Esther Questions and Answers All Chapters New King James ...

[Pages:17]Chapter 1

Esther Questions and Answers All Chapters

New King James

.q According to Esther 1:1, over how many provinces did King Ahasuerus reign? (1 pt) .a 127 Provinces.

.q According to Esther 1:2 Fill in the blanks: "in those days when king _______ sat on the throne of his

_______ which

was in Shushan the _______ ," (3 pts)

.a Ahasuerus, kingdom, citadel

.q According to Esther 1:3 In which year of King Ahasuerus' reign did he make the feast ? Be specific. (1 pt) .a The third year

.q According toEsther 1:4 How many days long was his feast for the officials and servants? (1 pt) .a 180 days

.q According to Esther 1:5 where was the seven day feast? Fill in the blank: "in the _____, of the _______, of the king's ______." (3 pts) .a In the court of the garden of the king's palace.

.q According to Esther 1:6, on what were the linen curtains hanging? (2 pts) .a Silver rods on marble pillars.

.q According to Esther 1:6, what colors were the linen curtains? (2 pts) .a Blue and white

.q According to Esther 1:6, what color were the fasteners for the curtains? (1 pt) .a purple

.q According to Esther 1:6, what 4 colors/materials were in the mosaic pavement? (4 pts) .a alabaster, turquoise, and white and black marble

.q According to Esther 1:7, of what precious material were the drinking vessels made?(1pt) .a gold

.q According to Esther 1:8, fill in the blanks "In accordance with the ______ , the drinking was not compulsory for so the ______ had ordered the _________ of his ________ , that they should do according to each man's pleasure." (4pts) .a law, king, officers, household

.q According to Esther 1:9,where did Queen Vashti make her feast? (1 pt) .a Royal palace

.q According to Esther 1:10, how many eunuchs did he send to fetch Vashti? (1 pt)

.a Seven

.q According to Esther 1:11, fill in the blank: "to bring Queen Vashti before the king, wearing her royal

crown, in order to show her beauty to the people and officials, for she was

___________ to

behold (1 pt)

.a beautiful

.q According to Esther 1:12, What burned within the king? Be specific. (1 pt)

.a His anger.

.q According to Esther 1:13, Who understood the times? (1 pt) .a Wise men

.q According to Esther 1:14, Who were the closest to the king? (7 pts) .a Carshena, Admatha, Shetar, Tarshish, Meres, Marsena,and Memucan

.q According to Esther 1:15, Who did not obey the command of the king? (1 pt) .a Queen Vashti

.q According to Esther 1:16, Who answered the king and the princes? (1 pt) .q Memucan

.q According to Esther 1:17. The queen's behavior will become known to how many women? (1 pt) .a All

.q According to Esther 1:18, fill in the blanks. "This very day the noble ________ of Persia and _____ will say to all the ________ officials that they have heard of the _______ of the queen. Thus there will be ________ contempt and wrath." (5 pts) .a Ladies, Media, king's, behavior, excessive

.q According to Esther 1:19 What kind of decree did the king make? (1 pt) .a Royal

.q According to Esther 1:20, What will happen after the king's decree is read throughout his empire? (1 pt) .a All wives will honor their husbands.

.q According to Esther 1:21who's advice did the king follow? ( 1pt) .a Memucan.

.q According to Esther 1:22. in what language was the letters to be sent? (1pt) .a to each province in his own script.

Chapter 2

Esther Chapter 2 Questions

.q According to Esther 2:1, What three things did King Ahasueras remember when his wrath subsided? (3 pts) .a Vashti, What she had done, and what had been decreed against her.

.q According to Esther 2:2 Fill in the blanks. "Then the king's servants who attended him said, 'Let beautiful young ______ be sought for the _______'". (2 pt) .a virgins, king.

.q According to Esther 2:3, Where would the officals bring the young virgins? (1 pt) .a Shushan the Citadel

.q According to Esther 2:3, What would Hegai give the women? (1 pt) .a beauty preparations.

.q According to Esther 2:4 What was the former queen's name? (1 pt) .a Vashti.

.q According Esther 2:5 Mordecai was the son of _______, the son of _______, the son of _______, a _________. (4 pts) .a Jair, Shimei, Kish, Benjamite.

.q According to Esther 2:6 Who was the king of Judah who had been carried away from Jerusalem? (1 pt) .a Jeconiah

.q According toEsther 2:7, What was another name for Esther (1pt) .a Hadassah

.q According to Esther 2:8, To where was Esther taken? (1 pt) .a To Shushan the Citadel

.q According toEsther 2:9, What else was given to her besides her allowance? (3 pts) .a beauty prepations, seven choice maidservants, the best place in the women's house.

.q According toEsther 2:10, True or False? Everybody knew Esther was Jewish. (1 pt) .a False

.q According to Esther 2:11, Who paced in front of the women's quarters? (1 pt) .a Mordecai

.q According to Esther 2:11, What did Mordecai do every day? (1 pt) .a Paced in front of the women's quarters.

.q According to Esther 2:12, How many months of preparation did each woman complete before her turn to go to the king? (1 pt) .a 12 months.

.q According to Esther 2:12, What was the beauty preparation for the first six months? (1 pt) .a oil of myrrh.

.q According to Esther 2:12, What was the beauty preparation named for the last six months? (1 pt) .a Perfumes.

.q According to Esther 2:13, What was each woman allowed to take with her to the palace? (1 pt) .a Whatever she desired.

.q According to Esther 2:14, After she went in to the king, then to which house did she go in the morning? (1 pt) .a the second house.

.q According to Esther 2:14, Who was in charge of the concubines? (1 pt) .a Shaashgaz.

.q According to Esther 2:15 What is Esther's dad's name? (1 pt) .a Abihail.

.q According to Esther 2:15, Who was the eunuch that gave Esther advice on what to take to the king's palace? (1 pt) .a Hegai

.q According to Esther 2:16, What is the name of the tenth month? (1 pt) .a Tebeth

.q According to Esther 2:17, Who obtained grace and favor in who's sight? (2 pt) .a Esther, the king .q According to Esther 2:18, What was the name of the feast? (1pt) .a The Feast of Esther

.q According to Esther 2:18, Who came to the Feast of Esther? (2 pt) .a Officials, servants

.q According to Esther 2:19 Who sat within the king's gate? (1 pt) .a Mordecai

.q According to Esther 2:19, True or False: After Esther was made the queen, no more virgins were gathered. (1 pt) .a False

q. According to Esther 2:20, What did Esther not reveal? (2 pt) .a Her family and her people.

.q According to Esther 2:21, Who were the king's gatekeepers? (2 pts)

.a Bigthan and Teresh

.q According to Esther 2:22 Fill in the blanks: "So the matter became known to _______, who told ______ _________, and __________ informed the __________ in Mordecai's name." (4 pts) .a Mordecai, Queen Esther, Esther, king

.q According to Esther 2:23 What happened to the gatekeepers? (1 pt) .a They were hanged on gallows.

.q According to Esther 2:23, What was written in the chronicles, in the presence of the king? (1 pt) .a The gatekeepers were hanged, and Mordecai had told the king about the plot.

Chapter 3

.q According to Esther 3:1, Whom did King Ahasuerus promote? (1 pt) .a Haman

.q According to Esther 3:1, Who was Haman's father? (1 pt) .a Hammedatha

.q According to Esther 3:1, From what tribe was Hammedatha? (1 pt) .a He was an Agagite.

.q According to Esther 3:2 Mordecai didn't bow and do what to Haman? (1 pt) .a pay homage.

.q According to Esther 3:3, What did the servants ask Mordecai? (1 pt) .a Why do transgress the king's command?

q. According to Esther 3:4, Why didn't Mordecai bow to Haman? (1 pt) .a Because he was a Jew.

.q According to Esther 3:4, Who spoke to Mordecai daily?(1 pt) .a The king's servants who were within the king's gate.

.q According to Esther 3:4, With whom did the king's servants talk, after talking with Mordecai? (1 pt) .a Haman

.q According to Esther 3:5 How did Haman react when Mordecai did not bow or pay him homage? (1 pt) .a He was filled with wrath.

.q According to Esther 3:6, True or False, Haman punished Mordecai for not bowing. (1 pt) .a False

.q According to Esther 3:6 On how many Jews did Haman want to lay hands? (1 pt) .a All the Jews who were throughout the whole kingdom of Ahasurerus

.q According to Esther 3:7, What is name of the first month of the year? (1 pt) .a Nisan

q. According to Esther 3:7, What year of Ahasurerus's reign was it? (1 pt) .a The twelveth year.

.q According to Esther 3:7, What is the name of the twelveth month? (1 pt) .a Adar

.q According to Esther 3:8, What reason did Haman present to the king, to convince him to kill the Jews? (2 pt). .a Their laws are different from all other people's laws, and they do not keep the king's laws.

.q According to Esther 3:9, How many talents of silver was Haman going to give the king? (1 pt) .a Ten thousand.

.q According to Esther 3:10, What did the king give Haman? (1 pt) .a His signet ring.

.q According to Esther 3:11, What two things did the king give to Haman to manage? (2 pt) .a The people and the money

.q According to Esther 3:12, Who were called on the 13th day of the first month? (1 pt ) .a The scribes.

.q According to Esther 3:12, What was made on the 13th day of the first month? (1 pt) .a A decree.

.q According to Esther 3:12, Who would get the decree? Fill in the blanks: "The King's ______, the governers over each ________, to the______ of all people, to every province according to it's_______, and to every people in their _________." (5 pt) .a satraps, province, officials, script, language

.q According to Esther 3:13 How was the decree announced? (1 pt) .a By Courriers

.q According to Esther 3:13 What were the people authorized to do? Fill in the blanks: " to _________, to kill, and to ________ all the Jews, both _______ and old, little children and _______," .......and to plunder their ________ (6 points) .a destroy, annihilate, young, women, posessions.

.q According to Esther 3:13, What day of the month of Adar would this take place? (1 pt) .a The thirteenth day (of the twelveth month)

.q According to Esther 3:14, True or False? A copy of the document was to be issued as law in every province? (1 pt) .a True

.q Esther 3:15, What happened after the decree was issued in Shushan? (1 pt) a. The king and Haman sat down to drink.

Chapter 4

.q According to Esther 4:1, What did Mordecai do when he heard the news? (3 pt) .a tore his clothes, put on sackcloth and ashes, and cried in the streets.

.q According to Esther 4:2, Why did Mordecai stop at the gate? (1 pt) .a Because he wore sackcloth and ashes. No one was to enter wearing sackcloth.

.q According to Esther 4:3 What four things did the Jews do when they heard the commandment? (4 pt) .a fasting, weeping, wailing, lying in sackcloth and ashes.

.q According to Esther 4:4 What did Esther send Mordecai? (1 pt) .a garments

.q According to Esther 4:4, Did Mordecai accept the clothes? (1 pt) .a No.

.q According to Esther 4:5 Who was the eunuch that Esther called? (1 pt) .a Hathach

.q ***** According to Esther 4:6 Where did Hathach find Mordecai? (1 pt) .a ****** In the city square that was in front of the king's gate.

.q According to Esther 4:7 What 2 things did Mordecai tell Hathach on the first visit? (2 pt) .a All the things that had happened, and the sum of money Haman was giving,

.q According to Esther 4:8 What did Mordecai give to Hathach to give to Esther? (1 pt) .a A copy of the decree.

.q According to Esther 4:8, What did Mordecai ask Hathach to ask Queen Esther to do? (1 pt) .a plead before the king for her people.

.q According to Esther 4:9 Did Hathach relay the message of Mordecai? (1 pt) .a Yes.

.q According to Esther 4:10 Did Esther have more to say to Mordecai? (1 pt) .a Yes.

.q According to Esther 4:11 What would happen to anyone who disturbed the king without being called? (1 pt) .a He would be put to death.

.q According to Esther 4:11, Tell what action the king could do to save someone from being put to death for disturbing the king.(1 pt) .a He could hold out his scepter.

.q According to Esther 4:11, How long had Esther been without seeing the king at this time? (1 pt) .a Thirty days.

.q According to Esther 4:12 Did Mordecai hear Esther's response? (1 pt) .a Yes.

.q According to Esther 4:13 What was Mordecai's response to Esther's message about not disturbing the king? (1 pt) .a Don't think you will escape more than any other Jew.

.q According to Esther 4:14 What did Mordecai predict would happen if Esther would be silent? (2 pts) .a Deliverance will come for the Jews, but you and your father's house will perish.

.q According to Esther 4:15 Did Esther respond to Mordecai? (1 pt) .a Yes.

.q According to Esther 4:16, Did Esther agree to try to go to the king? (1 pt) .a Yes.

.q According to Esther 4:16, What was Esther's response? (2 pts). .a It is not lawful for me to do this, but if I perish, I perish.

.q According to Esther 4:16, What two things did Esther ask Mordecai to do? (2 pt) .a Gather the Jews in Shushan and fast 3 days and nights.

.q According to Esther 4:16 What would Esther and her maids do? (1 pt) .a Fast for 3 days and nights.

.q According to Esther 4:17, Did Mordecai do as Esther commanded him? (1 pt) .a Yes.

Chapter 5

.q According to Esther 5:1, What did Esther do on the third day? (2 pt) .a She put on her royal robes and stood in the inner court of the king's palace.

.q According to Esther 5:1, Where did Esther stand? (1 pt) .a in the inner court of the king's palace

.q According to Esther 5:1, Where was the inner court in relation to the king's palace? (1pt) .a Across from the king's house

.q According to Esther 5:1 True or False, the king was facing the entrance of the house? (1 pt) .a True.

.q According to Esther 5:2, What did the king do when he saw Esther in the court? (1 pt) .a He held out the golden scepter.


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