Indiana University Bloomington Indiana, United States ...

Indiana University Bloomington Indiana, United States


A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in


Vibhatha Lakmal Abeykoon


To: Martin Swany Luddy School of Informatics, Computing and Engineering

This dissertation, written by Vibhatha Lakmal Abeykoon, and entitled Towards Data Analytics-aware High Performance Data Engineering and Benchmarking, having been approved in respect to style and intellectual content, is referred to you for judgment. We have read this dissertation and recommend that it be approved.

Minje Kim

Prateek Sharma

Ariful Azad

Geoffrey Fox, Major Professor Date of Proposal: The dissertation proposal of Vibhatha Lakmal Abeykoon is approved.

Martin Swany Luddy School of Informatics, Computing and Engineering

Dennis Groth Dean of the University Graduate School

Indiana University Bloomington, 2021


? Copyright 2021 by Vibhatha Lakmal Abeykoon All rights reserved.


DEDICATION To my parents, my loving wife and brothers and sisters.



I have been privileged to be a part of beautiful people who have helped me throughout life as a student and a human being. First of all, I would like to pay my sincere gratitude to my advisor, distinguished professor Geoffrey Fox for guiding me throughout the journey as a PhD student. Your expertise and guidance have always been a great strength to improve my research career. In the first three years of my PhD life, the PhD advisory committee, including professor Judy Qiu and Professor Minje Kim has been great mentors to improve myself to achieve goals in my PhD life. I would also like to thank Professor Prateek Sharma and Professor Ariful Azad for being my mentors to guide me throughout the rest of the journey in PhD. Their guidance and expertise were always helpful to me.

Digital Science Center staff and the research team members, including Dr Supun Kamburugamuve, Dr Saliya Ekanayake, Dr Gregor Von Laszewski Dr Jerome Mitchell, Dr Kannan Govindarajan, Chathura Widanage, Dr Ahmet Uyar, Dr Gurhan Gunduz, Dr Bo Peng, Bo Feng and Miao Jiang have been a great company to enjoy and learn a lot from each other. Also, it's a privilege to work with my fellow PhD students, Pulasthi Supun Wickramasinghe and Niranda Perera, on many research including Twister2 and Cylon research projects. Their suggestions and ideas always motivated me to improve as a researcher.

I would also like to pay my sincere gratitude to my undergraduate research mentors. Dr Keerthi Gunawickrama, Dr Rajitha Udawalpola, Dr Pasika Ranaweera, Dr Sanjeeva Witharana, Dr Sanath Jayawardena, Hiranya Nuwan Kumara, Samitha Kumara and all the research staff in the Electrical and Information Engineering Department of the University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka, have been the first motivation towards my graduate studies.



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