wageningen May 1999

Supervisor: Erna Ovaa, 53 pp.

137. Rob Hermans Afvalscheiding in huishoudens, April 1999.

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren, 60 pp.

138. Annemarie Minkes Werk, omgeving en productiviteit van medewerkers. De invloed van facilitaire omgevingskarakteristieken op de productiviteit van medewerkers in een kantoorachtige omgeving, Wageningen June 1999.

Supervisor: Liset van Dijk, pp. 75 pp.

139. Magdalena Hernacka Nature conservation policy in Poland. Towards the European

and Justyna Turzynska Union. A comparison between Poland as an aspirant EU Member State and the Netherlands as an EU Member State, Wageningen June 1999.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 103 pp.

140. Laurens van Asten Waste policy and waste prevention in the construction and demolition sector. A comparison between Finland and the Netherlands, Wageningen July 1999.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 44 pp.

141. Sander van den Burg Visions of the hydrogen society. Radicals and pragmatists.

Wageningen July 1999.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 56 pp.

142. F.A. van der Bos The distribution of Greenhouse gas reduction burdens in the European Union. November 1999.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol & Magnus Andersson, 38 pp.

143. Cécile Scherpereel Selecting environmental performance indicators for external reporting on the basis of environmental strategy. The case of NUMICO. December 1999.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 92 pp.

144. Chantal Barber Willems Contaminated soil policies in some European countries. The influence of soil legislation and policy on the daily activities and management of industrial companies in European countries. January 2000.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 112 pp.

145.Navin K. Devkota Strategies for internalising industries’ externalities. A case study on the carpet industry of the Kathmandu Valley. January 2000.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 108 pp.

146. Ana M. Lladosa Hernandez Internal and external use of environmental performance indicators: a comparison of three company cases. January 2000.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 68 pp.

147. Maaike van de Witte Integratie van zorgsystemen. Casestudie Six Flags Holland. February 2000.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 70 pp.

148. Sascha Brandse Milieu op de rails. Een analyse van kansrijke milieugerelateerde kennisgebieden voor NedTrain Consulting aan de hand van de systematiek van productgerichte milieuzorg. October 1999.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 84 pp.

149. Wang Xiaowen Information strategy in China’s environmental management. A case study in Nanjing’s industrial water pollution treatment. March 2000.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 61.

150. Nguyen Nhu Dung LCA as a tool for environmental management in Vietnam. General principles and a case study: textile. January 2000.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 88 pp.

151. Krystyna Kolodziejczak Environmental management system implementation and environmental strategy development in hospitals. An inside perspective of the hospital’s organisation. January 2000.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 112 pp.

152. Ettjen Jansingh Green kitchens in progress. Environmental change focused on kitchen processes: towards an integral green kitchen concept. August 2000

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren, 56 pp.

153. Minke Siemensma De ontwikkeling van decentrale sanitatie en hergebruik in een woonwijk. August 2000.(+ interviews met relevante actoren van het DESAH systeem te Lanxmeer en met bewoners van de woonwijk Lanxmeer te Culemborg)

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren, 120 pp.

154. F.A. van der Bos Functions of sustainable electricity. A study into the chances and risks for sustainable electricity generation in a liberalised market. October 2000

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 130 pp.

155. Aisa Oberlin Solomon Community involvement in water provisioning: the case study of Dar es Salaam. January 2001

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren, 93 pp.

156. Cristian Martalogu Trust is urban water supply systems. Case study Craiova City, Romania. January 2001.

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren, 76 pp.

157. Begona Gonzalez Damian Quality protocols and their certification schemes in the Spanish production of tomato. January 2001.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 91 pp.

158. Harry Barnes-Dabban Restructuring ecologically: Ghana Ports and harbours authority and the ecological modernisation theory. January 2001.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 103 pp.

159. Carolina Galleguillos Gonzalez Environmental policy for sustainable tourism: case study of La Serena, Chile. January 2001.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol/Rene van der Duim, 96 pp.

160. Tatyana Vermenicheva Principles of solid waste management with a case-study on Kazakhstan. January 2001.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 124 pp.

161. Galiya Adilova Opportunities for public participation in environmental decision-making in the Republic of Kazakhstan. January 2001.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 68 pp.

162. Vanyia Simeonova Local environmental action planning - strategic tool in urban environmental management and municipal policy: case-study leap-model for City of Burgas, Bulgaria. January 2001.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 120 pp.

163. Rocio Condor Toward a sustainable micro enterprise development: from an industrial park to an eco-industrial park, the case study of Villa el Salvador, Lima-Peru. March 2001.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 120 pp.

164. Carolina Roman Life cycle assessment (LCA) and decision-making in the agri-food chain. A qualitative study of the dairy industry in Australia and the Netherlands. March 2001.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 115 pp.

165. Tran Phuong Khanh Energy conservation and efficiency in Vietnam. January 2001.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 154 pp.

166. Ingeborg de Keizer Convenant strategische agenda milieu, economie en ruimte: voorbeeld van netwerksturing? January 2001.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 70 pp.

167. Nguyen Thi Anh Tuyet Cleaner production: a pollution prevention approach for breweries in Hanoi City. January 2001.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen/Tuur Mol, 108 pp.

168. M.T.T. van de Witte Integratie van zorgsystemen. March 2001.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 85 pp.

169. Dries Hegger Leefstijlen en woonbehoefte; een analyse van het Woningbehoefte Onderzoek 1998. May 2001.

Supervisor: Piet Verschuren/Loes Maas, 57 pp.

170. Nguyen Kim Thanh Waste minimization for small- and medium-scale tanneries in HoChiMinh City. August 2001.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 63 pp.

171. Lyanne Woltjer Coping with industrial zones. An analysis of community influence on the environmental performance of industrial zones in southern Vietnam. August 2001.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 125 pp.

171A. Sascha Brandse Milieuzorg; een leerproces. De toepassing van participatieve managementmethoden bij het opzetten van een milieuzorgsysteem. August 2001.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 55 pp.

172. Eva Sofia Figueroa Salas Environment and industry in Botswana. With a case study of the Kgalagadi Breweries Ltd. August 2001.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 156 pp.

173. Gerie Jonk European Union enlargement and renewable electricity in Central Europe. September 2001.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 116 pp.

174. Hoang Thi Thuy Eco-label for rice product, could it be an opportunity solution for mitigating agro-chemical use in Paddy in Vietnam? October 2001.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 56 pp.

174A. Thijs Bosker “Waarop vertrouwt u?!” Een onderzoek naar vertrouwen en consumer concerns in de agrosector. November 2001.

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren & Peter Oosterveer, 100 pp.

175. Charity Wangu Gatari Problems and prospects of community urban composting. Case study: Malindi, Runyenjes and Webuye Composting groups in Kenya. January 2002.

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren, 60 pp.

176. Mao Zhongan Traffic and urban environment. The case of Xi’an, P.R. China. January 2002.

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren, 78 pp.

177. Sara Amalia Mateo Centeno Building environmental policy: the case of salmon aquaculture in British Columbia. January 2002.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 77 pp.

178. Nan Chen Industrial pollution control and prevention under the transitional economy in China. January 2002.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 135 pp.

179. Huynh Thi Hoai Nguyen Improved environmental performance. Pulp and paper industry in Vietnam. January 2002.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 112 pp.

180. Jan Breitling The use of economic instruments in biodiversity conservation. Case study of the Costa Rican payment for environmental services (PES) system. January 2002.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 77 pp.

181. Astrid (Dewi) Maylasari-Sugiana Towards improved institutional framework for industrial wastewater management in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: Case studies of Tofu Home Industries & Sari Husada, Ltd. January 2002.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 206 pp.

182. Joanna Bernacka Levels of integration between Quality Assurance System and Environmental Management System in the Learning Organisation using the example of GlaxoSmithKline subsidiary in Poznan, Poland. January 2002.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 56 p.

183. Patricia Rojas Briceño ISO 14001 Environmental management systems in local governments: the case of the municipality of San José, Costa Rica. March 2002.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 101 pp.

184. Erwin van Etten Benchmarking in the water sector. A study on sustainability indicators and recommendations to enhance transparency in the Dutch water sector. March 2002.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 70 pp.

185. Fincent T. van Woerden Cultural frameworks of water management. Comparing two water issues in Spain and the Netherlands. May 2002.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 95 pp.

186. Charel van Deursen Anti-Milieu? De lobby van multinationals in Brussel en de invloed hiervan op de milieupolitiek. June 2002.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 52 pp.

187. Nanke Stein NGO’s versus GMO’s. The influence of global civil society on political decision making on the food safety aspect of GMO’s. A comparative study between Europe and the United States. June 2002.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 95 pp.

188. Lukas Rumboko Wibowo Strategic planning for sustainable ecotourism product development. The case of Jogjakarta, Indonesia. June 2002.

Supervisor: Peter Ho, 107 pp.

189. Rutu Dave Public-private partnerships in renewable energy: Lessons from the USA experience. June 2002.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 93 pp.

190. Laurens Zaal Levenscyclusanalyse and ‘ander water’. Handig voor de besluitvorming? June 2002.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 46 pp. (+ bijlagen).

191. Sylvie Marie Lagrange Biodiversity from concept to business reality. Creating opportunities with a stakeholder analysis, based on Colworth Farm Project, Unilever, UK. September 2002.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 83 pp.

192. Jacobine Meijer Benchmarking van milieuzorg bij gemeenten. September 2002.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 38 pp.

193. Ester Kuppen To clean up or not to clean up? EU accessions countries and the EU soil clean-up policy. September 2002.

Supervisor: Hans Bruyninckx, 65 pp.

194. Wiebe Bakker Waterschappen en het diffuse bronnenbeleid. Een beleidsveldanalyse en uitvoeringsevaluatie van het Nederlandse diffuse bronnenbeleid. October. 2002.

Supervisor: Hans Bruyninckx, 64 pp (+ bijlagen)

195. Jochem Alink The role of developing countries in addressing global climate change. May 2002.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen/Magnus Andersson, 44 pp.

196. Selva Kumari K. Raman Forest certification in Malaysia: a comparative analysis of Peninsular Malaysia and Sarawak. January 2003.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 68 pp.

197. Aurélie Leplus Biofuel energy from coconut in the Pacific Island. The Lory cooperative pilot project. January 2003.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 73 pp.

198. Teguh Kurniawan Sustainable city management in Indonesia: indicators for developing sustainable city policies by municipality governments in Indonesia. A case study from municipalities of Depok, Bogor, and Bandung. January 2003.

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren, 121 pp.

199. Janeth Elinafika Msuya Management of wastes from healthcare facilities: the case of Dar Es Salaam City. January 2003.

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren, 106 pp.

200. Dénes Somogyi ISO 14001 Environmental management system in agriculture: the case of the Hód Mezögazda Rt., Hungary. January 2003.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 104 pp.

201. Liu Ying Cleaner production promotion law of China. January 2003.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 60 pp.

202. Mohammad Hafiz The role of regional cooperation in transfer of environmentally sound technology (EST); Case study: renewable energy in ASEAN Energy Network. January 2003.

Supervisor: Arthur Mol, 86 pp.

203. Romain Desbonnets The place and the role of public private partnerships in the solid wastes management of small developing islands, the case study of Reunion Island, France. January 2003.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 125 pp.

204. Violeta Dragu The use of EIA in Romania's changing environmental policy making context: from formal tool to strategic instrument? January 2003

Supervisor: Hans Bruyninckx, 122 pp.

205. Patricia Susanna Integrated approach in housing design reducing energy consumption in Dutch housing. January 2003.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 73 pp.

206. Linda Yanti Sulistiawati Role of ENGO's in nitrate conflict management. January 2003.

Supervisor: Susan Martens, 85 pp.

207. Iulia Carmen Ciobotici Greening the tourism industry: case study of Slanic Moldova Resort, Romania. January 2003.

Supervisor: Peter Ho, 106 pp.

208. Priscila Borin de Oliveira Claro – The sustainability of the Brazilian organic coffee growers and processing plants – A case study in developing sustainability indicators. January 2003.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 93 pp.

209. Marian van den Elzen Milieuzorgsystemen bij Nederlandse gemeenten – Casestudie Nieuwegein. January 2003.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 150 pp.

210. Billy Perkasa Kadar Corporate social responsibilities criteria for constructing sustainable investment portfolios – The case of publishing companies. January 2003.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 90 pp.

211. Adriana Maritza Triana Sustainability in the Cocoa Chain – Identification of the relevant aspects, stakeholders perspectives and potential sustainability indicators for the cocoa chain. January 2003.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 90 pp.

212. Anne Janssen Tussen waterkracht en overheidsmacht. Evaluatie van het energiebeleid van Suriname. March 2003.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 138 pp.

213. Anne Janssen A heated business? The influence of industry on climate change policy. March 2003.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 59 pp.

214. Stefanie van der Wee Milieu in de kleine industrie in Suriname. March 2003.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 85 pp.

215. Yishi Han Policy reform for local participation in nature reserve management: The case of Hainan Province, China. December 2002.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 73 pp.

216. Aysan Çelik-Özbek Product-oriented environmental management systems at small and medium sized-companies in the Netherlands. January 2003.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 55 pp.

217. Lenka Irova The biosphere reserve as a concept of nature conservation and sustainable development. Case study: the Tatry Biosphere Reserve, Slovakia. March 2003.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 110 pp.

218. Xavier Collet Cleaner production in the Indonesian food sector: promotion effectiveness, opportunity potential and performance benchmarking. March 2003.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 110 pp.

219. Jing Yu Research on the construction process of Chinese building industry toward sustainable development. April 2003.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 65 pp.

220. Mark van Kruining Ondermijnt Suriname haar eigen toekomst? Grootschalige mijnbouw & milieubeleid in Suriname. April 2003.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 94 pp.

221. Gerie Jonk & Lenny Putman What’s in my backyard? The activities of local communities in Novgorod region, Russia to reduce industrial environmental risks. May 2003.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 107 pp.

222. Alinoor Hassan Industrial environmental management and Unilever Arabia: Binzagr Lever under review. May 2003.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 85 pp.

223. Vanesa Castán Broto Sobrarbe and Aragón: contested water policies in Spain. June 2003.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 140 pp.

224. Anna Maciejewska Regulatory framework of renewable energy sources in Poland; with attention to hydro electric power. April 2003.

Supervisor: Hans Bruyninckx, 100 pp.

225. Petra de Hollander Living in change. Property rights to forest products in two Tibetan villages in NW-Yunnan, China. August 2003.

Supervisor: Peter Ho & F. Wiersum, 95 pp.

226. Evelien van Doorn Bedrijfsinterne milieucommunicatie. Modelontwikkeling over het gebruik van milieuprestatie-indicatoren voor bedrijfsinterne milieucommunicatie. August 2003.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 94 pp.

227. Saskia Böttcher Rijstteelt en milieu in Suriname. De totstandkoming van teeltmethoden door rijsttelers en de mogelijkheden voor milieumaatregelen. August 2003.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 155 pp.

228. Edwin Cornelissen Privatisation of waste collection and disposal in Great Paramaribo, Suriname, a wasted effort? November 2003.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 83 pp.

229. Shang Hongbo The tactics and strategies used by collective pollution victims to defend their rights and interests in industrial pollution conflicts in China. January 2004.

Supervisor: Susan Martens, 75 pp.

230. Monica Obiols Thailand’s tropical fruit exports: Adapting to international market standards. January 2004.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 71 pp.

231. Walter V. Castro Aponte Lessons learned from ISO 14001 implementation by local governments: pioneer cases in the Valencian community, Spain. February 2004.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 85 pp.

232. Nguyên Thành Yên Bio-waste reuse program: The contribution of a positioning campaign. The case of Hanoi, Vietnam. February 2004.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 187 pp.

233. Natalia Valencia Cobo Promotion of environmental sustainability through cleaner production, a strategy for industries in Graz, Austria. February 2004.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 92 pp.

234. Olga Dvorkova Ukrainian wheat – production, trade, potential. February 2004.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 78 pp.

235. Jyniang Zhang Analysing and evaluating water quality management policy. A case study of Guangzhou City, China. February 2004.

Supervisor: Peter Ho, 73 pp.

236. Patricia Henao Saavedra Environmental and social governance of flower horticulture in Colombia. Between the global and the local. February 2004.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 95 pp.

237. Claudia Patricia Pabón Pereira Characterization and optimization of small scale farming systems for organic residues recovery and sustainable management. The case of Sunchochumo Community in Preuvian Andes. February 2004.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 150 pp.

238. Alexandra Lermen EMAS and ISO 14001 – Comparing the cases of Germany and the Netherlands. January 2004.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 50 pp.

239. Fan Yue Environmental management for the sustainable development of the coal-fired power industry in China. February 2004.

Supervisor: Peter Ho, 62 pp.

240. Enrique Díaz González Ecotourism as a means for community-based sustainable development. La Cangreja National Park case study – Costa Rica. February 2004.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 87 pp.

241. Xavier Avoine Menace sur le systeme de gestion de léau potable Français? Etude de l’influence des consommateurs domestiques. February 2004.

Supervisor: Hans Bruyninckx, 106 pp.

242. Mesfin Gebremedhin A study of land degradation and related policy measures in Ethiopia: The case of Amhara Region. April 2004.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 70 pp.

243. Salwa El Sadik Mergani Cleaner production: a pollution prevention approach for efficient use of water. The case of Friendship Textile Company. April 2004.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 56 pp.

244. Jingsong Li Environmental improvement in Chinese cafeterias. A case of China Agricultural University. April 2004.

Supervisor: Susan Martens, 82 pp.

245. Martin Brouwer Continue verbetering in ISO 14001: Meten of vergeten? April 2004.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 87 pp.

246. Jasper Zandbergen De milieuwinst van milieuzorg bij gemeenten. June 2004.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 92 pp.

247. Constandinos Dritsas Continuous improvement in the operational processes of a company, according to the ISO 14001 standard. June 2004.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 69 pp.

248. Ronald van den Dungen Ecologische fundering van het beleidsstreven naar grote aaneengesloten gebieden. June 2004.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 62 pp.

249. Lenny Putman The effect of EU institutional transformations on the EU role in the ozone regime. July 2004.

Supervisor: Tuur Mol, 143 pp.

250. Stefanie Grether The energy saving potential of the existing housing stock in Germany and its policy implications. August 2004.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 118 pp.

251. Frank Wagemans The position of Russian environmental NGOs and the effects of international co-operation. August 2004.

Supervisor: Hans Bruyninckx, 76 pp.

252. Jochem van Westerop Duurzaamheidindicatoren als onderdeel van het provinciaal duurzaamheidbeleid. August 2004.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 69 pp.

253. Elizabeth Sargant Fibroned vs bezorgde bewoners: aspecten van het besluitvormingsproces rond de milieuvergunningverlening. September 2004.

Supervisor: Hans Bruyninckx, 142 pp.

254. Gretha Brakel Besturen in een risicomaatschappij: een ramp? September 2004.

Supervisor: Sander van den Burg & Gert Spaargaren, 100 pp.

255. Kanang Kantamaturapoj Food safety and environmental management system in Thai food industries. December 2003.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 72 pp.

256. Alexandra Tessier Solid waste reuse in urban agriculture. Case study of Ouagadougou City in Burkina Faso. February 2004.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet & Hans Bruyninckx, 93 pp.

257. Amiel Greener Privatization of the electricity sector in Israel: an environmental discourse analysis. April 2004.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 122 pp.

258. Anke Jellema Vet Cool, die ruige natuur! Een verkennend onderzoek naar de natuurbeleving van kinderen in de ruige natuur van het Ruigeplaatbos in Hoogvliet. Augustus 2004.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 96 pp.

259. Jordi Vera Cartas Stakeholder participation in Mexican water policy. January 2005.

Supervisor: Arthur Mol, 116 pp.

260. Annelies Hommersom An examination of national and international NGOs, working in the field of environmental protection and management in Chile.

Supervisor: Susan Martens, 67 pp.

261. Jaap Willems Don’t waste it! A socio-technical analysis of the Dutch organic waste processing. January 2005.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 79 pp.

262. Li Junhui The position of Chinese newspapers in the framing of environmental issues. February 2005.

Supervisor: Susan Martens, 114 pp.

263. Aretha Aprilia Analysis of sustainable food in Bangkok, Thailand: production, consumption, and communication. February 2005.

Supervisors: Peter Oosterveer & Gert Spaargaren, 99 pp.

264. Pham Thi Hong Quyen Policy instruments to enhance compost production from urban solid waste in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. February 2005.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 72 pp.

265. Nguyen Thanh Lam Privatisation of municipal solid waste collection system in HoChiMinh City – Vietnam. March 2005.

Supervisor: Arthur Mol, 81 pp.

266. Luis F. Ferreira Espiridiã de Sousa Integration of Management systems - Teka Portuguesa. April 2005.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 107 pp.

267. Felix Addo-Okyireh Environmental and social sustainability of housing delivery in urban cities of Ghana. March, 2005.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 76 pp.

268. Lukupulo Cosmas Exploring the potentials for improvements of urban wastewater management in city of Lusaka-Zambia. March 2005.

Supervisors: Joost van Buuren & Gert Spaargaren, 96 pp.

269. Mai Trung Dinh Environmental policies evaluation of frozen seafood – processing industry in HCMC, Vietnam. March 2005.

Supervisor: Arthur Mol, 50 pp.

270. Luis Oscar Gamarra Tong Citizen-consumers as change-agents within Madrid water management system. April 2005.

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren, 84 pp.

271. Kossara Bozhilova-Kisheva Indicators for sustainable development at local level in the Czech Republic. April 2005.

Supervisor: Hans Bruyninckx, 123 pp.

272. Nanu Rajbhandari & Yanming Ren Potential of participatory nature reserve management in Hainan, China. April 2005.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 120 pp.

273. Hozen Kahesi Mayaya The implications of changing nature conservation approaches to nature preservation and local livelihoods at Arusha National Park, Tanzania. April 2005.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 127 pp.

274. Premila D. Kumar The environmental effects of trade agreements: the case of the sugar protocol of the Lomé Convention and Fiji’s sugar industry, Fiji Islands. January 2003.

Supervisors: Hans Bruyninckx and Arthur Mol, 163 pp.

275. Ingrid Coninx The Hydrogen Economy. An analysis of the policy of a transition to a hydrogen economy. Case study of Iceland. June 2005.

Supervisor: Hans Bruyninckx, 117 pp.

276. Kamila Kaluszka The EU agri-environmental programme as a means to support nature protection in rural areas in Poland. June 2005.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 105 pp.

277. Eka Wahyuni The roles of international trade to domestic environmental policies and practices: the case study of textile industry in Indonesia. July 2005.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 107 pp.

278. Marta Pérez de Madrid Utrilla Greening fish meal and fish oil industries in El Ferrol Bay, Chimbote, Perú: Drivers and Restrictions. July 2005.

Supervisors: Arthur Mol & Synara Sánchez Sotomayor, 118 pp.

279. Marion Laurenceau Sustainable food consumption and retailer strategies in France: A matter of Quality? August 2005.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer & Gert Spaargaren, 62 pp. + annexes

280. Haike van de Vegte Photovoltaic Module Standardization in China. An evaluation of the GEF/World Bank assisted China Renewable Energy Development Project. August 2005.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 62 pp.

281. Blanka Dobrkovská An evaluation of the effectiveness of the International Commission for the Elbe River Protection (ICEP) with respect to flood protection. August 2005.

Supervisor: Arthur Mol, 85 pp.

282. Ping Zhong Energy efficiency policies for residential buildings in China and their effectiveness. August 2005.

Supervisor: Arthur Mol, 89 pp.

283. Ne Gao Eco-labels on Chinese cotton textiles as a greening trade strategy. August 2005.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 114 pp.

284. Ilan Benyes Analysis of the Program for Maritime Management (PGEM) as a coral reef conservation tool in Moorea. September 2005.

Supervisor: Hans Bruyninckx, 53 pp.

285. Pham Minh Hai Environmental Monitoring System. The Case of Hanoi. September 2005.

Supervisor: Arthur Mol, 84 pp.

286. Meilani Buitenzorgy Does Democracy Lead to Better Environment? The Case of Environmental Kuznets Curve Relationship between Deforestation and Democracy. Januari 2006.

Supervisor: Arthur Mol, 60 pp.

287. Sanneke Kloppenburg New inequalities in an era of globalisation. Mobilities and in- and exclusions. November 2005.

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren & Arthur Mol, 69 pp.

288. Sander Goes Nuclear safety in Northwest Russia. The effectiveness of the framework agreement between Norway and Russia about the dismantlement of nuclear submarines and enhancement of nuclear safety in Northwest Russia. March 2006.

Supervisor: Hans Bruyninckx, 60 pp.

289. Frank Faber From cattle food to bio-energy. The transition in the Dutch food processing industry to bio-energy. May 2006.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 57 pp.

290. Aleksandra Stachura Factors affecting ISO 14001 certification in Poland. The case of Danfoss SP.z o.o. and Polmo Lomianki S.A. June 2006.

Supervisor: Zhang Lei, 71 pp.

291. Linda Scholten Facilitating the empowerment of community-based groups. Case study: NECMA facilitation of Landcare group empowerment in North East Victoria. June 2006.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 82 pp.

292. Jenneke van Vliet Trans(h)ition? Exploring the actor-networks constituting the arena for a transition in Dutch sanitation. June 2006.

Supervisors: Bas van Vliet and Dries Hegger, 100 pp.

293. Jasmine Osorio-van Wijgerden Citizen involvement in urban development advances in participation? A comparison of development plans in the Netherlands and the United States. June 2006.

Supervisor: Jan van Tatenhove, 139 pp.

294. Mathieu van Rijn Baseline situation research on the social economic situation and the participatory interest for reforestation in A Luoi, Vietnam. Research under the frame of a CDM and social development project. June 2006.

Supervisor: Loes Maas, 65 pp.

295. Ana Saori Iju Fukushima Clean development mechanism and sustainable development in Peru. May 2006.

Supervisor: Simon Bush, 84 pp.

296. Pauline Scheelbeek Urban environmental infrastructure around Lake Victoria: Challenges and opportunities of decentralized sanitation systems for the urban poor. August 2006

Supervisors: Peter Oosterveer, Joost van Buuren, Gert Spaargaren, S. Mgana, 49 pp.

297. Joost Hulsbos Sharing burdens....and decisions? Democratic performance of Dutch policy networks around onshore and offshore wind farms. August 2006.

Supervisors: Jan van Tatenhove and Judith van Leeuwen, 79 pp.

298. J.J.A. Trumpie The social (non-)reality of climate change. En exploratory study on people’s perceptions of climate change in two valleys in Tyrol, Austria. August 2006.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 71 pp.

299. Juan Carlos Parreño de la Torre The clean development mechanism, an analysis of the implementation in Ecuador. August 2006.

Supervisor: Jan van Tatenhove, 113 pp.

300. Jaap Evers Everybody’s Business is Nobody’s Business. A study on the use of wastewater in (peri-)urban irrigated agriculture in Hanoi, Vietnam. August 2006.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet and Frans Huibers, 127 pp.

301. Maria Teresa Etayo Lucas Critical Factors to meet Local Participation in Sustainable Tourism. The European Charter for Sustainable Tourism implementation in the Zona Volcánica de la Garrotxa Natural Park (Spain). August 2005.

Supervisors: Kris van Koppen & Jan Philipsen, 120 pp.

302. Vasileios Tsifoutis The IPPC Directive in Greece. A cement industry case study.

June 2006.

Supervisors: Kris van Koppen & Wim Rulkens, 120 pp.

303. Lucyna Mocka Policy analysis as a tool in integrated assessment of the effects of land clearing and water extraction on wetlands: a case study of the Daly River Catchment in Australia. June 2006.

Supervisor: Rudolf de Groot & Kris van Koppen, 112 pp.

304. Ronald van Buuren Mobiliteit & Milieu: mogelijkheden voor verduurzaming van het verplaatsingsgedrag van burgerconsumenten. August 2006.

Supervisor: Sander van den Burg, 115 pp.

305. Sofie van Langevelde Energy policy for energy-intensive industry. The benchmarking covenant and the EU emissions trading scheme in the Netherlands. November 2006.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 54 pp.

306. Karin Andeweg Central Issues in Decentralised Wetland Management. A comparative case study in Kumi and Mukono district, Uganda. November 2006.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 97 pp.

307. Aafke Verbeek “Met een djellaba aan kan je niet fietsen...” Een verkennend onderzoek naar de verklarende factoren voor de mate van fietsgebruik onder Marokkanen in Amsterdam. January 2007.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet & Jorrit Nijhuis, 97 pp.

308. Li Ying Legislation on Circular Economy in China. January 2007.

Supervisor: Arthur Mol, 80 pp.

309. Ho Thi Thanh Hien Network building for plastic waste recycling management system in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. January 2007.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 101 pp.

310. Hermes Panagiotopoulos The role of environmental NGOs and their interference in European directives and in Hellenic environmental legislation. February 2007.

Supervisor: Jan van Tatenhove, 115 pp.

311. Ednah Zvinavashe Was(E)nergy. The role of bioenergy niches towards sustainable energy in the Netherlands.February 2007.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 64 pp.

312. Sabine Geneste Connecting Systems. Bicycle parking and embarking equipment as technological tools for facilitating connections between cycling and public transport systems in France. March 2007.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet & Jorrit Nijhuis, 82 pp.

313. Amandine Soury Sacred forests: a sustainable conservation strategy? The case of sacred forests in the Ouémé Vally, Benin. March 2007.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 141 pp.

314. Cecile Custers Natuur- en milieu-educatie op basisscholen. July 2005.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 121 pp.

315. Jan Boonman De invloed van de IPPC Richtlijn en BAT op milieu-innovatie. Maart 2007.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 52 pp.

316. Anton Rottier Milieuconvenanten. August, 2006.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 69 pp.

317. Marie Foyer Environmental continuous improvement management through organizational learning: the case study of a food-processing company in France. March 2007.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 77 pp.

318. Yukun Zhang Evaluation of Chinese renewable energy policy: a case of rural biogas digesters construction in Yanchi County, Ningxia, China. April 2007.

Supervisor: Lei Zhang, 77 pp.

319. Dzintra Ailte The waste road in Latvia. Evaluation of sustainability of municipal waste management system in Latvia. April 2007.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 66 pp.

320. Marie-Dorothée Paris Management systems and organizational learning: tools for environmental change? Case study of a medium-sized bread manufacturing company in France. April 2007.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 52 pp.

321. Irna Hofman Agrarian Reform…The pathway to sustainability? The case of Urta, Yukori and Quyi Chirchik. April 2007.

Supervisor: Arthur Mol, 116 pp.

322. Li Xiangbin Environmental flows and the governance of ship scrapping industry. April 2007.

Supervisors: Judith van Leeuwen & Lei Zhang, 105 pp.

323. Yunjie Xiong Partnership model for ship breaking. The motivation, stakeholder’s role and successfulness aspects of the Maersk-Changjiang partnership. May 2007.

Supervisors: Judith van Leeuwen & Lei Zhang, 60 pp.

324. Ruth Mubeezi Decentralization of Environmental Health Services in Uganda. A case study of Mpigi and Mukono Districts. May 2007.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 85 pp.

325. Romana Gaspirc Water discourses and the implications on the rehabilitation of the Jordan River. June 2007.

Supervisor: Arthur Mol, 115 pp.

326. Thotsawan Champasri The village based SMEs in Northern Thailand: Food and beverage processing industry. May 2007.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 109 pp.

327. Katarzyna Motyka The Eururalis is approaching, what do we do? Policy-Science Interface in Rural Development Practice in Poland. June 2007.

Supervisor: Jan van Tatenhove, 110 pp.

328. Tamas Griff Negotiating process about the new chemicals policy, REACH: a comparative study in the Netherlands and Hungary. July 2007.

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren, 37 pp.

329. Rafianti Institutional and policy enhancement of bio waste re-use chain management in Cimahi, West Java, Indonesia. July 2007.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 137 pp.

330. James Cleophace Sano Urban environmental infrastructure in Kigali City Rwanda. Challenges and opportunities for modernised decentralised sanitation systems in poor neighbourhoods. August 2007.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 113 pp.

331. Erika Ustailieva Cooperation of stakeholders at national and international level for the implementation and enforcement of EU waste shipment regulation in Bulgaria. August 2007.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 73 pp.

332. Katarzyna Slodczyk The role of the European green party in shaping the climate policy of the European Union in the context of governance shift. August 2007.

Supervisor: Aarti Gupta, 60 pp.

333. Elvira Kanarova Water right: who has the right? A case study of the water right procedure in Autonomous Republic of Crimea (Ukraine). August 2007.

Supervisor: Jan van Tatenhove, 71 pp.

334. Daria Alexandrovna Repina The environmental reporting in the natural gas industry. Corporate social responsibility concept application. The examples of Dutch Royal Shell, Nexen Incorporated and Gazprom. August 2007.

Supervisors: Jan van Tatenhove & Ab van Eldijk, 85 pp.

335. Sigrid Soomlais Implementation of water framework directive. Estonian case study on possible implications in engaging the monitoring requirements. August 2007.

Supervisor: Jan van Tatenhove, 63 pp.

336. Bryce Hesterman Management of transitions towards sustainable technologies: a case study of biofuels in the Netherlands and Germany. August 2007.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 110 pp.

337. Pradita Shakya Benchmarking industrial transformation with ISO14001 in East and Southeast Asia. October 2007.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 88 pp.

338. Ibrahim Shouk Social-technical evaluation of sanitary projects in Bangladesh: Investigating WaterAid and Partners Organizations project. October 2007.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 114 pp.

339. Syede Sajeda Haider Effectiveness of public-private partnership in addressing groundwater arsenic contamination in Bangladesh. February 2008.

Supervisor: Aarti Gupta, 101 pp.

340. Michal Tvrdoň The influence of foreign actors on the environmental policy in Slovakia. July 2007.

Supervisor: Jan van Tatenhove, 81 pp.

341. Milan Ivanković Analyzing problem framing in regime creation by discourse analysis method: the case of Access and Benefit-Sharing of genetic resources (ABS) under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). February 2008.

Supervisor: Aarti Gupta, 110 pp.

342. Yiyi Zheng Project EIAs in Tangshan City – People’s Republic China. March 2008.

Supervisor: Lei Zhang, 49 pp.

343. Anastasia Fedorenkova EU’s role in international environmental politics, does it help?

Interplay between IMO an EU Oil Pollution Regimes. March 2008.

Supervisor: Judith van Leeuwen and Aarti Gupta, 105 pp.

344. Qiao Ming Greening aquatic products (aquiculture) in Shandong Province of China. April 2008.

Supervisor: Arthur Mol, 84 pp.

345. Hans Lenders Self-regulation in the European chemical industry. Responsible care in a case study of the plasticizer Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP). April 2008.

Supervisor: Aarti Gupta, 111 pp.

346. Ciprian Popovici Socio-ecological networks – a theoretical approach towards the interplay between the socio-economic and nature conservation objectives. The case-study of the Romanian Carpathian ecological networks. August 2007.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, Irene Bouwma, 92 pp.

347. Ekaterine Kakabadze Integrating public participation in the management planning of the Ktsia-Tabatskuri managed reserve. August 2007.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 55 pp.

348. Frens Damen SMEs and the environment in Romania. A study on printing companies in Bucharest. August 2007.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 72 pp.

349. Bryce Hesterman Management of transitions towards sustainable technologies: a case study of biofuels in the Netherlands and Germany. August 2007.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 112 pp.

350. Jelena Ilić “Imagined Realities” – between mythical and mystical in the tropical landscapes in the Highlands of Eastern Madagascar. September 2007.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 113 pp.

351. Do Nguyen Anh Thu Towards sustainable strategy for road developments in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta floodplain. May 2008.

Supervisors: Bas van Vliet & Wi. Douven, 117 pp.

352. Ana Seke Influence of institutional interplay in developing and implementing adaptation policy to climate change: case study – energy sector in the Republic of Serbia. June 2008.

Supervisor: Aarti Gupta, 69 pp.

353. Gabriela Istudor Policy and governance of the genetically modified organisms in Romania. February 2008.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 149 pp.

354. Diana Holubova The role of pregnancy and pregnant women in changing food consumption practices. May 2008.

Supervisor: Sander van den Burg/Elizabeth Sargant, 71 pp.

355. Jiawei Wu Legislation for environmental information disclosure in China. May 2008.

Supervisor: Sander van den Burg, 79 pp.

356. Khalda Ali Elsafi Involvement of actors in the decision-making process of irrigation water management. The Gezira Scheme, Sudan. June 2008.

Supervisor: Jan van Tatenhove, 85 pp.

357. Yingchun Liu Effects of the clean development mechanisms (CDM) in China. A case study of the CDM performance in wind project development. June 2008.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 77 pp.

358. Damas Augustine Masologo Linking organic solid waste management and urban and peri-urban agriculture, a case of Mwanza City, Tanzania. April 2008.

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren, 74 pp.

359. Dorien Korbee Greening food provisioning: sustainability strategies of Dutch supermarkets as communicated through the physical characteristics of the retail-outlets. April 2008.

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren, 76 pp.

360. Anna Maria Simon Analysis of activities of community based organizations involved in solid waste management, investigating modernized mixtures approach. The case of Knondoni Municipality, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. May 2008.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer & Gert Spaargaren, 83 pp.

361. Vendula Rajdlová Exploring the technical and social potential of composting schemes in Dar es Salaam as part of the modernized mixtures. May 2008.

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren & S. Mgana, 71 pp.

362. Zsuzsa Ulveczky How an environmental pollution phenomenon can turn into an environmental policy issue. August 2008.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 90 pp.

363. Viktória Dezsö The role of local and regional public authorities in the implementation and participation in the framework of the WEEE Directive. August 2008.

Supervisor: Jan van Tatenhove, 80 pp.

364. Idsert Jelsma Translation of green neoliberalist ideology into the local context: the case of jatropha developments in the Lao PDR. August 2008.

Supervisor: Simon Bush, 67 pp.

365. Ana Carolina Lemarie Virtualism and governance of the farmed shrimp global commodity network in Ecuador. August 2008.

Supervisor: Simon Bush, 96 pp.

366. Chunjie Liu The effectiveness of countryside clean-up project in Hunan province, China. August 2008.

Supervisor: Zhang Lei, 61 pp.

367. Eliska Lorencová Exploring the organizational institutional capacity of the carbon sequestration projects in South Africa: a comparison between Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and voluntary carbon offset schemes; case study of the Subtropical Thicket restoration in Baviaanskloof, the Eastern Cape. August 2008.

Supervisor: Simon Bush, 101 pp.

368. Nicolette Meerstadt Deepening democracy in nature conservation. Linking community-based conservation and empowered participatory governance in the case of Monte Alto in Hojancha, Costa Rica. April 2008.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 88 pp.

369. Frédéric Linardon Understanding the rural development network. Social capital and the purposeful construction of an institution-actor-network system. May 2008.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 87 pp.

370. Jaime Modonese Valderrama Socio-economic and institutional barriers to ecotourism implementation. A case study in the Peruvian tropical rainforest. July 2008.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 50 pp.

371. Eleni Tesfaye Aberha Continued use of soil and water conservation practices: a case study in Tulla District, Ethiopia. August 2008.

Supervisor: Wander van der Vaart, 57 pp.

372. Sunny Morrison The effectiveness of EIA and CSR as governance tools in reconciling competing claims for development in a rural setting: the case of the Wild Coast, South Africa. August 2008.

Supervisors: Peter Oosterveer and Simon Bush, 102 pp.

373. Dave Dirks Ganzenopvang in Friesland. Perceptie van boeren over deelname aan de Subsidieregeling Agrarisch Natuurbeheer voor ganzenopvang. June 2008.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 133 pp.

374. Alexey Pristupa Political modernisation or recession? Agro-environmental policies combating soil degradation in Russia. The case study of two regions Omsk and Stavropol. September 2008.

Supervisor: Arthur Mol, Peter Oosterveer & Viktor F. Stukach, 75 pp.

375. Marie Paz C. De Leon Innovation on sugarcane production in Negros Occidental for the 5-10% ethanol blend. January 2008.

Supervisor: Simon Bush, 83 pp.

376. Joni Adiansyah The evaluation of climate change regime, clean development mechanism, in Indonesia. December 2008.

Supervisor: Aarti Gupta, 92 pp.

377. Haider Ali Javed Investigating the institutional arrangements required to implement payment for environmental services (PES): a case study in Baviaanskloof Watershed, South Africa. January 2009.

Supervisor: Simon Bush, 112 pp.

378. Mattijs Smits Neglected decentralized rural electricity production in the Lao PDR. A technography of pico-hydropower analyzed in a political ecology framework. August 2008.

Supervisor: Paul Richards & Simon Bush, 112 pp.

379. Jiska de Groot Entrepreneurial Marine Protected Areas established by the Dive Tourism Industry. March 2008.

Supervisor: Simon Bush, 121 pp.

380. Anita Slomiana “The greening of the university”. Sustainable procurement of

Szymon Lasocki catering and computers. The case of Wageningen University and Radboud University Nijmegen. September 2008.

Supervisor: Sander van den Burg, 94 pp.

381. Cathelijne Melissen Verbouwen op vertrouwen. Casus de Zeeuwse Tong. Een analyse naar de invloed van draagvlak en vertrouwen bij de implementatie van aquacultuur op land in Zeeland. Oktober 2008.

Supervisor: Jan vanTatenhove, 88 pp.

382. Simona Duchácková Green consumption in the Czech Republic: role of public and private actors in providing sustainable consumption choices. November 2008.

Supervisor: Jan van Tatenhove, 110 pp.

383. Lucas Vrijdag Social practices and opportunities for resource oriented sanitation systems in the Central Division of Kampala, Uganda. January 2009.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 88 pp.

384. Zou Guoyi Comparison of solar PV consumption markets and policies in China and the Netherlands. February 2009.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 75 pp.

385. Murtiti Setiasih Muharamiah Tidal flood management Jakarta – Indonesia. February 2009.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 84 pp.

386. Sárka Antosová Label as a mean to promote the region of the White Carpathians and the vision of sustainable development in this region. March 2009.

Supervisors: Michiel de Krom & Peter Oosterveer, 81 pp.

387. Vincent Ngirinshuti Alternative urban environmental provisions: the case of organic solid waste management in Kigali City, Rwanda. March 2009.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 90 pp.

388. Emília Leonor Dique Fumo Mozambican criteria for sustainable ethanol production: identification, assessment and stakeholders support. March 2009.

Supervisors: Arthur Mol & Sarah Stattman, 97 pp.

389. Yuxuan Li Environmental management system of Farmer Cooperatives in Luochuan County, China. August 2009.

Supervisor: Zhang Lei, 65 pp.

390. Anouk van Grinsven Towards a sustainable biofuel trade; an analysis of trade barriers and WTO-consistency of certification schemes for biofuels as currently being developed in the EU. August 2009.

Supervisors: Arthur Mol & Peter Oosterveer, 73 pp.

391. Esther de Wit De maatschappelijke rol van milieuorganisaties bij het reduceren van het directe en indirecte energiegebruik van burgers. January 2009.

Supervisors: Sander van den Burg, Lenny Putman & Bas van Vliet, 68 pp.

392. Nicole Heerkens Stimuleren door communiceren. Stakeholder-interactie rondom duurzaam inkopen als instrument om duurzaam ondernemen binnen het MKB te stimuleren. August 2009.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 66 pp.

393. Judith Floor Ontpolderen langs de Westerschelde. Invloed van lokale en regionale actoren en legitimiteitsproblemen in het beleidsproces (2005-2009). June 2009.

Supervisor: Jan van Tatenhove, 170 pp.

394. Marjanneke Vijge A World/United Nations Environment Organisation? An explanation of the non-decisions on the reform of the international environmental governance system. August 2009.

Supervisor: Aarti Gupta, 191 pp.

395. Vivi Andriani Transition in Electricity Sector Related to Renewable Energy Technologies (RETs) Application in Indonesia. August 2009.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 86 pp.

396. Suzanne Riezebos Understanding the goal of socio-economic development in Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park. Problems with community participation and ecotourism from an institutional perspective. August 2009.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 131 pp.

397. Jos van der Ent Scaling up successful green sanitation pilot projects: the case of Sneek I & II. September 2009.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 46 pp.

398. Marjolein Duijf The effect of international quality standards on small-scale Vietnamese Pangasius farmers. November 2009.

Supervisor: Simon Bush/Justus Wesseler, 90 pp.

399. Cornelia Carmen Lungu Joint implementation as an innovative mechanism of global climate governance: a case study of Romania. December 2009.\

Supervisor: Aarti Gupta, 85 pp.

400. Jozé Mentink Opportunities for greening medicine use. January 2010.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 26 pp.

401. William Chung A political analysis of the environmental impact assessment in Taiwan: a case study of the Tseng-Wen Reservoir Transbasin Diversion Project. March 2010.

Supervisor: Aarti Gupta, 120 pp.

402. Femke Batterink The role of mainstream clothing retailers in stimulating sustainable consumption patterns. February 2010.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 107 pp.

403. Eira Carballo Cárdenas Towards policy coherence for fish stock conservation in the EU and beyond? An assessment of the Common Fisheries Policy and the EU-Pacific tuna relations domain. March 2010.

Supervisors: Judith van Leeuwen & Peter Oosterveer, 104 pp.

404. Hannes Hotz Local-scale vulnerability and adaptive capacity to climate variability and change: a case study from Northern Central Namibia. April 2010.

Supervisors: Simon Bush & Todd Crane, 88 pp.

405. Stefanie Blum Implementing the Plastic Hero. The implementation of the new household plastic waste collection system in the Netherlands under the perspective of the Strategic Niche Management and the Social Practices Model. June 2010.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 75 pp.

406. Aschalew Assefa Haile Corporate social responsibility & biofuel production in Ethiopia: five company cases. June 2010.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 83 pp.

407. Julia Hidalgo Casanueva Energy-wise scan of Rotterdam. A study of domestic energy consumption according to socio and urban variables. June 2010.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 75 pp.

408. Mariska Bottema Ecological modernization of marine conservation. A case study of two entrepreneurial marine protected areas in Indonesia. July 2010.

Supervisor: Simon Bush, 116 pp.

409. Joost Lommen Kringen rondom fosfaat. Een socio-technische analyse van het Nederlandse actor-netwerk rondom fosfaatterugwinning uit afvalwater en hergebruik in de fosfaatindustrie. August 2010.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 143 pp.

410. Joeri Naus The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). An analysis of the state of play in Uganda. August 2010.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 113 pp.

411. Akkeliene Postema Dutch consumer interest towards climate labels on food products. August 2010.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 91 pp.

412. Lindsey Wuisan Greening International Shipping through Private Governance. A case study of the Clean Shipping Project. August 2010.

Supervisors: Kris van Koppen & Judith van Leeuwen, 107 pp.

413. Linde Van Bets Towards Marine Protected Areas in the Netherlands. August 2010.

Supervisors: Judith van Leeuwen & David Goldsborough, 94 pp.

414. Patricia Bianchi Trade offs between credibility and accessibility in the Marine Stewardship Council. August 2010.

Supervisors: Simon Bush & Peter Oosterveer, 76 pp.

415. Darrell Huffman Consumers and carbon labeling in the food sector – a lifestyle perspective. August 2010.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 93 pp.

416. Chia-Ying Lin Diffusion Patterns of Sustainable Technology Innovations. Constructed Wetlands and Organic Farming in Taiwan. October 2010.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 102 pp.

417. Farakka Sari Maqom Sustainability and the Governance System of the Oil Palm Plantation Industry in Indonesia. October 2010.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 84 pp.

418. Nawang Sherpa Clean Development Mechanism Projects in Developing countries: a case study of Nepal. December 2010.

Supervisor: Aarti Gupta, 171 pp.

419. Mascha Rasenberg Samen werken aan een duurzame visserij. Case studie: subsidieregeling ‘ Certificering in de visketen’. Januari 2011.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer & Birgit de Vos, 57 pp.

420. Bart Nevels Theorie in de praktijk. Een sociologische verkenning naar de rol van wetenschappelijk onderzoek in de praktijk van Natuur- en milieueducatie in Nederland. September 2010.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 76 pp.

421. Elisabeth Herbeck Building public awareness for biodiversity. A comparison between Austria and The Netherlands. January 2011.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 61 pp.

422. Tomas Rehacek The Impacts of Water Diversions and Cooperation in Water Agreements in the Klamath Basin. February 2011.

Supervisor: Simon Bush, 146 pp.

423. Koen Joosten Linking climate change and agriculture: Framing a ‘new’ problem in an international bureaucracy. The case of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). March 2011.

Supervisor: Aarti Gupta, 99 pp.

424. Liset Meddens Local Government and Global NGO in a struggle to protect the jungle. A case study of ‘Conservation International’ and the Central Suriname Nature Reserve. April 2011.

Supervisor: Arthur Mol, 85 pp.

425. Weiyi Xu International Governance of Renewable Energy. Its development pathway, and decision-making dynamics. May 2011.

Supervisor: Aarti Gupta, 98 pp.

426. Senna Middelveld Dag- en nachtvlinderbescherming: een oriëntatie van argumenten op verschillende niveaus. May 2011.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 140 pp.

427. Petra Rietberg Clearing land, obscuring rights: seeking benefits and claiming property in a process of oil palm plantation expansion in West-Kalimantan, Indonesia. May 2011.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer/Otto Hospes, 91 pp.

428. Inés de Águeda Corneloup Small Island Developing Countries in Climate Negotiations. Position and Strategies to influence the 2009 Copenhagen Summit. May 2011.

Supervisor: Arthur Mol, 130 pp.

429. Richard Engels Framing Water. Narratives and Innovations in Dutch Drinking Water companies. July 2011.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 85 pp.

430. María Carolina Hernández The Governance of Environmental Risks in Offshore Petroleum Activities: the comparison between the cases of Barents Sea and Western Australia. July 2011.

Supervisors: Judith van Leeuwen/Jan van Tatenhove, 95 pp.

431. Ruvimbo Teclar Sagonda Linking Actors and Policies in Evaluating the Contribution of Biofuel Initiatives Towards Food Security and Employment. April 2011.

Supervisors: Peter Oosterveer/Maja Slingerland, 73 pp.

432. Obinna Okafor Environmental Laws and Factors Affecting them in Nigeria: Case Study of Gas Flaring Laws in Niger Delta. July 2011.

Supervisor: Aarti Gupta, 86 pp.

433. Tanja Huizer Kust van Voorne. Van autostrand tot duurzaamste kust van Nederland. July 2011.

Supervisors: Jan van Tatenhove/Dorien Korbee, 118 pp.

434. Svongwa Nemadire A road from municipal wastewater to ‘golden ponds’ in South Africa; perspectives from a Strategic Niche Management framework. August 2011.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 125 pp.

435. Adéla Petráková Urban Sustainability. Importance and development of urban green space in Prague. August 2011.

Supervisors: Kristine Kern/Bas van Vliet, 110 pp.

436. Muriel Denayer The transition Towards a Smart Grids Society in the Netherlands. An analysis of the Current Development and Scenarios for the Future. August 2011.

Supervisor; Bas van Vliet, 149 pp.

437. Mariana Rojas-Laserna Entrepreneurialism in Marine Protected Areas governance. The case of Chumbe Island Coral Park in Zanzibar, Tanzania. August 2011.

Supervisor: Simon Bush, 107 pp.

438. Rimante Rusaite The unbundling of generation and supply in the electricity industry: Lithuanian case employing the Netherlands as a functional example. September 2011.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 77 pp.

439. Manuela Helmecke The gap between formal water supply (for multiple water uses) and local realities in peri-urban settings in Ethekwini, South Africa). August 2011.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 95 pp.

440. Dessu Dulla Gashe The reimbursements of REDD as climate policy scheme: resilience to climate change, forest protection, biodiversity conservation and development. August 2011.

Supervisor: Kristine Kern, 89 pp.

441. Gabriëlle Rossing The provision of Fairtrade products in stores of Dutch retailers. August 2011.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 85 pp.

442. Corine Kolfschoten-Van Dijk Consumer response to carbon labelling in a food canteen practice. A study towards the integration of carbon labels within everyday social practices. August 2011.

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren, 114 pp.

443. Sheikh Tum Stakeholder’s impacts on co-management of mangrove forests: a case of Zanzibar. September 2011.

Supervisor: Judith van Leeuwen, 48 pp.

444. Christophe Roche Institutionalizing climate governance through marked based instrument. The case of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in Honduras. October 2011.

Supervisor: Aarti Gupta, 101 pp.

445. Samuel Yaw Lissah Implementing global environmental policy at the local level: analysis of Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) preparedness in Ghana. November 2011.

Supervisor: Aarti Gupta, 87 pp.

446. Wendy Vercruijsse Invasive species policy network. Implementation of invasive species policy in the Mediterranean Sea. November 2011.

Supervisor: Jan van Tatenhove, 128 pp.

447. Olatunbosun Abidemi REDD+ Governance structure in low forested countries: the case of Nigeria. December 2011.

Supervisor: Aarti Gupta, 79 pp.

448. Shiyuan Zhang The Role of Stakeholders in Promoting Outdoor Environmental Education at Primary Schools in Hong Kong. July 2011.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 83 pp.

449. Violeta Paginu Governance of Metals Flows from Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Netherlands. August 2011.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 80 pp.

450. Alejandra Ramirez Rivas A social perspective on renewal energy: crucial factors affecting acceptance and adoption of solar panels in rural communities from Ocotepeque, Honduras C.A. December 2011.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 95 pp.

451. Iris Binken Stakeholder participation in European marine policies and their implementation in the Netherlands: the legitimacy of current practices. December 2011.

Supervisor: Jan van Tatenhove, 96 pp.

452. Kristel Lageweg A Need for Meat? An explorative research amongst flexitarians on the cultural embedding of meat in everyday consumption rituals. January 2012.

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren, 87 pp.

453. Sofie de Groot The Op Kop network: A local multi-actor network for making organizations climate neutral. February 2012.

Supervisor: Kristine Kern, 75 pp.

454. Renske den Exter Climate policy in Dutch municipalities – organisation, policy, implementation and performance -. February 2012.

Supervisor: Kristine Kern, 121 pp.

455. Harm Harmsen Een koeler klimaat voor kennisonderbouwing van gemeentelijk klimaatmitigatiebeleid? Onderzoek naar de onderbouwing van het beleid en de perspectieven en kennisbehoefte van beleidsmakers. February 2012.

Supervisor: Machiel Lamers, 204 pp.

456. Klemen Risto Bizjak Socio-technical developments as a keystone for eco-innovation. February 2012.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 100 pp.

457. Tim van Oerle The EU Ecolabel for tourist accommodation services. Implementation challenges within the Netherlands. March 2012.

Supervisor: Machiel Lamers, 63 pp.

458. Arjen Schaap Motivations and social practices if homeowners with PV panels in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands. May 2012.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 55 pp.

459. Alina Salomon Culture & and Climate Change. Exploring cultural influences on climate change education in the Netherlands and Germany. May 2012.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 86 pp.

460. Inés Muñoz Sánchez Sanitation programs in schools and communities of urban and rural settings in Uganda: what makes them successful? What makes them fail? May 2012.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 145 pp.

461. Ewert Aukes Acceleration in practice. Everyday life in reflexive modernity. June 2012.

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren, 66 pp.

462. Anna Gabrychowicz Ecological modernisation of Dutch decentralised sanitation system. July 2012.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 83 pp.

463. Coco Smits Governance of oil, gas and mining development in Greenland and the Arctic. July 2012.

Supervisor: Jan van Tatenhove, 149 pp.

464. Maria Astrid Kuntjara Local climate governance in Indonesia. A case study of DKI (Special Capital Region) Jakarta. August 2012.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 216 pp.

465. Biswajit Kumar Sarkar Actor-Networks in providing water and sanitation services to the urban poor. Exploring initiatives, challenges, and best approaches for providing basic water and sanitation services to the urban poor in Dhaka city, Bangladesh. August 2012.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 96 pp.

466. Abiy Hailu Sahle Challenges in operationalization of sustainability: the case of Ethiopian flower industry. August 2012.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 36 pp.

467. Evelien Hennekens Biogas as domestic energy solution? Potentials and barriers of the technology August 2012.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 138 pp.

468. Nick Verkade Measuring power. Informational Governance of the Smart Meter and the role of Grid Operators. August 2012.

Supervisor: Joeri Naus, 67 pp.

469. Mai Le Quyen Tourism mobilities and local community involvement. The case of Tam Giang – Cau Hai Lagooon, Thue Thien-Hue, Viet Nam. August 2012.

Supervisor: Machiel Lamers, 78 pp.

470. Maarten Akkerman Climate Change Policies in Front-Runner Cities. August 2012.

Supervisor: Sofie Bouteligier/Kristine Kern, 83 pp.

471. Erwan Sachet Transdisciplinary research for climate adaptation: the case of knowledge production for National Adaptation Strategies (NASs) in France and the Netherlands. August 2012.

Supervisor: Machiel Lamers, 50 pp.

472. Anna-Kaisa Tiemens A road to sustainability: Transition of the domestic waste water chain towards a ‘Cradle to Cradle’ system in Almere, the Netherlands. August 2012.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 100 pp.

473. Anna Nikkerova Corporate Social Responsibility in modern Russia: non-financial reporting and social investments as tools to enhance corporate management efficiency. August 2012.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 136 pp.

474. Bayarmaa Udval Environmental management and compliance to standards of an international mining company in Mongolia: a case study of Oyu Tolgoi LLC, a copper and gold mining company. August 2012.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 75 pp.

475. Anna Line Harnmeijer From command and control to local democracy? A survival analysis approach to community-led renewable energy in Scotland. August 2012.

Supervisors: Bas van Vliet & Ivo van der Lans, 120 pp.

476. Sandra Ofori Public-private partnership in urban water supply: a study of water access in the Accra Metropolitan Area of Ghana. August 2012.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 91 pp.

477. Pieter-Willem Lemmens Explaining evolutions in EU climate policies: an EU ETS case-study. August 2012.

Supervisor: Jan van Tatenhove, 163 pp.

478. Xavier Maurer Sustainability indicator use in Dutch provinces. August 2012.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 62 p.

479. Simon Fischer Framing climate science in India: assessing the role and impact of climate skepticism on climate science and policy. September 2012.

Supervisors: Art Dewulf & Aarti Gupta, 63 pp.

480. Bishowamber Khadka REDD+ and its implication on the tenure arrangements: a case of Nepal. September 2012.

Supervisor: Marjanneke Vijge, 87 pp.

481. Phatra Samerwong Policy framing processes on environmental issue in Thailand: case study of the prohibition the low salinity for fresh water aquaculture. October 2012.

Supervisor: Simon Bush, 108 pp.

482. Ma Theresa J. Allen REDD+ in a multi-level forest governance context: enhancing ‘new conservation’ goals? November 2012.

Supervisors: Aarti Gupta & Sofie Bouteligier, 112 pp.

483. Caecilia Yulita Novia The potential of REDD+ program in changing the existing political ecology: a case study of Berau Forest, East Kalimantan – Indonesia. November 2012.

Supervisors: Aarti Gupta & Sofie Bouteligier, 150 pp.

484. Mandy Doddema On fisheries improvement projects. An analysis of the suitability of fisheries improvement projects for achieving improvements in fisheries. A case study of a fisheries improvement project for the yellow-fin tuna fishery in Lagonoy Gulf, the Philippines. November 2012.

Supervisor: Simon Bush, 73 pp.

485. Evie Vinken Burgerparticipatie in de melkveehouderij. Een case study naar de visie van experts over betrokkenheid van de burger tijdens de ontwikkeling van nieuwe stalsystemen voor melkvee. November 2012.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 59 pp.

486. Athina Koutsouki Towards a sustainable olive-grove sector in Greece?: the implementation of agro-environmental objectives of the CAP regime and the emergence of new initiatives. December 2012.

Supervisors: Art Dewulf & Bas van Vliet, 85 pp.

487. Ilse Hennemann Looking beyond the forest: exploring the significance of alignment between politics and practices in landscape governance. A case study of the corridor in Gunung Halimun Salak National Park in West Java, Indonesia. December 2012.

Supervisors: Peter Oosterveer & Cora van Oosten, 84 pp.

488. Evelien Ranshuysen Beyond collective action and the global value chain: a case study of the different forms of collective action and established conventions within the Acehnese shrimp farming community. January 2013.

Supervisor: Simon Bush, 86.pp

489. Azeb Worku Degife Networks and power games around the construction of the Grand Renaissance Dam in Ethiopia: understanding historical conflicts of Nile water distribution. February 2013.

Supervisor: Jan van Tatenhove, 114 pp.

490. Jonathan Lambregs The role of the Covenant of Mayors in local level climate governance. A comparative case study between the province of Barcelona and the region of Zealand. March 2013.

Supervisor: Arthur Mol, 140 pp.

491. Sabrina van der Enden Smallholders and sustainable palm oil production: a better understanding between policy arrangements and real-life practices. A case study of the Siak smallholders site, Riau province, Sumatra. March 2013.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 93 pp.

492. Panagiotis D. Alexiou Consumer – oriented strategies of Greek supermarkets in sustainable food provisioning. May 2013.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 106 pp.

493. Bianca Meppelink Social networking websites and sustainable consumer practices. A study of the way in which social networking websites can have a positive effect on sustainable consumers practices. April 2013.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 94 pp.

494. Joeri Versteegen Lokale netwerken van vergroeningsinitiatieven: succes- en faalfactoren. May 2013.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 53 pp.

495. Merijn Hougee Shades of green in the ship recycling industry. An assessment of corporate end-of-life vessel policies and practices. May 2013.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 77 pp.

496. Celia Tardio-Rodriguez Biodiversity policy in the European Union. Comparing public awareness and education strategies between three European Union members. May 2013.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 90 pp.

497. Seval Cicek Investigating the role and attitude of households in the reform of the system for the management of domestic packaging waste in Turkey: a case study in three district municipalities of Izmir. May 2013.

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren, 77 pp.

498. Sophie Buchel User perception of ecosystem services in urban parks in Rotterdam. Translating ecosystem services for citizens and identifying park perception profiles using Q methodology. May 2013.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 81 pp.

499. Yiyi Wang Electric Vehicle (EV) Development. EV transformation processes in Shenzhen, Beijing and Hangzhou, Chinese cities. June 2013.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 99 pp.

500. Denis Costa Food sustainability transitions: what citizen-consumer role fpr the Transition movement? An evaluation of six food projects of Transition movements in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands through the ideal-types of Ecological Citizenship, Political Consumerism and Lifestyle Politics. July 2013.

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren, 80 pp.

501. Heriel Mahinda Mchome Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+): Changing Forest Governance Arrangements and Impact on the livelihood of Local communities in Tanzania – policy and institutional aspects. August 2013.

Supervisor: Aarti Gupta, 79 pp.

502. Tom Belzer Bezoekerscentrum Sonsbeek. De informele kant van de organisatie. Juli 2013.

Supervisors: Kris van Koppen & Astrid Hendriksen, 99 pp.

503. Depi Susilawati The Indonesian Timber Legality Assurance System (Indo-TLAS) in the Community Forest: an Evaluation of Mandatory Timber Verification and Local Practice. August 2013.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 114 pp.

504. Dominika Dayvera Rosana The Implementation of a Plastic Bag Reduction Policy: a social practice approach analysis at Carrefour stores in Yogyakarta. August 2013.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 69 pp.

505. Weizhi He Frames Matter: How Climate Change is Communicated in Chinese National Geography. August 2013.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 45 pp.

506. Sarah Smits Putting Marine Spatial Planning into context. Using a Policy Arrangements Analysis to understand the impact of the institutional and natural environment on MSP in Canada, the Netherlands and Norway. August 2013.

Supervisor: Jan van Tatenhove, 86 pp.

507. Leda Peralta Quesada The collective action frames behind the anti-shark finning movement’s success and evolution in Costa Rica. August 2013.

Supervisor: Simon Bush, 91 pp.

508. Imke van Asseldonk Agrarian transition: Evolving livelihood pathways in the context of the pangasius boom crop in Bangladesh. August 2013.

Supervisor: Simon Bush, 84 pp.

509. Liga Wiratama Greening food provisioning: the role of modern retails as provider of sustainable food in Surabaya, Indonesia. August 2013.

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren, 63 pp.

510. Lotte Graat From crisis to local resilience: a case study of the Transition Towns Movements. August 2013.

Supervisor: Jan van Tatenhove, 69 pp.

511. Siti Ina Malayni Kamil Feasibility and justification of climate mitigation actions MRV for developing countries: comparative analysis of China and Indonesia. August 2013.

Supervisor: Arthur Mol, 124 pp.

512. Yosoon Park Nuclear power generation in South Korea: the policy position and process of the South Korean government on nuclear power generation. September 2013.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 99 pp.

513. Ingemarie Mijnheer Closing the materials cycle in the clothing industry: Exploring circular business models in the Netherlands. August 2013.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 51 pp.

514. Berlianti Seafood Savers, a stepping stone toward MSC: how accessible that bridging scheme? October 2013.

Supervisor: Simon Bush, 48 pp.

515. Frederieke Muijs Organic Fairtrade and the current food consumption regime. November 2013.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 87 pp.

516. Anthonet Baijense Relational place-making in Maramures, Romania. A caste study about landscape transformation, cultural heritage protection, migration and tourism: and the role of the politics of place, connectivity and practices in this re-making of place. November 2013.

Supervisor: Dirk Roep en Peter Oosterveer, 201 pp.

517. Floor Bokkes Trade, information and perceptions in Fishery Improvement Projects: the case of the blue swimming crab fishery in Betahwalang, Indonesia. November 2013.

Supervisors: Simon Bush en Paul van Zwieten, 73 pp.

518. Nateepat Pitinidhipat Greening restaurants in Bangkok. An overview of consumers’ and providers’ considerations on sustainable food in restaurants in Bangkok. December 2013.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 92 pp.

519. Carlos Montenegro Pinto Sustainable development within the clean development mechanism. January 2014.

Supervisor: Bettina Bluemling, 117 pp.

520. Ivelina Dimitrova Blue washing the beach: the role and impact of Blue Flag certification at the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. November 2013.

Supervisor: Machiel Lamers, 64 pp.

521. Maria Contesse Is urban agriculture urban green? Comparing urban agriculture and urban green areas policy arrangements in Santiago de Chile. January 2014.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 103 pp.

522. Timo Eckhardt The Binding Potential of P. An analysis of the governance network for phosphorus recycling and reuse in Wageningen, the Netherlands. March 2014.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 92 pp.

523. Linda Romijn Smallholder farmers and responsible soy production: certification and upgrading. March 2014.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 81 pp.

524. Catherine Msina The role of traditional management system in managing marine resources. A case study of Mafia Island Marine Park. April 2014.

Supervisor: Jan van Tatenhove, 64 pp.

525. Floor Hulsken Coping with marine litter, approaches of NGOs towards companies to change their course action and the influence of legitimacy and CSR. March 2014.

Supervisor: Judith van Leeuwen, 67 pp.

526. Meskerem Ritmeester The indivisible Relation between the Right to Food and the Right to Political Participation: the Case of Resettled Households in Ethiopia. May 2014.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 113 pp.

527. Giulia Carcasci Addressing Sustainability Issues in National Food Plans. A case study of Australia and UK. May 2014.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 74 pp.

528. Carsten Wentink Governing to improve. An analysis of enabling and constraining governance structures to the improvement of small-scale fishers livelihoods through value chains. A perspective on the Western Cape, South Africa. May 2014.

Supervisor: Simon Bush, 83 pp.

529. Koen Kallenberg Circular Business Models in Dutch SMEs. May 2014.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 85 pp.

530. Nikkel Steendam Stakeholder participation and the development of Natura2000 areas in the Netherlands. North Sea Coastal Area (Bergen-Petten) Cleaver Bank. June 2014.

Supervisor: Luc van Hoof, 86 pp.

531. Lieke Friederichs Providers’ Goods for Sanitation Entrepreneurs in three municipalities in Manica Province, Mozambique. June 2014.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 78 pp.

532. Emmanouil Tsatsakis Arctic maritime governance and the role of the Arctic Council. Tensions between member states by conflicting discourses. June 2014.

Supervisor: Jan van Tatenhove, 81 pp.

533. Pierluigi Santoro Modernized Mixture Approach in biomass and waste management for centralized biogas systems in rural Guangxi, China. June 2014.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 47 pp.

534. Robin Smale Emerging Eco-Practices. The Development and Governance of Sustainable Consumption Behavior in Ukraine. July 2014.

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren, 72 pp.

535. Stefi Mitova The potential of solar energy policy to transform the energy sector: three case studies from the Greater Boston Area. August 2014.

Supervisor: Jan van Tatenhove, 170 pp.

536. Ephrahim J. Mushi The role of stakeholder interaction in managing environment and human health due to abattoirs practice. Case of Ilala Municipality, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. August 2014.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 127 pp.

537. Putri Ari Hendra Murti Community Participation in Indonesia: A case study of the Green City Development Program in Malang & Probolinggo. August 2014.

Supervisor: Machiel Lamers, 86 pp.

538. Tracey O’Connor The potential use of Intellectual Property as a tool for regulating genetically modified crop risks. August 2014.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 103 pp.

539. Vasileios Kourousias Flagging the beach? Exploring the organization, legitimacy and effectiveness of the Blue Flag Program in Greece. August 2014.

Supervisor: Machiel Lamers, 59 pp.

540. Kim van Sparrentak Positive Environmental Justice in deprived neighbourhoods in the Netherlands. September 2014.

Supervisors: Arthur Mol & Jennifer Lenhart, 77 pp.

541. Mathilde Twelkemeijer Community resilience to climate change in Bangladesh. A case study on a community-based adaptation project from Practical Action. September 2014.

Supervisors: Ingrid Boas & Arthur Mol, 120 pp.

542. Alwin Veldboom The Environmentally-motivated Social Enterprise and Dutch Environmental Reform Policies. An exploration of the positioning of the Social Enterprise in Dutch society and implications for Environmental Policies in the Netherlands. September 2014.

Supervisor: Arthur Mol, 74 pp.

543. Jing Bao Pollution reduction in Chinese Coal Resource Dependent Cities through eco-industrial park promotion. Case study of Shenyang Eco-Industrial Park of China. September 2014.

Supervisor: Arthur Mol, 128 pp.

544. Audrey Legat The science-policy interface in the creation of marine protected areas in the Southern Ocean. Comparative analysis of the multi-level governance process through three national delegations and the commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR). September 2014.

Supervisor: Machiel Lamers, 84 pp.

545. Rosanne Verbree A State-of-the Art of Scientific Research on Sustainable Consumption in China. September 2014.

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren, 74 pp.

546. Lien Vandamme REDD+ as a Catalyst for Climate Compatible Development. ‘Triple Wins’ of Mitigation, Adaptation and Development for Forest Dependent Communities. October 2014.

Supervisor: Aarti Gupta, 95 pp.

547. Ralph Beverloo Cycling in German cities. The influence of spatial planning on the use of the bicycle in three German cities. October 2014.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 90 pp.

548. Laksmi Larastiti How would upgrading through Fair Trade USA certification affect global value chain governance of a Maluku tuna fishery? August 2014.

Supervisor: Megan Bailey, 71 pp.

549. Tabitha Muriuki Co-production and the changing role of scientist in Kenyan trawl net fisheries. October 2014.

Supervisor: Simon Bush, 81 pp.

550. Sandra Scheepens Exploring the potential of participation in citizen science, conservation tourism, and participatory environmental research tourism to lead to an environmental change in practices. August 2014.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 108 pp.

551. Sadia Naureen Huq Greening of textile industries through public and private governance: an explorative research on the garment industry in Bangladesh. November 2014.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 75 pp.

552. Kamila Lohrova Sustainable transportation in Prague: a study of three niche developments aiming at regime change. November 2014.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 57 pp.

553. Mart L’Ami Al die emoties, waar komen die vandaan? Natuurgerelateerde sociale praktijken en hun invloed op de omgang met grote hoefdieren in het Nederlandse landschap. November 2014.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 70 pp.

554. Carolien Sedee Lowering the Peaks. Assessing the role of an energy cooperative on practices in the smart grid. December 2014.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 136 pp.

555. Gabriela Arabadzhieva Public-private partnerships in urban water management innovations in European Delta Cities. November 2014.

Supervisor: Ingrid Boas, 79 pp

556. Zahra Jani Pour Eskolaki Marine litter policy network in the Caspian Sea; Enabling and constraining conditions to improve the policy network to deal with marine litter in the Caspian Sea. December 2014.

Supervisor: Jan van Tatenhove, 75 pp.

557. Jurre Grupstra Assessing the prospects for rights-based development: governing REDD+ social safeguards and forest users rights in Tanzania. December 2014.

Supervisor: Aarti Gupta, 123 pp.

558. Jetske Vaas Payments for environmental services in Costa Rican forestry. Headed north at full speed, but which north? December 2014.

Supervisor: Aarti Gupta, 104 pp.

559. Lize van Dyck Making climate finance transparent. An analysis of the activities of climate finance transparency initiatives and their effects. December 2014.

Supervisor: Aarti Gupta, 87 pp.

560. Annet van Keeken De invloed van Oerrr op natuurgerelateerde sociale praktijken binnen gezinnen. Effecten van een natuurprogramma op de omgang van kinderen met natuur. December 2014.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 58 pp.

561. Christina Fatourou Evaluation of the EU strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region by Analyzing the Strategy’s Formulation and the Proposed Plan on the Transport Network. December 2014.

Supervisor: Jan van Tatenhove, 92 pp.

562. Rahmah Ulfah Understanding the Prevalent Use of GDP as an Indicator of Development Progress. The case of Indonesia’s National Development Plan. January 2015.

Supervisor: Arthur Mol, pp. 129 pp.

563. Sander de Kraker Eco-Agency: the self-efficacy, action logics and intentions of ecovillage initiators in the Netherlands. January 2015.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 57 pp.

564. Chen Xiangming Policy effectiveness analysis for LED lighting in China. A case study of Xiamen. February 2015.

Supervisor: Judith van Leeuwen, 86 pp.

565. Gendis Ayu Satiti Irawan Implementation of Integrated Plastic Waste Managament in Bandung City, Indonesia. Niche Formation and Public-Private Partnership. February 2015.

Supervisor: Arthur Mol, 74 pp.

566. Elina Verheijden Skeptical Discourses about Climate Change on online forums. February 2015.

Supervisor: Ingrid Boas, 72 pp.

567. Moises Covarrubias Perez Public-Private-Community-Partnerschips for Renewable Energy Cooperatives. February 2015.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 73 pp.

568. Yimeng Zou TO BE OR NOT TO BE – How MSC and Subsidies Impact Sustainable Marine Management. A case study in Fiji. February 2015.

Supervisor: Megan Bailey, 44 pp.

569. Maarten Schouten Port of Amsterdam and the transition towards a Port of New Energy. Perspectives from Transition Management and Strategic Niche Management on sustainable developments in the Port of Amsterdam. March 2015.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 88 pp.

570. Tim Haasnoot Lessons learned from the transition towards an innovative fishing technique. A case study on the introduction of the pulse trawl technique in the Dutch flatfish fishery. January 2015.

Supervisor: Simon Bush, 123 pp.

571. Romée Marchand Voedsel Anders. The transition towards agroecology. April 2015.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 87 pp.

572. Afshana Parven Governance of Climate and Environmental Hazard Migration in the Dhaka city of Bangladesh: new policy required for water crisis management in the urban slum? April 2015.

Supervisor: Ingrid Boas, 95 pp.

573. Yulis Anggunita Kurniasih Analysing Environmental Improvement in Indonesia’s Industry. The case of pulp and paper companies. April 2015.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 107 pp.

574. Martha Nanou Greek financial crisis and environment. Can Crisis be an opportunity? May 2015.

Supervisor: Mattijs Smits, 73 pp.

575. Sascha van Zijll Langhout Discourse coalitions and the Hedwigepolder. July 2015.

Supervisor: Jan van Tatenhove en Judith Floor, 69 pp.

576. Marije Willems Sustainable Palm oil production in Thailand. Exploring environmentally and socially sustainable pathways for palm oil production in Thailand. May 2015.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 87 pp.

577. Sara Gonzalez de Uzqueta de Lorza Who Cares4Destinations? The role of tourism 2.0 in marine governance of a marine tourist destination – Raja Ampat. May 2015.

Supervisor: Machiel Lamers, 77 pp.

578. Ubaydur Raham Siddiki Analysis the Implementation Gap of Integrated Water Resources Management in Bangladesh: National Water Policy Perspectives. May 2015.

Supervisors: Jan van Tatenhove & Martijn van Staveren, 75 pp.

579. Suzane Tuju Provision of Pit latrine Sanitation in low – income areas of Dar es Salaam. The case study of Kimogónyole village, Mikocheni. June 2015.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 58 pp.

580. Jorn Schoffelen How to support bottom-up energy transitions? A strategic niche management analysis of intermediary organizations facilitating community energy development in the Netherlands. June 2015.

Supervisor: Mattijs Smits, 71 pp.

581. Maria Jiménez Assmus Size matters: knowledge and conservation in the IWC. June 2015.

Supervisor: Jan van Tatenhove, 106 pp.

582. Liliana Solé Figueras Application of the Mesma Framework. Case study: Catalonia (Spain). Environmental and governance assessment of Catalan coastline. July 2015.

Supervisor: Luc van Hoof, 140 pp.

583. Ojogun Clarkson Inuwa Transition management for sustainable municipal solid waste collection, treatment and disposal in Lagos State 2050. August 2015.

Supervisor: Judith van Leeuwen, 85 pp.

584. Mayra Hurtado Moreno Corporate accountability of offshore oil and gas sector in Colombia. August 2015.

Supervisor: Judith van Leeuwen, 85 pp.

585. Nora Sticzay The challenges of measuring, reporting and verifying forest carbon stock changes in developed countries – case studies on Germany and Hungary. August 2015.

Supervisor: Aarti Gupta, 71 pp.

586. Anouk Kors Deep sea mining politics. Trust and power dynamics in the deep sea mining network. August 2015.

Supervisor: Jan van Tatenhove, 72 pp.

587. Filippo Scarduelli Politics of sustainable mobility. A case study in Milan. August 2015.

Supervisor: Jan van Tatenhove. 70 pp.

588. Mohammad Mehedi Hasan Loss and damage: thinking beyond adaptation. A new dilemma in climate change discourse. August 2015.

Supervisor: Aarti Gupta, 78 pp.

589. Lillan Henseler Geoengineering techniques: silver bullet or climate gamble? Examining ethical considerations of geoengineering schemes. August 2015.

Supervisor: Ingrid Boas, 94 pp.

590. Nikki den Boon Socio-economic implications of increasing demand for sustainable seafood: Pole-and-line’s associated bait fisheries in Indonesia. June 2015.

Supervisor: Megan Bailey, 91 pp.

591. Tessa Beentjes Repair as social practice. A study on the influence of repair cafés on repair practices. August 2015.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet and André van Amstel (ESA).

592. Giovanni Melo Fishery improvement projects (FIPs) influencing the improvement and inclusiveness of domestics seafood value chains: a case study of a multispecific small-scale fishery in Bahia Solano, Colombia. September 2015.

Supervisor: Simon Bush, 109 pp.

593. Gerjanne Voortman They just don’t get it. Local discourse dynamics around tourism development on the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica. September 2015.

Supervisor: Machiel Lamers, 76 pp.

594. Patria M. Dewi Exploring governmental constraints managing floods in Jakarta. September 2015.

Supervisors: Bas van Vliet and Martijn van Staveren, 86 pp.

595. Erik Jan van Oosten The environmental dimension of growth in frontrunner companies. August 2015.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 55 pp.

596. Frauke Kregting The relevance of food trust and transparency to consumer practices. October 2015.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 94 pp.

597. Ilse Heeremans Urban food policy and the role of educational activities. November 2015.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 91 pp.

598. Rubie van Crevel The flow of plastic waste. An evaluation of the potential to build plastic recycling rates through the informal recycling sector (IRS) in Kampala. January 2016.

Supervisor: Hilde Toonen, 112 pp.

599. Tara van Kralingen Youth participation in post-2015 development planning in Bangladesh. A case study on youth participation in decision-making process for the post-2015 development agenda for sustainable development in Bangladesh. January 2016.

Supervisor: Arthur Mol, 74 pp.

600. Thalita van den Hoek Consumer perspectives on GMO labeling in Brazil. A qualitative study of the practice of shopping in a Brazilian city. January 2016.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 94 pp.

601. Laure-Cyrielle Joei Analysing institutional stasis and change in the policy domain of climate change induced displacement. February 2016.

Supervisor: Ingrid Boas, 113 pp.

602. Andrea McKenzie Implementing the low impact development approach for stormwater management: a social practices perspective. January 2016.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 126 pp.

603. Ewoud Kuin Towards ecosystem-based management within the North Sea. A comparative case study of the Netherlands and the United Kingdom in the inplementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and Marine Spatial Planning. March 2016.

Supervisor: Jan van Tatenhove, 74 pp.

604. Sita Djelantik Tracing a Trajectory of Transparency. A case study of governing traceability in an Indonesian tuna supply chain. March 2016.

Supervisor: Simon Bush, 108 pp.

605. Eva Mudde Reducing discards in the European Union. A case study of mixed fisheries in the Dutch demersal fishing sector. March 2016.

Supervisor: Jan van Tatenhove, 74 pp.

606. Anneloes Reinders Ecological modernisation theory and the shipping sector. Applying the triad-network model to a carrier whom is obliged to implement the sulphur requirements. April 2016.

Supervisor: Judith van Leeuwen, 90 pp.

607. Laura van Hamburg Private sector contributions to sustainability in global food networks. A case study on the sustainable rice sourcing strategy and practices of Mars Food. April 2016.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 82 pp.

608. Anneke Rooth Fragmentation of global forest governance and its consequences. The case of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests. March 2016.

Supervisor: Aarti Gupta, 82 pp.

609. Emma Avoyan Marine collaborative governance in the Black Sea: assessing the performance of Black Sea Commission. March 2016.

Supervisor: Jan van Tatenhove, 73 pp.

610. Wouter Asveld Governing green roof retrofitting by housing associations in the Netherlands. April 2016.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 83 pp.

611. Alix Reichenecker The shaping factors of waste separation on the island of Porquerolles. January 2016.

Supervisor: Judith van Leeuwen, 170 pp.

612. Joey Velberg The urban green transition. For quality of life in Copenhagen. May 2016.

Supervisor: Ingrid Boas, 86 pp.

613. Jasper de Lange A winter on modernity’s edge. Exploring the contribution of reskilling to ontological design for sustainability – the case of ecovillage Ppauw. December 2015.

Supervisor: Simon Bush, 123 pp.

614. Anke Brons Accessing Sustainability: A praxeological approach to buying sustainable food among students in Paris. May 2016.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 84 pp.

615. Walter Fraanje Why buy when you can borrow? An analysis of sharing economy participation from a practice theory perspective. March 2016.

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren, 144 pp,

616. Manon Ottens Gaining public acceptance in the development of small-scale hydropower in East Nepal. June 2016.

Supervisor: Mattijs Smits, 81 pp.

617. Charles El-Zeind A dish of ethicalness! Exploring Gen Y’s consumption of groceries in Bristol. July 2016.

Supervisor: Mattijs Smits, 54 pp.

618. Eva van Voskuijlen To what extent are marine conservation and economic development reconcilable in Bonaire National Marine Park? An analysis of stakeholder images. July 2016.

Supervisor: Hilde Toonen, 107 pp.

619. Silvia Alunni Change from meat to non-meat consumption. A social practice analysis. An empirical research on how to favor the decrease in meat consumption in embedded routines and eating habits. July 2016.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 64 pp.

620. Muhammad Djindan Changing role of the state in environmental governance. The influence of international finance on the coherence of the climate finance landscape in Indonesia. July 2016.

Supervisor: Mattijs Smits, 74 pp.

621. Roderick van Doeselaar A discourse analysis of the offshore wind energy debate in the Netherlands. August 2016.

Supervisor: Ingrid Boas, 61 pp.

622. Sotirios Koutrotsios Towards dive tourism development in the Greek marine protected areas. Exploring the policy arrangements and the entrepreneurial potential of a case study. August 2016.

Supervisor: Jan van Tatenhove, 101 pp.

623. Robin Schwidder Waves of gold. An analysis of the practice of surf tourism on the Mentawai Islands, Indonesia. August 2016.

Supervisor: Machiel Lamers, 83 pp.

624. Linda Hastedt Transparency in cruise tourism: Greenwashing cruise companies’ legitimacy? August 2016.

Supervisor: Machiel Lamers, 65 pp.

625. Francisco Presas Basalo Bleu biotechnology for a greener world? Governance and Sustainability of the Irish marine biotechnology sector. August 2016.

Supervisor: Judith van Leeuwen, 126 pp.

626. Vera Scherders Understanding gear transitions in the Dutch cutter fleet from a social practice perspective. September 2016.

Supervisor: Simon Bush, 85 pp.

627. Janne Kuhn Impact investing for natural capital protection: cases from the Netherlands. September 2016.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 71 pp.

628. Brenda Deden Broadening the perspectives on marine protected areas. A study on discourses and governance structures surrounding marine protected areas in the Dutch section of the North Sea. August 2016.

Supervisor: Judith van Leeuwen, 104 pp.

629. Fenna Braune Duurzaam inkopen van vraag tot uitvoering. Casestudies van de gemeente Utrecht en de productgroepen catering en renovatie van gebouwen. April 2016.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 94 pp.

630. Rianne Steenbergen School in Bos, een ervaring voor het leven? Onderzoek naar de langetermijninvloed van School in Bos op natuurverbondenheid en verantwoordelijkheid voor natuur en milieu. Juni 2016.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 120 pp.

631. Elsemieke Kin Is small the new big? A study on the potential of citizen initiatives in the nature and landscape domain to contribute to a sustainable transition. June 2016.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 105 pp.

632. Aleksandra Rudyak Environmental sciences curricula and teaching methods for universities in Uzbekistan: a comparative analysis. October 2016.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 87 pp.

633. Thomas Thorin Consumer acceptance of ownerless consumption. Social perspectives on how to make renting mainstream in a circular economy. June 2016.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 90 pp.

634. Daniela Sandoval Martinez Towards an inclusive circular Amsterdam: a framework for evaluating local circular initiatives, projects and startups in the city of Amsterdam. September 2016.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 112 pp.

635. Mosope Owolabi Social license to operate in Nigeria’s oil industry: towards improving legitimacy of multinational corporation. A case study of shell Nigeria. November 2016.

Supervisor: Judith van Leeuwen, 65 pp.

636. Camila Reinhardt-Picchioni Latin American Cities and City Networks for the governance of sustainable consumption and production in food and mobility. November 2016.

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren, 96 pp.

637. Noor Figdor Challenge the fanatic, catch the ambassador and push the aware. December 2016.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 78 pp.

638. Alex Verploegh Peronalized traffic information services. Analyzing the role of intelligent transport systems on improving sustainable traffic management. December 2016.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 81 pp.

639. Maartje van der Knaap Residential retrofitting in Amsterdam: fragmented urban governance? January 2017.

Supervisor: Ingrid Boas, 73 pp.

640. Folkert Volbeda Governance and building with nature. A MIPA- and governance study about the Market Wadden project. January 2017.

Supervisor: Jan van Tatenhove, 92 pp.

641. Afia Mukta Healthcare waste management: who is bothering? A case of Mymensingh Medical College Hospital (MMCH), Bangladesh. January 2017.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 110 pp.

642. Marjolein Brandhorst Dutch collector’s activities and power relations in creating more sustainable global production and recycling networks of mobile phones. March 2017.

Supervisor: Judith van Leeuwen, 104 pp.

643. Nienke Nuesink Where there is a will there is a way: explaining the emergence of trust and legitimacy for a social license to operate on the Solwara 1 Project in Papua New Guinea. March 2017.

Supervisor: Jan van Tatenhove, 80 pp.

644. Marlene Vermeij De rol van de gemeente Deventer in de lokale energietransitie. April 2017.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 59 pp.

645. Xujun Hu The role of smart meter feedback systems in changing household energy consumption in the Netherlands. April 2017.

Supervisor: Robin Smale, 53 pp.

646. Maira de Jong van Lier Stories of land and power. Combining narratives and entitlements in the analysis of agricultural expansion in the region of Matopiba, Brazil. May 2017.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen

647. Rosanne Groot Policy actors’ nature valuations and their implications for policy actions. May 2017.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen

648. Yorick Vink Regime destabilization in the Dutch energy transition – The coal case. May 2017.

Supervisor: Mattijs Smits

649. Esmeralda Hemelaar The social side of energy retrofitting. A study to the role of recruitment and appropriation practices on the process and outcomes of a retrofitting project of a social housing complex. May 2017.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet

650. Martin Bosak Unknown Territory – Uncertainty in a transformative process of political practice. June 2017.

Supervisor: Ingrid Boas

651. Marcella Mekenkamp Unravelling the adaptation gap. Institutional limits- and barriers in the Seychelles, and their connection to scientific literature. June 2017.

Supervisor: Ingrid Boas

652. Erik Bos Urban greenhouses in The Netherlands to feed the city and its citizens. June 2017.

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren

653. Naomi Montenegro Navarro The economisation of nature conservation. July 2017.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen

654. Bram van den Groenendaal Democratic Innovations and the Implications for urban Sustainability Politics. July 2017.

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren.

655. Femke Lootens Student empowerment for sustainability in higher education. July 2017.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen

656. Stefano Ingallina The social economic impact of a Circular Economy in Europe: a comparative analysis.

657. Marlies Karelse Dynamic coastal management. The participation process on Terschelling. August 2017.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen

658. Matilde Vallerani Empowered participatory governance and moraine resources management: the case of two locally managed marines areas in Southern Kenya. August 2017.

Supervisor: Jan van Tatenhove

659. Yanniek Huisman Mainstreaming climate action into the development agenda. August 2017.

Supervisor: Aarti Gupta, 119 pp.

660. Ruoyu Diao What is the role of environmental NGOs activism on protecting the coastal area in China? August 2017.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 64 pp.

661. Sake Kruk Towards producer-inclusive eco-certification in aquaculture. A case study of the Southeast Asian shrimp aquaculture improvement protocol (SEASAIP) in Thailand. August 2017.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 80 pp.

662. Pim ten Haaf Climate finance and urban politics: political authority and power in Ho Chi Minh City and Da Nang. September 2017.

Supervisor: Mattijs Smits, 70 pp.

663. Judith Bosch Towards circular villages? September 2017.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 84 pp.

664. Sofie Snoek Circular Economy in the Textile Industry. Transition theory in start-ups in the textile industry. October 2017.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 95 pp.

665. Tom Horijon Paving the road towards intelligent transportation systems: a governmentally analysis of smart traffic management in the Netherlands. October 2017.

Supervisor: Sanneke Kloppenburg, 96 pp.

666. Bellia Bizarani From trash to cash: an analysis of wastebanks as grassroots innovations from niche management perspective. September 2017.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 67 pp.

667. Yvonne Hidding A study of the regional implementation of the innovative Room for the River Policy. A case study of the interaction of different objectives in the implementation of Room for the River in the IJsseldelta region (in the Netherlands). December 2017.

Supervisor: Martijn van Staveren, 57 pp.

668. Rosine Ishimwe Understanding the environmental governance of fertilisers use in Rwanda. October 2017.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 84 pp.

669. Seleen Suidman Governance of Urban Sanitation in Kampala and Kigali – the role of the government. November 2017.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 163 pp.

670. Loris Kempchen Understanding fragmentation in global governance architectures. The case of global land governance. March 2018.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 82 pp.

671. Marc Balder Charcoal provision in the informal settlements of Kampala: charcoal practices and the value chain. March 2018.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 144 pp.

672. Whitney Owusu-Ansah The role of policy communities in the agricultural and mining sectors of Ghana: the case of Kyebi. March 2018.

Supervisor: Gert Spaargaren, 74 pp.

673. Nellie-Anne Guijt The green roof transition in Amsterdam: a matter of lifestyles? An analysis of the green roof transition from a citizen-consumer perspective. May 2018.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 65 pp.

674. Merdeka Agus Saputra The study of crab, lobster and swimming crab production and consumption practices after the implemented crustacean catch ban regulation using social practices perspective: case study in Muncar Banyuwangi, Indonesia. May 2018.

Supervisors: Gert Spaargaren & Mandy Doddema, 72 pp.

675. Flavie Denelle Capabilities as a framework for assessing the accessibility of standards. A case study of SEASIP in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Vietnam, April 2018.

Supervisor: Simon Bush, 145 pp.

676. Will van Wijlen Climate change mitigation and the shipping industry. An investigation into the external and internal pressures promoting beyond-compliance emission reductions by shipowners in the Netherlands. March 2017.

Supervisor: Judith van Leeuwen, 105 pp.

677. Emmelien Venselaar C40 Membership in Amsterdam. Who benefits? April 2018

Supervisor: Jeroen van der Heijden, 79 pp.

678. Arianne Kloosterman How to become the blue industrial pioneer? A qualitative assessment of tools for a sustainable water management system in Tan Thuan Export Processing Zone. April 2018.

Supervisor: Judith van Leeuwen, 78 pp,

679. Janine van Bon The institutional capacity of Ho Chi Minh City. Encouraging an eco-industrial development. April 2018.

Supervisor: Judith van Leeuwen, 99 pp.

680. Marjolein Soethoudt Exploring the mechanism behind the human-nature connection. A theoretical enquiry with a case study on the grass-root nature festival, Fête de la Nature. May 2018.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 67 pp.

681. Fenna Wielenga Urban Partnerships on Climate Adaptation: Stuck in Transition. The case of Rotterdam and Ho Chi Minh City. July 2018.

Supervisor: Jeroen van der Heijden, 99 pp.

682. Stanislas Martin Risk management within Marine Spatial Planning. A case study of two marine spatial planning processes looking at risk surrounding seaweed cultivation in Chile. June 2018.

Supervisor: Simon Bush, 76 pp.

683. Francien van Ojen The role of the retial industry in food safety in China. An analysis of the current food safety situation and the development of a framework to get insights into the role of the retail industry in China, Beijing. July 2018.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 91 pp.

684. Stylianos Paliouras Governing Desalination Plants in Cyprus: PPP arrangements and their legitimacy. April 2018.

Supervisor: Machiel Lamers, 70 pp.

685. Anne Schuurmans Expectations of blockchain technology and how they affect food supply chains. An in-depth analysis of three vases. August 2018.

Supervisor: Sanneke Kloppenburg, 56 pp.

686. Johannes Kiefl Policies on the use of critically important human antibiotics in animal husbandry. A look at German, the US and Australia through the lens of transition theory. August 2018.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 116 pp.

687. Mailys Fourcade Perennial tree-crop diversification among smallholder cocoa farmers in Cote d’Ivoire: a sustainable livelihoods analysis. August 2018.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 116 pp.

688. Li-Hsin Chang Age-friendly parks that improve urban health in Amsterdam. August 2018.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 61 pp.

689. Marko Fumic City department or gardeners’ association? A comparison between two model of allotment gardens governance in Croatia. August 2018.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 122 pp.

690. Irene Peeters Climate Profits? Privatizations, public good, and solar radiation management. August 2018.

Supervisor: Myanna Lahsen, 75 pp.

691. Hein Gevers The Merits and Demerits of Fragmentation in the Global Water Governance Architecture: The cases of the High Level Panel on Water and the UN Water Dialogues. August 2018.

Supervisor: Aarti Gupta, 98 pp.

692. Deanty Ramadhani Policy Incoherence as a Hindrance to Develop Renewable Energy Power Plant in Indonesia in the Case of Tampur Large Hydropower. August 2018.

Supervisor: Mattijs Smits, 136 pp.

693. Ferry Fentya Environmental issue concerns towards production and consumption practices on fish commodities (Initial study: Semarang, Indonesia). August 2018.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 62 pp.

694. Jolien Hiemstra Urban food systems in transition. Niche-innovations and strategic niche management for sustainable urban food systems. August 2018.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 45 pp.

695. Piero Scrobogna Institutional Pressures and Transition’s Dynamics in Urban Food Systems. From a global to a local food chain: The case of Almere. August 2018.

Supervisors: Peter Oosterveer & Sigrid Wertheim-Heck, 78 pp.

696. Lara Tenderini Invisible Energy Policy in the South African Mining Sector: A Social Practice Outlook on Water Use. August 2018.

Supervisor: Mattijs Smits, 57 pp.

697. Christel de Bruijn The introduction of a water filter in rural Malawi: An analysis of changing drinking water practices. August 2018.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 88 pp.

698. Ince Iksan Kaimuddin Practices and Incidental By-Catch’s Perception of Pelagic Freezer Trawler in the Netherlands. August 2018.

Supervisor: Marloes Kraan, 52 pp.

699. Erik Logemann Integrated urban greenhouses as driving force for circular urban infrastructures. Rethinking urban areas to enhance the efficiency of urban resource flows. October 2018.

Supervisors: Sanneke Kloppenburg & Gert Spaargaren, 77 pp.

699. Sacha Tijmstra Bridging the gap between nature and sustainable behaviour. The nexus of nature and sustainability practices around adult nature education. August 2018.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen 82 pp.

700. Sanchali Bose Food Politics. Analysis of the Policies impacting the access to Sustainable and Healthy Food in the Urban and Peri urban areas of Hanoi, Vietnam. August 2018.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 145 pp.

701. Erik Logemann Integrated urban greenhouses as driving force for circular urban infrastructures. Rethinking urban areas to enhance the efficiency of urban resource flows. October 2018.

Supervisors: Sanneke Kloppenburg & Gert Spaargaren, 77 pp.

702. Dustin Kluger Widening the Horizon; a Resilience Assessment of Alpine Tourist Destinations for a Resilience-Based Development Strategy. May 2018.

Supervisor: Machiel Lamers, 210 pp.

703. Michael Ofosuhene Wise Urban Climate Governance in Accra. Assessing the input, throughput and output legitimacy of urban climate governance initiatives in Accra. May 2018.

Supervisor: Jeroen van der Heijden, 85 pp.

704. Kai Garcia Neefjes Drone surveillance to prevent illiegal fishing in Belize: what is the role of local fishermen? A case study of Punta Gorda (South Belize). October 2018.

Supervisor: Hilde Toonen, 65 pp.

705. Teun Fiers Procedural justice in flood risk management. October 2018.

Supervisor: Martijn van Staveren, 50 pp.

706. Nina Zaadnoordijk The Netherlands, an influential actor in the Arctic? A research on the institutional linkages between Dutch institutions that are involved in Arctic oil and gas governance. October 2018.

Supervisor: Judith van Leeuwen, 63 pp.

707. Ibnu Budiman The tangled thread: Fragmentation of biogas governance in Indonesia. November 2018.

Supervisor: Mattijs Smits, 98 pp.

708. Hanna Spanier The Multiplicity and Meanings of Money: A Political Ecology Perspective on Local Currencies. November 2018.

Supervisor: Kris van Koppen, 111 pp.

709. Roald Leeuwerik The challenge of gaining societal acceptance for the emerging seabed mining industry. A comparative case study to the Social License to Operate for the seabed mining industry in Namibia. December 2018.

Supervisor: Judith van Leeuwen, 215 pp.

710. Raushanfikr Muthahhari Global Value Chain of Sengon Wood Product: Case of Barecore Industry in Temanggung, Central Java. December 2018.

Supervisor: Myanna Lahsen, 45 pp.

711. Nina Carmen Sustainability for Landscapes. The Role of Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives in Delivering Landscape Sustainability. December 2018.

Supervisor: Hilde Toonen, 105 pp.

712. Durdana Khudaybergenova The Formal and Informal Sectors of Solid Waste Management in the City of Nukus: Integration Challenges and Opportunities. January 2019.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 84 pp.

713. Laura Cavert Takataka ya Soko. A Social Practices Approach to Food Loss at Markets in Dar Es Salaam. February 2019.

Supervisor: Peter Oosterveer, 92 pp.

714. Karel Brasser Transdiciplinary Collaboration and Successful Innovations in Urban Living Labs in Amsterdam. February 2019.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 63 pp.

715. Pauline Roos Policy change in offshore decommissioning governance: dealing with environmental politics and coping with ecological uncertainty. February 2019.

Supervisor: Judith van Leeuwen, 81 pp.

716. Margriet Goossensen Sustainable clothing consumption in The Netherlands. Consumer strategies to change the fashion system. March 2019.

Supervisor: Machiel Lamers, 77 pp.

717. William Cappuyns Citizen Co-Production in Urban Service Delivery: A Case Study of Street Lighting and Waste Collection In Blantyre, Malawi. March 2019.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 90 pp.

718. Jeroen Vork A cleaner Curacao? Bottom-up waste initiatives and their impact on a potential transition towards a sustainable solid waste management. March 2019.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 95 pp.

719. Danique van de Kerkhof Enhancing the sustainabiliy of the living environment of Dutch households: a digital platform as intervention in an existing practice. A social analysis of technological development and its current impact on a complex practice. March 2019.

Supervisor: Bas van Vliet, 81 pp.

720. Marijn Hooghiem User-engagement in developing improved weather information, predictions and forecasting services in the Arctic. March 2019.

Supervisor: Machiel Lamers, 80 pp.

721. Vita Verwaaijen Factors Affecting the Influence of Local Movements and Non-Governmental Organisations in Nuclear Waste Policy-Making – in Finland and The Netherlands. April 2019.

Supervisor: Mattijs Smits, 94 pp.

722. Felicia Matz Wennerhed The Discursive Construction of Climate Migration in the EU. A Critical Discourse Analysis of Climate Migration in EU Legislative Institutions. April 2019.

Supervisor: Hanne Wiegel, 99 pp.


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