RIT Online Learning Peer Evaluation

RIT Online Learning Peer Evaluation

Version 1.1

Prepared by:

Team Green Apple

11 May 2006

Revision History

|Name |Date |Reason For Changes |Version |

|Amber Bahl |01/22/06 |Initial Creation |1.0 |

|Amber Bahl |01/23/06 |Created Use Cases |1.1 |

Feature Requirements: Execute Evaluation (FR-EE)

|Feature ID |Feature Name |Description |

|FR-EE1 |Access Evaluation |The application shall not display the evaluation before the open date, time |

| | |and after its close date, time. |

|FR-EE2 |Submit Evaluation Responses |The application shall save the students response in the database. Once the |

| |before closing time |evaluation is submitted, the student cannot resubmit the evaluation. |

|FR-EE3 |Submit Evaluation Responses |Only the “Open” evaluations are displayed to the Student. All evaluations |

| |after closing time |after the closing date, time are not displayed to the Student. |

|Use Case ID: |FR-EE1 |

|Use Case Name: |Access Evaluation before open data, time |

|Created By: |AB |Last Updated By: |01/22/2006 |

|Date Created: |01/22/2006 |Date Last Updated: |01/22/2006 |

|Actors: |Student |

|Description: |The student tries to fill up the evaluation before the open date and time. |

|Trigger: |Student wanting to fill up the evaluation(s). |

|Preconditions: |The RIT Online learning server is up and running. |

| |The user is authenticated by RIT Online learning |

|Postconditions: |The evaluation is not submitted. |

|Normal Flow: |The student logs into the application and see the list of pending evaluations |

| |Student does not see the evaluation before it’s opening date, time. |

| |The student can’t selects the evaluation to be filled |

|Alternative Flows: |None. |

|Exceptions: |None. |

|Includes: |None. |

|Priority: |High |

|Frequency of Use: |High |

|Business Rules: |The application shall not display the evaluation before the open date, time and after its |

| |close date, time. |

|Special Requirements: |None. |

|Assumptions: |None. |

|Notes and Issues: |None. |

|Use Case ID: |FR-EE2 |

|Use Case Name: |Submit Evaluation Responses before closing time |

|Created By: |AB |Last Updated By: |01/22/2006 |

|Date Created: |01/22/2006 |Date Last Updated: |01/22/2006 |

|Actors: |Student |

|Description: |The student logs in and fills up the evaluation. |

|Trigger: |Student wanting to fill up the evaluation(s). |

|Preconditions: |The RIT Online learning server is up and running. |

| |The user is authenticated by RIT Online learning |

|Postconditions: |The student fills up the evaluation and submits it. |

|Normal Flow: |The student logs into the application and see the list of pending evaluations. |

| |The student selects the evaluation to be filled |

| |The student answers all the questions and clicks submit |

| |The application asks for confirmation and saves the student responses in the database. |

|Alternative Flows: |None. |

|Exceptions: |None. |

|Includes: |None. |

|Priority: |High |

|Frequency of Use: |High |

|Business Rules: |The application displays all the open evaluations and their status to the Student. |

| |Status: Complete/ Incomplete |

| |The application shall save the students response in the database. Once the evaluation is |

| |submitted, the student cannot resubmit the evaluation. |

|Special Requirements: |None. |

|Assumptions: |None. |

|Notes and Issues: |None. |

|Use Case ID: |FR-EE3 |

|Use Case Name: |Submit Evaluation Responses after closing time |

|Created By: |AB |Last Updated By: |01/22/2006 |

|Date Created: |01/22/2006 |Date Last Updated: |01/22/2006 |

|Actors: |Student |

|Description: |Only the “Open” evaluations are displayed to the Student. All evaluations after the closing |

| |date, time are not displayed to the Student. |

|Trigger: |Student wanting to fill up the evaluation(s). |

|Preconditions: |The RIT Online learning server is up and running. |

| |The user is authenticated by RIT Online learning |

|Postconditions: |The evaluation is discarded. |

|Normal Flow: |The student logs into the application and see the list of pending evaluations |

| |Only the “Open” evaluations are displayed to the Student. (All evaluations after the closing|

| |date, time are not displayed to the Student.) |

|Alternative Flows: |None. |

|Exceptions: |None. |

|Includes: |None. |

|Priority: |High |

|Frequency of Use: |High |

|Business Rules: |The application displays all the open evaluations and their status to the Student. |

| |Status: Complete/ Incomplete |

|Special Requirements: |None. |

|Assumptions: |None. |

|Notes and Issues: |None. |


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