Daily Schedule TEMPLATE - Stanford University

This schedule is, by necessity, only an outline of the many places we visit during our journey. The schedule may shift due to the weather or to take advantage of unexpected opportunities. A more comprehensive schedule, with times for lectures and excursions, will be announced daily by the tour staff.


September 6

Fly from your home city to Stanford.

5:30 p.m. All participants meet at the Anthropology department,

Building 50, Room 51A – the main seminar room – near the main quad, to the left of Memorial Church on the Stanford campus, for our welcome reception and dinner. Please wear your nametag; dress is casual. Refer to the campus map for the location of the Anthropology Department. The nearest parking is at the Oval, in front of the Main Quad. Parking is also available in the lot near Tresidder Student Union and Arrillaga Alumni Center.

7:00 p.m. Professor Bill Durham will give introductory remarks and his first presentation on the Galápagos and the weekend seminar:

SESSION 1: “Galápagos 2009: Our Amazing Itinerary.”


8:30 p.m. All participants are welcome to join an optional video presentation: “The Islands that Changed the World”.

Overnight accommodations are on your own. (R,D)


Meals included in the program are indicated in the bottom right corner of each day’s schedule with the following designations:

B = Breakfast Br = Brunch L = Lunch D = Dinner R = Reception


September 7

9:00 a.m. A light continental breakfast is available in the Anthropology Department for all alumni participants.

9:30 a.m. Alumni participants begin the Galápagos seminar with Professor Durham in room 51A of the Anthropology department, our classroom for the weekend.

SESSION 2: “What Makes Galápagos So Special?”

12:00 p.m. Walk to brunch in Wilbur Dining Hall (see campus map). Tour manager Karen Alderete will provide meal tickets for entry into the dining hall.

1:15 – 3:00 p.m. All participants meet back in Room 51A to continue class.

SESSION 2: “What have we learned about conservation from Galápagos?”

The remainder of the afternoon and evening is free for you to enjoy the Stanford campus area.

5:00 – 6:30 p.m. Dinner for all participants is available in Wilbur Dining Hall.

7:00 p.m. Optional workshop: “Making the most of Photography in Galápagos” with special guests Joel Simon and John Todd.

Overnight accommodations are on your own. (B, Br, D)



September 8

9:00 a.m. A light continental breakfast is served in the Anthropology Department for all alumni participants.

9:30 a.m. SESSION 4: “What have we learned about evolution from Galápagos?”

12:00 p.m. Walk to brunch in Wilbur Dining Hall.

1:15 – 3:00 p.m. Joint Seminar: A discussion of Paul Stewart’s book, “Galápagos: The Islands that Changed the World”

The remainder of the afternoon and evening is free for you to make last-minute preparations for our trip.

5:00 – 6:30 p.m. Dinner for all participants is available in Wilbur Dining Hall.

Overnight accommodations are on your own. (B, Br, D)



September 9

7:15 a.m. Participants departing with the recommended flight itinerary who would like to join the group shuttle should meet at the designated shuttle pick-up point on Escondido Street in front of Stern Hall (see campus map) at 7:15 a.m. for transportation to San Francisco International Airport.

8:45 a.m. All participants on the recommended flight itinerary arrive at San Francisco International Airport for check-in at the Continental Airlines ticket counter (in the domestic terminal). Tour manager Karen Alderete will be available near the check-in counter and later at the departure gate to assist you. Please check your luggage through to Quito; your claim check should read “UIO,” the code for Quito’s International Airport.

10:40 a.m. Depart: San Francisco Continental Airlines #1536

Flying time: 3 hours, 48 minutes

Time change: +3 hours

Meals: Snack

Equipment: Boeing 737-800

4:26 p.m. Arrive: Houston

Upon arrival in Houston, meet our connecting flight to Quito.

5:45 p.m. Depart: Houston Continental Airlines #653

Flying time: 5 hours, 16 minutes

Time change: -1 hour

Meals: Dinner

Equipment: Boeing 737-700

10:59 p.m. Arrive: Quito

Upon arrival, clear immigration, collect your luggage and observe customs formalities. Board a coach and transfer to our hotel.

Participants arriving in Quito independently should plan to meet the group at the hotel. Taxis are readily available at the airport and cost approximatelyUS $15-20 for the 20-minute ride.



Morning Breakfast is served in our hotel.

After breakfast, fly to the Galápagos Islands via Guayaquil.

9:00 a.m. Depart: Quito Lan Ecuador 195

Flying time: 3 hours, 15 min. (including 1 stop in Guayaquil)

Time change: -1 hour

Meals: Snack

Equipment: Boeing 727

11:00 a.m. Arrive: San Cristobal, Galápagos Islands

Upon arrival, transfer to the Hotel Micona.

Afternoon After lunch there are two optional activites. These will be announced by your tour staff, and the group will be divided for several hours.

Evening Return to the hotel to hear presentations by special guest lecturers. Enjoy dinner at the hotel.





September 11 to Enjoy breakfast at our hotel, then transfer to La Pinta.


September 17 Our travel in the archipelago is truly exploratory by design, and our exact day-to-day movements will remain flexible, depending on local conditions.

A typical day will begin with breakfast, followed by an expedition ashore. A second shore excursion or snorkeling opportunity will occur after lunch on most days. To be best prepared for excursions, dress for wet landings, often in knee-deep water. Wear comforable water shoes or sandals which can be worn for walking around the islands. Sunscreen is essential in the Galápagos and we recommend wearing a hat for sun protection as well. We also recommend bringing your reusable water bottle on excursions, since plastic bottles are not allowed in the Galápagos.

On most evenings we will hear presentations by the sophomores or Professor Durham. Depending on the timing for each day’s activities, these presentations may occur either before or after dinner. We will also hear re-cap presentations by our naturalist guides during cocktail hour before dinner.

Your tour staff will print a daily schedule with more detailed timings and expedition stops each evening. These will be delivered to your cabin. There will also be a daily schedule posted adjacent to the reception area for each day.

The following is a list of the islands we hope to visit during our expedition:

Isla Lobos and Playa Ochoa - San Cristobal Island

North Seymour Island

Guy Fawkes and Cerro Dragón Island – Española Island

Post office Bay, Champion Islet – Floreana Island

Punta Cormorant – Floreana Island

Punta Moreno – Isabela Island

Punta Espinoza – Fernandina Island

Highlands of Santa Cruz – Santa Cruz Island

Puerto Ayora and the Charles Darwin Research – Santa Cruz Island

Barolomé Island

Rábida Island

Gardner Bay & Punta Suarez – Expañola Island

Puerto Baquerizo Moreno – San Cristobal Island

Your expedition staff will work with the captain of La Pinta to maximize our time in Galápagos and take advantage of opportunities to view wildlife both on land and in the water. If there are changes to the itinerary, the staff will let you know.




September 18

Morning Following breakfast on board, bid farewell to the La Pinta and disembark for the transfer to Puerto Baquerizo Airport.

12:00 p.m. Depart: San Cristobal Island Lan Ecuador 194

Flying time: 3 hours (including 1 stop in Guayaquil)

Time change: +1 hour

Meals: Lunch

Equipment: Boeing 727

4:00 p.m. Arrive: Quito

Upon arrival, transfer to our hotel and check in.

Evening Enjoy a free evening to explore the city independently.



Saturday QUITO

September 19

Morning Enjoy breakfast in our hotel.

Depart for a city tour that highlights the history of Quito and Ecuador. Once a prosperous Indian town, Quito eventually became the northern capital of the Inca Empire and an important colonial center. In 1979, the United Nations declared Quito a historical site to be treasured and conserved. The contemporary city is full of contrasts: narrow, cobblestone streets leading to enormous churches on spacious plazas; homes with tall windows and wooden doors, still painted Moorish blue; and gardens behind whitewashed walls, reminiscent of medieval Andalucia.

Afternoon Enjoy lunch at a local restaurant. The remainder of the afternoon is at leisure.

Evening Gather for a festive farewell reception and dinner at our hotel to celebrate the end of our journey.



Sunday, QUITO ( U.S.

September 20

4:00 a.m. Following an early breakfast at our hotel, participants on the recommended flight transfer to Quito’s International Airport and check in for our return flight to the U.S.

6:30 a.m. Depart: Quito Continental Airlines #654

Flying time: 4 hours, 20 minutes

Time change: +1 hour

Meals: Breakfast

Equipment: Boeing 737-700

11:48 a.m. Arrive: Houston

Proceed through immigration, baggage claim and customs. Deposit luggage outside customs at a designated transfer point, then proceed to the boarding gate for our flight to San Francisco.

2:35 p.m. Depart: Houston Continental Airlines #1566

Flying time: 4 hours, 10 minutes

Time change: -3 hours

Meals: Snack

Equipment: Boeing 737-800

4:43 p.m. Arrive: San Francisco

Transportation to the Stanford campus is provided for those arriving in San Francisco on the group flight.




Please be sure to check your luggage all the way through to San Francisco, or wherever your final destination may be in the U.S. You will have to claim luggage in Houston (your first point of entry into the U.S.) for customs clearance, but you can drop your bags off at a transfer point immediately outside customs without having to check in again.


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