West Virginia Board of Education

Educational Technology for 21st Century Learners

Strategic Work Plan 2005-2008

Infrastructure and WVEIS Committee Report

April 17, 2006

(Edits since the March 27 meeting are in italics.)

The Working Committee report to the Advisory Committee will indicate:

1. Progress, updates and work completed on each action step;

2. Documentation associated with the completion of action steps/task (may be link on web site or attached to report);

3. Summarization of task findings and recommendations to date.

Please number the “Progress of Action Steps” information to correspond with the associated “Action Steps.”

|Tasks |Action Steps |Progress of Action Steps |Documentation |

|1. Provide students and |1. Establish criteria for |Criteria for adequate technology to meet 21st |Some Facts form the 2005 Digital Divide Survey |

|staff with equitable access |adequate technology to meet 21st |Century skills | |

|to technology infrastructure |Century skill requirements. |All classroom teachers must have a power computer |The following numbers are based on county/school |

|that supports acquisition of | |with presentation station peripherals (examples may |reports for: |

|21st Century skills. | |include interactive white boards, VCR/DVD, digital |277,621 students |

| | |/document camera, TV all linked to large display |20,537 classroom teachers |

| | |devices.) |19,751 classrooms |

| | |Students in high school must have 1 to 1 access to |1,482 computer labs |

| | |computers for all core curricular areas. |773 schools/auxiliary sites |

| | |Students in elementary middle school must have at | |

| | |least a 3 to 1 ratio of computers. |86,058 Student computers with operating system 98 and |

| | |Classrooms must be equipped with the technology |higher in schools EQUALS: |

| | |appropriate for the subject area, i.e. lab probes in|3.2 Students per computer |

| | |a science classroom. Timely technology support must | |

| | |be available to the classroom staff. |44,177 Student computers with operating system XP or |

| | |The operating system level for current computers |higher EQUALS: |

| | |must be XP or higher for Microsoft operating |6.3 students per computer |

| | |systems. The operating system version must keep | |

| | |pace with current developments and never be older |3,435 PDAs in classrooms |

| | |than the current version minus 1. This will assure |802 PDAs in non-instructional areas |

| | |that students are prepared to use technology in jobs|11% of classrooms have no computers with operating |

| | |or higher education upon leaving the public school |systems of 98 or higher |

| | |system. |28% of classrooms have one computers with operating |

| | |Classrooms must be wired in a standards-based |systems of 98 or higher |

| | |network to ensure adequate bandwidth to accommodate |16% of classrooms have two computers with operating |

| | |all curricular needs including all client server |systems of 98 or higher |

| | |connectivity and video distribution. |44% of classrooms have three computers with operating |

| | |New school building construction must continue to |systems of 98 or higher |

| | |require the built-in infrastructure to support 21st | |

| | |century technology. |1,200 School servers |

| | |Schools must have adequate band-width to use the |215 serve administrative purposes |

| | |current technology equipment and have a growth path |526 Basic Skills |

| | |when new technologies require more bandwidth. |287 SUCCESS |

| | |Network management and support utilizing the most |172 Web Hosting and Other |

| | |up-to-date architecture, security tools, and | |

| | |monitoring tools is necessary to maintain a reliable|Connections to the Internet/Intranet for schools and |

| | |network to support instruction and learning. |auxiliary buildings |

| | |The network must be secure and protected through the|49 56 kb frame relay |

| | |planned distribution and use of such software |691 T1 frame relay |

| | |products as antivirus and spyware. |16 ATM/T1 |

| | | | |

| | |Establish criteria to ensure equitable access to |900 routers are integral parts of the privately |

| | |technology |addressed wide area network |

| | |2.1. All schools must have a base amount of the | |

| | |technology tools. The base would include the |2,354 Mobile projection devices |

| | |equipment as discussed above with the following |367 Mounted projection devices |

| | |details. | |

| | |2.2. Every teacher has a computer workstation that |5,305 Classrooms with phones |

| | |is for teacher use at all times. |7,373 Phones in non instructional areas |

| | |2.3. Every classroom has a presentation station |113 Classroom pagers |

| | |consisting of such items as interactive white |134 Pagers in non-instructional areas |

| | |boards, VCR/DVD, digital /document camera, TV all | |

| | |linked to large display devices.) |667 Cable TV |

| | |2.4. Ratio of student to computers at class levels 9|157 Closed Circuit/Media retrieval |

| | |though 12 should be 1 to 1 as a goal. For 2006-2007|127 Satellite dishes |

| | |the level must be at least 3 to 1 (operating system |11 ATM Video |

| | |must be at least XP or better). That ratio must |25 IP video |

| | |improve annually over the next five years to meet | |

| | |the 1 to 1 goal. |After school computer offerings available to the |

| | |2.5. Schools with grades lower than 9 should have a |public: |

| | |student to computer ratio of 3 to 1 (operating |130 computer labs |

| | |system XP or better) as a goal. For 2006-2007 the |240 library media centers |

| | |level must be 6 to 1. That ratio increased annually |634 classrooms |

| | |over the next five years to a ratio of 3 to 1. | |

| | |2.6. County school systems, libraries, or other |WVDE in conjunction with WVNET provide e-mail services |

| | |community based organizations will provide |for 29,730 educators and 8,309 students. |

| | |community/after school access to the Internet for | |

| | |students and families where the need for such access| |

| | |is documented. | |

| | |2.7. Every school system will undergo a network | |

| | |review to assure that the best design is being | |

| | |employed for maximum efficiency. New designs will | |

| | |be implemented where warranted. | |

| | |2.8. Allocate Internet bandwidth at the Internet | |

| |2. Establish criteria to ensure |POPS based on a formula of number of computers, | |

| |equitable access to technology. |number of students, and purchased bandwidth. This | |

| | |will be evaluated each year to assure that a | |

| | |reasonable amount of Internet bandwidth is available| |

| | |for the curriculum needs in the schools. | |

| | |Adjustments will be made based on | |

| | |changing/increasing requirements. | |

| | |2.9. Every school housing grades 9 through 12 will | |

| | |have the facility to deliver courses via the | |

| | |Internet within the school by 2011-2012. For | |

| | |2006-2007 at least 50% of schools should be properly| |

| | |equipped to deliver these courses. All middle | |

| | |schools will have the facility to deliver courses | |

| | |via Internet in at least 25% of the schools in | |

| | |2006-2007 and 100% in 2011-2012. | |

| | |2.10. Over the next five years, each school housing | |

| | |grades 9 through 12 will have video conferencing | |

| | |capabilities for instructional delivery. For the | |

| | |2006-2007 school year at least 20 schools will have | |

| | |video conferencing capabilities. Since this | |

| | |delivery model is relatively new and expensive for | |

| | |most WV schools, there will be an annual evaluation | |

| | |to determine the most feasible and cost effective | |

| | |way to deliver the curriculum. | |

| | |2.11. The K-12 network is protected by a statewide | |

| | |implementation of antivirus and spyware products. | |

| | |2.12 Implement a 5 year refresh cycle for computers | |

| | |to ensure that students have the hardware necessary | |

| | |to fully participate in Internet learning, research,| |

| | |and course taking. | |

| | | | |

| | |3. The address to review the information from the | |

| | |Digital Divide is available at: | |

| | | | |

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| | |This menu is being moved to the state home page in | |

| | |the near future. | |

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| |3. Collect data, (e.g., Digital | | |

| |Divide) conduct surveys, and | | |

| |analyze existing data to | | |

| |determine existing infrastructure| | |

| |and equipment. | | |

| | | | |

| |4. Summarize in the CRF the a) | | |

| |existing access, b) areas of | | |

| |need, c) existing funding | | |

| |allocations with projected needs | | |

| |and d) future budget | | |

| |recommendations for legislative | | |

| |consideration. | | |

| |5. Submit a funding plan for | | |

| |Legislative consideration that | | |

| |addresses technology allocation | | |

| |to support essential | | |

| |infrastructure and equipment | | |

| |(with adequate replacement cycle)| | |

| |that meets 21st Century | | |

| |requirements. | | |

| |6. Update report every two years| | |

| |to incorporate emerging and | | |

| |changing technologies. | | |

|Task 1 Work Committee Findings: |Task 1 Work Committee Recommendations: |

|Not all teachers have the technology needed to produce 21st century |Rec. 1. Provide a computer for each teacher in the school system. |

|learners. This shortcoming needs to be addressed very quickly. |Rec. 2. Provide a presentation workstation for each instructional classroom/lab/library consisting of |

|While there are many computers in classrooms and computer labs, the |appropriate peripherals such as interactive white boards, VCR/DVD, digital /document camera, TV all |

|number is inadequate to provide the computing/processing power |linked to large display devices.). |

|required for 21st century learners. |Rec. 3. Provide student computers at a ratio of 1 computer for 1 student in grade levels 9 through 12 |

|Instructional delivery models using technology are not equitably |with a maximum refresh cycle of 5 years. |

|provided across the state. All students must have equal access to |Rec. 4. Provide student computers at a ration of 1 to 3 for students in grades K-8 with a maximum |

|the high quality instruction which might require non-traditional |refresh cycle of 5 years. |

|modes of delivery using technology. This technology must be made |Rec. 5. Provide peripheral hardware as appropriate for the curricular area, i.e. probes for a |

|available. |chemistry classroom, DVD players for art class, etc. |

|The telecommunications bandwidth is currently adequate, at the |Rec. 6. Provide virtual course offerings to assure that all students have equitable access to high |

|recommended level, to serve teaching and learning, administrative |level/rigorous course offerings. |

|functions, assessment, video/virtual course offerings, etc. |Rec. 7. Continue to require all new construction to include the telecommunications infrastructure |

|Bandwidth must be available to satisfactorily provide for |required to provide current and future technology needs. |

|instructional and management needs. |Rec. 8. Allocate Internet bandwidth at the K-12 POPs to ensure equitable availability of bandwidth for|

|A network redesign and implementation could provide a more efficient|schools and county school systems. |

|and effective network with more options for course delivery. |Rec. 9. Review the network configuration within each local school system to determine possible |

| |improvements to the configuration that will result in improved network throughput. |

| |Rec. 10. Provide a statewide setup, distribution, maintenance model for such software as antivirus and |

| |spyware for the security of the network. |

| |Rec. 11. Continue to study emerging technologies for application in a 21st century learning environment|

| |and for inclusion in plan, as appropriate. |

|Task 1 Recommendations Requiring Budget Considerations: |

|Rec. |Budget Consideration: |Suggested Implementation: |Documentation: |

|1.1 Provide a teacher |1.1 Annual cost for each year of |1.1 Beginning in the secondary schools, place a |1.1 There are 19,834 teachers in FY 2006 |

|computer and presentation |implementation is $20,329,850 |computer with office productive and presentation |Each computer/presentation station costs approximately |

|work station for every | |software loaded. Supply a presentation system |$4,200 |

|teacher. | |consisting of an electronic whiteboard, projector, | |

| | |or screen for each classroom. |Total cost of stations for all teachers is $81,319,400 |

| | |Implement this proposal over a four year period of |(4-year implementation) |

| | |time. | |

|Note: For Tasks 1.1, 1.2, | | | |

|and 1.3 no single | |Teachers would commit to 5 days of training in | |

|implementation design is | |technology integration. | |

|assumed or recommended. | | | |

| | |Teachers must commit to one day of technical | |

|1.2 Provide student computers| |training. | |

|at a ratio of 1 computer for |1.2 Annual cost to provide a |1.2 Begin the implementation of the 1-1 computing in| |

|1 student in middle and high |computer station for each middle |the middle and high schools at the 12th grade level.|1.2 There are 148,462 students in grades 6 through 12 |

| |and high school student is: |Purchase 20% of the required student computers each |in FY 2006. |

| |$34,146,260 |year for 5 years. This provides a 5 year refresh |148462 / 5 = 29,692 computers per year for each of 5 |

| | |cycle for student computers. |years |

| | | |Each computer workstation costs approximately $1150 |

| | | |Total cost for 1-1 computing for these students is |

|1.2 OPTION Provide student | | |$170,730,300 (5-year implementation) |

|computers at a ratio of 1 |1.2 OPTION- Annual cost to |1.2 OPTION- Begin the implementation of the 1-3 | |

|computer for 3 student in |provide a computer station for |computing in the middle and high schools at the 12th|1.2 OPTION - There are 148,462 students in grades 6 |

|middle and high |middle and high school student |grade level. Purchase 20% of the required student |through 12 in FY 2006. |

| |at a ration of 1-3 computers is: |computers each year for 5 years. This provides a 5 |148462 / 5 = 29,692 computers per year for each of 5 |

| |$14,227,525 |year refresh cycle for student computers. |years / 3 = 9897 |

| | | |Each computer workstation costs approximately $1150 |

| | | |(25% more for laptop computers |

| | | |Total cost for 1-3 computing for these students is |

| | | |$71,137,625 (5-year implementation). |

|1.3 Provide student computers| |1.3 Begin the implementation of the 1-3 computing in| |

|at a ratio of 1-3 for |1.3 Annual cost to provide 1-3 |the elementary schools at the 6th grade level. |1.3 There are 130,995 students in grades PK- 5 in FY |

|students in elementary grade |computing for elementary students|Purchase 20% of the required student computers each |2006. |

|levels with |is $10,729,500 |year for 5 years. This provides a 5 year refresh |130,995 / 3 = 46,650 for a ratio of 1-3 computers |

|Each computer workstation | |cycle for student computers. |46,650 / 5 = 9,330 each year for 5 years. |

|costs $1150 | | |Each computer workstation costs approximately $1150 |

| | | |Total cost for 1-3 computing for these students is |

| | | |$53,647,500 (5-year implementation) |

| | | | |

| | | |1.3 There are 130,995 students in grades PK- 5 in FY |

|1.3 OPTION | |1.3 Begin the implementation of the 1-5 computing in|2006. |

|Provide student computers at |1.3 OPTION - Annual cost to |the elementary schools at the 6th grade level. |130,995 / 5 = 26,199 for a ratio of 1-5 computers |

|a ratio of 1-5 for students |provide 1-5 computing for |Purchase 20% of the required student computers each |26,199 / 5 = 5,240 each year for 5 years. |

|in elementary grade levels |elementary students is $7,532,212|year for 5 years. This provides a 5 year refresh |Each computer workstation costs approximately $1150 |

|with | |cycle for student computers. |Total cost for 1-5 computing for these students is |

|Each computer workstation | | |$37,661,063 (5-year implementation |

|costs $1150 | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |1.4 There are 720 schools in 2006 |

| | | |Cost of server = $3980 |

| | | |720 * $3980 = $2,865,600 |

|1.4 Provide school server | |1.4 Implementation of this item will be adjusted |Five-year cycle of implementation costs $2,865,600 / 5 |

| |1.4 $573,120 annual cost to |based on the software selection of the schools. |= $573,120 per year. |

| |provide servers for each school. |Some schools already have servers and had the option| |

| | |through Basic Skills and SUCCESS to purchased | |

| | |servers. This is a substitution for that option. | |

| | | | |

| | |The implementation would follow the same schedule as| |

| | |the student computers, a 5-year cycle. | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |1.5 State purchased bandwidth has to increase as |1.5 The WVDE is currently purchasing bandwidth that is |

| | |schools and districts increase their Internet based |slightly in excess of the recommended bandwidth. The |

|1.5 Bandwidth needed for | |applications. Constant monitoring is required. |recommendation is that the WVDE purchased bandwidth |

|currently purchased |1.5 $1,905,065 less e-rate | |should be at least 1/4th the total school/district |

|telecommunications lines |discounts (varies by year) | |purchased bandwidth. Internet access is currently |

|Includes bandwidth, Internet | | |purchased through WVNET. |

|access, filtering | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |1.6 58 technicians would be hired immediately to |1.6 Estimating a 1 technician per 750 new computers is |

|1.6Technical support / | |assist with the implementation of the above |needed, 58 additional RESA and county level |

|maintenance for technology in| |recommendations. |technicians would be required to maintain the machines |

|the schools and county school| | |being purchased. This recommendation assumes a four |

|systems for additional |1.6 $4,190,000 |County school systems would be expected to provide |year warranty on the computers purchased. |

|machines each year | |one period of release time for every 50 computers in| |

| | |the school. These teachers would serve as the first|Current appropriation for existing RESA technicians is |

| | |line of support in the building. |$1,000,000. The cost estimate is based on an average |

| | | |of $55,000 for salary and benefits. |

|Task 1 Advisory committee Input: |

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| |

|4. Maintain a current and |1. Evaluate storage capacity |1. 69% storage capacity used on WVDE computer |The address to review the information from the Digital |

|comprehensive statewide |needs on WVEIS. |78% storage capacity used on South WVEIS computer |Divide is available at: |

|management and information | |87% storage capacity used on South Backup computer | |

|system. | |Approximately 10,000 staff and educators use WVEIS | |

| | |to perform the daily transactions necessary to run | |

| | |the school system and schools | |

| | |Up to 15 years of student, personnel, payroll, | |

| | |financial information is stored on the South WVEIS | |

| | |computer | |

| | | | |

| | |2. WV Board of Education approved the purchased of | |

| | |CIMS software for statewide use 15 year ago, as | |

| | |required by WV Code 18-2-26-f. | |

| | |CIMS creates relational databases that integrate | |

| |2. Upgrade software presentation|data across hundreds of applications. Web enabling | |

| |to be web-enabled. |the WVEIS software using the existing CIMS databases| |

| | |would create the best solution for updating the | |

| | |software and its functionality. | |

| | |WVEIS is partnering with a consortium of other CIMS | |

| | |users to create new browser enabled application | |

| | |front-ends that will use the existing databases. | |

| | |This would eliminate the great time and expense | |

| | |associated with conversion to a new product. | |

| | |WVDE has been working to update the student | |

| | |application to prove that the concept will work in | |

| | |the WVEIS environment. Initial work has been | |

| | |completed and the concept will work for WVEIS. | |

| | | | |

| | |3. Computer applications that require bandwidth on | |

| | |the wide area network include: | |

| | |Internet research, exploration, course taking, video| |

| | |conferencing and course delivery, on-line testing, | |

| | |management information system | |

| | |For each of the past two years, bandwidth from | |

| | |schools to the K-12 POPs has doubled. Bandwidth | |

| | |from the K-12 POPs to the Internet through WVNET was| |

| | |increased for the current school year. | |

| | |There is a need to review current network | |

| | |configurations within county school systems to | |

| | |assure that the most efficient and cost effective | |

| | |configuration is being utilized. This review and | |

| |3. Evaluate bandwidth |recommendation for change will be a continuing | |

| |requirements for the wide area |process as telecommunications technology changes and| |

| |network. |varying infrastructure is made available. | |

| | |Current network configuration is attached. | |

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| |4. Summarize in the CRF the | | |

| |needs, timelines and funding | | |

| |requirements for enhancing | | |

| |utilization of existing and | | |

| |future bandwidth and hardware. | | |

| |5. Submit funding needs to the | | |

| |Legislature. | | |

| |6. Update report annually to | | |

| |incorporate emerging and changing| | |

| |technology. | | |

|Task 4 Work Committee Findings: |Task 4 Work Committee Recommendations: |

|The DASD capacity on the WVEIS computers must be increased in 2006. |Rec. 1. Continue to maintain and upgrade WVEIS hardware and software. The software upgrade will cover |

|The conversion of the WVEIS (CIMS) software to a browser based |a period of about three years with all applications being browser-based by 2009. |

|product is feasible and will take approximately 3 years to complete.|Rec. 2. Only DASD needs to be increased for the 2006 year. Other hardware upgrades will be requested |

|The wide area network appears to be functioning adequately to |as the need arises. The system must be maintained at the maximum performance level for the 14,000 |

|provide for current instructional needs. As the instructional needs|users of the system. |

|increase, the network capacity has to expand. This will have to be |Rec. 3. Schedule site visits to assure maximum performance of the county network configurations. Make |

|evaluated constantly to assure good performance of the network. |recommendations for changes where warranted. |

|As telecommunications technology improves, more options are |Rec. 4. Continue to fund the wide area network maintenance and acquisition of additional bandwidth |

|available for the K-12 network. This necessitates working with each|where warranted. |

|local school system to determine improvements that will improve |Rec. 5. Provide statewide network security to the maximum extent possible by establishing standards for|

|their networks. |connecting computers to the network, providing software tools that screen and monitor network |

| |intrusions, maintaining firewalls and filtering engines. |

| | |

| | |

|Task 4 Recommendations Requiring Budget Considerations: |

|Rec. |Budget Consideration: |Suggested Implementation: |Documentation: |

| | | | |

|4.1 Maintain the funding |4.1 $3,010,252.73 |4.1 This is a continuing program which will |4.1 The annual budget for WVEIS operation includes the |

|level for WVEIS. | |incorporate the current functions as well as the |following: |

| | |additional recommendations listed above. |Staff salaries includes: |

| | | |Management and support of WVEIS hardware and software |

| | | |Network engineering support |

| | | |Programming services |

| | | |RESA/WVEIS staff salaries includes: |

| | | |Support/training |

| | | |First line router support (partial) |

| | | |Contract programming |

| | | |Training/Travel |

| | | |Computer/peripheral / software maintenance, upgrades |

| | | |and purchase |

| | | |Office expenses |

| | | | |

|Task 4 Advisory Committee Input: |

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|12. Participate in the |1. Develop a letter of concern |1. A letter of concern was sent to the CTO’s office|Study of the storage capacity for the WVEIS production |

|development of a |that requests convening of |reiterating the need for a plan to develop a |computer and back-up computer show a need to upgrade |

|comprehensive RFP to meet |stakeholders by November 2005 for|comprehensive telecommunications RFP in time for |DASD. The machines are open for additional DASD |

|E-Rate requirements for |initiation of design of RFP for |county school systems to use the resulting bid for |modules without additional racks being added. This |

|acquiring telecommunication |telecommunication services. |e-rate discounts for telecommunications services. |will happen within the next three months. |

|services. | |An initial meeting held with the CTO and WVDE staff.| |

| | |The CTO agreed to have a plan prepared for |Requirements for additional storage will be evaluated |

| | |developing a comprehensive RFP by February 1. Since|every year. |

| | |the CTO hired a new network manager who would be | |

| | |responsible for this activity, the task has not yet | |

| | |been completed. | |

| | |A stakeholders group has not been convened. | |

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| |2. Summarize in the CRF the | | |

| |status of progress of the RFP | | |

| |development. | | |

| |3. Complete RFP for | | |

| |telecommunications services. | | |

| |4. Release RFP. | | |

| |5. Award contract for | | |

| |telecommunications services. | | |

| |6. Complete cut over services to| | |

| |new contract. | | |

|Task 12 Work Committee Findings: |Task 12 Work Committee Recommendations: |

|The CTO’s Office has not yet been able to made progress on this |Rec. 1. WVDE will continue to work toward a comprehensive RFP for a limited period of time. If |

|item. |progress is not satisfactory to produce a telecommunications contract in time for e-rate discounts, |

| |WVDE will work with a consortium of county schools systems to develop their own K-12 contract. This |

| |would not be a state contract, but would allow the county school systems to retain several millions of |

| |dollars in e-rate discounts. |

|Task 12 Recommendations Requiring Budget Considerations: |

|Rec. |Budget Consideration: |Suggested Implementation |Documentation |

| | | | |

|12.1 Participate in the design of the |12.1 No additional budget required | | |

|telecommunications RFP. | | | |

|Task 12 Advisory Committee Input: |

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| | | | |

|13. Determine the |1. Compare and contrast state |1. See attached comparisons attached. |Study in progress to compare: |

|differences between |purchasing contracts for WVDE and|The Success and BASIC Skills contracts provide a | |

|educational discounts and |state agencies. |lower price in all but one machine type as compared |Basic Skills and SUCCESS contracts compared with the |

|governmental purchasing to | |to the IP06 state contract. Additionally, the |IP06 contract for hardware, services, specification, |

|determine the best approach | |Success and BASIC Skills contracts also provide |and prices |

|for purchasing technology. | |additional services for the price being compared. | |

| | |The IP06 state contract does not provide for these | |

| | |services, so the comparison of total costs is | |

| | |difficult. The “extras” are just not available. | |

| | | | |

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| |2. Summarize in the CRF and make| | |

| |recommendations for future | | |

| |purchasing contracts. | | |

| | |

|Task 13 Work Committee Findings: |Task 13 Work Committee Recommendations: |

|Prices of most computers on the Success and BASIC Skills contracts | |

|are less than the cost of a computer on the IP06 contract for a |Rec. 1. Schools and school systems will continue to purchase computer hardware with services from the |

|comparable machine. The IP06 contract served to drive down the cost|Success and BASIC Skills contracts since they are producing a better value than the IP06 contract. |

|of the computer hardware on the BASIC Skills and Success contracts | |

|and to increase the warranty on workstations to four years. | |

|The Success and BASIC Skills contracts provide for additional | |

|services that are not a part of the IP06 contract, so the total | |

|savings on the Success and BASIC Skills contracts cannot be | |

|determined without knowing the exact cost of these additional | |

|services. | |

|Task 13 Recommendations Requiring Budget Considerations: |

|Rec. |Budget Consideration: |Suggested Implementation |Documentation |

| | | | |

|13.1 Continue purchasing Basic Skills and |13.1 No additional cost | | |

|Success computers from the contract that | | | |

|provides to best value. | | | |

|Task 13 Advisory Committee Input: |

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