Daily Dose - ELA Core Plans

Daily Dose

Eighth Grade

An ELA Bell Ringer with a Purpose!

Daily Dose 8th Grade Sample Packet

Written by Tammy D. Sutherland and Shannon B. Temple

Copyright 2005 S&T Publications, LLC

Daily Dose 1

WOD: PLIGHT (PLITE) noun: A difficult situation

Think of: Flight Imagine someone who is afraid to fly. This person would view an airplane flight as a plight.

Edit: Everyday right hear in this spot their will be a sentence

for you to correct its a story about a country hound dog and a

city pit bull who got themselves into quite a plight

Standard Review: Read the following sentences from a story, and then answer the question. In the early morning, Davis stood at the bus stop on Woodland Way. He clutched his notebook and used it as a fan. Based on the clues in this short passage, which of the following is the best prediction of what will happen next?

a. Davis will greet Cruz, his best friend, who is already on the bus.

b. Davis will get on the bus when it comes and go to school. c. Davis will use the notebook to record facts as he takes

the bus to the store. d. Davis and his family will move to a cooler climate.

Daily Dose 2

WOD: Reside ( ri ZIDE ) verb: To live permanently or continuously

Think of: The Side Imagine someone who lives on the side of a hill. This person resides on the side.

Edit: Hound dog hank resided in hickville south carolina

and he love to sing country music

Standard Review: What does foreshadowing usually help create in a story?

a. flashbacks b. conflicts c. tone d. suspense

Daily Dose 3

WOD: GRIMACE (GRIM iss) noun: A facial expression usually indicating a negative reaction to something

Think of: Grim Face Imagine a little boy with a grim face. No one wants to be his friend because he always has a grimace.

Edit: pit bull bizzle lived in new york new york he was

a serious dog who always had a grimace on his face

Standard Review: Which of the following is an example of an internal conflict?

a. A girl struggles with her best friend for the privilege of being first in line.

b. A boy struggles to come to the right decision. c. A man struggles to save his family home from a

fire. d. A woman struggles to drive her car in a downpour

of rain.

Daily Dose 4

WOD: NOTEWORTHY ( NOTE wur the) adjective: Deserving notice or attention

Think of: Worthy Note Imagine a note so worthy of attention, people call it noteworthy.

Edit: it is noteworthy to mention that bizzle and hank

had never met that is not until a contest that brought

them together from many miles

Standard Review:

Shannon is researching Hurricane Katrina. Which is the best source of information for her?

a. the Hurricane entry in a 2000 encyclopedia b. an interview with a New Orleans survivor of

Hurricane Katrina c. an article about hurricanes by a New Orleans TV

weather forecaster d. the National Hurricane Center's Hurricane

Katrina web site

Daily Dose 5

WOD: AVID (AVID) adjective: Committed, strong

Think of: A Lid Imagine a lid on a jar that is extremely tight. One might say that this lid is avid.

Edit: They was both avid musicians so when they

heard about a singing contest they could not wait to


Standard Review:

Sara announced to her classmates that the guppy in the class

aquarium had swallowed a cheese cracker. "Look, everyone!

The fish has a square body!" she joked. The fish was so

weighed down by this cracker, that it could not get off of the

bottom of the aquarium. The kids nicknamed the fish Cheese

Bob Square Pants, and from that day on, they only fed it

cheese crackers.

What is the tone of this passage?

a. melancholy b. humorous

c. serious

d. nostalgic

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