Parent University Resource Suggestions

Kingdom Parent Institute

Resource Suggestions

Biblical Literacy

I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. ~ Psalm 119:11

For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the Lord, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel. ~ Ezra 7:10

Even the Great Commission commands us to teach others all that God has commanded (Matthew 28:20). Implicit in that commandment is that we must know God personally and know His Word intimately and thoroughly. God encouraged the Israelites to impress His commandments on their children and to talk about His Word throughout the entire day (Deuteronomy 6:7-9). We are encouraged to correctly handle the Word of God (2 Timothy 2:15), which is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so that we may be equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16-17). God’s Word is flawless (Proverbs 30:5) and valuable not only for “religious” issues such as salvation, but also as the primary basis upon which we make other life decisions including decisions about work, family, wealth, health, ministry, and our relationships with others.

Laying the Groundwork

|TITLE |AUTHOR |Age Level |

|30 Days to Understanding the Bible |Max Anders |All age levels |

|The Case for Christ (…for Faith …for a Creator) |Lee Strobel |All age levels |

|Christian Beliefs: Twenty Basics Every Christian Should Know |Wayne A. Grudem |MS – US students and all age |

| | |adults |

|Why I Am a Christian |John Stott |MS – US students and all age |

| | |adults |

|Christianity – A Follower’s Guide |Pete Briscoe, general editor |US students and all age adults |

Journey to Maturity

|TITLE |AUTHOR |Age level |

|Basic Christianity |John Stott |US students and adults |

|Knowing God |J.I. Packer |US students and adults |

|Mere Christianity |C.S. Lewis |US students and adults |

|The Pilgrim’s Progress |John Bunyan |MS – US students and all age |

| | |adults |

|The Pursuit of God |A.W. Tozer |MS – US students and all age |

| | |adults |

|131 Christians Everyone Should Know |Editors of Christian History |US students and all age adults |

| |Magazine | |

|The Normal Christian Life |Watchman Nee |US students and adults |

|The Mark of a Christian |Francis Schaeffer |MS – US students and all age |

| | |adults |

|Sit Walk Stand |Watchman Nee |MS – US students and all age |

| | |adults |

|Know What You Believe: Connecting Faith and Truth |Paul Little |MS – US students and all age |

| | |adults |

|Pursuit of Holiness |Jerry Bridges |US students and adults |

|Faith That Goes the Distance |Jud Wilhite |MS – US students and all age |

| | |adults |

|What’s So Amazing About Grace? |Phillip Yancey |MS – US students and all age |

| | |adults |

|Kingdom Education: God’s Plan for Educating Future Generations |Dr. Glen Schultz |US students and all age adults |

|The Question of God: C.S. Lewis and Sigmund Freud Debate God, Love, |Dr. Armand M. Nicholi, Jr. |US students and all age adults |

|Sex, and the Meaning of Life | | |

|Indelible Ink: 22 Prominent Christian Leaders Discuss the Books that |Scott Larsen, General Editor |US students and all age adults |

|Shape Their Faith | | |

|The Search for Satisfaction: Looking for Something New Under the Sun |Dr. David McKinley |US students and all age adults |

|The Seven Checkpoints: Seven Principles Every Teenager Needs to Know |Andy Stanley and Stuart Hall |MS – US students and all age |

| | |adults |

Learning to Read & Study Your Bible

|TITLE |AUTHOR |Age level |

|What the Bible is All About: Bible Handbook: NIV Edition |Dr. Henrietta C. Mears |MS – US students and all age |

| | |adults |

|How to Pray and How to Study the Bible |R.A. Torrey |US students and all age adults |

|The Big Picture: Understanding the Story of the Bible |Tommy Nelson |MS – US students and all age |

| | |adults |

|How to Study the Bible: Practical Advice for Receiving Light from |Watchman Nee |US students and all age adults |

|God’s Word | | |

|Living by the Book |Dr. Howard Hendricks |US students and all age adults |

Going Deeper

|TITLE |AUTHOR |age level |

|The Call: Finding and Fulfilling the Central Purpose of Your Life |Os Guinness |US students and all age adults |

|Spiritual Leadership: Principles of Excellence for Every Believer |J. Oswald Sanders |US students and all age adults |

|Essentials of Evangelical Theology, Vols. 1 and 2 |Donald Bloesch |US students and all age adults |

|The Cost of Discipleship |Dietrich Bonhoeffer |US students and all age adults |

|Systematic Theology |Wayne Grudem |US students and all age adults |

|Orthodoxy |G.K. Chesterton |US students and all age adults |

|A Life Well Spent |Russ Crosson |US students and all age adults |

|How We Got the Bible |Neil R. Lightfoot |US students and all age adults |

|Embracing the Mysterious God: Loving the God We Don’t Understand |James Emery White |US students and all age adults |

|A Search for the Spiritual: Exploring Real Christianity |James Emery White |US students and all age adults |

|The Doctrines that Divide: A Fresh Look at the Historical Doctrines |Erwin Lutzer |US students and all age adults |

|that Separate Christians | | |


|title |author |age level |

|My Utmost for His Highest |Oswald Chambers |MS – US and adults |

|One Year Book of Devotions for Men |Stuart Briscoe |Men of all age levels |

|The Women of Faith Daily Devotional |Patsy Clairmont |Women of all age levels |

|Renewed Day by Day |A.W. Tozer |MS – US and adults |

|Daily Grace for Teens: Devotional Reflections to Nourish Your Soul |John Maxwell |MS – US students |

|Teach Me to Pray: 365 Readings |Andrew Murray |MS – US and adults |

|Devotional Classics: Selected Readings for Individuals and Groups |Edited by Richard J. Foster and|MS – US and adults |

| |James Bryan Smith | |

|Morning & Evening |Charles H. Spurgeon |MS – US and adults |


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