Haringey6sport | BTEC Sport (Level 1, 2, 3)

5381625-914400BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma in Sport and Exercise SciencesUnit 4: Research Methods for Sport and Exercise Sciences Assignment 1:Key issues and data collection techniques Learning Outcomes:1 & 2Criteria: P1, P2,P3, M1, D1(Please tick where evidence has been submitted)Evidence you need to submitTick in box if submittedDeliver a PowerPoint Presentation and submit information sheet Task 1 Summary of qualitative and quantitative research and key issues that affect research in sport and exercise science Task 2 Summary of types, techniques and classifications of data that are common in research in the sport and exercise sciences Date Issued:Submission Date:Date Submitted:Learner Name:Learner Signature:I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own.Assessor Name:Kevin Browne Internal Verifier:Date:Vocational Context – Research methods is extremely important in modern day Sport and Exercise Science. Every student that is studying Sport and Exercise Science will have to do a project or dissertation which will involve numbers or interviewing for example. It’s what we do with this information which will help us decide how effective a training program or mental skills technique is The use of research methods is also becoming popular in the fitness industry and helping people achieve their potential. Scenario – In order for you to have a clearer understanding of research methods you are shadowing a 3rd year undergraduate who is working on their dissertation at Middlesex University. They would like you to help them collect the data and interpret it. This experience will help with your own mini project that you will be doing in semester B and will give you an invaluable insight of life as an undergraduate. The sport department would like you to give a presentation introducing research methods to the 1st years who will be taking this unit next year To: student@haringey6.ac.uk From: kevin.browne@haringey6.ac.uk Subject: Introduction to Research methods Dear student I am emailing you in regards to the information that you will be giving to the 1st year sport students. The information should be given in two formats a presentation and information sheet respectively. In the presentation you should summarise qualitative and quantitative research. In addition you should also identify and key issues that affect research in sport and exercise science. Finally I would like you to describe and outline techniques and classification of data that are common in research methods in sport and exercise sciences. I look forward to you demonstrating a good knowledge and understanding in this area which may well prove invaluable to your future studies Yours sincerely Kevin Browne Programme Area Manger – Sport Task 1 You should breakdown your presentation into two parts; Part One: You must ensure in your summary that you describe (P1) qualitative and quantitative research Part Two: In your summary you must identify (P2)/ explain (M1) / analyse (D1) key issues that affect research in sport and exercise sciences Task 2 You should present this information as an information sheet. In your summary you must outline (P3) the types, techniques, and classification of data that are common in research in the sport and exercise sciences (P1, P2, P3, M1, D1)When you see describe you should try and paint a picture in words to the reader. It is useful to always think that the reader of your script knows nothing and therefore you have to teach the reader the knowledge that you have through your assignment.When you are asked to explain you should describe the point and then give details and reason of why. For example, if you are describing sporting injuries to explain the injury you would provide an example from the world of sport of an athlete who has had the injury and explain the causes of this injury to the player, you may also explain the treatment to the player. When you are asked to analyse you should select the key points that you have been asked to look at and explain each point providing reasons for each point and possible impacts. e.g. if you where analysing the recent success of Chelsea Football Club. You would pick out the key factors behind Chelsea’s success; Money; Manager; Key Players – Frank Lampard, etc. you would then explain the contribution each person has had on the success of the club and what the club could do in the future to continue their reign. P1 describe qualitative and quantitative researchP2 identify key issues that affect research in sport and exercise sciencesP3 outline the types, techniques, and classifications of data that are common in research in the sport and exerciseM1 explain key issues that affect research in sport and exercise sciencesD1 analyse key issues that affect research in sport and exercise sciencesAssignment 1: Key issues and data collection techniques Unit 4: Research Methods for Sport and Exercise Sciences StudentFinal Hand in DateFeedback1st draft(met/refer)Final draft(met/refer)PowerPoint Presentation and information sheet P1 describe qualitative and quantitative researchP2 identify key issues that affect research in sport and exercise sciencesP3 outline the types, techniques, and classifications of data that are common in research in the sport and exercise sciences M1 explain key issues that affect research in sport and exercise sciencesD1 analyse key issues that affect research in sport and exercise sciences ................

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