Review of Existing Data Summary Report

Review of Existing Data Summary Report

|Student Name:       |Date of Birth:       |Grade:      |

|Date of Team Summary Report:       |

The following questions were addressed in this review of existing data and reevaluation consideration process:

* Whether the student has or continues to have a disability

* The present levels of performance and educational needs of the student

* Whether any additions or modifications to the special education and related services are needed to enable the child to meet the measurable annual goals set out in the IEP of the child and to participate and make progress in the general education curriculum (as appropriate)

Sources of Existing Data included:

Current classroom based assessments and observations

Teacher and related service providers’ observations


Information provided by the parent(s) of the student


Other/Cum File:     


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Based on the review of existing data, the IEP and other qualified professionals have determined that:

Additional data is needed to determine whether the student continues to be a student with a disability, is entitled/in need of special education services, and/or to determine the educational needs of the student. Questions/needs that require additional assessment:

Additional data is not needed to determine whether the student continues to be a student with a disability, is entitled/in need of special education services, and/or to determine the educational needs of the student. Reason for determination.


Include a concise analysis and interpretation of data related to the following questions:

1. How does the student's rate of progress compare to an expected rate of skill acquisition and under what conditions did the student experience the most growth?

2. How does the student's current level of performance compare to that of typical peers or identified standards?

3. What are the student's needs in the areas of instruction, curriculum, and environment?


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The following persons, as indicated by their signatures, have participated in the Review of Existing Data process.

| Position |Signature |Date |

|Student | |      |

|Parent/Guardian/Representative over age 18 | |      |

|Administrator/Representative | |      |

|General Educator | |      |

|Counselor | |      |

|Special Educator | |      |

|Speech Clinician | |      |

|School Psychologist | |      |

|Diagnostician | |      |

|Other | |      |

|Other | |      |

|Other | |      |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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