Welcome Song: “Hello Everybody”

Welcome Song: “Hello Everybody”

Hello everybody, hello. (clap clap)

Hello everybody, hello. (clap clap)

Hello everybody, yes hello everybody,

Hello everybody, hello. (clap clap)

Opening Rhyme/Fingerplay

“Dance Your Fingers”

Dance your fingers up,

Dance your fingers down,

Dance your fingers side to side,

And dance them all around!

Dance them on your shoulders,

Dance them on your head,

Dance them on your tummy,

And put them all to bed. (fold hands in lap)

Action Song: Apples

(to the tune of Bingo)

I know a fruit that grows on trees,

An apple is its name, oh!

(Chorus) (clapping)

A- P- P- L- E A- P- P- L- E

A- P- P- L- E

An apple is its name, oh!

In summer and in early fall

It's time to pick an apple!


It may be sweet or may be tart,

It's red, or green, or yellow!


Make applesauce or apple juice

Or apple pie with apples!



Action Song: On Top of Spaghetti

On top of spaghetti all covered with cheese.

I lost my poor meatball when somebody sneezed. (loud SNEEZE!)

It rolled off the table, and onto the floor, (roll hands)

And then my poor meatball rolled out of the door.

It rolled in the garden and under a bush,

And then my poor meatball was nothing but mush. (clap hands)

The mush was as tasty as tasty could be,

And early next summer it grew to a tree.

The tree was all covered with beautiful moss.

It grew great big meatballs and tomato sauce.

So if you eat spaghetti all covered with cheese,

Hold on to your meatball and don't ever sneeze. (loud SNEEZE!)

Action Rhyme: Mushroom Song (train rhythm)

Chew, chew, chew, chew

Chew, chew, chew, chew

Mushroom, mushroom

Mushroom, mushroom

Cheese and crackers, cheese and crackers

Cheese and crackers, cheese and crackers

Chicken fricassee, chicken fricassee,

chicken fricassee, chicken fricassee.

Soup, soup! Soup, soup!


Ending songs: Hokey Pokey.


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