Mathematics Entry 1 - Sample Scheme of Work

Course Delivery

Duration: 30 weeks


Performance – Learners can:

• understand simple mathematical information in familiar contexts and situations

• use mathematics to obtain answers to simple given practical problems that are clear and routine

• generate results that make sense for a specified task

• provide solutions to simple given practical problems in familiar contexts and situations

Regular resources

Smartboard, Mini whiteboards & Pens, Powerpoint, calculators, paper and pens for group work


Session |Content |Learning Objectives: students will be able to |Assessment of Learning |Teaching and Learning Activities |Resources |Functional Skills Standards | |1 |Induction

Initial assessment |Explain the Functional maths Skills qualification and the nature of assessment

Answer questions on initial assessment |Q & A

Answers on initial assessment |Paper or computer-based initial assessments |Initial assessment |n/a | |2 |Feedback on initial assessment

Diagnostic assessment |Identify current level of working

Answer questions on diagnostic assessment |Q & A

Answers on diagnostic assessment |Paper or computer-based diagnostic assessments |Diagnostic assessment |n/a | |3 |1:1 feedback on diagnostic assessment |Identify strengths and weaknesses

Set targets |Initial and diagnostic assessment results |Give 1:1 feedback on diagnostic assessment and negotiate ILP with learner |Assessment results

ILP |n/a | |4 |Working on addition with numbers up to ten |Read and count numbers up to ten

Add numbers up to ten

Recognise symbols used for addition problems

Use language associated with addition |Q & A

Observation of matching card activity

Completion of card activity

Completion of worksheet |Discussion on language and symbols associated with addition

• Matching card activity – match digits with words and diagrammatic representation

• Card activity – different possible ways to total 10

• Worksheet – extracting information to compare number of pieces of fruit eaten |Mini whiteboards

Sets of cards

Worksheet |Understand and use numbers with one significant figure in practical contexts | |5 |Working on subtraction with numbers up to ten. |Subtract with numbers up to ten

Recognise symbols used for subtraction problems

Use language associated with subtraction

|Q & A

Observation of mini whiteboard activity

Completion of worksheet activity |Discussion on language and symbols associated with subtraction

• Mini whiteboard activity – give answers to simple subtraction questions using numbers up to 10

• Worksheet – learners fill in gaps to subtraction questions written in the form 5 = 2 |Mini whiteboards

Worksheets |Understand and use numbers with one significant figure in practical contexts | |6 |Working on addition and subtraction with numbers up to ten. |Work with family facts of numbers using addition and subtraction

Apply addition and subtraction to problems set in everyday life |Q & A

Observation of mini whiteboard activity

Completion of card activity

Completion of worksheet activity |Discussion of addition and subtraction uses in everyday life

• Mini whiteboard activity

• Card activity – using +, − and = signs to fill in gaps and connect numbers

• Worksheet on Family facts of numbers

• Worksheet on growing vegetables |Mini whiteboards

Card activity

Worksheets |Understand and use numbers with one significant figure in practical contexts | |7 |Working with numbers with one significant figure |Work with numbers up to 100 correct to 1 significant figure

use calculators for addition and subtraction of numbers with one significant figure |Q & A

Observation of mini whiteboard activity

Completion of card activity

Observation of worksheet activity |Mini whiteboard activity

• Card activity – putting numbers in order of size

• Worksheet on numbers between 10 and 100 correct to 1 significant figure |Mini whiteboards

Card activity



|Understand and use numbers with one significant figure in practical contexts | |8 |Working with length |Describe the properties of length and understand relevant vocabulary e.g. longest/shortest |Q & A

Observation of mini whiteboard activity

Completion of card activity

Observation of worksheet activity |Discussion of relevant vocabulary

• Discussion on measurement – tools used

• Mini whiteboard activity

• Practical activity – putting objects in order of length

• Worksheet |Mini whiteboards


Rulers |Describe the properties of size and measure, including length, width, height and

weight, and make simple comparisons | |9 |Working with width |Describe the properties of width and understand relevant vocabulary e.g. widest/narrowest |Q & A

Observation of mini whiteboard activity

Completion of card activity

Observation of worksheet activity |Discussion of relevant vocabulary

• Discussion on difference between length and width

• Mini whiteboard activity

• Practical activity – putting objects in order of width

• Worksheet |Mini whiteboards

Card activity


Rulers |Describe the properties of size and measure, including length, width, height and

weight, and make simple comparisons

| |10 |Working with height |Describe the properties of height and understand relevant vocabulary e.g. tallest/shortest |Q & A

Observation of mini whiteboard activity

Completion of card activity

Observation of worksheet activity |Discussion of relevant vocabulary

• Mini whiteboard activity

• Practical activity – putting objects in order of height

• Class activity – learners arrange themselves in order of height

• Worksheet |Mini whiteboards

Card activity


Rulers |Describe the properties of size and measure, including length, width, height and

weight, and make simple comparisons

| |11 |Working with weight |Describe the properties of weight and understand relevant vocabulary e.g. heaviest/lightest |Q & A

Observation of mini whiteboard activity

Completion of card activity

Observation of worksheet activity |Discussion of relevant vocabulary

• Mini whiteboard activity

• Practical activity – putting objects in order of weight

• Card activity

• Worksheet |Mini whiteboards


Balance scales |Describe the properties of size and measure, including length, width, height and

weight, and make simple comparisons | |12 |Working with scales |Read scales to the nearest whole number |Q & A

Observation of mini whiteboard activity

Completion of card activity

Observation of worksheet activity |Reading scales to the nearest whole unit

• Matching card activity - using units of length, weight, temperature

• Worksheet |Mini whiteboards

Card activity


Scales |Describe the properties of size and measure, including length, width, height and

weight, and make simple comparisons | |13 |Working with time |Work with months, dates and the calendar |Q & A

Observation of mini whiteboard activity

Completion of card activity

Observation of worksheet activity |Discussion of important dates – birthdays etc

• Mini whiteboard activity

• Days of the week activity

• Months and seasons activity

• Calendar activity

• Worksheet |Mini whiteboards



|Describe the properties of size and measure, including length, width, height and

weight, and make simple comparisons | |14 |Working with time |Work with whole number of hours, am and pm |Q & A

Observation of mini whiteboard activity

Completion of card activity

Observation of worksheet activity |Mini whiteboard activity

• Opening and closing time activity

• Associate activities with times of day

• Worksheet |Mini whiteboards


Analogue and digital clock |Describe the properties of size and measure, including length, width, height and

weight, and make simple comparisons | |15 |Working with position |Identify left and right, above and below |Q & A

Observation of mini whiteboard activity

Completion of card activity

Observation of worksheet activity |Mini whiteboard activity

• Practical activity – class seating arrangement (left and right)

• Lists – above and below

• Worksheet |Mini whiteboards

Card activity

Worksheet |Describe position | |16 |Working with position |Identify left and right, above and below, in front and behind |Q & A

Observation of mini whiteboard activity

Completion of card activity

Observation of worksheet activity |Mini whiteboard activity

• Practical activity using maps and following route

• Learners line up – who is in front/behind

• Worksheet |Mini whiteboards


Worksheet |Describe position | |17 |Working with money |Identify coins |Q & A

Observation of mini whiteboard activity

Completion of card activity

Observation of worksheet activity |Mini whiteboard activity

• Matching coins to amounts

• Practical activity – make amounts of money up to £1 in different ways

• Using price lists – e.g. sweets with prices rounded to 1 significant figure

• Finding totals – using calculator to check

• Worksheet |Mini whiteboards

Matching card activity



Calculator |Recognise and select coins and notes | |18 |Working with money |Identify notes |Q & A

Observation of mini whiteboard activity

Completion of card activity

Observation of worksheet activity |Mini whiteboard activity

• Matching notes to value

• Practical activity – make amount of money up to £10

• Using price lists – whole number of pounds up to £10

• Finding totals – using calculator to check

• Worksheet |Mini whiteboards

Matching card activity



Calculator |Recognise and select coins and notes | |19 |Working with money |Work with money problems |Q & A

Observation of mini whiteboard activity

Completion of card activity

Observation of worksheet activity |Discusses associated language, cheapest, most expensive etc

• Mini whiteboard activity

• Menu activity

• Working out change and smallest number of coins to make change

• Worksheet |Mini whiteboards


Coins and notes |Recognise and select coins and notes | |20 |Working with shape |Work with shapes in 2-D |Q & A

Observation of mini whiteboard activity

Completion of card activity

Observation of worksheet activity |Discusses associated language – sides/edges and corners

• Mini whiteboard activity

• Matching card activity – shapes with number of edges

• Worksheet |Mini whiteboards


2-D shapes |Recognise and name common 2-D and 3-D shapes | |21 |Working with shape |Work with shapes in 3-D |Q & A

Observation of mini whiteboard activity

Completion of card activity

Observation of worksheet activity |Discusses associated language - edges corners and faces

• Mini whiteboard activity

• Worksheet – identifying

• number of faces, edges and corners for common 3-D shapes |Mini whiteboards


3-D shapes |Recognise and name common 2-D and 3-D shapes | |22 |Working with shape |Work with 2-D and 3-D shapes |Q & A

Observation of mini whiteboard activity

Completion of card activity

Observation of worksheet activity |Mini whiteboard activity

• Card activity – matching faces with names of 2-D shapes

• identifying 2-D and 3-D shapes in everyday life

• Worksheet |Mini whiteboards


2-D and 3-D shapes |Recognise and name common 2-D and 3-D shapes | |23 |Working with objects |Sort and classify objects |Q & A

Observation of mini whiteboard activity

Completion of card activity

Observation of worksheet activity |Discussion on types of list e.g. numerical, alphabetical

• Working with lists and sorting by number e.g. phone numbers beginning with the number 3

• Selecting by quantity – ask learners to sort into categories

• Mini whiteboard activity

• Worksheet |Mini whiteboards

Worksheet |Sort and classify objects practically using a single criterion | |24 |Working with objects |Sort and classify objects |Q & A

Observation of mini whiteboard activity

Completion of card activity

Observation of worksheet activity |Working with diagrammatic representation and sorting e.g. by shape or size

• Selecting by quality

• Mini whiteboard activity

• Worksheet |Mini whiteboards

Selection of objects to sort e.g. cutlery

Worksheet |Sort and classify objects practically using a single criterion | |25 |Revising functional maths | |Q & A

Observation of worksheet activity |Revision using sample assessments |Sample assessments

|all | |26 |Taking external assessments |Answer Entry Level 1 functional maths test questions |Marking of external assessment |External assessment – Set 1 papers |External assessments |all | |27 |Revising functional maths | | |Individual feedback on assessment and revision |External assessments |all | |28 |Taking external assessments |Answer Entry Level 1 functional maths test questions |Marking of external assessment |External assessment – Set 2 papers |External assessments |all | |29 |Revising functional maths | | |Individual feedback on assessment and revision |External assessments |all | |30 |Taking external assessments |Answer Entry Level 1 functional maths test questions |Marking of external assessment |External assessment – Set 3 papers |External assessments |all | |





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