SCHEDULE 1 - Landscape Ontario


- Indicates major defect (for the daily inspection of trucks, tractors and trailers)

Air Brake System

• audible air leak

• slow air pressure build-up rate


• Occupant compartment door fails to open

Cargo Securement

• Insecure or improper load covering

Coupling Devices

• Coupler or mounting has a loose or missing fastener

Dangerous Goods

Driver Controls

• Accelerator pedal, clutch, gauges, audible and visual indicators or instruments fail to function properly

Driver Seat

• Seat is damaged or fails to remain in set position

Electric Brake System

• Loose or insecure or electrical connection

Emergency Equipment and Safety Devices

• Emergency equipment is missing, damaged or defective

Air Brake System

• Exhaust leak, except as described (in Column 3 by major defect below)

Frame and Cargo Body

• Damaged frame or cargo body

Fuel System

• Missing fuel tank cap


Glass and Mirrors

• Required mirror or window glass fails to provide the required

view to the driver as a result of being cracked, broken, damaged, missing or maladjusted

• Required mirror or glass has broken or damaged attachments onto vehicle body


• Control or system failure


• Vehicle has no operative horn

Hydraulic Brake System

• Brake fluid level is below indicated minimum level

• Parking brake is inoperative

Lamps and Reflectors

• Required lamp does not function as intended

• Required reflector is missing or partially missing


• Steering wheel last (free-play) is greater than normal

Suspension System

• Air leak in air suspension system

• A broken leaf spring

• Suspension fastener is loose, missing or broken


• Damaged tread or sidewall of tire

• Tire leaking

Wheels, Hubs and Fasteners

• Hub oil below minimum level (when fitted with sight glass)

• Leaking wheel seal

Wheels, Hubs and Fasteners

• Control or system malfunction

• Wiper blade is damaged, missing or fails to adequately clear driver’s field of vision


← A vehicle with a registered or actual gross weight of 4500kg or more and trailers must be inspected once every 24 hour period (minimum).

← Subsequent trailers must also be inspected and the information (plate and defects) recorded on the report.

← Drivers must record any minor defects identified and report those defects to their carrier.

← Drivers must monitor the vehicle with any major defect.

← Drivers must monitor the vehicle throughout the day and record any addition defects observed. A driver may not continue driving if a major defect is present.

← Each subsequent driver must sign the inspection report or complete a new one.

← Drivers must submit the daily vehicle inspection report to the operator as soon as possible after it ceases to be valid, but always within 20 days.

← Drivers must carry a copy of the appropriate inspection schedule (schedule 1 for trucks, tractors & trailer) and a completed daily report.



Daily Vehicle Inspection

Requirements for


Educational Enforcement Period

(July 1 – December 31, 2007)

Ontario will accept any vehicle inspection report that is compliant with the carriers’ case plate jurisdictional requirements. Ontario carriers will be required to comply with either the old requirements

(Regulation 575) or the new regulation 199/07.

US Carriers may continue to use the previous says post trip inspection until further notice. Drivers will be charged if found driving with a major defect as identified in an Ontario schedule (see inside).

Full enforcement will begin Jan 1, 2008.

This information hand out is provided as a general guideline only. It includes a list of minor and major defects for trucks, tractors and trailers as outlined in schedule one of the daily vehicle inspection regulation and provides a sample inspection report.

To view the legislation, regulation and related schedules in their entirety please visit the e-laws website:

Daily vehicle inspection requirements can be found in the Highway Traffic Act (section 107) and in

regulation 199/07.


• Pushrod stroke of any brake exceeds the adjustment limit

• air loss rate exceeds prescribed limit

• inoperative towing vehicle (tractor) protection system

• low air warning system fails or system is activated

• inoperative service parking or emergency brake

• Any door fails to close securely

• Insecure cargo

• Absence failure malfunction or deterioration of required cargo securement device or load covering

• Coupler is insecure or movement exceeds prescribed limit

• Coupling or locking mechanism damaged or fails to lock

• Defective incorrect or missing safety chain or cable

• Dangerous goods requirements not met

• Seatbelt or tether belt is insercure missing or malfuntions

• Inoperative breakaway device

• Inoperative brake

• Leak that causes exhaust gas to enter occupant compartment

• Visibly shifted cracked, collapsing or sagging frame member

• Insecure fuel tank

• Dripping fuel tank

• Serious damage or deterioration that is noticeable and may affect the vehicles safe operation

• defroster fails to provide unobstructed view through the windshield

• Brake boost of power assist is not operative

• Brake fluid leak

• Brake pedal fade or insufficient brake pedal reserve

• Activated (other than ABS) warning device

• Brake fluid reservoir is less than 1/4 full

When use of lamps is required:

• Failure of both low-beam headlamps

• Failure of both rearmost tail lamps

At all times

• Failure of a rearmost turn indicator lamp

• Failure of both rearmost brake lamps

• Steering wheel in insecure, or does not respond normally

• Steering wheel lash (free play) exceeds prescribed limit

• Damaged or deflated air bag

• Cracked or broken main spring leaf or more than one broken spring leaf

• Part of spring leaf or suspension is missing, shifted out of place, or is in contact with another vehicle component

• Loose U-bolt

• Flat tire

• Tire tread depth is les than wear limit

• Tire is in contact with another tire or any vehicle component other than mud-flap

• Tire is marked “Not for Highway Use”

• Tire has exposed cords in the tread or outer sidewall area

• Wheel has loose, missing or ineffective fastener

• Damaged, cracked or broken wheels, rim or attaching part

• Evidence of imminent wheel, hub or bearing failure

When use of wipers or washer is required:

• Wiper or washer fails to adequately clear driver’s field of vision in are swept by driver’s side wiper

Daily Vehicle Inspection Report (to be carried with inspection schedule)

Operator: _____________________________________________________ Date: ____________________

Truck plate#:_________________________ Province:____________ Time: _______________________

Trailer plate#:________________________ Province:____________ Location: ____________________

Odometer reading:________________

Name (printed): ___________________________________ Signature: _______________________________

I have inspected vehicle(s) in accordance with Ontario regulation 199/07

Minor Defects found: _________________________ Major Defects found: ___________________________

_________________________ ___________________________

_________________________ ___________________________

_________________________ ___________________________

( No Defects Signature of current driver (of not inspector): ________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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