Assemblies of God USA

No school? Nowhere to go? Here are some activities for you! Post-quarantine when everything is back to normal all the things you complete will be worth points and you will be able to cash them in for prizes! Take a picture of everything that you do! When this is all over, we will be making a photo collaboration for our classroom! It will be AWESOME!Small: Activity: Point Value: Parent Initial: Read a chapter book (Leveled Reader if younger)1Paint your nails (for girls) For boys, paint your mom or sisters’ nails.1Read Esther and highlight! 1Do a 15 Minute workout! 1Do 150 Jump Ropes 1Play with Legos for an hour 1Play your instrument or sing along to songs for 15 minutes1Make a journal entry about what you have done so far during the long spring break! 1Pray for people who are sick with the virus! 1Play with playdough! 1TOTAL POINTS: Medium: Activity: Point Value: Parent Initial: Memorize all the books of the Bible in order*2Do 20 math problems correctly (Must be something at your level) 2Play a card game! 2Sing three worship songs from VBS with your family2Drink the full amount of recommended water for you 5 glasses (1 liter) for 5 to 8-year olds. 7 glasses (1.5 liters) for 9 to12 year olds. 8 to 10 glasses (2 liters) for 13+ years.2Play Chess 2Go for a run/walk with parent! 2Make a marble run!2Read a nonfiction book!2Go to bed early one night and spend that time praying! 2Learn a new worship song and memorize all the words!2Have a dance party!2Fill a box of toys and or clothes that we can give to the Foster Closet in Millington! 2Build a fort! (Must be elaborate) 3Go on pray walk!****2Pick one Chapter from Psalms and read with someone for a Bible Study! 2TOTAL POINTS: Large: Activity: Point Value: Parent Initial: Read through Psalms and highlight so you are paying attention to what you are reading! 10Play outside for two hours!5Go one whole day without watching any TV!7Play a long board game 2+ hours 5Get ahead of the game: Make your father’s day and mother’s day cards. 4Mail your best friend that you can’t see right now a letter. Like a real paper handwritten letter! 4Mail your leader a letter! 4Write a one-page paper (typed or handwritten) about what God has taught you this year**6Do some research about COVID-19, write a journal entry about! Be scientific! 4Detail clean your room! (Mom will like this one) ***6Read 1st and 2nd Corinthians and highlight! 4TOTAL POINTS: *Have parent record this and send to your leader or show your leader in person! **Send to your leader***Must include vacuuming, cleaning windows, all toys put away and all laundry put away. **** Pray walking is when you go for a walk with a friend or family member and the whole walk your pray for people in need! I do these with my friends, and they are so important!TOTAL SCORE: Small total Medium totalLarge total Reading Log Point TotalFINAL TOTAL: BONUS POINTS* NEW FINAL TOTAL: *On your first day back to school write a one-page paper about how things were different at school. Where people happy to be back? Where they excited? How did it make you feel to be back at school? Did you miss your family? (Add 5 points if complete, take a picture and send to your leader) See how many points you can get! If you have questions, feel free to ask! ................

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