Curriculum Vitae - KSU

Data: 27/03/2014.Curriculum VitaeMohammad Othman Al-Oulah, MD,SB, KSUFPersonal Data:Date of birth: 05/09/1979.Age: 34 years old.Nationality: Saudi.City of birth: Riyadh, kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Marital Status: married, with three children.Contact Information:Telephone: +966504239435Email: Dr_aloulah@Present address: Riyadh, KSAEducational Background:Clinical Switzerland Rhinology and Endoscopic Skull base Surgery Fellowship, University of Bern hospital, Bern, Switzerland. June 2012 to June 2013.Clinical American Rhinology, Endoscopic Sinus And Skull Base Surgery Fellowship, UT Southwestern University Hospital, UT Southwestern University, Dallas, Texas, USA. June 2011 to June 2012. King Saud University Fellowship in Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, October 2010.Saudi Board of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, December 2010.MBBS king Saud University, June 2004. GPA 3.97 out of 5 "VERY GOOD".One year internship rotation, June 2003 to June 2004.King Fahad Secondary School, Riyadh, 1998. Over all percentage was 99.1%.Training: Fellowship:Rhinology fellow at University of Bern Hospital, Sinus surgery Unit. Bern, Switzerland. 2012/2013.Rhinology fellow at Zurich University hospital, Rhinology Unit. Zurich, Switzerland. 9/2012 to 12/2012.Rhinology Fellow at University of Bern Hospital, Sinus surgery Unit. Bern, Switzerland. 07/2012 to 9/2012.Rhinology fellow at Parkland Hospital. Otolaryngology Department. Dallas, Tx, USA. 1/2012 to 6/2012.Rhinology fellow at Zel Hospital. Otolaryngology Department. Dallas, Tx, USA. 6/2011 to 12/2011. Residency Rhinology unit, King Abdulaziz University hospital. 4/2010 to 10/2010Head & Neck & Rhinology surgery, Prince Sultan medical city (PSMC). 1/ 2010 to 3/2010. ORL department H&N surgery in Dalhousie university hospital in Halifax, Canada. 10/ 2009 to 12/ 2009.Pediatrics, Head & Neck, otology & Rhinology surgery, PSMC. 04/ 2009 to 9/ 2009.Pediatrics, Head & Neck, Rhinology surgery, KAUH. 10/ 2008 to 3/ 2009.Head & Neck surgery, King Faisal Specialist Hospital. 4/2008 to 9/2008.General ORL Rhinology and Otology, PSMC. 10/ 2007 to 3 2008.General ORL, KAUH. 4/2007 to 9/2007.General ORL, Riyadh Medical complex. 10/2006 to 3/2007.Plastic surgery, King Abdulaziz medical city.07/ 2006 to 9/2006.ICU, King Abdulaziz medical city. 4/2006 to 6/2006.General surgery, Riyadh Medical complex. 10/2005 to 3/2006.Employment Experience:Resident, King Abdulaziz university hospital in ORL H & N surgery department. 6/2004 to 12/2010 .Senior Registrar, KAUH in ORL H & N surgery department since 12/2010.Consultant KAUH since 17/01/2014Professional Affiliations and Honors:Member of American Academy of Otolaryngic Allergy (AAOA) since 10/2011.Reviewer in American Rhinology Journal since 2/2012Member of American Rhinology society since 8/2011Member of European Rhinology society since 8/2011.Member of American Academy of ORL Head & Neck Surgery since 7/ 2011 Member of European ORL Head & Neck Surgery Society since 10/2010.Member of Pan Arab Rhinology Society since 8/ 2009 . Member of Saudi ORL Head & Neck surgery society since 2/ 2004.Co-editor of Qataf Journal (Official educational journal by Saudi society of ORL Head & Neck Surgery). 2009-2010Member of Qataf journal editor committee. 2006-2009.Publications: PublishedSinonasal Manifestations of Sarcoidosis: A Single Institution Experience with 38 Cases. Aloulah et al. ARJ. Jan 2013Participated in writing book chapter about Allergic Fungal sinusitis. In progress for PublicationCase report: Unusual AFS with Frontal involvement. Case report: Nasal bone Myxoma: First case published in the literature.Does The Endoscopic Modified Lothrope Procedure Reduce Systemic Steroid Requirement in Chronic Rhinosinusitis With Nasal Polyposis? Aloulah et al. Cochrane Review of a topical Abx irrigation in CRS.Systematic Review of adenocarcinoma of the skull base.Systematic Review of the Topical Antimicrobial treatment in CRS without nasal polyposis.Presentations:Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma. Oral presentation at Annual Swiss ORL meeting. November 2012. Thune, Switzerland Sinonasal Manifestations of Sarcoidosis: A Single Institution Experience with 38 Cases. Oral presentation in the American Triotology society (spring meeting). March 2012. San Diego, USADoes The Endoscopic Modified Lothrope Procedure Reduce Systemic Steroid Requirement in Chronic Rhinosinusitis With Nasal Polyposis? Poster presentation in the American Triotology society (spring meeting) .March 2012. San Diego, USASystematic Review of the efficacy of using Topical Abx in CRS. Oral presentation in the American Academy of ORL meeting. September 2011. San Francisco. USA.Unusual Fungal infection of the External Auditory canal. Oral presentation in 3rd Kuwait ORL meeting. April 2006. Kuwait.Carotid body Tumor. Presented in the Monthly Club Meeting of Saud Society of ORL. February 2004. ................

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