Photosynthesis Review

Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration Review

1. The organic molecule produced directly by photosynthesis is: a) lipids; b) sugar; c) amino acids; d) DNA

2. The photosynthetic process removes ___ from the environment. a) water; b) sugar; c) oxygen; d) CO2

3. Reaction that uses water & light to make O2 is: a) light reactions; b) dark reactions; c) carbon fixation; d) glycolysis

4. The process of using carbon dioxide to make sugar occurs during the:

a) light reactions; b) dark reactions; c) ATP synthesis; d) glycolysis

5. When a pigment reflects red light, _____.

a) all colors of light are absorbed; b) all colors of light are reflected; c) green light is reflected, all others are absorbed; d) red light is reflected, all others are absorbed

6. The flattened stacks of membrane material inside the chloroplast are: a) grana; b) stroma; c) thylakoids; d) cristae

7. The fluid-filled area of the chloroplast is the ___. a) grana; b) stroma; c) thylakoids; d) cristae

8. The chloroplast contains all of these except ___. a) grana; b) stroma; c) DNA; d) thylakoids

9. The dark reactions require all of these chemicals to proceed except ___. a) ATP; b) NADPH; c) CO2; d) oxygen

10. The Calvin Cycle is another name for: a.) light reactions; b) NADPH; c) dark reactions; d) stroma

Short Answer

1. Plants have several pigments that can catch light energy. Two of these are chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b, which harness light of different wavelengths. What advantage does a plant obtain by having molecules that act at different wavelengths?

2. Why are chloroplasts green?

3. Name the two major reactions of photosynthesis.

4. What does the Calvin cycle require to produce sugar?

5. What is the name of the sugar produced by the Calvin cycle? _____________________________

6. Complete the photosynthesis summary equation below:

6CO2 + 6 H2O + Light energy

7. Match the word with its correct definition/phrase:

Chloroplast site of dark reactions

Stroma breakdown of glucose to pyruvate

ETC and Krebs Cycle site of light reactions

Calvin cycle break down of sugars to produce ATP, CO2, and H2O

ATP site of photosynthesis

Thylakoids break down of H20 and CO2 to make sugar and oxygen

Photosynthesis energy for a cell

Respiration breaks down pyruvate to H2O and CO2

Glycolysis produces sugar from CO2

8. Oxygen is the by-product of photosynthesis. What is the by-product of respiration?

9. What organelle does respiration take place in? What organelle does photosynthesis take place in?

10. Complete the following summary reaction for respiration:

C6H12O6 + 6O2 → + and _______

11. Explain glycolysis.

12. Fill in the correct word for the following definitions/phrases:

a. ________________ Organelle responsible for photosynthesis.

b. ________________ Organelle responsible for respiration

c. ________________ Structure that contains pigment

d. ________________ Two molecules produced during the light reactions

e. ________________ Sugar produced by the Calvin cycle

f. ________________ Term given to the stacks of thylakoids in chloroplasts

g. ________________ Products of the aerobic respiration

h. ________________ Products of alcoholic fermentation

i. ________________ Organism that goes through alcoholic fermentation

j. ________________ Number of pyruvic acids produced from 1 glucose molecule


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