The Board of Park Commissioners of the Decatur Park District, Macon County, Illinois, met in a regular session on Wednesday, the 18th day of November, 2020 at the hour of 12:00 Noon at the Decatur Park District Administration Office, 620 E. Riverside Avenue, Decatur, Illinois at which time and place there were present the following officers and members of said Board:

Stacey Young, President

Jack Kenny, Vice President

Bob Brilley, II, Commissioner

Dr. Kristin White, Commissioner

Chris Harrison, Commissioner

Due to current COVID-19 guidelines regarding meetings, Park District staff, the media and the public were invited to call in and participate remotely.

A quorum of the members of the Board of Park Commissioners being present, President Young called the meeting to order and declared the Board to be in session for the transaction of business.

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States was recited.

NO. 16040 A motion to approve items 1 – 5 on the Consent Agenda was made by Commissioner Harrison and seconded by Commissioner White. Commissioner Brilley was listed as being present at the executive session meeting on November 4, however he was not in attendance. All voted aye.

1. Minutes & Executive Session Minutes of the Previous Meeting

2. Approval of Ordinance No. 2020-123 Annexing Territory to Decatur Park District

3. Approval of Ordinance No. 2020-124 Annexing Territory to Decatur Park District

4. Approval of Ordinance No. 2020-125 Annexing Territory to Decatur Park District

5. Bills for Approval

NO. 16041 CFO Sowa explained that the 10 year capital plan update focuses on infrastructure and maintenance as well as replacing aging equipment and vehicles. Of note; there are three playgrounds which are scheduled to be replaced next fiscal year as well as pickleball court and baseball diamond improvements. A motion was made by Commissioner Harrison and seconded by Commissioner Brilley to approve the 10 year capital plan as presented, contingent on the approval of alternate issue bond funds which will be used to support large infrastructure and paving projects. Upon call of the roll, all voted aye.

AIRPORT With the nice weather, staff has been working on getting the Airport buttoned up before winter hits. When the heating units were turned on, there were repairs that had to be made to three of them.

RECREATION Staff has been working on what can and cannot be done with the new mitigations that have been put in place. Good news is that the DISC can remain open although it will operate with 25% capacity. There can be no indoor classes which staff will move outdoors or on-line. The two new outdoor classes, Hyped for Hikes and HIIT the Pavement will keep going. Baseball clinic will move outdoors as well as soccer programs. There will be no league play. Arts and dance will move to virtual classes. Zoo staff will be working on inventory through the winter months. DISC Day Camp is still allowed and will continue through January 15.

OPERATIONS With the cold weather, staff is checking on heating issues in park buildings.

Twenty trees have been planted in Hess Park and staff will move on to other parks as weather allows.

The water flow issues with the standup slide have been resolved. Klarer has contracted with Bodine Electric to convert the slide electronics from European to American voltage. West Port Pools representatives have been back to winterize the mechanical building and all water lines and features.

All floors have been poured for the lazy river and contractors are working on pouring the islands and outside walls. Staff hopes to have the river poured and the underground trenching and piping work done by mid-December before the weather turns. The block for the mechanical building is done and the roof tresses are going up, with the roof to follow.

Contractors have begun marking the path of the Stevens Creek Bike Trail from Cresthaven Park to Forsyth. IDNR has identified an endangered bat species in the area, therefore the removal of trees can only be done from October to March. Staff hopes to go out for bids for the construction of the bike trail in the early spring and then start construction in the late spring or early summer. The funding for this project is from an Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP) Grant.

CFO Staff plans to bring the 2020 tax levy to the next board meeting for approval and then the 2021 facility fees will be presented for approval in late December or early January.

The first two checks were received for reimbursement to Decatur Airport through the CARES Act Grant. The timeframe that the funds covered was January and February, 2020.


Commissioner Harrison Staff seems to be on alert at all times. He appreciates everything that they are doing.

Commissioner White Thanks to Kristin and the accounting staff for juggling the ever changing financial situation. Thanks to Jamie and staff for still providing for the community during Tier 3 Mitigations.

Commissioner Kenny Staff is doing a great job of reporting and keeping everyone up to date on what is going on as situations change.

President Young would like to discuss moving the meetings back to remote and not in person until after the end of the year. The call in information will be available on the Agenda.

ATTORNEY FLYNN With the new guidelines, Attorney Flynn has been looking at ways that other entities are handling virtual/remote meetings. Staff will put together guidelines and have the information available on the website and the meeting agendas. There will be a chance for public comments if someone wants to speak.

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Illinois Department of Natural Resources announced the recipients of the Illinois Public Museum Capital Grants. Scovill Zoo has been awarded $750,000 for the herpaquarium upgrades for exhibits, habitats and ADA accessibility.

ATTORNEY FLYNN stated the need for an executive session for the discussion of a lease agreement and of personnel. When the meeting resumes to open session, there will be two items for approval. The media is welcome to follow up with staff this afternoon.

At approximately 12:35 p.m., Commissioner Harrison made and Commissioner White seconded a motion to move into executive session for the discussion of the lease of property and review of personnel. All voted aye.

A motion to adjourn executive session and return to open session was made by Commissioner Harrison and seconded by Commissioner Brilley, and unanimously approved.

After the executive session was adjourned and the meeting returned to open session, the Board took the following action:

Commissioner Brilley made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner Harrison to approve a one year lease agreement with Decatur Executive Center, LLC. The motion was unanimously approved.

Commissioner White made a motion to enter into the IAPD Professional Services Agreement which was seconded by Commissioner Harrison and passed by a vote of 4 ayes and 1 nay.

A motion to adjourn the open session was made by Commissioner White and seconded by Commissioner Harrison and unanimously approved.

/s/ Stacey Young President, Board of Park Commissioners

/s/ Amanda M. Childress

Secretary, Board of Park Commissioners


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