Names of Group Members (Only provide these names if your instructor requires you to complete this assignment in groups):

1. Tanji Ford

2. Jenna McIntosh

3. Elaine Aaron

4. Damian O’brien



Using the data set provided, answer the following questions. Please place your answers in appropriate locations in the table below. You do not need to submit the spreadsheet itself. Save this document as .

Review the supplied data sheet before attempting to answer the questions for this assignment. As you review, identify the strengths and weaknesses of both students and individual test items. Look at overall class performance. Identify any outliers that may exist. After reviewing the data, please answer the following questions in the spaces provided.


|For which overall component of the Unit is the class average (%) the |MM Portfolio: Teamwork performance |

|highest? | |

|Based on the data in the gradebook, how would you describe the class’ |Content mastery for the portolio was 80%; content mastery on the quiz was |

|performance with respect to Content Mastery? |83% and finally content mastery on the essay quiz was 70%; there is a |

|Consider content mastery scores on both the Multimedia Portfolio and the |discrepancy. All members in the group received the same score for content |

|Quiz |mastery. |

|List recommendations in bullets |•Although students are working in groups they should be assessed |

| |individually on the content mastery for the portfolio. In the same way they |

| |were assessed on the quiz and essay. |

| |• Conduct an item analysis for the quizzes in order to determine where |

| |weaknesses lie possibly for the purpose of reteaching content. |

|What are your key observations about Group 5’s performance on the Multimedia|Group 5 |

|Portfolio? (bullet list) |•All students earned 92% = 55/60 points on the project; with 5 points |

| |deducted for content mastery and understanding. |

| |•Every student earned the exact same points in each area assessed for the |

| |portfolio. |

| |•In 2 of 3 areas their scores were perfect. |

| |•The lowest portfolio score was in content mastery and understanding (which |

| |is consistent with their quiz scores). |

| |•We might expect them to do well on the quiz, however this was not the case.|

| |Their individual quiz scores were the lowest in the class. |

|Identify two of the lowest performing students in the class. For each: |Mark |

|Name the student |35/60 points for portfolio assessment |

|Review their assessment data |Team work score was 5/20 which may indicate he has poor collaboration/social|

|Briefly list your recommendations for addressing their performance |skills |

|difficulties. (bullet list) |He score a perfect score on mc quiz and 15/20 on the essay |

| |He demonstrated knowledge of the content however he does not work well with |

| |peers |

| |Sue |

| |Her strongest score was the group score for Portfolio design mastery 20/20 |

| |The group scored the lowest in the class for Portfolio content mastery (all |

| |students received this same score which may not reflect Sue’s performance as|

| |an individual |

| |Sue scored 80% on the content essay quiz and 70% on the MC quiz. This could |

| |mean she is a good writer and creative thinker. |

| |She may not be a good test taker. |

| | |

| |It is hard to analyze how well they performed individually on the portfolio |

| |considering all students in the group received the same score. It isn’t |

| |evident who has generated the ideas. |

| |Work with the guidance counselor to determine if there are social/emotional |

| |issues. |

| |Give the class a collaboration rubric to determine who has contributed |

| |individually. |

|Review class and individual performance on the Multiple Choice and Essay |•As a whole, students performed better on the MC quiz than the essay quiz. |

|components of the Quizzes. What conclusions can you draw about performance |•Individually Sue and Wanda were the only to score higher on the essay than |

|on this quiz? (bullet list) |the MC quiz. (10% of the class). |

| |•David and Frank earned high scores on the MC quiz and low scores on the |

| |essay, which may indicate language difficulties. |

| |•Based on the low overall performance of the essay we may want to conduct |

| |and item analysis if there are more than 1 question. |

|Based on your conclusions, what are the three most important recommendations|•Incorporate team building activities, this can be done during structured |

|you can make to adjust instructional practice for this topic? (bullet list) |recess/PE. |

| |•Modeling how to answer essay questions |

| |•Use more cooperative learning |



The supplied spreadsheet for this activity gives the results for a PBL unit which consisted of (1) the development of a multimedia portfolio, and (2) the completion of a content mastery quiz.

For the Multimedia Portfolio, students:

• Worked in groups of four.

• Were assigned a group score for Design Mastery and for Content Mastery.

• Were given an individual score for team work, based on results from a peer evaluation survey

The Quiz

• Consisted of two sections: (1) multiple choice, and (2) essay section. Both sections focused on assessing content mastery.

The total possible number of points for the unit is 100. Students must score 75 points to pass the unit.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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