CMPS 273, Fall 2006, Assignment 4, Excel

CMPS 273 Assignment 6, Quiz 2 BASIC and Data Anyalysis, Due March 18; 330 points

Instructions: Solve the following problems. No computers. That means you cannot type this into the computer to see what it does during the test.

1. Important data: (10)

a. Name

b. W number

c. Favorite movie

Part 1: Programming in BASIC, analysis (150)

Answer the following questions. You can use your BASIC system on your computer.

1. Show some code (Write on paper) that sums the numbers from 1 to 100. Your code should print out the sum. (90)

a. Run you code in the computer.

i. What is the resulting sum?

b. Modify your code to calculate the average of the numbers from 350 to 430.

i. What is the sum of those numbers?

ii. What is the average of those numbers?

2. In this question, you will write two pieces of code. You are to show some code (Write on paper) that prompts the user for a score and converts it to a letter grade using a 10 point scale. The program should end when the user enters a score that is less than 0, or greater than 100. (60)

a. In the first piece of code, use a DO/LOOP WHILE statement.

b. In the second piece of code use a DO/LOOP UNTIL statement.

Part 2: Data analysis using Excel(170)

Answer the following questions. You can use Excel on your computer.

3. Sketch the shape of the following x/y data points. (90)

0.017453293 2.01623406

0.087266463 2.056771249

0.191986218 2.045176705

0.27925268 1.971733548

0.366519143 1.844657601

0.453785606 1.669694097

0.541052068 1.4539812

0.628318531 1.205819241

0.715584993 0.934405231

0.802851456 0.649540807

0.890117919 1024

0.977384381 0.079824386

1.064650844 -0.185218821

1.151917306 -0.424715755

1.239183769 -0.630502932

1.326450232 -0.795599459

1.413716694 -0.914424692

1.500983157 -0.982972087

1.588249619 -0.998933959

1.675516082 -0.961773306

1.762782545 -0.872740526

1.850049007 -0.734834496

1.93731547 -0.552709224

2.024581932 -0.332528904

2.111848395 -0.081775825

2.199114858 0.190983006

2.28638132 0.476363378

2.373647783 0.764457364

2.460914245 1.045143773

2.548180708 1.30840609

2.635447171 1.544648149

2.722713633 1.744997856

2.809980096 1.901589662

2.897246558 2.007817081

2.984513021 2.058547498

3.071779484 2.050292611

3.159045946 1.981329248

3.246312409 1.851766738

3.333578871 1.663558714

3.420845334 1.420458836

3.508111797 512

3.595378259 0.792951804

3.682644722 0.423905051

3.769911184 0.030248736

3.857177647 -0.377712827

3.94444411 -0.789138794

4.031710572 -1.192969343

4.118977035 -1.578250759

4.206243497 -1.934458236

4.29350996 -2.25180667

4.380776423 -2.521540083

4.468042885 -2.736190912

4.555309348 -2.889801373

4.64257581 -2.978100188

4.729842273 -2.998629349

4.817108736 -2.950817097

4.904375198 -2.835994893

4.991641661 -2.657357888

5.078908123 -2.419870077

5.166174586 -2.130116997

5.253441049 -1.796110426

5.340707511 -1.427050983

5.427973974 -1.033055782

5.515240436 -0.624859377

5.602506899 -0.213497009

5.689773362 0.190020283

5.777039824 -128

5.864306287 0.93152457

5.951572749 1.250453353

6.038839212 1.52397329

6.126105675 1.745678568

6.213372137 1.910779664

6.3006386 2.01623406

6.387905062 2.060823665

6.475171525 2.045176705

6.562437987 1.971733548

6.64970445 1.844657601

6.736970913 1.669694097

6.824237375 1.4539812

6.911503838 1.205819241

6.9987703 0.934405231

7.086036763 0.649540807

7.173303226 0.36132258

7.260569688 0.079824386

7.347836151 -0.185218821

7.435102613 -0.424715755

7.522369076 -0.630502932

7.609635539 -0.795599459

7.696902001 -0.914424692

7.784168464 -0.982972087

7.871434926 -0.998933959

7.958701389 -0.961773306

8.045967852 -0.872740526

8.133234314 -0.734834496

8.220500777 -0.552709224

8.307767239 -0.332528904

8.395033702 -0.081775825

8.482300165 0.190983006

8.569566627 0.476363378

8.65683309 0.764457364

8.744099552 1.045143773

8.831366015 1.30840609

8.918632478 1.544648149

9.00589894 1.744997856

9.093165403 1.901589662

9.180431865 2.007817081

9.267698328 2.058547498

9.354964791 2.050292611

9.442231253 1.981329248

9.529497716 1.851766738

9.616764178 1.663558714

9.704030641 1.420458836

9.791297104 1.127921701

9.878563566 0.792951804

9.965830029 0.423905051

10.05309649 0.030248736

10.14036295 -0.377712827

10.22762942 -0.789138794

10.31489588 -1.192969343

10.40216234 -1.578250759

10.4894288 -1.934458236

10.57669527 -2.25180667

10.66396173 -2.521540083

10.75122819 -2.736190912

10.83849465 -2.889801373

10.92576112 -2.978100188

11.01302758 -2.998629349

11.10029404 -2.950817097

11.18756051 -2.835994893

11.27482697 -2.657357888

11.36209343 -2.419870077

11.44935989 -2.130116997

11.53662636 -1.796110426

11.62389282 -1.427050983

11.71115928 -1.033055782

11.79842574 -0.624859377

11.88569221 -0.213497009

11.97295867 0.190020283

12.06022513 0.575028908

12.14749159 0.93152457

12.23475806 1.250453353

12.32202452 1.52397329

12.40929098 1.745678568

12.49655744 1.910779664

12.58382391 2.01623406

Place your sketch here:

a. Find the following statistical measures of the y coordinates of the data.

i. Average

ii. Variance

iii. Standard deviation

b. Remove the outliers and sketch the curve again.

Place your sketch here:

c. Find the following statistical measures of the y coordinates of the data after the outliers have been removed.

i. Average

ii. Variance

iii. Standard deviation

d. What effect did the outliers have on the statistical measures?

4. Smooth the data in the table below using running averages of size 3. For the Non centered running average start the smoothed data at the 1st point. (40)

Raw Data |1 |3 |4 |2 |0 |-1 |0 |2 |3 |5 |6 |7 |5 |3 |0 |-2 |0 |1 | |Non Centered Running average | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Centered Running average | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

5. Answer the following questions based on these scores: Homework (60, 70, 65, 80, 40), Quizzes (80, 90, 95). For each part, write your equation down on your paper and show the answers that you calculate using excel. (20)

a. What is the non weighted average of the grades?

b. What is average if the quizzes are worth 60 percent of the grade, with the last quiz being worth 30 percent, and the homework all being worth an equal amount?

6. Given the following numbers: (90, 10, 10, 10, 90), what is the weighted average if the 1st and 5th numbers are each worth 10% and others are worth an equal amount? (20)


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