Naturopathic Medical Physician - Doctor Wendy Wells, NMD ...

Toxicity Self TestRate each of the following symptoms on a scale from 0 to 5 (5 being the most severe) based upon your health profile for the past 30 days.Digestive System__ Diarrhea__ Constipation__ Belching, passing gas__ Bloated feeling__ Heartburn__ Total__ Itchy ears__ Earaches / infection__ Ringing in ears__ Hearing loss__ Total__ Mood swings__ Anxiety, fear nervousness__ Anger, irritability__ Depression__ Total__ Fatigue, sluggishness__ Apathy, lethargy__ Hyperactivity__ Restlessness__ Total__ Watery, itchy eyes__ Swollen, reddened, or sticky eyelids__ Dark circles under eyes__ Blurred or tunnel vision__ Total__ Headaches__ Faintness__ Dizziness__ Insomnia__ Total__ Skipped heartbeats__ Rapid heartbeats__ Chest pain__ Total__ Frequent illness__ Frequency or urgent need to urinate__ Total__ Pain or aches in joints__ Stiffness, limited movement__ Pain, aches in muscles__ Weakness in muscles__ Total__ Chest Congestion__ Asthma, bronchitis__ Shortness of breath__ Difficulty breathing__ Total__ Poor memory__ Poor concentration__ Difficulty making decisions__ Stuttering, stammering__ Learning disabilities__ Total__ Stuffy nose__ Sinus problems__ Sneezing attacks__ Excessive mucus__ Total__ Chronic coughing__ Gagging, frequent need to clear throat__ Sore throat, hoarseness__ Swollen, discolored tongue, gums, or lips__ Canker sores__ Total__ Acne__ Hives, rashes, dry skin__ Flushing or hot flashes__ Excessive sweating__ TotalEars__ Binge eating/drinking__ Craving certain foods__ Excessive weight__ Compulsive eating__ Water retention__ Underweight__ TotalWeightOther__ Grand Total.A Grand Total score of 25 or higher—or a section total of 10 or higher—indicates increased toxicity... ................

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