Senior Composition -

Senior CompositionInstructor: Mrs. HartmanEmail: Robin.hartman@anderson.kyschools.usPhone: 502-839-5118 ext. 2118Planning: 5th BlockCourse OverviewIntroduction: Welcome to Senior Composition! I know everyone is very excited about graduation, and I am looking forward to helping you during this big transition. I am looking forward to helping prepare you for whatever journey you undertake after graduation, whether it is at the college level, military, job training. I want to help you see how knowledge will strengthen your problem solving skills and give you more options in your life, regardless of your path. Goals:-to make you college and career ready-to improve your writing, communication, and comprehension skills-to prepare you for the standardized tests (CompassTest, ACT, SAT)Supplies Needed:-Notebook for journal-Pen or pencil -notebook paper and folder-Laptop or tablet (optional)-USB (optional) Class Structure:-Opening, review of daily agenda, Bellringer, and rollBell ringer: This will usually be over grammar concepts like punctuation or research/writing skills like citations. -Writing Journal: You will keep a writing journal for this class during this trimester. This journal is to get you in the habit of writing daily and give you the opportunity to respond to writing prompts and begin prewriting, brainstorming, and draft writing for the major assignments for the class. I will be giving you direct feedback in your journals as you are writing. Writing:We will be writing a lot. Writing will include, but is not limited to, the following:-Resume-Cover Letter-Informative Writing-Personal Essay-Research/Argument WritingGroup Work: In our group activities, everyone is required to participate and complete a part of the activity as indicated by their assigned role in the group. During this trimester, we will be focusing on -strengthening our academic, formal and career-based writing skills. -building our vocabulary, enhancing word choice, and using proper grammar.-developing appropriate tone in your language that correlates with the intended audience.-strengthening effective written communication skills.-using proper essay format and citations.-making and supporting an argument effectively. -illustrating our understanding of grammatical concepts.Assessment: -You will be assessed in a variety of different methods throughout the trimester. -Papers: 40%-Bellringers: 10%-Participation/journal assignments: 25%-Quizzes, Tests, Group Projects: 25% Behavior SyllabusGuidelines for Success:Be respectful Work HardBelieve in yourselfRules:1.Be on task immediately after instruction is given.2.Always ask questions if there is any confusion.3.Be respectful in your actions and words.4.If you need to use your phone, please ask for permission. Otherwise, phones should not be visible. Keep them off your desks.5.Stay in your seat unless given permission or if dismissed from class by the teacher. Attendance:-Please be here. It is difficult to learn if you are not in the classroom.-To make up tests and other assignments for my class, your absence must be excused. -Tardiness:-Bell rings, my door closes. I expect you in your seat when the bell rings.-I will follow the school’s disciplinary plan for tardiness.-When you are absent, check what you missed on our calendar. Make-Up work is available to you in the folder at the front of the room. All in-class assignments must be completed within three days after your absence. No make-up work will be allowed if students are present for the assignment.Late work:-Late work will be accepted for 50% credit.-If you have an excused absence, I will follow ACHS guidelines for late work.-It is YOUR responsibility to set up a time to make up tests and quizzes.*Please know it is your responsibility to turn in quality work on time.Electronic Devices:-I highly encourage you to have our own laptop or tablet for working on assignments; however, they are not to be used for non-academic purposes. The use of this technology is a privilege that can be revoked upon your abuse and my discretion. - Students will ask for permission to use their phone.A. This means, the phones will be out of sight unless given permission from the teacher.B. Permission is not to be requested when students are asked to put the phone away. Do not explain why it is out when asked to put it away. C. Also, this means that there will be appropriate times I will allow you to have our phones out, but permission for phone access is at my discretion. Food-Clear containers for drinks are allowed.-Gum, mints are allowed.-Do not bring lunch to my classroom: No McDonald’s, Sonic, or Dairy Queen please. It is distracting. Beginning of Class:-Be in your seat when the bell rings.-As soon as the bell rings, begin working on the opening activity in your notes or journal.End of class-Stay in your seats until the bell rings and I dismiss you. Do not line up. Seating-I will assign you seats within the first few days of school. Group Work-We will do a fair amount of cooperative learning group activities and projects. Everyone is expected to participate. ................

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