9/14/98 - University of Maryland, Baltimore



Howard A. Palley

11 North Townview Lane

Newark, Delaware 19711



Degree Year Major

Syracuse University Ph.D. 1963 Public Policy

(Political Science - Economics)

Yeshiva University M.S. 1959 Social


Brooklyn College B.A. 1957 Political

(cum laude) Science


A. University Positions and Research Related Positions

Zaporozhye National University Fulbright October, 2005

Department of Social Pedagogics Senior

Zaporozhye, Ukraine Specialist

National Yang-Ming University Fulbright March, 2005

Institute of Health and Senior

Welfare Policy Specialist

Taipei, Taiwan

University of Maryland Distinguished October, 2002

Institute for Human Services Fellow to present Policy

Zaporizhzhia State University Fulbright October, 2001

Department of Social Pedagogics Senior

Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine Specialist

University of Otago Visiting June, 2000

School of Medicine Fellow

Bioethics Centre

(Dunedin, New Zealand)

University of Otago Visiting June, 2000

School of Medicine Professor

Department of Preventive

And Social Medicine

(Dunedin, New Zealand)

University of Maryland Professor August,1977

School of Social Work to July, 2008 University of Maryland

Professor August, 2008

Emeritus to Present

University of Maryland Associate Fall, 1970 to

School of Social Work Professor Spring, 1977

University of Maryland Professor December,1991 School of Medicine (Secondary to present

Department of Epidemiology Appointment)

and Preventive Medicine

Chung-Ang University Fulbright June, 1990 to

Department of Social Welfare Visiting August, 1990

(Seoul, Korea) Professor

Hadassah-Hebrew University Visiting January, 1985

School of Public Health Professor to June, 1985

and Community Medicine


Brookdale Institute Visiting January, 1985

of Gerontology and Scholar to June, 1985

Adult Human Behavior


Hebrew University Visiting January, 1978

Paul Baerwald School Professor to June, 1978

of Social Work


Member, Graduate Faculty Spring, 1971

University of Maryland to present

Adelphi University Associate Fall, 1966 to

School of Social Work Professor Spring, 1970

University of Wisconsin- Assistant Fall, 1965 to

Milwaukee Professor Summer, 1966

School of Social Welfare

Paterson State College Assistant Spring 1962

Department of Social Professor to Spring,

Science 1965

Syracuse University Graduate Fall, 1959 to

Maxwell School Teaching Spring, 1961

Citizenship Program Assistant

My recent teaching experience has been primarily in the area of Social Welfare Policy, Social Policy and Social Services, Social Policy and Health Care, Social Policy Analysis and Development, Comparative Social Policy, Oppressed Groups, Family Policy and Urban Policy. I have also have served as Chair or member of a number of Doctoral Advisory Committees.

B. Other Professional Services

Member, Editorial Board, Open Journal of Political Science, 2012-2013.

Workshop for Continuing Education Units. “Federal and State Legislative and Judicial Decision-Making, Professional Ethics,and the Issue of ‘Death with Dignity’in the United States.” School of Social Work, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland, February 24, 2010.

Workshop for Continuing Education Units. “Federal and State Legislative and Judicial Decision-Making, Professional Ethics, and the Issue of ‘Death with Dignity’ in the United States.” School of Social Work, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland, October 21, 2009.

Workshop for Continuing Education Units. “Death with Dignity: The Interface of Law, Ethics and Judicial Decisions,” Stella Maris, Inc., Timonium. Maryland, October 6, 2009.

Workshop for Continuing Education Units. “Federal and State Legislative and Judicial Decision-Making, Professional Ethics, and the Issue of ‘Death with Dignity’ in the United States.” School of Social Work, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland, June 12, 2009.

Member, Health Facilities Authority, State of Delaware, April 2009 to present.

Member, Health and Human Services Transition Team for Governor-elect Jack Markell, State of Delaware, November, 2008 – January, 2009. Chair, subcommittee on Division on Services for Aging and Adults with Physically Disabilities. Member, subcommittee on Division of Developmental Disabilities Services.

Member, Board of Advisors, Canadian Politics Section, American Political Science Association, September 2008 to September 2009.

Member, Editorial Advisors’ Board, Journal of Comparative Social Welfare, 2006- present.

Member, Science Advisory Board, Health Canada (Canada’s federal Health Ministry), December, 2005 to December, 2009.

Participant, grant entitled, Framework Programs for Global Health Planning (NIH/Fogarty), Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland, November, 2005 to September 2009.

Member, Interprofessional Global Health Research Committee, University of Maryland Baltimore, November 2005 to 2010.

Member, Global Health Resource Center Committee, 2010-2012.

Member, Global Health Interdisciplinary Council, 2012 to present.

Instructor, courses in Disability Welfare Policies and Services and Community Care and Case Management, Fulbright Senior Specialist, Institute of Health and Welfare Policy, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan, March, 2005.

Member, Scientific Commission, Fourth International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 2003-2004.

Member, Discipline Peer Review Committee for the Fulbright Senior Specialist Program, 2003-2004.

Reviewer, Publius, 2006, 2009.

Reviewer, Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 2005, 2010.

Reviewer, Social Science and Medicine, 2005, 2010.

Reviewer, Health Care Financing Review, 2004-2005.

Reviewer, International Political Science Review, 2010.

Reviewer, International Journal for Integrated Care, 2010.

Reviewer, Journal of Applied Gerontology, 2011

Associate Editor and Reviewer, International Journal of the Humanities, 2003.

Affiliated Faculty, Ph.D. Program in Gerontology, University of Maryland, 2002 to present.

Member, Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland, 2012-2013.

Member, Board of Directors, formerly Inter-University Consortium for International Social Development, now International Consortium for Social Development 1997-2010.

Consultant, Adolescent Outreach Program: A Comprehensive Prenatal Postpartum and Health Education Program, Pregnancy Aid Center, College Park, MD. This program is funded by a grant from the Freddie Mac Foundation, 1996-1997.

Consultant, Maryland Society for Clinical Social Work, Committee on Health Care Reform, Spring, 1993.

Member, Maryland NASW and School of Social Work, University of

Maryland Task Force on Welfare Issues, 1993.

Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Health and Social Policy, 1992 to 2008.

Member, Editorial Board, Social Work in Public Health, 2008. (This publication was formerly the Journal of Health and Social Policy.)

Participating Instructor, Critical Issues in Health Care (an

interdisciplinary course). University of Maryland at

Baltimore. Spring, 1991.

Instructor, Social Welfare Policy Seminar on Social Policy Issues and the Elderly in Korea: Problems, Programs and Prospects. Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea. June - July, 1990.

Participating Instructor, Critical Issues in Health Care (an interdisciplinary course). University of Maryland at Baltimore. Spring, 1989.

Instructor, Society, Politics and Health Care (SOC 243), Department of Sociology, University of Delaware. Spring, 1987.

Instructor, Human Genetics Policies and Services (HGEN608), Division of Human Genetics, University of Maryland Medical School. Fall, 1985.

Member, Editorial Board, International Area Review, 2004 to present.

Member, Editorial Board, Social Development Issues, 1983 to 2002, A Contributing Editor, 2002-present.

Member, Maryland NASW Professional Issues Task Force, 1983 to 1984.

Member, Advisory Committee to Senator Joseph R. Biden (D., Delaware), Fall 1982 to Fall 1984.

Member, Maryland NASW Task Force on Health Care Issues, 1982 to 1986, Chair, 1983-1984.

Co-director, NASW Policy Research Network Project on Family Policy with Respect to Services for the Chronically-Ill Elderly, 1980-81.

Member, Strategy Group on Protective Services for the Aged, Division of Aging, Department of Health and Social Services, Delaware, 1973-1975.

Member, Board of Directors of Greater Newark Emergency Room Inc., Newark, Delaware, 1973-1974.

Member, Economic Opportunity Act Advisory Committee on Project Off, Milwaukee County Department of Public Welfare, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. September, 1965-June, 1966.

Instructor, Summer Training Institute: The Decision-Making Process in Social Welfare, Adelphi University, School of Social Work. June, 1967.

C. Special Education and Research

Fulbright Senior Specialist Grant, Examining Issues of Long-

Term Care for the Elderly. This involved lectures and workshops

and also curriculum development with respect to Health Care and Social Work at the Department of Social Pedagogics, Zaporozhye National University, Zaporozhye, Ukraine. I also delivered a lecture to the Department of Social Work and Social Pedagogics,

Dragomanov National Pedagogical University, Kiev, Ukraine, October, 2005.

Fulbright Senior Specialist Grant, Examining issues of Long-Term Care for the Elderly and the Disabled and lecturing, Institute of Health and Welfare Policy, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan, March, 2005.

Fulbright Senior Specialist Grant, Examining Issues of Long-Term Care for the Elderly in Ukraine and lecturing, Department of Social Pedagogics, Zaporizhzhia State University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, October, 2001.

University of Maryland at Baltimore GGEAR GRANT entitled,

"The Belief Systems Underlying Nursing Home Placement by

Family Caregivers," January, 1993-January, 1995.


Sabbatical Grant from the University of Maryland for the

conduct of research on "Trends in the Development of

Public Welfare Policy in the United States." September, 1992-January, 1993.

Fulbright Research Award for project entitled, "Problem

Analysis and Agenda Setting for a Policy of In-Home and

Community-Based Care for the Elderly In Korea", for June,

1990-August, 1990.

National Institute on Aging Travel Grant to attend and participate in the International Congress on Gerontology,

Acapulco, Mexico, June, 1989.

University of Maryland Graduate Research DRIF Grant award

entitled, Alzheimer's Disease: A Comparison of Community

Based Case Managed and Non-Case Managed Models and Their

Effects on Maintenance of Functional Behavior, Health,

Quality of Life and Informal Caregiver Stress, 1990-1992.

(Co-investigator, 1990-1991, Primary Investigator, 1991-1992).

University of Maryland Graduate Research DRIF Grant entitled, The Treatment of Alzheimer's-like Cases of Senile Dementia - Perception of Adequacy and Appropriateness of Service Delivery. 1987.

Sabbatical Grant from the University of Maryland for the conduct of research on The Long Term Care System for the Elderly in Israel: Organization and Impacts. January, 1985 to June 1985.

Organization of American States/World Health Organization Fellow for research on The Canadian National Health Insurance System: A Comparative Analysis of the Ontario and Quebec Programs, 1984.

Sabbatical Grant from University of Maryland for the conduct of research on The Health Delivery System in Israel: Organization and Impacts. January, 1978-June, 1978.

Graduate Research Board Grant, University of Maryland for support of study, Urban America in a National Perspective - A Study of Linkages. October, 1973-May,1974.

Research funded by the Bureau of Family Services, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare under Section 1115 of the Social Security Act. Under this grant, a monograph, The Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare's Medical Assistance Program: An Interorganizational Analysis, was submitted to Robert K. Leighty, Director of the Office of Planning and Research, Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare, Harrisburg, Pa. July,1967- September, 1967.

Participant in Inter-University Consortium for Political Research. National Science Foundation Grant for the study of Data Analysis and Community Power Structure. Survey Research Center of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Summer, 1965.

Ford Faculty Research Seminar Fellow in Labor Economics, Harvard University. Cambridge, Mass. Research seminar under the direction of John T. Dunlop, Department of Economics, Harvard University. July-August, 1964.

National Center for Education in Politics Fellow, assigned to the Bureau of Migrant Labor, Department of Labor and Industry, Trenton, New Jersey. Research on migrant labor conditions, completed with the cooperation of Simeon Moss, Special Assistant to the Secretary of Labor and Industry, and Charles Yercak, Chief of the Bureau of Migrant Labor. September, 1961-January, 1962.

New York State Government Research Project, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York. Research Assistant to Daniel P. Moynihan. June, 1960-September, 1960.


American Political Science Association

National Association of Social Workers

Pi Sigma Alpha (Political Science Honorary)

International Consortium for Social Development

Association for Canadian Studies in the United States

Middle Atlantic & New England Council for Canadian Studies


Distinguished Fellow, Institute for Human Services Policy, University of Maryland, October, 2002-present.

Fulbright Senior Specialist Grants, October, 2001, March 2005 and October 2005.

Geriatrics and Gerontology Education and Research Program (GGEAR) Grant from the Office of the President, University of Maryland at Baltimore, 1993-1995 (Co-investigator).

Sabbatical Grant from the University of Maryland, September, 1992 - January, 1993.

Fulbright Research Award, 1990.

DRIF Grant from the Office of Graduate Research, University of Maryland, 1990-1992.

National Institute on Aging Travel Grant, 1989.

DRIF Grant from the Office of Graduate Research, University of Maryland, 1987-1988.

Sabbatical Grant from the University of Maryland, January, 1985 - June, 1985.

Organization of American States/World Health Organization Fellow, 1984.

Sabbatical Grant from the University of Maryland, January, 1978 - June, 1978.

Research Grant from Graduate Research Board, University of Maryland, October, 1973-May, 1974.

Research Grant from the Bureau of Family Services, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. July, 1967-September, 1967.

National Science Foundation Grant. July, 1965-September, 1965.

Ford Faculty Research Fellow in Labor Economics. July, 1964-August, 1964.

National Center for Education in Politics Fellowship. September, 1961 - January, 1962.

Teaching Assistantship, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University, September, 1959-June, 1961.


Books, Pamphlets and Journal Editing

The Political and Economic Sustainability of Health Care in Canada: Private Sector Involvement in the Federal Provincial Health Care System. Amherst, NY: Cambria Press, 2012.(Co-authored.)

Editor, Community-Based Programs and Policies: Contributions

to Social Policy Development in Health and Health-Related Services. Abingdon, U.K. and New York, NY: Routledge, 2009.

Editor, issue of Social Work in Public Health (formerly the Journal of Health and Social Policy) on

“Community-Based Programs and Policies: Contributions to Social Policy Development,” 23 (4, 2008).

Implications of Adequacy as a Policy Goal in Long-Term Care for the Needs of the Chronically-Limited Elderly and the Developmentally Disabled: Focusing on Long-Term Care. Taipei, Taiwan (R.O.C.): Taiwan Association of Social Workers, 2005.

(In Chinese and English.)

Implementing the Canadian National Health Insurance Program with Emphasis on a Comparison of the Ontario and Quebec Health Insurance Programs. Jerusalem, Israel: Brookdale Institute International Forum, September, 1985.

The Chronically-Limited Elderly: The Case for a National Policy for In-Home and Supportive Community-Based Services. New York: The Haworth Press, 1983. (Co-authored.)

Urban America and Public Policies, 2nd edition, 1981. (Co-authored.)

Urban American and Public Policies. Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath, 1977. (Co-authored.)

Editor, issue of the American Behavioral Scientist on "Prospects for Change in American Social Welfare Policy," 15 (May/June, 1972). (Co-edited.)

Journal Articles and Monographs

“Long-Term Care for the Elderly in Quebec: Considerations of Appropriateness and Quality of Care,” The Association of Canadian Studies in the United States (ACSUS) Occasional Papers in Public Policy Series, Vol.4,No.1,2012. (Co-authored.)

“U.S. Health Care Reform: Campaigning Versus Governing,” in Public Administration of the Future, Proceedings of the 19th NISPAcee Annual Conference, Varna, Bulgaria, May 19-22, 2011. Bratislava, Slovak Republic: NISPAcee Press, 2011.(Co-authored.)

“Examining Private and Public Provision in Canada’s Provincial Health Care Systems: Comparing Ontario and Quebec,” International Political Science Review, 32 (1, 2011), 79-94. (Co-authored.)

“Integrated Health and Social Services in Quebec: Some Lessons for Health Care System Reform in Russia,” in Representations of Canada: Cross-Cultural Reflections on Canadian Society, Vol.7, pp. 118- 130. Edited by Robert M. Timko. Alexander H. Kubyshkin, and Ilya A. Sukov. Volgograd, Russia: Ophset Press, 2010. (Coauthored.)

“Transforming Long-Term Care Pain Management in North America: The Policy-Clinical Interface,” Pain Medicine, 10 (3,2009), 506-520. (Coauthored.)

“Introduction,” Social Work in Public Health (formerly the Journal of Health and Social Policy), 23 (4, 2008), 1-2. This

introduction also appears in Community-Based Programs and Policies: Contributions to Social Policy Development in Health and Health-Related Services,pp. 1-2. Abingdon, U.K. and New York, NY: Routledge, 2009.

“Examining Fiscal Federalism. Regionalization and Community-Based Initiatives in Canada’s Health Care Delivery System.”

Social Work in Public Health (formerly the Journal of Health and Social Policy), 23 (4, 2008), 69-88. (Co-authored.) This article also appears in Community-Based Programs and Policies: Contributions to Social Policy Development in Health and Health-Related Services,pp. 67-85. Abingdon, U.K. and New York, NY: Routledge, 2009.

“Child Daycare Policy in Japan: An Examination of the Program and Its Impacts,” Journal of Comparative Social Welfare, 24 (2,2008), 165-178. (Co-authored.)

“International Trends in Long-Term Care Policy for the Elderly,” International Area Review, 11 (2, 2008), 267-287.

“Public/Private Partnerships for Prescription Drug Coverage: Policy Formulation and Outcomes in Quebec’s Universal Drug Insurance Program, with Comparisons to the Medicare Prescription Drug Program in the United States,” The Milbank Quarterly, 85 (3,2007), 469-498.(Co-authored.)

“Taiwanese Housing Policy: Shifting the Focus of Housing Policy under a Democratic Regime,” Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 16 (December, 2006), 53-66. (Co-authored.)

“Social Policy and Elderly People: A Study in the Zaporozhye Region,” Social Technologies, 27 (4, 2006), 376-386. (Co-authored.)(In Russian.)

“An International Collaborative Educational Effort Between the University of Maryland, the University of Delaware and Zaporozhye National University,” Journal of Zaporozhye National University, (2, 2006), 171-174. (Co-authored.)

“Canadian Abortion Policy: National Policy and the Impact of Federalism and Political Implementation on Access to Services,”

Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 36 (4, 2006), 565-586.

“Canadian Fiscal Federalism, Health Reform and the Case for Evidence-Based Health and Related-Social Care Services Policy,” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Social Work in Health and Mental Health, May 2004, Quebec City, Quebec.

Quebec City, Quebec, Canada: Laval University, 2005.

“A Review Essay on Long-Term Care Policy Development in Industrial and Post/Industrial Nations,” Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 30 (August, 2005), 751-764.

“The Use of Traditional Chinese Culture and Values in Social Work Health Care Related Interventions in Hong Kong,” Health and Social Work, 30 (February, 2005), 76-79. (Co-authored.)

“Programs and Prospects for Long-Term Care Policy for Older Americans: Are There Lessons for Korea?” International Area Review, 7(1,2004), 3-18.

“Canadian Fiscal Federalism, Regionalization,and the Development of Quebec’s Health Care Delivery System,” New Global Development: Journal of International and Comparative Social Welfare, 20(2,2004), 87-96.(Co-authored.)

“Long-Term Care Policy for the Elderly in the Zaporozhye Region of Ukraine: A Case Study of Social Development Following the Collapse of Communism,” Journal of Aging and Social Policy,16 (3,2004), 71-91.(Co-authored.)

“Pregnancy Outcomes and Maternal Health: A Case Study of Comprehensive Case Managed Services,” Journal of Health and

Social Policy, 18(1,2004), 15-42. (Coauthored.)

“Long-Term Care Policy: Developing a Continuum of Care for the Twenty-first Century,” Bulletin of the Northern Regions Research Center for Human Services Study (Sapporo, Japan),9 (2003),67-74.

“The Federal Judiciary, the Supreme Court and the Issue of ‘Death with Dignity’ in the United States,” International Journal of the Humanities, 1(2003), 1109-1124.

“Long-Term Care Policy for Older Americans: Building a Continuum of Care,” Journal of Health and Social Policy, 16(3, 2003), 7-18. This article is reprinted in The Elderly: Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Care Policy. Edited by Martin Lyon Levine. Farnum, U.K.and Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing, 2009, pp.355-366.

“Sweden’s Health Care System: The Delivery of Health Services within a National/Local System,” New Global Development: Journal of International and Comparative Social Welfare, 19 (2, 2003), 49-62. (co-authored.)

“A Comparison of National Family Policies: France and Sweden,” Children and Youth Services Review, 24(5,2002), 345-373. (Co-authored.)

“Canadian Federalism, Regionalization, Privatization and the Case for an Evidence-Based Health Policy,” Proceedings of the Conference on Evidence Based Policy Instruments for Governance and Accountability in the Health Sector, Laval University, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, March 15-16, 2002.

“The Development of Long-Term Care Policy for the Frail Elderly in the United States,” International Journal of Welfare for the Aged, 2 (June,2000), 49-58.

“Rethinking a Women’s Health Agenda,” Women and Politics, 21 (3,2000), 75-99. (Co-authored).

“Long-Term Care for People with Developmental Disabilities: A Critical Analysis,” Health and Social Work, 25 (August, 2000), 181-189. (Co-authored.)

"An Essay Review Comparing the U.S. and Canadian Health Systems," Journal of Health and Social Policy, 11 (3, 2000), 79-85.

"The Regulatory Process, The Food and Drug Administration, and the Silicone Breast Implant Controversy," Journal of Health and Social Policy, 11 (1, 1999), 1-20. (Co-authored.)

"The Impact of Having a Child with Developmental Disabilities on the Family in Taiwan," Social Development Issues, 20 (3, 1998), 35-52. (Co-authored.)

"The Development of Social Policy for the Elderly in Japan," Social Service Review, 71 (September, 1997), 360-381. (Co-authored.)

"Work, Welfare and the Attack on the Welfare State," Scandinavian Journal of Social Welfare, 5 (October, 1996), 238-248.(Co-authored.)

"A Survey of the Service Needs of Caregivers of Alzheimer's Disease Patients in Maryland's Capital Area," American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 11 (September/October, 1996), 20-24.

"Urban America: A General Perspective," in American and State Government. Edited by Claude Barnes. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., 1996. Reprinted from Urban America and Public Policies. (Co-authored.)

"The Evolution of FDA Policy on Silicone Breast Implants: A Case Study of Politics, Bureaucracy and Business in the Process of Decision-Making," International Journal of Health Services, 25 (4,1995), 573-591.

"Social Policies for the Elderly in the Republic of Korea and Japan: A Comparative Perspective," Social Policy and Administration, 30 (September, 1995), 241-257. (Co-authored.)

"Social Policy and the Elderly in the Republic of Korea: The Need for a Social Development Strategy," in Selected Readings in Marriage and the Family: A Global Perspective, pp. 201-213. Edited by Phylis Lan Lin and Wen-Hui Tsai. Indianapolis, Indiana: University of Indianapolis Press, 1995.

"Welfare Reform: A Study of AFDC Section 1115 Waivers to the States," in Proceedings of the Annual Workshop of the National Association for Welfare Research and Statistics, July 31-August 3, 1995, Austin, Texas, pp. 238-252. Edited by Edd Thigpen. National Association for Welfare Research and Statistics, 1995. (Co-authored.)

"Adult Day Care Centers and the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease Patients: A Critical Analysis," American Journal of Alzheimer's Care and Related Disorders and Research, 9 (September/October, 1994), 29-38 (Co-authored.)

"The Case Management Process in Adult Day Care Centers: An Analysis of Outcomes for Alzheimer's Disease," Interdisciplinary Health Care Teams: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Conference, September 17-19, 1992, Chicago,Illinois. pp. 266-281. Edited by John R. Snyder. Indianapolis, Indiana: Indiana University School of Medicine, 1993. (Co-authored.)

"Social Policy and the Elderly in South Korea: Confucianism, Modernization and Development," Asian Survey, 32 (September, 1992), 787-801.

"The Thomas Appointment: Defeats and Victories for Women," P.S.: Political Science and Politics, 25 (September, 1992), 473-476. (Co-authored.)

"Trickle Down Impacts of Federal Changes in Social Welfare Programs," The Public Manager, 21 (Spring,1992), 29-32.


"Long Term Care Needs and Personal Care Services Under Medicaid: A Survey of Administrators," Journal of Health and

Social Policy, 3(2, 1991), 91-116. (Co-authored.)

"Prospects for National Health Insurance Reform," Social Work in Health Care, 15(3 1991), 101-119. (Co-authored.)

"Societal Deprivation, the Underclass and Family Deterioration in Baltimore: A Structural Analysis." Children and Youth Services Review, 13(3, 1991), 183-197. (Co-authored.)

"The Medicaid Personal Care Services Program: Implications for Social Work Practice," Health and Social Work, 16 (May, 1991), 110-117. (Co-authored.)

"Black-on-Black Crime: Poverty, Inequality and the Underclass Debate from a Global Perspective," Social Development Issues, 12(3, 1990), 52-61. (Co-authored.)

"Issues in Setting the Agenda for a Long-Term Care Policy for the Frail Elderly," Home Health Care Services Quarterly, 10(3/4 1989), 15-43. (Co-authored.)

"Black-on-Black Crime," Society/Transaction, 25 (July/August), 1988, 59-62. (Co-authored.)

"The Frail Elderly and the Promise of Foster Care," Adult Foster Care Journal, 2 (Spring, 1988), 8-25. (Co-authored.)

"The Debt Crisis: An Examination of Pressures and Strains in the Americas," International Journal of Contemporary Sociology, 24 (July/October, 1987), 15-26.

"Canadian Federalism and the Canadian Health Care Program: A Comparison of Ontario and Quebec," International Journal of Health Services, 17 (4, 1987), 595-616.

"Health Care in the United States: Some Implications for Urban America - A Review Essay," Urban Affairs Quarterly, 22 (March, 1987), 475-483.

"The Debate Regarding National Planning Policy: Is It Needed? And If It Is, What Type of Planning Policy is Needed," Social Development Issues, 10 (Fall, 1986), 66-83. (Co-authored.)

"The Decade After Roe vs. Wade: Ideology, Political Cleavage, and the Policy Process," in Women and Politics: Activism, Attitudes and Office Holding, Vol. 2 of Research in Politics and Society, pp. 181-209. Edited by Gwen Moore and Glenna Spitze. Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Press, 1986. (Co-authored.)

"Legislating Health Care Coverage for the Unemployed," Health and Social Work, 10 (Summer, 1985), 174-182. (Co-authored.)

"Discussion," in Educating for Practice in a Changing World: Implications of the Genetics Revolution, Easton, Maryland, April 7, 1984. Proceedings of a conference sponsored by the School of Social Work and Community Planning, University of Maryland at Baltimore with the support of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Genetic Disease Services Branch, pp. 38-41. Edited by Julia B. Rauch. Baltimore, Maryland: University of Maryland at Baltimore, 1985.

"Linking Economic Development and Social Development Perspectives: Some Policy Implications," Social Development Issues, 8 (Spring/Summer, 1984), 124-135.

"Pluralist Constraints on the Social Development of a Health Care Delivery System: The Case of Israel," Inquiry, 20 (Spring, 1983), 65-75. (Co-authored.)

"Comparative Analysis and Social Policy: A Review Essay," Journal of Education for Social Work, 18 (Spring, 1982), 111-118.

"Home Health and Other In-Home Service Programs for the Chronically-Limited Elderly: Some Equity and Adequacy Considerations," Home Health Care Services Quarterly, 2 (Winter, 1981), 5-28. (Co-authored.)

"The Pluralism of Israel's Health Care System: Its Impact on Health Service Delivery," International Social Work, 24 (3, 1981), 29-40. (Co-authored.)

"A National Family Policy for the Chronically-Ill Elderly," in The Social Welfare Forum, 1980, pp. 104-120, New York: Columbia University Press, 1981. (Co-authored.)

"Abortion Policy Since 1973: Political Cleavage and its Impact on Policy Outputs," in Race, Sex, and Policy Problems, pp. 131-143. Edited by Marian L. Palley and Michael B. Preston. Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath-Lexington, 1979.

"Abortion Policy: Ideology, Political Cleavage and the Policy Process," Policy Studies Journal, 7 (December, 1978), 224-233.

"Great Britain's `War on Poverty': Local and Neighborhood Social Action and Social Services," in Social Service Delivery Systems, Vol. III, pp. 203-215. Edited by Daniel Thursz and Joseph L. Vigilante. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, 1978.

"Adolescent Unwed Motherhood and the Need for a National Family Policy," Health and Social Work, 3 (February, 1978), 30-46. (Co-authored.)

"The Status of National Income and Services Policies in the United States," in Analyzing Poverty Policy. pp. 241- 252. Edited by Dorothy James. Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath, 1975. (Co-authored.)

"The Determination of Pricing Policy in the Health Care Delivery System," American Behavioral Scientist, 19 (September/October, 1975), 104-121. (Co-authored.)

"Ethnicity, Political Coalition and the Development of a Megapolicy Perspective in Social Work Education," Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 2 (Spring, 1975), 365-371. (Co-authored.)

"The Need for a National Income and Services Policy," Policy Studies Journal, 2 (Spring, 1974), 214-219. (Co-authored.)

"Policy Formulation in Health: Some Considerations of Governmental Constraints on Pricing in the Health Care Delivery System." American Behavioral Scientist, 17 (March/April, 1974), 572-584.

"The White Working Class and a Strategy of Coalition for Social Development," Social Service Review, 47 (June, 1973), 241-255.

"A Call for a ‘War on Hunger’," Poverty and Human Resources Abstracts, 7 (September, 1972), 315-328. (Co-authored.)

"A Call for a National Welfare Policy," American Behavioral Scientist, 15 (May/June, 1972), 681-695. (Co-authored.)

"Social Policy Analysis: The Use of Social Indicators," Welfare in Review, 9 (March//April, 1971), 8-13. A condensed version of this article appears in Mental Health Digest, 3 (October, 1971), 45-46. (Co-authored.)

"Public Welfare and Comprehensive Health Service: A Study of Interorganizational Relationships," Inquiry, 7 (June, 1970), 44-51.

"Techniques in Overcoming Resistance to Family Planning Programs," in Social Work's Role in Family Planning, pp. 131-135. Edited by Florence Haselkorn. Garden City, New York: Adelphi University, School of Social Work, 1968.

"Family Planning in Metroville: Community in Conflict," Social Service Review, 41 (March, 1967), 55-65.

"Community Action, Federal Programs and Youth Unemployment: A Case Study of Newark, New Jersey," Journal of Negro Education, 36 (Spring, 1967), 100-110. This article is published also in Education and the Urban Community. Edited by Maurie Hillson, Francesco Cordasco, and Frances P. Purcell. New York: American Book Company, 1969.

"The `Health Insurance Plan' Controversy: Ideology and the Organization of Health Care," Journal of Health and Human Behavior, 6 (Winter, 1965), 218-225.

"The Civil Rights Movement: Liberalism and Populism," Jewish Frontier, 32 (May, 1965), 7-9.

"The Migrant Labor Problem-Its State and Interstate Aspects," Journal of Negro Education, 32 (Winter, 1963), 35-42.

Reviews and Critiques

Health Care in World Cities by Michael K. Gusmano, Victor G. Rodwin and Daniel Weisz, reviewed in Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law,36 (April 2011), pp. 356-360.

Across the Pond --- Lessons from the US on Integrated Healthcare by Richard Gleave, reviewed in International Journal of Integrated Care,9 (November, 2009), pp. 1-2. (Co-authored.)

National Health Insurance in the United States and Canada: Race, Territory, and the Roots of Difference by Gerard W. Boychuk, reviewed in Politics & Policy, 37 (October, 2009), pp.1074-1077.

Fallacies of Development: Crises of Human and Social Development, by Brij Mohan, reviewed in Research on Social Work Practice, 18 (January, 2009), pp.137-138.

Disease Prevention as Social Change: The State, Society and Public Health in the United States, France, Great Britain, and Canada, by Constance A. Nathanson, reviewed in Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 32 (December, 2007), pp.1046-1051.

Restorative Justice and Criminal Justice: Competing or Reconcilable Paradigms? Edited by Andrew von Hirsch, Julian Roberts, Anthony E. Bottoms, Kent Roach and Mara Schiff, reviewed in International Criminal Justice Review,14(2004), pp.208-209.

Behavioral and Social Sciences in 21st Century Health Care: Contributions and Opportunities. Edited by Gary Rosenberg and

Andrew Weissman, reviewed in Social Work Today,(October, 2003), 31.

“Long-Term Care for People with Developmental Disabilities,” (Letters Section)Health and Social Work, 27 (November, 2002), 312-313. (Coauthored.)

Boomerang: Health Care Reform and the Turn Against Government, by Theda Skocpol, reviewed in Health and Social Work, 22 (August, 1997), 239-240.

Health Care for an Aging Population, edited by Chris Hackler, reviewed in Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 20 (Winter, 1995), 1071-1075.

The Health of Nations: Public Opinion and the Making of American and British Health Policy, by Lawrence R. Jacobs and Health Care Policy in the United States, by Keith J. Mueller, reviewed in The Journal of Politics, 57 (May, 1995), 583-588.

Black Families: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, edited by Harold E. Cheatham and James B. Stewart, reviewed in The National Political Science Review, 5, 1995, 296-299.

The Politics of Social Solidarity: Class Bases of the European Welfare State 1875-1975, by Peter Baldwin and The Welfare State in Capitalist Society: Policies of Retrenchment and Maintenance in Europe, North America and Australia, by Ramesh Mishra reviewed in The American Political Science Review, 86 (June, 1992), 551-553.

The U. S. Experiment in Social Medicine: The Community Health Center Program, 1965-1986, by Alice Sardell, reviewed in Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 14 (Winter, 1989), 843-847.

Adding Life to Years: Organized Geriatric Services in Great Britain and Implications for the United States, by William H. Barker, reviewed in Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 13 (Summer 1988), 381-384.

Old Age and the Welfare State, ed. by Anne-Marie Guillemard, reviewed in Health and Social Work, 10 (Spring,1985), 158-159.

Social Work Practice With the Frail Elderly and Their Families: The Auxiliary Function Model, by Barbara Silverstone and Ann Burack-Weiss, reviewed in Social Work, 30 (January/February, 1985), 92.

The Social Transformation of American Medicine, by Paul Starr, reviewed in Journal of Politics, 47 (August, 1985), 1022-1024.

Politics and Health Care Organization: HMOs as Federal Policy, by Lawrence D. Brown, reviewed in the Journal of Politics, 46 (February, 1984), 308-311.

Social Work and Health Care Policy, by Doman Lum, reviewed in the Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 8 (Spring, 1983), 195-197.

Unequal Care: A Case Study of Interorganizational Relations in Health Care, by Murray Milner, Jr., reviewed in the Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 7 (Fall, 1982), 740-744.

The Doctors, by Martin Gross, reviewed in The Progressive, 31 (February, 1967), 40-41.

Dark Ghetto, by Kenneth B. Clark, reviewed in Social Education, 9 (November, 1965), 498-500.

"A Critical Review of the Essays of James Baldwin," The Cresset, 37 (December, 1963), 23-24.


“Long-Term Care Policies for the Frail Elderly: Some Varied Provincial Approaches in Alberta, Ontario and Quebec,” paper delivered to Middle Atlantic and New England Council for Canadian Studies Conference (MANECCS), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 29, 2012. (Co-authored.)

“Long-Term Care Policies for the Frail Elderly: Some Canadian Provincial Approaches in Alberta, Ontario and Quebec,” paper delivered to the International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, Montreal, Quebec, June 15, 2012. (Co-authored.)

“The PACE Initiative: A U.S. Integrated Health and Social Welfare Program,” paper delivered to visiting Russian social service professionals, World Trade Center Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, March 3, 2012.

“Long-Term Care for the Elderly in Quebec: Considerations of Appropriateness and Quality of Care,” paper delivered to the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Seattle, Washington, September 1, 2011. (Co-authored.)

“U.S. Health Care Reform: Campaigning Versus Governing,” paper delivered to the Regional Conference of the Comparative Health Policy Research Committee of the International Political Science Association held in conjunction with the Annual Conference of The Network of Institutes of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe, Varna, Bulgaria, May 29, 2011. (Co-authored.)

Chair and Moderator, Proceedings of the North American Meeting of RC25: The Comparative Health Policy Research Committee, International Political Science Association, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland, October 21-22, 2010. This meeting was hosted by the Global Health Resource Center, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland

“Integrated Health and Social Services in Quebec: Some Lessons for Health Care System Reform in Russia,” paper delivered to the Middle Atlantic & New England Council for Canadian Studies (MANECCS) Conference, Providence, Rhode Island, October 2, 2010. (Co-authored.)

“Aging Societies: The Dynamics of Change and Meeting the Appropriate Needs of the Elderly in Canada --- a Federal and Global Perspective,” paper delivered to the American Political Science Association Meeting, Washington, D.C., September 3, 2010.

“Long-Term Care Policies in Three Canadian Provinces: Alberta, Quebec and Ontario,” paper delivered to the International Council for Canadian Studies Conference, Montreal, Quebec, May 29, 2010.

“Comparative Health Policy: Some Significant Trends in Europe, North America and Asia,” paper and seminar discussion, Critical Issues in Global Health Seminar, School of Nursing, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland, April 28, 2010.

“Comparative Health Policy: Some National Trends in Europe and Elsewhere,” paper and seminar discussion, Department of Public Administration, Social Welfare Specialization, Kwangoon University, Seoul, Korea, April 2, 2010.

“Comparative Health Policy: Some National Trends in Europe and Elsewhere,” paper and seminar discussion, Department of Public Administration, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, Korea, March 31, 2010.

“Political/Economic Sustainability and the Development of Commercial Private Sector Involvement in the Canadian Provincial Health Care Systems: Especially Quebec, Ontario and Alberta,” The Association for Canadian Studies in the United States Biennial Meeting, San Diego, California, November 20, 2009.

Chair/Discussant, Panel on “Interest Group Politics in Canada,”

The Association for Canadian Studies in the United States Biennial Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 19, 2009.

“Political/Economic Sustainability and the Development of Commercial Private Sector Involvement in the Canadian Federal/Provincial Health Care Systems: Particularly Ontario and Quebec,” particularly Ontario and Quebec,” American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario,

Canada, September 5, 2009. (Co-authored.)

Discussant, a series of papers on “Legal and Governance Issues in Canada and the United States,” at the Canadian and U.S. Federalism Workshop, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, September 2, 2009.

Discussant, Session on Issues of Access in Health Care, International Political Science Association World Congress, Santiago, Chile, July 15, 2009.

“Political/Economic Sustainability and the Development of Commercial Private Sector Involvement in the Canadian Federal/Provincial Health Care Systems,” paper delivered to the International Political Science Association World Congress, Santiago, Chile, July 13, 2009. (Co-authored.)

“International Trends in Long-Term Care Services Policy for the Elderly,” paper and seminar discussion, International Community Care and Lifespan Development Program, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Services, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan, July 3, 2009.

“The Development of Public/Private Sector Relationships in the Canadian Federal/Provincial Health Care Systems,” paper delivered to Section RC25 Comparative Health Policy, International Political Science Association Regional Meeting, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, The Netherlands, November 10, 2008. (Co-authored.)

“International Trends in Long-Term Care Policy for the Elderly,” seminar paper presented to the Department of Public Administration, Kwangoon University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, October 22, 2008.

“International Trends in Long-Term Care Services for the Elderly,” seminar paper presented to the Korea Development Institute (KDI), Seoul, Republic of Korea, October 21, 2008.

Discussant, Section on Competitive Public Leadership in a Globalized Society, Korean Association for Public Administration International Conference, Seoul, Republic of Korea, October 17, 2008.

“International Trends in Long-Term Care Policy for the Elderly,” seminar paper presented to the Center for International Area Studies and the Department of Public Administration, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, October 16, 2008.

“Seniors in LTC --- Pain and Public Policy,” a background paper presented for a workshop, Regina Meeting on Public Policy and Long Term Care Pain Assessment and Management, Centre on Aging and Health, University of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, January 23-24, 2008. (Co-authored.)

“Child Day Care in Japan: An Examination of the Program and Its Impacts,” paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 12, 2008. (Co-authored.)

“The Drug Industry, Politics and the Medicare Amendments,” seminar presentation, School of Business and Management, Central Coast Campus, University of New Castle, Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia, January 12, 2007.

“Canada’s Health Care System: Some Aspects of the Varied Development of Provincial Health Care Delivery within a Federal Framework,” presented to the International Political Science Association World Congress, Fukuoka, Japan, July 10, 2006. (Co-authored.)The paper was delivered by Professor Jean Crete, Laval University, in the absence of the coauthors.

“Canadian Abortion Policy, Federalism and ‘Bottom-Up’ Implementation: Issues of Access and Equity,” paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, Atlanta, Georgia, January 7, 2006.

“Long-Term Care Policy to the Elderly in the United States and Internationally: Programs and Prospects,” presented to the Department of Social Work and Social Pedagogics, Dragomanov National Pedagogical University, Kiev, Ukraine, October 12, 2005.

“Coordinating Public and Private Sector Initiatives with Respect to Delivery of Services to the Elderly,” presented to the Directors of Public and Private Social Agencies, Zaporozhye, Ukraine, October 6, 2005.

“Long-Term Care Policy for the Elderly in the United States and Internationally: Programs and Prospects,” presented to the Department of Social Pedagogics, Zaporozhye National University, Zaporozhye, Ukraine, October 5, 2005.

“Caregiving for the Elderly in the United States,” presented to the International Interdisciplinary Conference on Women, Seoul, Korea, June 23, 2005. (Co-authored.)

“Long-Term Care Policies and Perspectives Concerning the Elderly and the Disabled in Europe, the United States and Japan,” presented to the Taiwan Association of Social Workers, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, March 25, 2005.

“Long-Term Care Programs and Policies for the Elderly in the United States: Are There Lessons for Taiwan?” presented to the Institute of Health and Welfare Policy, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan, March 22, 2005.

“Canada’s Health Care System: Some Aspects of the Varied Development of Provincial Health Care Delivery Systems within a Federal Framework,” presented to the Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans, LA, January 7, 2005. (Co-authored.)

Participant, Roundtable on Health and Social Policy, International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, May 26, 2004.

“Long-Term Care Policy for Older Americans: Programs and Prospects,” presented to the International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, May 26, 2004.

“Canadian Fiscal Federalism, Health Reform and the Case for Evidence-Based Health and Related-Social Care Services Policy,”

presented to the International Conference on Social

Work in Health and Mental Health, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, May 25, 2004.

“Long-Term Care Policy for Older Americans: Developing a Continuum of Care Services in the Twenty-First Century,” paper presented to the Joint Conference of the American Society on Aging and the National Council on the Aging, San Francisco, CA, April 16, 2004.

“Programs and Prospects for Long-Term Care Policy for Older Americans: Are There Lessons for the Republic of Korea?” Lecture presented at the Center for International Area Studies, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, Korea, March 22, 2004.

“Fiscal Federalism, Health Reform and the Case for Evidence-Based Health Policy in Canada: A Critical Analysis, paper delivered to the Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 8, 2004.

Participant, AARP International Forum on Long-Term Care, Washington, D.C., October 22, 2003.

“The Federal Judiciary, The Supreme Court and the Issue of ‘Death with Dignity’: The Interface of Public Law and Bioethics,” paper delivered to the International Conference on Social Sciences, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 13, 2003.

“Long-Term Care Policy for Older Americans: Current Programs and Future Prospects,” paper delivered to the Research Seminar, Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland, March 20, 2003.

“Long-Term Care Policy for the Elderly in the Zaporizhzhia Region of Ukraine: A Case Study of Social Development Following the Collapse of Communism,” paper delivered to the Joint Conference of the National Council on Aging and the American Society on Aging, Chicago, Illinois, March 14, 2003.

“Long-Term Care Policy for Older Americans: Current Programs and Future Prospects,” paper delivered to the first National Gerontological Social Work Conference and the Council on Social Work Education, Atlanta, Georgia, March 2, 2003

Participant, Roundtable on International Aspects of Social Work Services for the Elderly, first National Gerontological Social Work Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, March 1, 2003,

“Long-Term Care Policy for Older Americans: Current Programs and Future Prospects,” paper delivered to the Research Seminar, School of Social Work, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland, February 14, 2003.

“The Federal Judiciary, the Supreme Court and the Issue of ‘Death with Dignity’: The Interface of Ethics and Public Law,” paper delivered to the Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, Savannah, Georgia, November 8, 2002.

“Sweden’s Health Care System: The Delivery of Health Care Services Within a National/Local System,” paper delivered

to the Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, Savannah, Georgia, November 7, 2002. (Coauthored.)

“Long-Term Care Policy for Older Americans: Developing a Continuum of Care in the Twenty-first Century,” paper delivered to the Northern Region Research Center for Human Services Study, School of Human Services, Hokkaido Asai Gakuen University, Sapporo, Japan, August 24, 2002.

“The Federal Judiciary, the Supreme Court, and the Issue of ‘Death with Dignity’,” paper delivered to the Annual Joint Conference of the American Society on Aging and the National Council on the Aging, Denver, Colorado, April 4, 2002.

“Fiscal Federalism, Regionalization, Privatization and the Case for Evidence-Based Health Policy,” paper delivered to the Conference on Evidence Based Policy Instruments for Governance and Accountability in the Health Sector, Universite Laval, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, March 16, 2002.

Participant, Roundtable Meeting, Royal Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada, Washington, D.C., February 25, 2002.

“Federalism, Regionalization and the Implementation of the Canada Health Act: The Case of Quebec,” paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, Atlanta, Georgia, November 10, 2001. (Co-authored.)

“A Comparison of National Family Policies in France and Sweden,” lecture delivered to the Department of Social Pedagogics, Zaporizhzhia State University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, October 5, 2001.

“The Development of Long-Term Care Policy for the Frail Elderly in the United States and Japan,” lecture delivered to the Department of Social Pedagogics, Zaporizhzhia State University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, October 2, 2001.

“The Development of Long-Term Care Policy for Older Americans: Building a Continuum of Care,” paper delivered to the first Joint Conference of the American Society on Aging and the National Council on the Aging, “Designing Our Future @ Aging Community”, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 11, 2001.

“Implementation of a Provincial Health Plan within the Framework of the Canadian Health Act: The Case of Quebec,” paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the International Political Association, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, August 1, 2000.

“Assisted Suicide: A Bioethical and Political Issue in the American Context,” lecture delivered to an Open Forum, University of Otago, School of Medicine, Dunedin, New Zealand, June 22, 2000.

“Assisted Suicide: A Bioethical and Political Issue in the American Context,” lecture delivered to the Bioethics Centre, University of Otago, School of Medicine, Dunedin, New Zealand, June 13, 2000.

“The Development of Long-Term Care Policy in the Frail Elderly in the United States: Some Social Policy Considerations,” Open Forum, paper presented to the Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, University of Otago, School of Medicine, Dunedin, New Zealand, June 8, 2000.

“Regionalization of Health Care Services in a Provincial Health Care System: The Case of Quebec,” paper presented to the Department of Public Administration, Hankuk University, Seoul, Korea, March 8, 2000.

“The Development of Long-Term Care Policy for the Frail Elderly in the United States: Some Social Policy Considerations,” paper presented to the Social Science Research Institute, Myongi University, Seoul, Korea, March 8, 2000.

“Improving Adolescent Pregnancy Outcomes: Comprehensive Case Management,” paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, New York, New York, February 28, 2000. (Co-authored.)

“Family Assistance Policies in France, Sweden and the United States,” paper presented to Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Washington, D.C., November 5, 1999. (Co-authored.)

“Rethinking A Women’s Health Agenda,” paper presented at Women’s Work 99’, 7th International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women, Tromso, Norway, June 25, 1999. (Co-authored.)

“Improving Adolescent Pregnancy Outcomes and Maternal Health: A Case Study of Comprehensive Case-Managed Services,” paper presented to Healthy People and Healthy Communities: A Canada-United States Dialogue on Best Practices in Public Health, May 9, 1999, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (Co-authored.)

“Long-Term Care for the Elderly in Korea, Japan and the United States: Lessons for Hong Kong,” presentation to the Department of Social Work and Social Administration, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (SAR), January 21, 1999.

"Women's Health Care in the Twenty-First Century," paper presented to the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, September 1, 1998. (Co-authored.)

"Politics, Demographics and a Women's Health Agenda," paper presented to the Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, April 23, 1998. (Co-authored.)

Invited participant, International Health Congress: Investment Strategies for Healthy Urban Communities, 1997. Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and World Health Organization, Baltimore, MD, September 15-17, 1997.

"The Regulatory Process, the Food and Drug Administration and the Silicone Breast Implant Controversy," paper presented to the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, August 30, 1996. (Co-authored.)

Invited workshop participant, Presidential Forum on Public Policy and the New Realities, sponsored by the National Association of Social Workers, Baltimore, MD, May 17, 1996.

"The Belief Systems Underlying Nursing Home Placement by Family Caregivers," poster session at the Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Los Angeles, California, November 17, 1995. (Co-authored.)

"The Regulatory Process, the Food and Drug Administration and the Silicone Breast Implant Controversy," paper presented to the Southern Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Tampa, Florida, November 3, 1995. (Co-authored.)

“The Service Needs of Caregivers of Alzheimer’s Disease Patients in Maryland’s Capital Area,” paper presented to the Interdisciplinary Health Care Team Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, September 22, 1995.

"An Analysis of Administrators' Perceptions of the Implementation of Section 1115 AFDC Waiver Initiative," paper presented to the Annual Workshop of the National Association for Welfare Research and Statistics, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, September 11, 1995. (Co-authored.)

"The Belief Systems Underlying Nursing Home Placement by Family Caregivers," presented to the Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, Birmingham, Alabama, April 22, 1995. (Co-authored.)

"The Evolution of FDA Policy on Silicone Breast Implants: A Case Study of Politics, Bureaucracy and Business in the Process of Decision-Making," paper presented to a Seminar of the Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Maryland at Baltimore, Baltimore, MD, January 26, 1995.

"The Evolution of FDA Policy on Silicone Breast Implants: A Case Study of Politics, Bureaucracy and Business in the Process of Decision-Making," paper presented to the International Conference on the Comparative Study of Policy-Making Structures, Korean Association for Public Administration, Seoul, Korea, October 13, 1994.

"Welfare Reform: A Study of AFDC Section 1115 Waivers To The States," paper presented to the Annual Workshop of the National Association for Welfare Research and Statistics, Austin, Texas, August 3, 1994. (Co-authored.)

"Social Policies for the Elderly in the Republic of Korea and Japan: A Comparative Perspective," paper presented to International Symposium of the Inter-University Consortium for International Social Development, Kandy, Sri Lanka, July 3-8, 1994. (Co-authored.)

"Prospects for Health Care Reform," Remarks to Workshop on Health Care Reform, Maryland National Association of Social Workers, June 8, 1994.

"The Evolution of FDA Policy on Silicone Breast Implants: Its Impact on Women's Health." Presentation to the Healthy Women/Healthy Nation Conference, School of Social Service Administration, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, January 22, 1994.

"Adult Day Care Centers and the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease Patients: Implications for the Delivery of Social Services." Seminar presentation, Baerwald School of Social Work, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, January 6, 1994.

"The Etiology of Repeat Victimization: A Theoretical Perspective," Violence Consortium of the Center on Health Policy Research, University of Maryland at Baltimore, Baltimore, MD, November 18, 1993.

Second International Symposium on Families: East and West, Indianapolis, Indiana, August, 23, 1993. "Social Policy and the Elderly in the Republic of Korea: The Need for a Social Development Strategy."

International Congress on Gerontology, Budapest, Hungary, July 9, 1993. A paper was presented entitled, "Adult Day Care Centers and the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease Patients: Implications for Social Policy." (Co-authored.)

Social Service Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce in Korea, Seoul, Korea, July 7, 1993. "Remarks on the Importance of the Voluntary Sector in Providing Social Services to the Elderly in the Republic of Korea."

Korea Development Institute, Seoul, Korea, June 30, 1993. I presented a paper entitled, "Social Policy and the Elderly in the Republic of Korea: The Need for a Social Development Strategy."

Veterans Administration Medical Center, Baltimore, Maryland, February 16, 1993. I conducted a poster session on "The Impact of Case Managed "Team-Oriented" Adult Day Care Services on Selected Alzheimer's Disease and Related-Dementia Patients and on Informal Caregiver Stress." Session on Gerontological Research sponsored by the Geriatrics and Gerontological Education and Research Program (GGEAR) and the Division of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology, the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

Annual Meeting of The Gerontological Society of America, Washington, D.C., November 21, 1992. I conducted a poster-session on "The Impact of Case Managed `Team-Oriented' Adult Day Care Services on Selected Alzheimer's Disease and Related-Dementia Patients and on Informal Caregiver Stress."

Annual Meeting of the Australasian Political Studies Association, Canberra, ACT, Australia, September 30, 1992.

I presented a paper entitled, "Social Policy and the Elderly in the Republic of Korea: The Economic Development and Social Development Balance."

Annual Meeting of the Interdisciplinary Health Care Team Conference, Chicago, Illinois, September 18, 1992. "Team Functioning in Case Managed Adult Day Care Centers: Its Effects on Outcomes for Persons with Alzheimer's Disease." (Co- authored.)

Annual Meeting of the IUCISD International Conference, Washington, D.C., July 15, 1992. I presented a paper entitled "Social Policy and the Elderly in the Republic of Korea: Confucianism, Modernization and Development."

"Community-Based Case Management and Alzheimer's Disease," Conference on Research Across the Life Span, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, March 2, 1992. (Co-authored.)

Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, November 8, 1991, Tampa, Florida. I presented a paper entitled, "Social Policy and the Elderly in the Republic of Korea: Confucianism and Modernization."

Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, September 1, 1991, Washington, D.C. I presented a paper entitled, "Social Policy for the Elderly in the Republic of Korea: Confucianism, Gender and Generations."

Discussant, Special Session on "The Political Role of Public Enterprise in Developing Countries," XV World Congress of International Political Science Association, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 24, 1991.

"Alzheimer's Disease: A Multidisciplinary Perspective," Geriatrics and Gerontology Interdisciplinary Seminar, sponsored by the Geriatrics and Gerontological Education and Research Program, University of Maryland at Baltimore, February 13, 1991, Baltimore, Maryland.

"Social Welfare Policies in the United States in the 1980s," Seminar Presentation, Department of Social Welfare, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea, July 11, 1990.

Facilitator, Task Group on Issues of Storing, Updating and Post Adoption Accessing of Genetic Information in Adoption of Children with Special Needs, Conference on Genetics and Adoption, Washington, D.C., May 3-5, 1990.

Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, April 6, 1990, Chicago, Illinois. I presented a paper entitled, "The Politics of National Health Insurance." (Co-authored.)

Participant, Committee Meeting of Nursing and Social Work Educators on Gerontology and Curriculum, Association of Gerontology in Higher Education, Washington, D.C., October 27, 1989.

Annual Meeting of the International Congress on Gerontology, June 20, 1989, Acapulco, Mexico. I presented a paper entitled, "Personal Care Under Medicaid: A Survey of the U.S. Experience." (Co-authored.)

"Personal Care Services Under Medicaid: A Survey of State Administrative Experience," presentation to UMAB and UMBC Policy Sciences Research Forum, March 31, 1989, Baltimore, Maryland.

Annual Meeting of American Society on Aging, March 21, 1989, Washington, D.C. I presented a paper entitled "Personal Care Under Medicaid: A Survey of 15 States and the District of Columbia." (Co-authored.)

Discussant, Panel on "Mapping, Money, and Making Policy in States and Localities," Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, November 3, 1988, Atlanta, Georgia.

"Long-Term Care Policy for the Frail Elderly: Some Agenda Setting Issues," Address to the Social Work Training Institute, Salvation Army of Korea, Kwacheon City, Korea, July 28, 1988.

Annual Meeting of the American Society for Public Administration, April 18, 1988, Portland, Oregon. I delivered a paper entitled, "An Interorganizational Analysis of Child Day Care Services in Maryland." (Co-authored.)

"The Canadian Health Care System: Lessons for the United States," presentation to UMAB and UMBC Policy Sciences Research Forum, University of Maryland, March 4, 1988, Baltimore, Maryland.

Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, July 2, 1986, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. I co-presented a paper entitled, "Child Day Care in the United States: Gender Equity, Class Equity, and the Welfare of Children." (Co-authored.)

Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, June 7, 1986, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. I presented a paper entitled, "Implementing the Canadian National Health Insurance Program in Ontario and Quebec."

"Agenda Setting for a Long-term Care Policy for the Frail Elderly," presentation at the Department of Health Policy and Management, School of Hygiene and Public Health, The Johns Hopkins University, January 30, 1986, Baltimore, Maryland.

"Agenda Setting for a Long-term Care Policy for the Frail Elderly," presentation at George Washington University Center for Aging Studies and Services, December 4, 1985, Washington, D.C.

"The Canadian Health Insurance System: Its Relevance to Israel," presentation at the School of Public Health and Community Medicine, Hadassah-Hebrew University School of Medicine, April 16, 1985, Jerusalem, Israel.

"Appropriateness and Cost-Effectiveness As Policy Considerations Affecting In-Home and Community-Based Care Services for the Frail Elderly," presentation at the Brookdale Institute on Gerontology and Adult Human Behavior, March 14, 1985, Jerusalem, Israel.

Discussant, Panel on "Perceptions of Administrative Roles by State and Local Officials," Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, November 1, 1984, Savannah, Georgia.

Symposium for International Social Development, July 30, 1984, Montreal, Canada. A paper was presented entitled: "Linking Economic Development and Social Development Perspectives: Some Policy Implications."

Annual Forum of the Maryland Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, June 1, 1984, Hunt Valley, Maryland. A paper was presented entitled: "The Unemployed and the Uninsured: Implications for Social Workers in Health Care Settings." (Co-authored.)

Conference on Social Work and Genetic Disease Services, April 7, 1984, Easton Maryland. This Conference was sponsored by the University of Maryland, School of Social Work and Community Planning and the Division of Maternal and Child Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Remarks were entitled, "Policies and Programs Regarding the Care and Prevention of Genetic Disease: A Review and Commentary."

Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, July 20, 1983, Oxford, England. A paper, "Psychopathology, Public Decision-Making and Robert Moses," was presented.

Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association, April 8, 1983, Mexico City, Mexico. I presented a paper entitled, "Social Development of a Health Care Delivery System: The Case of Israel." (Co-authored.)

Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, March 14, 1983, Fort Worth, Texas. I presented a paper entitled, "The Teaching of Social Policy by Comparative Analysis."

Session of Technical Cooperation Service, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, February 2, 1983, Paris, France. I presented a paper entitled, "Linking Economic Development and Social Development Perspectives: Some Policy Implications."

Symposium on Health Care Delivery in Maryland, sponsored by the Office of Interprofessional Studies and Research, University of Maryland, May 11, 1982, Baltimore, Maryland. I delivered a paper entitled, "Some Comments on Deciding Minimum Health Care Levels and Regulations for Subsidies for the Poor."

Annual Meeting of the American Society for Public Administration, March 23, 1982, Honolulu, Hawaii. I delivered a paper entitled, "Neighborhood Rehabilitation and Social Planning in Israel: The Case of Project Renewal."

Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the Gerontologial Society of America and Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the Canadian Association of Gerontology, Toronto, Canada, scheduled for November 10, 1981. I have co-authored a paper entitled, "In-Home Health and Social Programs: The Adequacy and Equity of U.S. Policy."

Discussant, Panel on the Urban Fiscal Crisis, Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, September 4, 1981, New York, New York.

Fourth Annual Social Workers in Politics Conference, Washington, D.C., April 14, 1981. I participated in a workshop concerning legislation on national health policy.

Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, Louisville, Kentucky, March 10, 1981. I delivered a paper entitled, "A Social Policy Analysis of the Need for a National Family Policy for the Chronically-Ill Elderly." (Co-authored.)

Annual Forum of the National Conference on Social Welfare, Cleveland, Ohio, May 20, 1980. I delivered a paper entitled, "The Need for a National Family Policy to Enhance the Effective Functioning of the Chronically-Ill Elderly." (Co-authored.)

Lecture at the Van Leer Jerusalem Foundation, January 28, 1980, Jerusalem, Israel. I delivered a paper entitled, "The Pluralism of Israel's Health Care System - Its Impact on Health Service Delivery."

Discussant Panel on Policy Implementation and State-Local Relations, Annual Meeting of American Political Science Association, September 2, 1979, Washington, D.C.

Participant in Workshop on Comparative Interdisciplinary Studies: The Case of Health Policy, International Studies Association Annual Meetings Toronto, Canada, March 20, 1979.

Organizer of the Meetings of the Committee on Health Politics held on conjunction with the 1978 Annual Meeting Program of the American Political Science Association, September 1, 1978, New York, New York. Chairman of panel on Abortion: Politics and Policy, Committee on Health Politics, September 1, 1978, New York, New York. At this session, I presented a paper entitled, "Abortion Policy Since 1973: Political Cleavage and Its Impact on Policy Outputs."

Annual Forum of the National Conference on Social Welfare, May 22, 1978, Los Angeles, California. I co-authored a paper entitled, "Adolescent Unwed Motherhood and the Need for a National Family Policy."

Annual Convention of the American Public Health Association, November 2, 1977, Washington, D.C. I co-authored a paper entitled, "Preventing Adolescent Motherhood: Is a National Health Policy Sufficient."

Session of the Race Relations Education and Training Branch, Walter Reed Medical Center, Department of the Army, September 30, 1977, Washington, D.C. I presented a paper entitled, "Adolescent Unwed Motherhood: A National Family Policy Perspective."

Session of the Race Relations Education and Training Branch, Walter Reed Medical Center, Department of the Army, September 16, 1977, Washington, D.C. I presented paper entitled, "Ethnicity as a Factor Affecting the Development of the American Welfare State."

Participation in the deliberations of the Task Force on Adolescent Pregnancy and Related Problems, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, July 21, 1977, Washington, D.C.

Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, September, 1976, Chicago, Illinois. I presented a paper entitled, "Some Considerations of Sex and Class Concerning the Women's Rights Movement." (Co-authored.)

Annual Forum of the National Conference on Social Welfare, June 14, 1976, Washington, D.C. I served as panel moderator on a session entitled "Full Employment: The Role of the Private Sector, The Role of the Public Sector."

Session of the Race Relations Education and Training Branch, Walter Reed Medical Center, Department of the Army, March 5, 1976, Washington, D.C. I presented a paper entitled, "Race, Class and the Redistribution of Income."

Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, March 2, 1976, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I participated in a Workshop entitled, "Ethnic Content in the Social Work Curriculum."

Consultation on Ethnicity and Social Welfare, co-sponsored by the School of Social Work and Community Planning, University of Maryland, and the American Jewish Committee, January 6, 1976, Baltimore, Maryland. I presented a paper entitled, "Ethnicity and the Development of the Welfare State."

Seminar for Democratic Women State Legislators sponsored by the Democratic National Committee and the Washington Institute for Women in Politics, December 6, 1975, Washington, D.C. I conducted a seminar on the subject of "State Level Decision-Making in Public Welfare."

Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, March 5, 1975, Chicago, Illinois. I presented a paper entitled, "Class, Sex and the Women's Movement." (Co-authored.)

Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, March 12, 1974, Atlanta, Georgia. I presented a paper entitled, "Ethnicity, Political Coalition and the Development of Megapolicy Perspective in Social Work Education." (Co-authored.)

Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, September 4, 1973, New Orleans, Louisiana. I presented a paper entitled, "Policy Formulation in Health."

Annual Forum of the National Conference on Social Welfare, May 31, 1973, Atlantic City, New Jersey. I delivered a paper entitled, "The White Working Class and the Politics of Social Development in the 1970's." On the same panel, I also presented a paper entitled, "the Need for a National Income and Services Policy." (Co-authored.)

Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, September 10, 1971, Chicago, Illinois. I presented a paper entitled, "A Call for a National Welfare Policy." (Co-authored.)

Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, September 1970, Los Angeles, California. I presented a paper entitled, "From Expressive Disorders to Issue-Oriented Politics." (Co-authored.)

Annual Forum of the National Conference on Social Welfare, June 1, 1970, Chicago, Illinois. I presented a paper entitled, "Social Policy Analysis: The Use of Social Indicators." (Co-authored.)

White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health, December 2-5, 1969, Washington, D.C. I participated in a panel on The Family as a Delivery System.

Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, September 5, 1969, New York, New York. I presented a paper entitled, "Social Welfare Indicators, as predictors of Civil Disorders in Black Ghettos." (Co-authored.)

Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, September 5, 1969, New York, New York. I was a discussant on a panel concerned with "Social and Political Indicators of Violence and Disorders."

Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, October, 1968, New York, New York. I presented a paper entitled, "Social Welfare Indicators and Racial Disorders." (Co-authored.)

Colloquium of the Social Survey Section of the United Nations Economic and Social Council, January 5, 1968, United Nations, New York. I presented a paper entitled, "Social Thought and Social Services." (Co-authored.)

National Institute on Family Planning, "Social Work's Role in Family Planning," December 1, 1967, Garden City, New York. My remarks were entitled, "Techniques for Overcoming Community Resistance to Family Planning Programs."


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