Beckley CE Primary School

Evergreen Home Learning Term 5 Week 3 – Monday 4th May 2020What was life like in Ancient Egypt?Weekly Menu MATHS White Rose Lesson 1 for your year groupSummer Term week 3White Rose Lesson 2 for your year groupSummer Term week 3White Rose Lesson 3 for your year groupSummer Term week 3White Rose Lesson 4 for your year groupSummer Term week 3White Rose Lesson 5 for your year groupSummer Term week 3(Optional as it is a bank holiday) Rose activities are for learning so watch the video and complete the tasks- the sheets do not need to be printed, just record your working out and answers on a piece of paper, and then check your answers with the answer sheet. These are not tests so an adult is able to help you if you are stuck; however, by watching the video you should be able to have a go at most of the questions on your own. If you need resources, try using Lego or colouring pencils etc to help you. SPELLINGSpellings 5L.O. To spell words with words that have an /ear/ sound spelt using ‘ere’Presentation on Purple Mash – Work, My Class, Work to do at home called Week 5 presentationComplete the word jumble puzzle- Work, My Class, Work to do at home called Word jumbleHandwriting – practise these spellings by writing them out four times each, ensuring that you use your best handwriting (work to do at home folder called handwriting example). Spellings 6L.O. To spell words from the Y5/Y6 statutory spelling listPresentation. - Work, My Class, Work to do at home called week 6 presentationText message spelling – Work to do at homeCreate your own word search with the spelling list. ENGLISH Session 4/5L.O. to summarise key eventsRead the end of the book. (Last pages are on work to do at home). Think about where you think Tristan has gone? How does this make you feel? Why did his mother act the way she did? Do you think that Tristan was always meant to find the viewer?Create a map of the story using illustrations and annotations to record the main events. You can create these on large pieces of paper, or in a notebook (1 page per event), or the computer. Use some quotes from the text to add detail to your story map. Write your personal thoughts about what happens to Tristan –I think…, In my opinion…because…Please email them to us or share them on the blog. Session 6LO: to use personal responsesHow did his mum react? Why did she act this way?Imagine an interview between Tristan’s mum and a newspaper reporter – what questions would they ask his mum, and what answers could his mum give. Would people believe that he just disappeared?Come up with a minimum of two questions to ask Tristan’s mum and then think of the responses she could give. Share these on the class blog. LEARNING JOURNEYWhat was life like in Ancient Egypt?L.O. To understand how evidence give us different answers about the past.Open the Tutankhamun PowerPoint (Work, My Class, Work to do at home) To start, you need to look at the different sources (Work, My Class, Work to do at home called Tutankhamun sources) Follow the instructions on the PowerPoint for this activity- make notes on paper.Read the rest of the PowerPoint and follow the instructions.L.O. To write a diary entryIn class, we have learn to write diaries. Your task is to use the information you learnt in the previous session (Tutankhamun) to write a diary. You need to imagine that you were Howard Carter (or one of his team) and your diary should be about the discovery of Tut’s tomb. It could include the frustration leading up to the discovery. It should definitely include the excitement and amazement of the discovery. Either do this on paper, take a photo and email it to me or type it onto 2write on Purple Mash and email it. READING e-book set as a 2do on Purple Mash – Read Chapter 3Comprehension – Online multiple-choice questions set as a 2do. SPAG – Work, My Class, Work to do at home called Seeds of Doom Chapter 3 SPaGThe story continues writing task set as a 2do. You should also be reading your own book every day. SCIENCEL.O. To understand that plants and animals are like their parents in many ways. Watch this clip the Inheritance and evolution PowerPoint (Work, My Class, Work to do at home).Look at the slides and complete the activities including the cross-breeding dogs worksheet.Now complete the inheritance homework sheet on eye colour.L.O. ARTSArtL.O. GermanGo to and challenge yourself to learn German in just 5 minutes a day. This is a super fun way to brush up on your German skills.Who knows how fluent you could be in a week! Let us know how well you are doing.PEJoe Wicks daily videos ORLearn a dance routine with Strictly Come Dancing‘s Oti Mabusi on YouTube.Play in the garden as much as you canDaily walk from your house with an adultONLINE SAFETYThere is an online safety task this week- keep looking out for it! Email us if you have any concerns. LIFE SKILLSStrip your bedding from your bedHelp make lunch for you and your family.Put new sheets on your bed (you might need help with the duvet!)Put your clothes away.Wash up or load the dishwasherLearn to ride your bike safely.RENot until the end of term (will be given as a whole week)Other activitiesPobble 365 story starters. table games on Purple MashMindfulness colouring (There are loads on Twinkl for free and other sites) ................

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