Avoiding the phrase “I don’t have time

Avoiding the phrase “I don’t have time...”, will soon help you to realize that you do have the time needed for just about anything you choose to accomplish in life. ~ Bo Bennett

Food Companies Now Purposely Mislabeling Products To Hide Deadly Ingredients. You’re Probably Eating These Products Every Day, Or Giving Them To Your Kids…


est Covina – It’s a tragedy. When it comes to choosing between money and your health and safety… the almighty buck wins way, way, w-a-y too often.

And, when enlightened individuals speak out against the status quo, they are chastised and shunned like they have a fresh case of the bird flu, SARS, or even monkeypox (remember that supposed ‘killer’ from a few years ago?).

Anyway, this fact that I’m going to share with you absolutely disgusts me. Why? Because it shows just how ‘evil’ corporate greed can be. Here’s how…

As Americans have gotten more aware of certain dangerous food substances and how deadly they can be, food giants have reacted. You’d think they would stop using those deadly things. Instead, they have rushed to figure out ways to change the labels, change the name, or change the serving size so they don’t have to list the dangerous ingredient!

But that’s not all, Not by a long shot…

They actually have the nerve to state on the label that their product has “zero grams” of one of these killers, when it’s actually one of the major ingredients!

Additionally, we all know that diabetics shouldn’t eat sugar, right? Well, did you know that the MAIN or major ingredient in many “diabetic” drinks is just that…SUGAR! Man, this gets me really fired up! And this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg!

Some of the foods with the highest amounts of these killers are targeted specifically at young children. CHILDREN! They are also marketed as “healthy choices” or even have a “Smart Choice” stamp on the box or bag, all to mislead you into thinking they are good for you or your kids.

One of the worst foods on the planet is sold on TV as a “nutritious choice” for kid’s lunches. Many diet gurus also pitch it as a great snack choice, but in reality you should NEVER have it. I’ll reveal what it is and why later in the article. But first…

Just how bad are these killers that they’re trying to hide?

Well, the one I’m targeting today is the most artery clogging type of fat.

In fact, it is considered to be THE thing that you MUST avoid to prevent clogged arteries. It has also been linked to blood sugar problems and obesity.

As the level of these substances in our food continues to grow, we have also seen an explosion of epidemic proportions of childhood obesity and disease. In fact, there are now documented cases of kids as young as 8 years old who have developed hardened and clogged arteries. 8 YEARS OLD! So if these ingredients are so bad, why are the food companies hiding them?

Simple. Consumers today are more savvy and want to avoid them. But because these substances increase the shelf life of the food, cause food addiction and enhance taste, all while decreasing its cost, food companies just hide them to maximize profits. As they saying goes: “It’s All About The Benjamins!”

So just what are the killers, what foods have them, and how do we avoid them?

As you may have figured out by now, one killer is known as “Trans Fats”, or “Trans Fatty Acids.” They are made when a hydrogen molecule is added to an oil, which will change it into a solid. Our bodies can’t break them down like normal fats, so they hang around in our blood longer and get a better chance to clog things up.

These fats do more to screw up your cholesterol levels and clog your arteries then butter, yet they have been sold in supposed “heart smart” products like margarine for years.

And now that there is ample research as to their dangers, and people’s awareness of them has increased, and as the FDA has required them to be listed on food labels, the food companies have figured out ways to hide them. Here’s how:

You can make an ingredient disappear if you make the SERVING SIZE small enough!

That’s right. Let’s take those “fat free” non-stick sprays as an example. I used to use them like crazy. I’d coat the pan with so much of the stuff that it looked like I was painting with it. And why not, it says that it has 0 grams of fat per serving!

But then I looked at the ingredients. The first ingredient was vegetable oil. Vegetable oil is a fat. Pure fat, in fact, with nothing else. So how could there be no fat in something that was pure fat. Simple…

The serving size was a spray that lasted 1/3 of a second! No one sprays that briefly. So the label is very misleading. Definitely Buyer Beware!

But now it gets much worse.

Today, we have products marked with stamps on the front that claim “zero grams of trans fat”, which is an outright lie with the intent of tricking you into buying.

Additionally, many of these products add other “killers” to enhance flavor, increase shelf life, and create addiction. These other bad guys are monosodium glutamate (MSG), highly processed sugars, genetically modified organisms, and all the food colorings.

Here’s the problem, though. Unless you know what other names to look for these guys under, they can slip right by you. Here are some examples.

For example, if you look at Baked Cheetos, which has the smart choice label on the front, the nutrition label says 0 grams of Trans Fats. However, when you read the ingredients, you see “partially hydrogenated oil.”



Another is one of those pre-made cookie doughs by Pillsbury or Nestle. One of them actually has a sticker on the front that says “0 grams trans fat!” But again, a hydrogenated oil is found in the ingredient list of both of them.

What they did was make the serving size so small

that there was less than .5 grams per serving. When that is

the case, you can list it as zero.

In addition to hiding trans fats, they will also make some foods “diet foods” based on the serving size, when in reality they are just a small serving of junk. Take, for example, a Snackwell’s cookie, or a Weight Watcher’s bar, or a Slim Fast shake.

A Snackwell’s cookie, when you compare the actual calories per gram, has almost as many calories as an Oreo, and close to the same fat (with a lot less taste!). They just made the serving smaller! The same is true is you compare a Weight Watcher’s bar to a Snicker’s. And with Slimfast, you are basically drinking chocolate milk with a vitamin.

Also, all of those “health foods” are loaded with either trans fats or sugars! There is nothing healthy about them at all!

I can go on and on with more examples. Just start reading for yourself. Do not look at the gimmicks on the front or on the label. Read the ingredients, and if you see any of the following words, stay away or use as sparingly as possible:

“Hydrogenated, MSG, hydrolyzed, food starch, corn starch, natural flavorings (often a cover for MSG).”

There are many, many more words for this. If you want them all, either go to and search or ask us for our handout. It will be really hard to avoid products with Trans Fats, but your heart will thank you!

Another reason to avoid the others listed here is that they are excitatory neurotoxins, and will increase PAIN and INFLAMMATION, so it will make it harder for us to help you get better!

But my last thought on this topic answers the question about what that deadly food is that is pitched as great for kids and dieters. Here it is!


Surprised? You should be. Despite what Skippy and Annette Funicello say, this is NOT part of a nutritious meal. Here’s why:

The PRIMARY ingredients are usually HYDROGENATED VEGETABLE OIL (a trans fat), and HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP (the most processed sugar out there. When you add that to the fact that many people have peanut allergies, and that molds are prone to growing on them, you have a recipe for disaster, not health. If you want to clog up your arteries, take a nice big scoop every day.

In closing, I’d like to thank “mavericks” such as Dr. David Graham and Dr. Joseph Mercola. It’s not easy to stand up and be ostracized for what you believe in. I’m sure they are saving many lives. As Albert Einstein once said, "Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."

Inspirational Story Of The Month –

There’s Always Hope…

Here is the part of the newsletter that I like to share success stories of my patients. Today I’ll share with you two stories of two people with dramatically different injuries, who both experienced amazing results. Even though they have given me permission to use their names, we have still changed them here to comply with new HIPPA privacy laws.

Ernie was a young man in his early twenties who, like many people that age, enjoyed hanging out with his friends in his spare time. He was also into exercise and was pretty physically fit…until one day…when tragedy happened.

As he was standing in a public place with his friends, he became the victim of a drive by shooting…an innocent bystander. Making matters worse was the fact that the bullet had hit his spine and actually bruised and burned his spinal cord. Thanks to great emergency intervention, his life was saved…but at a cost. Ernie was paralyzed from the mid back down.

Besides being in a wheelchair, unable to walk or move his legs, he had no feeling in his legs…except for constant pain. A friend of his referred him to our office because he thought the Cold Laser might help. When Ernie showed up at my office, I was very skeptical of what I could do for him. I knew I would be able to temporarily lessen his pain, but other than that, I really was in the dark about how much the laser could help. I told Ernie that I wasn’t sure what the cold laser could do, but that I knew at least it couldn’t hurt to try it.

So we began with a combination of electric muscle stimulation and the cold laser. The doctors at Erchonia have done some great research and actually have a book with all the different laser settings depending on what the injury is. I called for their help, and was told that they were currently doing studies on spinal injuries because the laser had shown success. They had already published research that showed it could help with facial nerve injuries, and this was the next phase. After discussing the case, we decided to put the laser on the burn settings, then the bruise settings, and lastly on the nerve regeneration settings.

After the first treatment, Ernie told me that he could move his big toe. I was skeptical but hopeful, so we continued. A couple of weeks later, he could move his right leg in and out. The left followed next week. Then, after a couple of months, he could fully extend both legs. Additionally, he no longer had pain in his back or legs, and was regaining his feeling. When I last saw him, he was optimistic for the future, and was actually able to start physical therapy to relearn how to walk.

In a few months time, we had come farther than his doctors had thought he would come in a year, if ever. In fact, he came farther than even I thought he would. Being able to help this one person made me glad that I had bought that laser and did all that training.

Now on to the second story. Although his injuries were not as dramatic as Ernie’s, you’ll see how damaging an effect they had on the patient’s life. Johnny was referred to me by his wife, who had been referred by her co-worker. He was complaining of daily, severe headaches for years. These headaches would wake him up every morning around 5 am.

Johnny had been to every type of specialist, had CAT scans, MRIs, and had tried every type of migraine medication out there, all with little or no benefit.

When I evaluated Johnny, one of the things I recognized in his history was really simple, yet every other practitioner had overlooked. He had not been drinking water for over 3 months! Additionally, he was drinking between 32 and 64 ounces of diet soda everyday!

Now, why is that important? Well, first of all, Nutrasweet, also known as aspartame and the brand name Equal, is the sweetener in diet sodas, with the exception of 7-up and Diet Rite. Aspartame is an excitatory neurotoxin and has been linked to many illnesses and health problems, such as migraines, blurry vision, MS, Alzheimer’s, and many others (go to for more detailed info.)

Additionally, soda consumption will actually cause dehydration, which can cause headaches. Couple that with the fact that Johnny was not drinking water, and the damaging effects of Nutrasweet, and you have a recipe for disaster!

Johnny told me that his headaches were so severe that it was putting a strain on his marriage because he was so irritable and depressed. In fact, he said they were possibly going to be separating. Also, he said that he couldn’t even enjoy spending time with his kids and was very irritable with them, which was a major concern for him.

Physically, he had major trigger points in his neck and shoulder muscles. A trigger point is a “ball” of knotted up muscle that is loaded with waste products like lactic acid and can’t get enough nutrients or blood flow because of all the tension and scar tissue. These trigger points can refer pain to the head, into the arms and legs, and even cause numbness and tingling. Additionally, Johnny had misalignments in his upper neck that were further irritating the nerves that run along the scalp.

Johnny’s treatment was actually pretty simple. #1- get him off all diet sodas and increase the water intake. #2- correct the misalignments in his neck, and get rid of the trigger points with a combination of chiropractic and massage, and #3- stimulate cellular recovery and healing with the cold laser.

After the first treatment, Johnny said his “life had been saved.” Not only were the headaches gone, but he got his life back. He said his marriage was saved, and he could actually enjoy spending time with his kids again! Like that Mastercard commercial says, this was “Priceless.”

We love helping our patients and their friends and relatives through their tough times and getting them feeling better! We are here to help you stay feeling better and looking younger! Don't be a stranger. Call us, and we will assist you in putting together a customized maintenance plan. It's not a luxury anymore! With our low monthly payment plan, it's less expensive to maintain your good health! You really can afford Chiropractic care! Don't wait until you can no longer move.


Come see Dr Gair in CONCERT with his Band Soul Fire Saturday, July 22 from 5-9 pm! This event is called the “Saving Tomorrow Summer Concert” and will several other local bands, and will have food booths and other entertainment. How much is it? It’s FREE! And, it will provide some clean, family entertainment at the Lord’s Grace Church in Downey. To find out more info, call our office or go to , or soulfiregd. The music style is pop/punk, and Dr Gair plays lead guitar. The address is: The Lord's Grace of Downey Church,7360 Foster Bridge Blvd, Downey, CA 90240 Cost: FREE

Hope to see you there! We’ll also have Soul Fire T-shirts and CD's for sale at the event!

Did You Know?...

Contrary to all the ads, milk does NOT do a body good! Wonder why? First, the pasteurization process actually causes important enzymes in the milk to break down, which then makes digestion and absorption of nutrients difficult. Second, although milk has high calcium levels, it is also high in phosphates, which bind to calcium and actually pull calcium out of your bones and body. Third, most dairy cows are actually sick animals. They have been bred to have abnormal pituitary glands (tumors) so they will produce more milk, and are loaded up on antibiotics. The antibiotics are then passed into the milk and into your body, which then destroys your normal intestinal bacteria levels. Their feed is also loaded with commercial pesticides, which will increase estrogen levels in humans. Many studies suggest that elevated estrogen levels and also antibiotic use can facilitate cancer growth. Lastly, some cows, although they are naturally vegetarians, are actually fed ground up pig! They used to have ground up cow fed to them, but that was what started mad cow disease! One last point, milk use can actually create inflammation in your body, so if you have chronic pain or arthritis, you should really stay away from it.

Oh yeah, and you may have seen all these ads saying that milk can help you lose weight. Don’t get caught up in this slick marketing gimmick. Milk is VERY calorie loaded, and will make it very easy to gain weight. Milk was created for baby mammals who need to put on a lot of weight or fat quickly to increase survival chances, and to pass immunity on to them to fight disease. One 8 oz (coffee cup size) serving of non-fat milk has around 100 calories, and many of them come from lactose (milk sugar). Cutting down on milk can GREATLY decrease your calorie consumption and make it much easier to lose weight. I’m a former milk addict, and speak from experience! Recently, I challenged one of my patients to give up milk for 7 days. He ended up doing it for lent, and actually lost 20 pounds just from cutting down on his milk!

So I know now you are asking, “Well where the heck am I gonna get the calcium I need for my bones then?” It’s simple. Even massive cows don’t drink milk after when they are adults, and they have much bigger bones than we do. Guess where they get their calcium…from green leafy veggies! And if you don’t like veggies, you can always get a good calcium supplement. Just make sure it has vitamin D in it so you can get better absoption. If you want to see the actual research and read in greater details about milk, go to mercola .com. He actually talks about the benefits of drinking raw milk. So far, I haven’t been brave enough to try that though! Either way, this is a great site where you can research all kinds of cutting edge health info.

Tip of The Month. Beware of the poison in your medicine chest! You might not guess what this poison is…and you have to be very careful of it with your kids! What is it? Your FLOURIDE TOOTHPASTE and your ANTI-PERSPIRANT! That’s right. One tube of toothpaste has enough fluoride in it to kill you. Although this ingredient has benefits superficially on the teeth, it is very dangerous everywhere else in your body. When you combine this with the fact that much of our water has fluoride added to it, we have a recipe for disaster. Why do I say this? I encourage you to look at the research behind fluoridated water. Studies have shown that cancer rates are elevated when fluoride is added to water, and it actually causes weakening and thinning of bones. So your teeth may be strong, but you get screwed up everywhere else! Flouride will combine with aluminum in our bodies to make an ion that can ravage nerve and brain tissue. Where do we get the aluminum? Well, almost all anti-perspirants have an aluminum ingredient to clog your pores to stop sweating. The problem is that aluminum is a toxic heavy metal that accumulates in fatty tissue. For women who use anti-perspirants, the aluminum will accumulate in breast tissue and has been shown to increase breast cancer rates!

So am I saying we should all go around with stinky rotten teeth and onion smelling armpits? NO! Just make some adjustments. First of all, to keep your teeth healthy, see your dentist regularly, brush after meals, and floss daily. Look for a fluoride free toothpaste, like the ones made by Tom’s of Maine (you can google search their website). Also, either buy a home purifier that removes fluoride or order bottled water. Please go to and search under “fluoride” so you can read in detail what it can do to you.

As for the stinky pits…first, wash them with an antibacterial soap because it is the bacteria that cause the foul odor. Also, be sure you drink a lot of water everyday to cleanse your cells of built up toxins (juice, soda, tea do not count!). Add a squeeze of lemon if you don’t like the taste, or you may need purified water. (If you want to find out what dangers are in the water at your house, will take a sample and analyze it in a lab for about $40). Lastly, use either a hemp oil deodorant or a salt crystal deodorant. The salt crystal will last for months. You simply wet the tip and apply like a normal deodorant. The salts kill any remaining bacteria to keep you odor free. If the first brand doesn’t work for your body, keep switching until you find the right one for your chemistry.

Remember, these little changes create huge results over time. It’s like the answer to the question, “How can you eat an elephant?” The answer is “one bite at a time.” The same is true for your health. You improve it with each one little thing that you do!

Patient of The Month…This month's patient of the month is actually two friends…Win Thien and Myint Tun! Congratulations! As usual, the patients of the month will receive a FREE DINNER for themselves and a guest! The last winners were Phil and Veronica Perez, who won the DVD player in our patient appreciation drawing! Way to go guys! We appreciate all you have done to help our practice grow! Keep reading our newsletter to see if you are next month’s winner!



The Insider’s Health Guide

Revealing the Natural Health Secrets That The Big Drug Companies Hope You Never Learn!

A Free Monthly Newsletter For The Friends and Patients of: Dr Kirk Gair



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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