The Earth Through Time, 10th Editionby Harold L. LevinChapter 7—Plate Tectonics Underlies All Earth HistoryCHAPTER OUTLINE FOR TEACHING I. Seismic WavesA. Body Waves1. Primary (P-waves)2. Secondary (S-waves)B. Surface Waves1. Love2. RayleighII. Earth’s InteriorA. Main Discontinuities in Earth1. Mohorovi?i? (30-40 km)2. Gutenberg (2,900 km)B. Earth’s Core1. Detected by P- and S-wave shadow zones2. Average density 10.7 g/cm33. Composed mainly of Fe and Ni4. Radius: 3500 km5. Inner core (solid) and outer core (liquid)C. Earth’s Mantle1. Stony composition (4.5 gm/cm3)2. Peridotite (including olivines and pyroxenes)3. Upper mantle featuresa. low velocity zoneb. asthenosphere (plastic layer)D. Earth’s Crust1. Oceanic crust (basaltic; 3.0 gm/cm3)2. Continental crust (granitic; 2.7 gm/cm3)a. thickest crust (35 km)b. floats according to isostasyIII. Crustal StructuresA. Faults1. Normal (gravity)2. Reverse (including thrust faults)3. Lateral (strike-slip faults)B. Folds1. Anticlines and synclines2. Domes and basins3. MonoclinesIV. Plate TectonicsA. Older Concept of Continental Drift1. Ancient supercontinents—later fragmented and disperseda. Gondwanaland (Suess’ idea of the 19th century)b. Pangea (Wegener’s idea of 1915)2. Evidence cited for driftinga. geologic and geographic fitb. climatic evidence c. fossil distribution (Glossopteris, Mesosaurus)d. rock sequencesB. Discoveries about Paleomagnetism (1950s-1960s)1. Magnetic poles susceptible to switching, N-S2. Rocks preserve weak remnant magnetism from time of formationa. themalb. depositional3. Apparent polar-wandering pathsC. Basic Concept of Modern Plate Tectonics1. Integration of ideas: unifying concepta. continental driftb. sea-floor spreadingc. paleomagnetic data2. Mechanism of movement: plates float on asthenosphere3. Plate boundariesa. divergent (sea-floor spreading, rifting)b. convergent (trenches, folded mountains, subduction zones)c. transform (great lateral faults)4. Wilson cycles: opening and closing of an ocean basin on time scale of hundreds of millions of years5. Driving mechanism: competing theoriesa. mantle convection—induced drag on the lithosphere (thermal plumes)b. “ridge-push” and “slab-pull”6. Effect of mantle’s thermal plumesa. doming of overlying plateb. three-armed crustal rifts7. Test of plate tectonics theorya. sea-floor studies of Hess (1960s)b. paleomagnetism of seafloor (Vine, 1963)c. sea-floor agesd. sediment cores from drilling shipse. laser measurements of crustal motion from spacef. seismic and gravity evidenceg. ages of hot spot volcanoes like the Hawaiian islands8. Hot spots: island chains and seamounts 9. Exotic terrains (far-traveled microcontinents)Answers to Discussion Questions1.Drilling from the North Pole to Earth’s center would penetrate oceanic crust, lithosphere, asthenosphere, upper mantle, lower mantle, outer core, and inner core.2.The three major categories of seismic waves are primary, secondary, and surface. Primary (P) waves travel fastest at 4 to 5 km/sec by pushing particles in directions parallel to direction of propagation. Secondary (S) waves travel 1 to 2 km/sec by moving particles at right angles to the direction of propagation. Surface waves are large-motion waves that travel through the outer crust resembling outward-moving concentric water waves.3.An S-wave shadow zone indicates that the Earth has a liquid outer core as liquid absorbs S-waves thus creating a shadow zone.4. A seismic discontinuity is a narrow zone within Earth where there is an abrupt change in velocity or direction of body waves. The Gutenberg and Mohorovi?i? discontinuities mark boundaries between major internal zones (crust-lithosphere and lower mantle-outer core boundaries, respectively).5.Eroded anticlines and domes tend to expose the oldest rocks of the folded strata near their centers, whereas eroded synclines and basins tend to expose their youngest strata near their centers.6.The average continental crustal composition is exemplified by granite; the oceanic crust by basalt. Peridotite, an ultramafic rock, exemplifies the mantle.7.P-waves are the only sort of body waves typically detected at a site 180o from the epicenter of an earthquake.8.The main types of faults are normal, reverse, and lateral. Compressional forces create reverse faults (including a low-angle variety called thrust fault). Tensional forces tend to create normal faults (including oblique faults with rotational movement).9.A gravity anomaly is the difference between the observed value of Earth’s gravity at any point on the Earth and the computed theoretical value. Negative gravity anomalies occur where there is excess low-density rock below the surface, for example at deep-sea trenches and mid-ocean ridges.10.Folds are bent rock strata in the Earth’s crust. The principal kinds of folds are anticline, dome, syncline, basin, and monocline.11.Alfred Wegener might have cited the following evidence in support of his ideas on continental motion: geological similarities of India, Africa, and South America; the geographic fit of the continents; similar climates of parts indicated in widely separated areas; evidence that some areas at low latitude had once been at a pole; tropical fossils and rock types occurring today at high latitude; and the distribution of key fossil species that could only be explained by continental linkage in the past.12.Oceanic volcanoes issue basaltic lavas; continental volcanoes (adjacent to subduction zones) issue basaltic and andesitic lavas. The difference in lavas is due to the origin of the liquid rock, which is partially melted upper mantle in the instance of basalt and partially melted down-going plate in the instance of rhyolite-andesite.13.The Himalayan Mountains resulted from the collision of the Indo-Australian plate (with India riding on the northern tip) with the southern margin of the Eurasian plate. The San Andreas fault is a sliding boundary created by the lateral passage of the North American plate and the Pacific plate. The Dead Sea and the Red Sea are two areas of a three-arm rift that is splitting the African and Eurasian plates apart.14.According to plate tectonics, new sea-floor material is continually added at the mid-ocean ridges and destroyed continually at the oceanic trenches.15.The leading edge of the North American plate is located along the western coast of North America (California to Alaska) and the trailing edge is located along the mid-ocean ridge in the North Atlantic.16.Paleomagnetism is the weak magnetic character of rock acquired at the time of formation. In igneous rocks, it is acquired when the rock cools below the Curie point, 578o C. In sedimentary rock, it is acquired upon settling of magnetic grains to seafloor. The magnetic inclination and declination can be measured via magnetometer to indicate vectors toward the ancient pole. These vectors would parallel lines of force in Earth’s past field. Validation of plate tectonics has come through confirmation of sea-floor spreading (“magnetic stripes”) and assisting in latitudinal reconstruction of continental positions in past.17.Ancient rocks are confined to the continents because the lighter continental rocks are not subducted and re-melted during plate tectonics.18.Exotic terrains will have rock types and fossil contents that are significantly different from directly adjacent areas. In the Appalachians, a terrain which showed southern ocean faunas would be a likely alien terrain. A micro-continent-derived terrain would consist of continental rock, probably granitic rock and sedimentary rock, whereas an island-arc terrain would have a volcanic rock composition mainly.19.Variations of magnetization of seafloor show parallel, symmetrically arranged “stripes” on the seafloor about ridge axes. Thus, they show continuous spreading of the ridges while Earth’s magnetic field changed over time.20. The alignment and age distribution of volcanic islands in the Pacific Ocean shows progressive plate movement over the site of a stationary mantle plume’s upwelling of basaltic magmas (a hot spot).21.a22.d23.bCHAPTER ACTIVITIESStudent activities for in-depth learning:1. On Earth, plate tectonics has been a dynamic process for hundreds of millions of years. Take a look at the “plate tectonics movie” on the University of California, Berkeley, Museum of Paleontology web page (). Do this by clicking on “animated GIFs” for the last 750 million years. Play the movie. As time passes, the continents seem to move around. Why is this so? What is “pushing” the continents around and why? Why do the continents appear to move around over time? 2. Using the fault-motion animations at observe the differences between a normal and a reverse fault and the differences and similarities (if any) between a strike-slip and an oblique slip fault. Record your observations on how these pairs of faults are different and how they are similar. What kind of forces: compression or extension would be involved in forming these faults. (Observe the video and see for yourself.) ................

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