Living in Upper Canada - Province of Manitoba

Living in Upper Canada |Living in Lower Canada | |

|Language, religion, population |Language, religion, population |

|What year was Upper Canada established? What is it called today? |What year was Lower Canada established? What is it called today? |

|Describe major changes in the population from 1763 to the early 1800s. |Describe major changes in the population from 1763 the early 1800s. |

|What are some of the reasons for this population change? |What are some of the reasons for this population change? |

|Where does most of the population come from? |Where does most of the population come from? |

|What is the majority language in the early 1800s in Upper Canada? |What is the majority language in the early 1800s in Lower Canada? |

|What is the majority religion in the early 1800s in Upper Canada? |What is the majority religion in the early 1800s in Lower Canada? |

|How did most of the people feel about the British colonial government? |How did most of the people feel about the British colonial government? |

|Government and laws |Government and laws |

|Describe how the government worked, and how decisions were made. |Describe how the government worked, and how decisions were made. |

|Describe the role of each of these people or groups: |Describe the role of each of these people or groups: |

|The Lieutenant Governor |The Governor General |

|The Legislative Council |The Legislative Council |

|The Executive Council |The Executive Council |

|The Family Compact |The Château Clique |

|The elected Legislative Assembly |The elected Legislative Assembly |

|The voters |The voters |

|Social groups, work, and daily life |Social groups, work, and daily life |

|Describe who these groups were, how they lived and worked, and what |Describe who these people were, how they lived and worked, what their |

|their opinions and values were, and what they wanted from the British |opinions and values were, and what they wanted from the British |

|colonial government. |colonial government. |

|The Loyalists and other American immigrants |The habitants |

|The recent immigrants from Europe |The American immigrants |

|The people in the towns and villages |The merchants |

|The homesteaders in rural areas |The clergy |

|The merchants and businessmen |The educated professionals |

|The Reformers |The Patriotes or the Parti canadien |

|Similarities between the two Canadas: |

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Upper Canada and Lower Canada: Comparison


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