The Common Council for the City of Faith, South Dakota met ...

The Common Council for the City of Faith, South Dakota met in regular session on May 19, 2015 at 6:00 P.M. in the Community Room of the Community Center. Mayor Haines called the meeting to order, Brown called roll call, and Mayor Haines led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Council members present: Chapman(arrived at 6:30P.M.), Inghram, Berndt, Collins, Lightfield, and Hellekson.

Others in attendance were: Debbie Brown, Dave Lutz, Arlen Frankfurth, Amy Schauer, Jami Derflinger, Triston Delbridge, Treyton Bushong, Kaeli Carmichael, Kira Hunter by phone, Jaelani Uthe, Keyaira Kirkley, Peggy Riley and Loretta Passolt.

Inghram made a motion, seconded by Hellekson to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried.

Lightfield made a motion, seconded by Collins to retire into executive session to discuss personnel – for interviews at 6:01 PM. Motion carried.

Mayor Haines declared the Council out of executive session at 6:55 PM.

Collins made a motion, seconded by Berndt to approve the minutes of the May 4th, 2015 meeting with the following correction:

Under: Hire Police Officer:

Change the name from William Kindsvogel to Matthew Kindsvogel. Motion carried.


The following claims were presented and read:

|Utility Department |Salaries | $ 7,099.95 |

|Finance Office |Salaries | $ 4,720.46 |

|Police Department |Salaries | $ 4,787.00 |

|Bar & Liquor Store |Salaries | $ 2,216.57 |

|Janitor |Salaries | $ 1,314.32 |

|Ambulance Department |Salaries | $ 4,785.64 |

|James Crockford |Landfill Manager | $ 350.56 |

|Angela Ostrander |Library Supervisor | $ 240.00 |

|Kathy Schuchhardt |Library Sub | $ 627.11 |

|Amy Ulrich |Library Sub | $ 58.88 |

|First National Bank |Withholding & SS | $ 3,704.81 |

|First National Bank |Federal Excise Tax | $ 359.60 |

|First National Bank |Withholding & SS | $ 3,278.50 |

|Combined Insurance |Supplemental Insurance | $ 36.00 |

|First National Bank |Collections | $ 113.74 |

|MM&I Entertainment |Karaoke | $ 375.00 |

|DCI |Back Ground Check | $ 24.00 |

|SD State Treasurer |Sales Tax | $ 5,041.75 |

|Dept of Revenue |Malt Beverage License Fees | $ 750.00 |

|Advanced Drug Testing, Inc. |Drug Testing | $ 26.00 |

|Boom Concrete, Inc. |Vault Toilet | $ 9,960.00 |

|Border States Electric Supply |Supplis | $ 1,507.87 |

|Butler Insurance Company |2006 Ford Crown Vic | $ 190.00 |

|CenturyLink |Services Expenses | $ 5.08 |

|Dakota Cloud Recovery |Professional Services-Lone Tree | $ 49.00 |

|Dakota Business Center |Quarterly Maintenance Contract | $ 53.14 |

|Dept of Revenue |Drivers Licensing | $ 185.00 |

|Faith Independent |Publishing | $ 828.15 |

|Faith Lumber Company |Supplies | $ 1,110.94 |

|Farmers Union Oil |Gasoline | $ 1,159.73 |

|Fisher Gas Company |Propane | $ 4,595.70 |

|Golden West Technologies & Internet |DSL Help Desk, HD Sub Count Chg, Modems | $ 1,171.45 |

|Hawkins Water Treatment |Pool Supplies | $ 4,940.36 |

|Henschel, Eddie |Ambulance Laundry | $ 63.80 |

|Ketel, Thorstenson & Company |Professional Services | $ 1,500.00 |

|Lynn's Dakotamart |Supplies | $ 195.05 |

|M&D Food Shop |Gasoline | $ 287.13 |

|Matheson Tri-Gas Inc. |Oxygen Cylinder Rental, Ambulance Oxygen | $ 78.88 |

|Meade County Auditor |Dispatch Expenses | $ 412.31 |

|Physcians Claims Company |Ambulance Billing | $ 908.95 |

|Postmaster |Stamps | $ 70.00 |

|Potomac Aviation Technology Corp. |Monitoring Fee | $ 250.00 |

|Prairie Community Health Inc. |Meds for Ambulance | $ 3.00 |

|Public Utilities Commission |Gross Receipts Tax Assessment | $ 285.92 |

|Reliable Office Supplies |Office Supplies | $ 46.93 |

|Resco |LED Security Lights | $ 1,655.84 |

|Rick's Auto, LLC |Repairs & Maintenance | $ 52.50 |

|Servall |Supplies | $ 378.97 |

|South Dakota Network |800 Database Landline | $ 7.91 |

|SD One Call |Locate Fees | $ 6.30 |

|Stan Houston Equipment Company |Pool Supplies | $ 464.95 |

|The Print Shop |Park Fee Envelopes | $ 18.00 |

|Tri State Water |Water | $ 16.20 |

|US Postal Service |Stamped Envelopes | $ 901.45 |

|Verizon Wireless |Ambulance & Police Cell Phones | $ 228.18 |

|Vila's Pharmacy & Healthcare |Supplies | $ 23.58 |

Collins made a motion, seconded by Lightfield to approve all claims as presented. All yes votes. Motion carried.

The April revenues were $167,561.38 and the April expenditures were $155,310.61.


Inghram introduced the following resolution for it’s adoption:

RESOLUTION NO. 05-19-15-01

WHEREAS the City of Faith needs to transfer and that the Finance Officer be authorized to transfer funds as of April 30, 2015 in accordance with the adopted Budget Plan:

890.00 from General to Ambulance Restricted Cash

2,850.00 from Electric to Capital Outlay

500.00 from Water to Capital Outlay

1,000.00 from Sewer to Capital Outlay

6,000.00 from Telephone to Capital Outlay

2,469.48 from Liquor to General

17,500.00 from Telephone to General

17,500.00 from Electric to General

Seconded by Hellekson. All yes votes. Motion carried.


7:30 Open Bids – Dumpground Lease:

The following bid was submitted for the Dumpground Lease:

Brain Berglund $1507 for six months

Hellekson made a motion, seconded by Lightfield to accept Brian Berglund’s bid for $1507.00 for six months. All yes votes. Motion carried.

Use of Gym – Amie Schauer:

Amie Schauer requested the use of the gym for the rest of May, June and July on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s again for open gym and she would be in charge. It would start at 5 PM and end around 8 PM. Hellekson made a motion, seconded by Lightfield to approve the use of the gym for open gym. Motion carried.

Amie Schauer would also like to rent the gym for a retirement party for Doug Schauer as coach tentatively on June 27th. Chapman made a motion, seconded by Hellekson to allow Amie Schauer to rent the gym. Motion carried.

Committee Appointments:

Lightfield made a motion, seconded by Hellekson to approve the following Appointments and Committees:

2015 – 2016

Committee Appointments

Exhibit Board:

Reed Henschel (Chairman), Carol Pratt, Annelle Afdahl, B.C. Lightfield, Dianne Hellekson, Arlyce Krause and Jean Lesmeister.

Other Appointments

Utilities Foreman - Donn Dupper.

Finance Officer - Debbie Brown.

Deputy Finance Officer – Gloria Dupper.

Chief of Police - Arlen Frankfurth.

Ambulance Director – Cindy Frankfurth.

City Attorney - Bogue & Bogue.

Civil Defense Directors - Arlen Frankfurth, Justin Haines.

City Engineer - Dan Brosz, Dave Lutz.

Library Board of Trustees: Calvin Chapman as City Liaison, Cathy Smith - Chairman, Amy Ulrich – Vice Chairman, Tammy Sletten, Deanna Fischbach, Vicky Waterland, Melissa Vig (school liaison) and Angela Ostrander Sec./Treasurer.

Library Advisory Board:Sonja Gebhart, Verneen Frei and Leah Jones.

Faith Special Entertainment Committee: Alan Hildebrandt, Michele Hulm, Lexy Hostetter and Patty Hauser.

All yes votes. Motion carried.

Other Committee Appointments will be discussed at a later time.

Stock Show – Prices for wiring:

Berndt made a motion, seconded by Lightfield to table. Motion carried.

Executive Session – Possible Litigation:

Lightfield made a motion, seconded by Berndt to retire into executive session at 7:35 PM to discuss possible litigation. Motion carried.

Mayor Haines declared the Council out of executive session at 8:48 PM.

Agreement with State on Culvert:

Lightfield made a motion, seconded by Collins to approve the agreement with the State on the culvert repair for the culvert right after the intersection of Highway 212 (First Street) and Second Avenue West, with the State paying half of the right of way and the City paying the other half and the state will no longer be responsible for the right of way. Five – yes votes. Hellekson abstained. Motion carried.

Culvert Repair Quote:

A quote from A-1 Sewer & Drain was received as they are the ones doing the manhole repairs with the following quote:

70’ of 24” cured in place pipe @$205.00 per ft. = $14,350.00 with $500 mobilization.

Collins made a motion, seconded by Lightfield to accept the quote with the State paying back one half. Five – yes votes. Hellekson abstained. Motion carried.


Discussion was held in regards to the ditch behind Charlie Steen’s house. Peggy Riley stated that there is a need to stop the erosion in the ditch behind her brother’s house. Bogue stated that the City is aware of the issue and that it is on private property outside of the right of way and the work was done at Peggy Riley’s request last year and that the City is looking into it. Riley asked when it might be discussed again and Bogue stated it should be in two weeks.

Quote on Screening Chips:

Mayor Haines turned the meeting over to President – Inghram. Lightfield made a motion, seconded by Collins to accept the only quote from Haines Trucking, LLC. for screening chips at $20.00 per ton using all their own equipment and weighing each load, City guys will not have to help. All yes votes. Motion carried. Inghram turned the meeting back to Mayor Haines.

Approve Fill In Cop:

Collins made a motion, seconded by Hellekson to approve Kiel Lemke as a fill in cop retroactive to May 6. All yes votes. Motion carried.

Chapman made a motion, seconded by Hellekson to approve the following as the new pay scale for fill in cops:

$15 an hour for certified and $12 an hour for non certified

All yes votes. Motion carried.

Need Houly Wage for Part Time Policeman – Matthew Kindsvogel:

Lightfield made a motion, seconded by Collins to approve $13 an hour up to an 8 hour day and the $130 a day after 8 hours retroactive to May 12. Five – yes votes. Inghram – abstained. Motion carried.

Approve Fill in Deputy with Meade County:

Collins made a motion, seconded by Lightfield to approve motel and meals for a Meade County Deputy when needed, which has already started. All yes votes. Motion carried.

Hire Ticket Takers or Lifeguards:

Lightfield made a motion, seconded by Hellekson to hire Jaelani Uthe as lifeguard and no ticket takers at this time. All yes votes. Motion carried.

Wage for Lifeguards:

Berndt made a motion, seconded by Lightfield to table. Motion carried.

Meade County – Mag Water:

Inghram made a motion, seconded by Hellekson to have the County Mag the road north of town. All yes votes. Motion carried.

Approve to advertise to do City Mowing:

Collins made a motion, seconded by Inghram to approve to advertise to bid out City Mowing. All yes votes. Motion carried.

Building Permits:

Corinna Thompson submitted a building permit for a fence on Lot 6, Block 11. Hellekson made a motion, seconded by Berndt to approve the building permit. All yes votes. Motion carried.

Brent Simons submitted a building permit for a garage on Lot 2 & 3, Block 3 with a 14’ variance next to road east side, 5.5’ variance NE corner of the building and a 5’ variance on the NW corner of the building approved by adjacent land owner, Jim Holloway. All yes votes. Motion carried.

Arrears List:

Council reviewed the arrears list.

Hellekson made a motion, seconded by Lightfield to adjourn. Motion carried.

___________________________________ ____________________________________

Debbie Brown, Finance Officer Glen Haines, Mayor


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