TDWI Master Data Management Fundamentals

Course Outline

Module One: MDM Concepts

• Defining MDM

o Master data

o Master data management

o Customer data integration (CDI)

o Product information management (PIM)

o other domain specifics …

• The Need for MDM

o business view

o information systems view

• The Basics of MDM

o Enterprise view of reference entities

o Enterprise view of relationships among things

o It isn’t about “one right answer” or “single version of the truth”

• Dimensions of MDM

o People (organizations)

o Processes (governance, business, metadata, etc.)

o Data (and metadata)

o architecture

o technology

o programs & projects

• MDM Prerequisites

o Technical infrastructure

o Collaborative culture

o Organizational readiness

o Buy-in and data sharing culture

o Data quality

o Data governance

Module Two: MDM Processes and Architectures

• MDM Processes

o Identity management

o Hierarchy management

o Data integration

o Application integration

• MDM Architectures

o Repository

o Registry

o Repository-Registry Hybrid

o Engine

o Broker

o Something here about repository vs. registry and about services vs. transactions

Module Three: Identity Management

• Identity management defined

o Uniqueness of things

• Identity management functions

o Search and Resolution

o Record Linkage

o Merge & Consolidation

o Grouping and Splitting

• Identity Management in MDM Architecture

o Repository

o Registry

o Engine

o Broker

Module Four: Hierarchy Management

• Hierarchy management defined

o Relationships of things

o Multiple hierarchies (contrast to entity uniqueness)

• Hierarchy management functions

o Identification and matching

o Consolidation

o Record linkage

o Versioning

• Hierarchy Management in MDM Architecture

o Repository

o Registry

o Engine

o Broker

Module Five: Implementing and Operating MDM

• Roles and Responsibilities

o Stakeholders

o Master data creators/providers

o Master data consumers

o program management

o MDM development

o MDM operations

o Data governance

• Data Governance for MDM

o Ownership

o Stewardship

o Custodianship

• Data Quality and MDM

o Data profiling

o Data quality assessment

o Data cleansing

o Process improvement

• Data modeling and MDM

o Exchange data model

o Persistence data model

• The MDM Program

o Business case

o Program management

o Change management

• MDM Projects

o Implementation within a program framework

o Kinds of projects

▪ Architecture and infrastructure

▪ Master data assessment

▪ Data migration

▪ Application migration

o Project guidelines

• MDM Operations

o consolidation

o synchronization

o data quality management

o administration and configuration

• Sustaining and Maturing MDM

o Feedback

o Evolving services

o data and metadata management

o data governance

o maturity models

Module Six: Summary and Conclusion

• Summary of Key Points

• References & Resources

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