LYLA Board Meeting

LYLA Board Meeting


Londonderry Leach Library

In attendance: Kevin Derhak, Bob McGrath, Janet Hennessey, Todd Bedell, Abigail McCune, Karen Wasserman, Kim Jacobs, Frances Kenison, Bruce Kenison, Chris Hastings, Sean Murphy, Debbie Lewis, Elaine Weidner

Kevin motioned for the meeting to begin at 7:01 PM. Seconded by Bob.

Kevin- President’s report

-Indoor starts 1/19

-Next NHYLA meeting is 1/21 at 7 PM in Concord

-Certification costs broken down and totals $200 for adults

-We will be hosting the end of year festival again in June.

-So far we have 36 signed up online and 37 on paper for the indoor. We need 80 to break even.

-Field 1 is from 5-6,6-7,7-8 and Field 2 is 8-9 and 9-10

* Kevin will send an email to Bob Slater about getting the older girls to help with indoor

*Kevin will get a date to have the info session at the school gym or Sportszone for February.

*Kevin needs to pick a date and secure a room at the high school for the coaches meetings.

*Kevin will get a CSV file to Janet

Bob-Vice President’s report:

-State rule changes. He has them or they are on the NHYLA website.

-Head coaches must be F1 Level certified. $200/person for this. Asst. coaches online cert. for 4/1/2011

-Girls pass rule- no more 3 pass rule but can’t go goal to goal.

-Girls U13A can play modified stick checking if both teams agree to it.

-Officials required: U15 A,B,C and U13A need 2 qualified refs. U13B,C, U11, U9 need 1 qualified ref –BOYS.

-Officials required GIRLS: Same as the boys.

-Boys U15,U13 play 4-10 min. stop time games. U11 play 12 min. running time.

-Bob had to prove to NHYLA that Londonderry had attended all the meetings so that we could vote.

-Ref clinic coming up. 1/20 starting date.

-Info session being planned for February.

-T-shirts for indoor-need to vote on the logo. Bob did up a nice drawing.

Debbie- Finance

-quiet month

-spent $142.50 for rule books

-approx. $1300 coming from Sportsmanager

Janet- IT:

-Website almost done.

-will give passwords soon

-$60 one time set up fee w/League Athletics (credit card processor fee)

-Will write up instructions on how to use the site

*Will do a 10 min. demo at the next meeting

-only outdoor registration on the new site

-Test registration available

*Janet will send out the URL again

Todd-Girls Coordinator

-concerned w/field times for indoor

-LYLA not officially announcing running of teams for Tomahawks-we need to communicate our stand on this

-If we take the initiative then other towns will join in

-Are we organizing or are we communicating options?

-Discussion had.

-Todd would also like 1hr/wk/age group for indoor time before we get on the fields.

Chris-Boys Coordinator

-need more U11’s for Tomahawks

-2-U13 teams, 1 U15 team w/free agents to fill it up

-UNH 4 hrs. 4/3,4/10,4/17

-Wayne wants to do the ref training like last year

-emailed Seacoast about UNH and spoke to Bedford and Exeter.

-Can we get earlier in the day at UNH?

-Will know next month if we need to schedule the refs for UNH games

-discussed need for more indoor time due to chasing balls in parking lots etc. Would like 1 hr/wk/age group.

-Would like to be able to practice on a lined field

-Would like 2 coaches meetings for the boys

Kim- Fundraising

-Comedy show 3/19 8 PM, doors open at 7 PM at the Yard Restaurant

-If you can help w/set up, come at 6 PM

-Each member has 10 tickets to try to sell

-Get tickets to be sold at Embroid Me?

-Sending out flyers to help out

-Donation sheet w/Tax ID “Thank you”

-When the show is over, its over. We aren’t paying for music/dancing

Karen- Scheduling:

-consignment sale Feb 6?

-registration for outdoor at the same time

-will need help to set up/ during and after the swap

-need a liability disclaimer

-allow Cutting Edge to be there too during the consignment

Bruce- Equipment

-Can rent a storage trailer for $80/month

-looking at $2000 for a new trailer

-$250 for smaller storage boxes at Home Depot once we have permission

-need to request permission for lock boxes at the fields

Abigail- Membership

*Will send dates to Kevin for registration

*Will send out info to the following places about the info sessions: Lond. Times, Email blast, info on website, flyers at Sportszone and Library and Local Access TV

Sean- Member at Large

-1/20 ref clinic in Londonderry from 6:30-9 PM

-3/14 Sun.or 3/21 8 AM-2 PM Level 2 training/ refresher

Meeting adjourned at 8:47 PM

Respectfully submitted by Elaine Weidner, Secretary.


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