MHS MAIN OFFICE: 812-476-4973

ATHLETIC OFFICE: 812-476-4632

ATHLETIC FAX: 812-474-2938




Reitz Memorial High School is a Christ-centered Catholic community which educates all students to their highest potential through developing religious values, providing excellence in education, and fostering a commitment to service.


Providing an environment where God inspires, we educate, students thrive.


Established in the year 1924

Bosse “Bulldogs” Mater Dei “Wildcats”

Castle “Knights” Memorial “Tigers”

Central “Bears” North “Huskies”

Harrison “Warriors” Reitz “Panthers”


The Student Athletic Handbook exists in order that athletes and their parents may better understand their responsibilities when an athlete participates in the Memorial High School athletic program. It shall be understood that the Student Handbook of Memorial High School is applicable to all students, including student athletes, and shall have precedent over the Student Handbook should any questions arise regarding interpretation of rules.


The Athletic programs strive to provide the best opportunities beyond the school day for students to excel in knowledge, skills, teamwork, self-discipline, and moral character. The purpose is to provide each participant with experiences that will be positive, formative, in Catholic values, and helpful in developing the virtues of faith, teamwork, responsibility, loyalty, good sportsmanship, competition, fortitude, and enhancement of a particular knowledge and skill.


“Good sportsmanship is viewed as a commitment to fair play, ethical behavior and integrity. In perception and practice, sportsmanship is defined as those qualities, which are characterized, by generosity and genuine concern for others. This would include team members, coaches, officials, opposing teams and fans. The ideals of sportsmanship apply equally to all activity disciplines. Individuals, regardless of their role in activities, are expected to be aware of their influence on the behavior of others and model good sportsmanship.”


1. Each individual shall put the good of the team first.

2. Each individual shall accept responsibility for the care of all equipment, uniforms and school property. Damage due to negligence shall result in financial accountability.

3. Each individual shall obey the specific guidelines set forth for each team as given by the coach.

4. Each individual shall be a good citizen at all times, displaying Catholic Christian values that include honesty, self-discipline, courtesy, responsibility, and respect for self, others and property.

5. Each individual shall strive to be a positive influence in all he/she tries to do, representing the team, school, and community with pride and dignity.

6. Each individual shall refrain from the use of profanity.

7. No individual shall participate in any unlawful act. These will include, but not limited to, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, weapons, gambling, theft, forgery, vandalism, and assault.

8. Each individual shall comply with the standards set forth in this handbook, core values of Memorial High School, student handbook, and school policies or be subject to disciplinary action and or dismissal from the team as determined by the



Athletes are required to attend all practices, team meetings, service projects, etc.

Athletes must be in attendance in class no later than 8:01am to be eligible to participate in practices or competition that day. If an athlete leaves school before 2:45pm, they will be ineligible to participate in practice or competition that day. If a student has a Doctor, Dentist note, or is issued an excused absence by the Assistant Principal, they will be allowed to participate in practice or competition.

An athlete who is absent from practice or school five or more consecutive days due to illness or injury must present written verification to the Coach or Athletic Director from a licensed physician stating the athlete may resume competition (IHSAA By-Laws).

***Days Missed: 5 to 10 days of school or practices requires four practices before

the athlete can resume competition.

More than 10 consecutive days requires six practices before

the athlete can resume competition. (IHSAA By-Laws)


We feel it is important that students at Memorial High School be encouraged to participate in a wide range of school-sponsored activities. Memorial High School offers an extensive athletic and extra-curricular program that has allowed for a large number of our students to be actively involved. However, with this increased involvement, we have increased possibilities for scheduling conflicts to occur. It should be understood that students having direct conflicts with rehearsals, practices, performances, and/or games would need to make a choice at the beginning of the year concerning the athletic teams in which they choose to participate.

By providing clearly defined guidelines, coaches, faculty, students, and parents will be able to communicate with each other in an atmosphere of fairness and consistency. Prior to the fall, winter, and spring sport seasons and in advance of conflicting situations, the involved athlete will meet with the Coach to seek out any possible conflicts. After learning of possible conflicts, the Coach, athlete, and parent will meet to determine how these conflicts can be resolved.

The following basic guidelines will be used in determining appropriate resolutions to conflicting schedules:

1. Scheduled IHSAA and scheduled Memorial High School athletic events, including travel time, shall take precedence.

2. Major performances shall be the second priority. Out of state competition shall not take precedence over these school schedules, games, and practices.

3. A previously scheduled event on the school calendar shall take precedence over a calendar addition or a rescheduled event.

4. Outside athletic teams of any kind will not take precedence over any scheduled Memorial High School athletic event or practice.

5. If there is a direct conflict, which cannot be resolved through the above conditions, the Athletic Director will make the final decision.


RULE 1: Students participating in athletic activities who are found to be in violation of

of the Southern Indiana Athletic Conference (SIAC) Athletic Code of Conduct,

will face the following consequences in addition to those set forth in the

Student Handbook.

Penalty period:

1st offense: Athletic suspension for 20% of athletic contests

2nd offense: Athletic suspension for one year

3rd offense: Athletic suspension reminder of student’s school career

RULE 2: Students who are removed from school (including-in school suspension)

as part of any disciplinary process, shall not participate in any athletic

practices, meetings, or competitions during stated removal.

RULE 3: Students participating in athletics who are found in violation of school rules

other than the drug, alcohol, and tobacco policy, shall be disciplined in

accordance with the school’s Student Handbook.

RULE 4: The coach may set specific rules and guidelines for each team.

These rules and any stated penalties will be given to the athletes during

the first week of practice. A copy will be given to each parent at the parent

meeting. These written regulations will be on file in the Athletic Office.

RULE 5: Any athlete on Academic Probation will be given two weeks to show

improvement. Improvement will be determined by the teacher. If at the end of

the two weeks there has been no improvement, the athlete will go on a two week

athletic probation. During the probation, the athlete will be suspended from

athletic contests. The athlete will be allowed to practice. He or she may be with

the team for contests but not allowed to be in uniform. This process will

continue until the athlete shows improvement in the classroom.

RULE 6: Any athlete who quits a team in season, will not be allowed to workout

with another team. This includes meeting, conditioning, and weight lifting.

Any exceptions would have to be granted by the Athletic Director.

RULE 7: An athlete participating in a sport will not be allowed to attend any activities in

another sport until the sport they are participating has been completed.

Upon reasonable suspicion of a student’s violation of Rule 1, the Athletic Director will conduct an investigation. If the student is found in violation, a conference will be held with the student athlete. Following the meeting, the athlete’s parents will be notified in writing of the offense and consequences. One copy of the violation record will be given to the student; one mailed home, another given to the coach and one keep on file in the athletic office.

Upon reasonable suspicion of a student’s violation of Rule #3, the assistant principal in charge of discipline, will conduct an investigation. If the student is found in violation, a conference will be held with the student. Following the meeting, the student will be notified by the Assistant Principal as to the consequences.


All coaches, teachers, administrators, staff, athletes, and parents should work together to uphold and enforce the Student-Athlete Handbook. A possible code violation shall be reported promptly to the Athletic Director, who will include athlete, parent, and coach when needed in an investigation of the matter.

If the Athletic Director concludes that an Athletic Code of Conduct violation might have occurred, the Athletic Director will contact the athlete and his or her parent/guardian immediately.

Upon further investigation, if it is decided that an athlete has violated the Athletic Code of Conduct, the athlete will be temporarily or permanently excluded from interscholastic athletic participation, the Athletic Director will inform the athlete and his or her parent/guardian of the decision and the consequences of the athlete’s actions.


Memorial High School actively promotes the development of multi-sport athletes. As athletes transition from one season to another, the head coaches of the involved sports will adhere to the following guidelines.

• Does the involved student require a brief period off for rest and regeneration, not to exceed more than six practice days.

• The decision is made in the best interest of the student athlete.

• A minimum of five practices occurring on five separate days are required before participating in a contest going from one sport to another.

• If the athlete has not participated in a previous sport that school year, a minimum of ten practices are required before participating in a contest.



Before the first official practice in a sport, including out-of-season conditioning and open gym sessions, an athlete needs to:

1. Be enrolled at Memorial High School.

2. Pass a physical examination. Have a completed IHSAA physical form on file in the athletic office. The examination must be administered after April 1 of the preceding school year and the start of the official practice in the current school year (IHSAA By-Laws).

3. Complete a Medical Emergency Form with supporting parent/guardian signature and turned in to the Athletic Office.

4. Code of Conduct form signed by both parent and athlete.

5. IHSAA Rule 20-Undue Influence form signed by parent and athlete.

6. Must be passing five full credit core classes.

Taking the overall wellness of the student athlete into consideration, any athlete that has a significant drop in grades during a season will be required to meet with the Coach and Athletic Director to help find the source of regression.


The first day school is cancelled due to weather all sport activities are cancelled. Further days of cancellations the decision to practice will be made by the Athletic Director after discussions with the Principal. If practices are allowed they are optional. Practices will not be allowed to begin before 11am and must be completed by 4pm.


To be eligible for athletic participation in a given sport, an athlete may not be twenty years of age prior to or on the scheduled date of the IHSAA state finals in the sport (IHSAA By-Laws).


A student who transfers his or her enrollment to Memorial High School from a different high school, or from a junior high school if that school includes a freshman class, is required to complete an IHSAA Athletic Transfer Report. The parent or guardian of the transfer student must contact the Assistant Principal or Athletic Director as soon as possible upon enrollment at Memorial High School to begin the reporting process. The report is then sent to the student’s former (sending) school and the IHSAA. The IHSAA makes the eligibility determination for the athlete (IHSAA By-Laws).

Three eligibility rulings are possible:

1. No eligibility

2. Limited eligibility: Participation is allowed at the freshman or junior varsity level for 365 days from the date the athlete last completed at his/her previous school.

3. Full eligibility: Participation is allowed at the freshman through varsity levels immediately upon notification from the IHSAA.

Full eligibility is frequently granted when the student’s custodial parent or guardian experienced a legitimate change of residence and Memorial High School has not exerted undue influence in recruitment of the student for athletic purposes.

Memorial High School does not grant eligibility for interscholastic competition before receiving the IHSAA ruling.



An athlete who participates as a member of a non-school team in the same sport (example: AAU, Church, recreation league during IHSAA basketball season) is ineligible for the Memorial High School team. An athlete who wishes to participate on a non-school team in a different sport he or she plays at the time of non-school participation, should check as soon as possible with the Athletic Director to determine eligibility based on IHSAA standards.

An athlete who wishes to participate as an individual in a non-school athletic event (example: a Memorial High School golfer who wishes to participate in a non-school sponsored golf outing or tournament), should check as soon as possible with the Athletic Director to determine proper procedure based on IHSAA standards.

The athlete must go to and print out the wavier form. The student turns in the completed form to the Athletic Director who then submits the form electronically for IHSAA approval.


To retain amateurism athletic status, a criterion for interscholastic athletic participation, an athlete may not play under assumed names, accept payment directly or indirectly for athletic participation, or participate in athletic activities, try-outs, auditions, practices, ad games held or sponsored by professional sport organizations, clubs, or their representatives. An athlete may not accept awards, medals, recognition, gifts, and other honors from colleges/universities or their alumni (IHSAA By-Laws).



Numerals are first award for any freshman athlete at Memorial High School. Subsequent freshman awards are certificates. Upper-class athletes who may not have competed at Memorial High School in their freshman year will also earn numerals for their class year. The numerals represent the athlete’s graduation year and should be worn on the upper right sleeve of the varsity jacket.

Junior Varsity

A certificate is given upon successful completion of the first junior varsity season in a sport. Subsequent JV awards will also be certificates.


The varsity letter is given upon successful completion of said requirements to earn a varsity letter in that sport. The letter is a six-inch letter that is placed on the left breast of the letter jacket purchased by the athlete. Subsequent awards will be certificates.


Must play in 25% of the total varsity innings.

1. Or appear in 25% of total varsity games as a pitcher.

2. Or subject to coaches opinion as a varsity pinch hitter.


Must play in 25% of the total varsity quarters.


Must complete junior season as a varsity cheerleader.

Freshman are allowed to cheer only freshman.

Sophomores are allowed to cheer only JV.

Cross Country

Must participate in or be an alternate in one or more post-season meets, such as sectional, regional,etc.


Sophomores---play in 16 quarters

Juniors---play in 14 quarters

Senior---play in 12 quarters or be a senior in good standing.


Must participate in 50% of all varsity meets. Tournaments counting as one match.


Must participate in 50% of the varsity halves.


Must participate in 50% of the regularly scheduled varsity matches/tournaments counting as one match.


Meet at least one of the criteria listed below

1. Rank number one or two in an event.

2. Score 15 or more points in a season.


Must accumulate an average of 3pts. per varsity meet. Divers must average 33% of swimmers total points.


Must participate in 50% of total varsity matches.


Must participate in a minimum of 12 varsity matches.


The All-Sports Award is a very prestigious award given to seniors. Receiving this award puts them in a very select group of Memorial athletes. Since 1925, the average number of athletes to receive this award each year is two.

Points are awarded for each sport an athlete successfully participates.

Two points are awarded for freshman and reserve participation and five points for each varsity sport. An athlete must achieve a total of 42 points over four years. This requires an athlete to participate in three sports for four years.


(Applicants must be a participating athlete in an IHSAA sanctioned sport)

Legendary Coach Don Ping begun the tradition that athletics at Memorial High School has become recognized for in 1930. To honor Coach Ping’s winning tradition, the Booster Club established in 1979 a $1000.00 scholarship in his behalf.

All seniors ranking in the 50% of their senior class are eligible to apply. Each applicant earns points in six categories including an essay. Each varsity letter earned their senior year is worth seven points, class rank is worth up to 20pts., SAT test scores worth up to 7pts., Assistant Principal evaluation worth up to 7pts., teacher evaluation worth up to 15pts., and coaches evaluation worth up to 15pts. for a possible total of 88pts. The scholarship is awarded to the senior with the most points.


The Burdsall Family gives a $500 scholarship each year to a senior basketball player who is going to continue his/her basketball career at the collegiate level. The scholarship is given in loving memory of #43 Eric Burdsall, class of 1999.


Memorial High School contracts certified athletic training services for all sports including cheerleaders and Tigerettes Dance team with Orthopedic Associates.

Unless an athlete’s injury is extremely severe, he or she is strongly encouraged to seek medical care and guidance first from the Memorial High School certified trainer or team physician (provided by Orthopedic Associates) rather than from a general practitioner. Athletic health care professionals have extensive knowledge and experience in the prevention, rehabilitation, and management of sports injuries.

Memorial High School does not have insurance to cover athletic injuries.


The weight room is available for use by athletes both before and after school as scheduled by the Head Varsity Football Coach. No student shall use the weight room facilities without qualified adult supervision.


The Memorial High School coaching and athletic training staffs prioritize the health and safety of our student athletes. The staff is trained to instruct athletes in the safe and proper skill and training techniques of their individual sport(s). Due to the nature of athletic activity, however, injury, sometimes serious, may occur.

Student athletes are required to take physicals prior to participation. Part of the IHSAA physical form to be filled out requests insurance information. Each student athlete must have health insurance to participate. Memorial High School DOES NOT carry insurance on any of their student-athletes. All parents are responsible for all of the insurance needs of their student athlete.

The IHSAA carries insurance to cover catastrophic injuries incurred during participation in IHSAA-sanctioned competitions only.


Facilities and Individual Items

All athletes and team members are expected to care for equipment, uniforms, supplies, and facilities as if they were personally owned. This responsibility includes proper attention to washing and drying instructions, inspections, and security of all items.

Locker rooms should be clean and safe areas. All team members share in the responsibility to fulfill this expectation for the health and safety of the team. Athletes are expected to keep their personal areas organized and their personal items clean.

Unauthorized use of another person’s personal or school-issued items will not be tolerated. Participants will be expected to reimburse the school for school-owned items that are not returned at the designated time in specified condition. A bill for such items will be passed on to the Tuition Office and will appear on future tuition billings.

All personal items must be stored and properly locked in the athlete’s assigned locker within the athletic locker rooms. All personal items left inside the locker rooms are the sole responsibility of the student athlete.

Memorial High School is not responsible for lost or stolen items that are not properly



Hazing is defined as committing an act against a student, or coercing a student into committing an act, that creates a substantial risk of harm to a person, in order for the student to be initiated into or affiliated with a student organization, or for any other purpose.

Any person who believes he or she has been the victim of hazing on or off campus shall report the alleged acts immediately to an administrator or teacher.

Upon receipt of a complaint or report of hazing, the administration will start an immediate investigation. Upon completion of the investigation, appropriate action will be taken by the school. Such action may include, but is not limited to, warning, suspension, and expulsion.

This policy will be discussed with all sponsors or coaches before their programs begin for each school year.

After due process any student found to be involved in Hazing may be subject to suspension or expulsion.




Baseball Varsity Stone Field Stone Field/Bosse Field

JV Stone Field Stone Field

Freshman Stone Field Stone Field

Girl’s Golf McDonalds Golf Course McDonalds Golf Course

Boy’s Soccer Varsity Memorial High School Traylor Stadium

JV Goebel Soccer Complex Goebel Soccer Complex

Girl’s Soccer Varsity Memorial High School Traylor Stadium

JV Price Park Price Park

Softball Nativity Church Nativity Church

Boy’s Tennis Tri-State Athletic Club Tri-State Athletic Club

Girl’s Tennis Tri-State Athletic Club Tri-State Athletic Club

Boy’s Golf McDonalds Golf Course McDonalds Golf Club

Football Varsity Bosse High School Enlow Stadium

JV Memorial High School Wayne Henning Field

Freshman Memorial High School Wayne Henning Field

8th/7th Memorial High School Wayne Henning Field

***All other sports practices and competition are at Memorial High School.


God our Father

Creator and Ruler of the universe

In every age you call men and women

To develop and use their gifts

For the good of others.

With St. Joseph as our example and patron

Help us to do the work

You have asked and come to the

Rewards you have promised.

We ask this through our Lord,

Jesus Christ, your Son,

Who lives and reigns with you

And the Holy Spirit,

One God forever and ever



The Parent/Guardian and Student certificate must be completed and returned. The signatures of the parent/Guardian and the student indicate that each has read, has understood and has agreed to abide by the stated policies. This document must be on file in the Athletic Director’s office prior to the start of the official practice date for the selected sport.

As parents/Guardian of___________________________________________________

(Please Print)

I/We have read and will support the policies of the Memorial High School Student-Athlete Handbook.

Signed______________________________ __________

(Student) (Date)

Signed______________________________ __________

(Parent) (Date)



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