




STUDENT NAME: ___________________________________

STUDENT I.D. NUMBER: _____________________________

• Perusal time = 10 minutes

• Test time = 105 minutes


• Read ALL questions carefully during perusal time, you may write if you wish.

• Use the back of each sheet if you do not have enough writing space, but please label each answer.

• Question subheadings are NOT of equal points value.

• Points allocated for each subheading are shown at the end of the question.


QUESTION 1 (Total =10 points)

Match entries in the left column with answers from the lettered choices in the right column. Write your letter choice to the far left of each question in the spaces provided. Use each answer only ONCE. (1 Point per correct pair)

_____ 1. Bacterial enzyme able to destroy red blood cells a. Kinase

_____ 2. Bacterial enzyme that produces fibrin b. Mycolic acid

_____ 3. Bacterial enzyme able to destroy red blood cells c. Septic shock

_____ 4. Virulence factor in Mycoplasma cell wall d. Hyaluronidase

_____ 5. Enzyme able to break down cell connections e. Hemolysin

_____ 6. Bacterial enzyme that breaks down fibrin f. Coagulase

_____ 7. Condition caused by excessive endotoxin release g. M protein

_____8. Antibacterial drug that inhibits protein synthesis h. Leukocidin

_____ 9. Virulence factor in Streptococcus cell wall i. Chloroquine

_____ 10. Drug used in the treatment of malaria j. Chloramphenicol

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QUESTION 2 (Total =20 points)

Name 5 target sites on or within microbial cells for antimicrobial drugs (10)

Give an example of a drug that exerts its effect on each of the sites you named (10)

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QUESTION 3 (Total =10 points)

A. Washwater containing Pseudomonas bacteria was sterilized and used to wash cardiac catheters. Three patients undergoing cardiac catheterization developed fever, chills and displayed dangerously low blood pressure. The water and catheters were sterile.

Why did the patients show these reactions? (4)

B. What test could have been used to prevent this unfortunate incident? (4)

C. Provide two ways in which endotoxins differ from exotoxins. (2)

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QUESTION 4 (Total =20 points)

A. List the 4 cardinal signs of the inflammatory response (4)

B. Explain why the inflammatory response is beneficial and should not be suppressed for trivial reasons. Hint: in your answer try to give at least 2 benefits. (4)

C. Name the first line of defense our body will use to protect against microbial invasion (2)

D. What are 2 mechanical and 2 chemical defenses employed by the first line of defense that was your answer to Part C? (5)

E. Label the key features of this antibody diagram (5)

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QUESTION 5 (Total =20 points)

Fill in the blanks in the following sentences. (1 point per correct sentence)

1. Molecules that stimulate the immune response are known as____________________________.

2. Specific groups on a molecule that interact with the variable region of an antibody are called ____________________________.

3. The cells of the humoral immune system compartment are called ____________________________.

4. The cells of the cellular immune system compartment are called ____________________________.

5. Immunity gained by exposure to a pathogen is known as ______________________ acquired ____________________ immunity.

6. Immunity gained by transfer of antibodies across the placenta is known as ______________________ acquired ____________________ immunity.

7. A very small antigen is known as a ____________________________.

8. An example of an antomicrobial drug with a modified lactam ring is ________________________.

9. The main serum antibody class is ____________________________.

10. The class of antibody found in exocrine secretions is ____________________________.

11. The class of antibody that is involved in allergic reactions is ____________________________.

12. The class of antibody first stimulated upon encounter with an antigen is ____________________________.

13. The class of antibody involved in processing the developing immune system is


14. Lymphocytes whose main role is to activate killer cells to fight microbes are known as ____________________________.

15. Reactions between soluble antigens and antibodies will generate a

/an____________________________ reaction.

16. Reactions between particulate antigens and antibodies will generate a/an ____________________________ reaction.

17. In the ELISA test, Ab/Ag binding is detected by ____________________________________________.

18. In the radioimmunoassay used to detect virus particles in the blood, a patient with a high viral titer

will generate a sample with a ____________________ radioactive count.

19. A polysaccharide antigen in a bacterial capsule is likely to be a _____ __________________ antigen.

20. The macrophages that help T cells recognize foreign antigens are called _____________________________ .

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QUESTION 6 (Total =20 points)

A. Why are viruses the most difficult group of pathogens to treat? (4)

B. Why are bacteria the easiest group of pathogens to treat? (4)

C. You take a blood sample from a patient with a microbial infection and find an elevated White Blood cell count. The neutrophil count is the one that is the most elevated from the normal range. At what stage of the infection do you suspect the patient to be? (4)

D. You take a blood sample from a patient with a microbial infection and find an elevated White Blood cell count. The LYMPHOCYTE count is the one that is the most elevated from the normal range. At what stage of the infection do you suspect the patient to be? (4)

C. You take a blood sample from a patient with a microbial infection and find an elevated White Blood cell count. The MACROPHAGE count is the one that is the most elevated from the normal range. At what stage of the infection do you suspect the patient to be? (4)

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1. (Region circled)

2. (Protein chain at arrow)

3. (Protein chain at arrow)

4. (Protein region at arrow)

5. (Protein region at arrow)


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