Skills Worksheet Directed Reading B

[Pages:7]Name ______________________________ Class___________________Date__________________

Skills Worksheet

Directed Reading B

Section: Types of Interactions

INTERACTIONS WITH THE ENVIRONMENT Circle the letter of the best answer for each question.

1. What parts of the environment can control the size of a population? a. biotic and abiotic factors b. fish and frogs c. small ponds d. seaweed and fish

Limiting Factors 2. Why can't populations grow without stopping? a. Food and water are limited. b. Food and water are everywhere. c. Animals are not strong. d. Air is limited. 3.What is an example of a limiting factor? a. when a population is too small b. when there's not enough food c. when there's too much food d. when there's too much water

Carrying Capacity 4. What is the largest population an environment can supportcalled? a. limiting factors b. interaction factor c. population capacity d. carrying capacity

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Holt Science and Technology


Interactions of Living Things

Name ______________________________ Class___________________Date__________________

Directed Reading B continued

INTERACTIONS BETWEEN ORGANISMS Circle the letter of the best answer for each question.

5. What happens when a population grows larger than its carrying capacity? a. The population increases more. b. Individuals die. c. Individuals grow larger. d. There is less rainfall.

6. What is one of the four ways species affect each other? a. population b. competition c. communities d. ecology


7. What is it called when individuals or populations try to use the same resource? a. coevolution b. competition c. capacity d. community

8. What kind of competition takes place when elks compete for the same food plants? a. competition between populations b. competition between communities c. competition within populations d. competition within communities

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Holt Science and Technology


Interactions of Living Things

Name ______________________________ Class___________________Date__________________

Directed Reading B continued

PREY ADAPTATIONS Read the words in the box. Read the sentences. Fill in each blank with the word that best completes the sentence.



9. When a bird eats a worm, the worm is the ______________________.

10. When a bird eats a worm, the bird is the ______________________.

Predator Adaptations Circle the letter of the best answer for each question. 11. What must all predators do to survive?

a. be eaten b. catch their prey c. be cheetahs d. make nests 12. What do cheetahs do to catch prey? a. hide quietly b. spin webs c. run very quickly d. catch spiders 13.How do goldenrod spiders catch their prey? a. blend in with the flowers b. chase insects c. run very quickly d. sting insects

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Holt Science and Technology


Interactions of Living Things

Name ______________________________ Class___________________Date__________________

Directed Reading B continued

Prey Adaptations Circle the letter of the best answer for each question. 14. How do fire salamanders save themselves from predators?

a. spray poison b. hide in flowers c. run fast d. run into burrows 15. What do prairie dogs do to save themselves from predators? a. hide in flowers b. catch the predators c. run into burrows d. have bright colors

Camouflage 16. What is blending in with the background called?

a. avoidance b. camouflage c. community d. color 17. How do walking stick insects camouflage themselves? a. build stick houses b. look like twigs or sticks c. look like stones d. freeze against a shrub

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Holt Science and Technology


Interactions of Living Things

Name ______________________________ Class___________________Date__________________

Directed Reading B continued

Defensive Chemicals Circle the letter of the best answer for each question.

18. How do the skunk and the bombardier beetle save themselves? a. camouflage and hide b. run fast c. spray irritating chemicals d. freeze against shrubs

Warning Coloration

19.How does an animal advertise that it has a chemical defense? a. It makes a lot of noise. b. It tries to look innocent. c. It stays near other similar animals. d. It has warning colors like bright red.


20. What is symbiosis? a. a distant interaction b. a close, long-term interaction c. a close, short-term interaction d. a chemical interaction


Read the description. Then, draw a line from the dot next to each

description to the matching word.

? 21. a symbiotic relationship in which both organisms benefit

22. a living thing that receives sugar


produced by algae

a. coral b. bacteria

23. a living thing that lives in your


intestines things

c. Mutualism

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Holt Science and Technology


Interactions of Living Things

Name ______________________________ Class___________________Date__________________

Directed Reading B continued

Commensalism Circle the letter of the best answer for each question.

24. In what symbiotic relationship does one living thing benefit while the other is not affected? a. mutualism b. camouflage c. ecosystem d. commensalism

25. How do sharks and remoras show commensalism? a. Remoras ride on sharks. b. Remoras eat sharks. c. Sharks eat remoras. d. Remoras save sharks.

Parasitism Read the words in the box. Read the sentences. Fill in each blank with the word that best completes the sentence.




26.Parasitism is _________________________________ in which one organism benefits and the other is harmed.

27. A parasite gets nourishment from its______________________. 28. The host is weakened by the______________________.

Original content Copyright ? by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.

Holt Science and Technology


Interactions of Living Things

Name ______________________________ Class___________________Date__________________

Directed Reading B continued

COEVOLUTION Circle the letter of the best answer for each question.

29. What is long-term change caused by close interaction of two species called?

a. mutualism

c. coevolution

b. parasitism

d. commensalism

30. How does coevolution affect two species? a. They eat each other.. b. They change with each other. c. They use camouflage d. They harm each other.

31. How have acacia trees changed through coevolution with ants? a. They developed ways to fight predators. b. They developed ways to eat extra ants. c. They changed by growing taller. d. They developed structures that make food for ants.

Coevolution and Flowers

32. What is an organism that carries pollen from one flower to another called? a. a pollinator b. a polluter c. a floral d. a flagellum

33. How did bats change over time in order to help spread pollen for flowers? a. They developed long tongues and noses to reach nectar. b. They learned to like sugar. c. They began to eat flowers. d. Their vision got better.

Original content Copyright ? by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.

Holt Science and Technology


Interactions of Living Things


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