Positive Thinking and Behavior:

Thinking = making a conscious effort to think with an optimistic attitude and anticipate positive outcomes.

Behavior = purposely acting with energy and enthusiasm.

** It will boost you ability to perform, project enthusiasm, energy, competence and confidence.

A. Deliberately motivate yourself every day and always think of yourself as successful.

B. Project energy and enthusiasm --- develop the habit.

C. Practice positive expectation mind-set --- until it becomes a habit.

D. Dwell on your past successes.


It is important to form a mental picture of successful performances.

A. Relax

B. Mentally draw a picture or create a video.

C. Make the picture a detailed and visual success.

D. Be sure to incorporate pictures, words, actions and scenes.

E. Dwell on the image you create.

Positive Self-talk:

It is necessary to give yourself positive reinforcement, motivation and recognition.

F. Make self talk work for you.

G. Stop all negative self-talk. So rather that using the phrase:

“I’ll try”, say: “I will”. And rather than saying: “I should do”, say, “I will do”, and instead of “I must”, say, “I want to or I choose to”.

Focus with affirmation Statements:

H. Make the statements personal in I… You.

I. Keep your affirmations short.

J. Phrase your affirmations positive and not negative.

Examples: Change the phrase from: I will not be nervous during my interview”, to “I will be calm and self assured during my interview”.

K. Include a positive emotion such as: “this excites me”.

L. Phrase the affirmation you create s a fact.

Examples: “I am strengthening my speaking abilities.”

M. Say the affirmation at least once a day.

Get Ahead with Dynamic Goal Setting:

A. Define your goals clearly and in writing.

B. Identify and focus on benefits of achieving those goals.

C. Define the purpose of the goals---- link the goals to practical purposes.

D. Identify supportive forces for you. This may include your instructors, coaches, or training instructors.

E. Develop an action plan. This includes setting deadlines and keeping them.

F. Establish your priorities and then take action in order of priority.

G. Make a public commitment and share goals.

H. Be realistic about self-limitations.

I. Use positive self-talk and daily affirmation statements.

J. Use positive visualization.

K. Practice new skills regularly.

L. Evaluate and revise your goals as necessary.

M. Be sure to persevere.

N. Be sure to reward yourself.

O. Always record progress on your goals. It is important to establish a checklist first.

Take Positive Action:

** This is when you take regular positive action (no matter how small) you make progress towards your goals and demonstrate achievement.


1. Research what skills are needed and contact the specialists.

2. Take courses to develop the appropriate skills.

3. Do an internship or work-study.

Develop Assertive Abilities:

What is:

A. Stand up for your own rights.

B. Express yourself honestly, courteously and comfortably.

C. Observing and respecting the rights of others.

** Three types of personalities are: Nonassertive, aggressive and assertive.

Enhance Your Self Esteem:

** This is when you have belief in your abilities and your worth.

P. Make two lists: First start by listing your positive and negative traits. Then, identify the traits that you want to improve and then develop an action plan.

Q. Tactics on how to maintain a healthy self esteem:

• Believe it can be done and make a commitment.

• Identify strengths and only dwell on the successes.

• Set written goals and take actions.

• Practice positive talk out loud.

• Visualize your success.

• Make positive action a habit.

• Surround yourself with a positive environment.

• Look good to feel good and stay fit.

Develop Proactive Skills:

** These convey the seven habits of successful people – (Proactive versus reactive). The proactive focuses on problem solution and positive action.

A. Proactive:

a. Enhances self-esteem and increases motivation.

b. Increases problem solving abilities.

c. Increases self-esteem and professional reputation.

d. Builds positive working relationships.

e. Improve overall performance.

f. Helps you gain skills.

g. Increases your knowledge and career resources.

** By practicing these guidelines your perspectives will expand. **



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