Higher Self Bookstore

Spiritual Inspirer?January 2020313 E Front St ? ? ? ? ?| ? ? ? ??Traverse City, MI 49684 ? ? ? ?|? ? ? ??(231) 941-5805Greetings & Blessings from Higher Self...Happy New Year!!!!? We welcome 2020, a year of manifesting and being practical about what we do and create.? This month at Higher Self Bookstore we hope to provide you practical ways to bring into your life that which you desire – gain guidance and information through our Metaphysical Fair on Jan 18 or by participating in the Warrior Heart Practice workshop with Sandy on Jan 11.? Jeff will be showing you how to use the power of the Akashic Records to help manifest your heart’s desire in 2020. ?Tara will continue her writing class and showing you the universal language that exists through numbers, colors, symbols and more.? ?Jeff, Jo and Zach leave for Tucson to go to the Gem Show there at the end of the month so look for all their new-found treasures in February.? From all of us here at Higher Self Bookstore, we are wishing you a year full of things that make your soul sing, and we look forward in being a part of that with you.?Blessing and Be well…Your Higher Self Crew - Jo, Jeff, Zach, Allie, Andi, Kafi, and Tara plus all of our wonderful readers.?left000Welcome 2020!Finally, we are past those teenage years!? You all remember what your teenage years were like or those times for your kids.? Yes, we learned a lot, we experimented as we were looking to discover who we are and then emerged in our twenties still a little unexperienced but with a better sense of clarity and direction.? This is similar to the energy that 2020 will bring into our lives this year.? It’s a 4 year so that suggests it will be a year of building, of being practical, of applying what we’ve learned.? It will help show you how to rise above the challenges that you’ve been facing in a way that feels right to you.? The transition won’t be easy though as astrologically there are a whole lot of planets lining up in Capricorn.? This is the space of institutions, rules, organization.? So expect that the things that no longer serve you or the world will go through some major upheavals – yes we can expect more change as we shed the stuff that isn’t for our highest good even if we don’t see that in the moment.? By keeping the mantra “Letting Go” first and foremost in your mind and not taking things personally, you can help ease these transitions as you move towards that higher ground.? 2020 is also a year of manifesting!? But be forewarned -- be very clear in what you desire to manifest and don’t limit yourself.? The universe has so much to offer you, so as you set your intentions, we suggest adding the phrase “May it be this or so much more” releasing any limitations we may unintentionally place on ourselves.? ?Higher Self Bookstore we are excited for all the new energy that will be coming in, and we look forward to be, here in service to you as you follow your heart’s desire.left000Arcturian Messageby Marilyn?Champagne Raffaele?Dear Readers, greetings to all at this time of celebration and festivity.You are entering into a new year and not just in the calendar sense. Change is going to manifest in many areas of living that will be resisted by those who fear change and those who financially gain from keeping "business as usual". As increasingly more individuals awaken and spiritual consciousness expands, many commonly accepted social rules, words, actions, religious beliefs, laws etc. are being questioned.?The New Year is a time during which many make resolutions for some change in their lives but this year is going to be more expansive than ordinary New Year resolutions. Each day more people are realizing that some perfectly acceptable actions, thoughts, words, concepts and beliefs simply no longer resonate with them in the same way.?New Year resolutions are usually intellectually based in three dimensional concepts of how to be a good or healthy human. These things continue to play a part while on earth in human form, but for those living from a deeper level of truth and awareness, change will flow from within rather than from popular concepts. A person may be guided to eat lighter or exercise more, but the choice to do this will flow from intuitive guidance regarding what is appropriate for him/her personally rather than from blindly following some "expert".?Click?Here?to continue reading.left000The Universal LanguageFour consecutive Fridays, Beginning January 3 @ 7:00 – 9:00pm?with Tara Pobuda1/3 -?Numerology, 1/10 -?Colors, 1/17?-?Symbols, 1/24?-?Elements?This class is a 4-part series taking you on a journey of learning the Universal Language of Numbers, Colors, Symbols, Elements, and the importance of Soul Guidance. Tarot is a divine tool that guides you through a greater understanding of self and therefore opens a horizon of experience. The basis of understanding the art of the cards dates back hundreds of years and it reveals truth in connection to the Higher Self and those around you. This class will help you understand the everyday signs of recognition to enhance your Life.? Each and every class is different. The Four-Part Course of study is every Friday from 7-9pm.? Cost: $15???right000Warrior Heart Practice WorkshopSaturday, January 11 @ 1:00 - 3:00pm?with Sandy Brown?The Warrior Heart Practice?is a powerful new method to reconnect with our sense of authenticity and inner-knowing and realign with our true nature. Author of the bestselling book?Warrior Goddess Training,HeatherAsh?Amara has trained extensively in the Toltec tradition under the tutelage of?don?Miguel Ruiz, author of?The Four Agreements.??The Warrior Heart Practice?is a revolutionary system based on the four chambered structure of the human heart. Walking through each of the four chambers—Feeling, Story, Truth, and Intent—readers learn to take stock of their current emotional and mental state and reframe their situation in a new healing light.?Cost: $20, $10 with the purchase of the book?Warrior Heart Practice?left000The Akashic Records & 2020Thursday, January 16, 2020?6:30 – 8:30pm?with Jeff?The Akashic records are where all the information from our souls journey is kept and recorded. It is a written history of your past lives. In this class Jeff will explain what the akashic records are, how to access them and how you can use them to improve aspects in this lifetime. We will also explore them to see what 2020 has in store for you. You will leave with a new skill and tool to help improve your everyday life. Cost: $20.?NEW YEARS METAPHYSICAL FAIRSaturday, January 18, 2020?10:00am – 6:00pmStart the New Year off right and find out what 2020 has in store for you, what goals and plans to make, and how to make the most of what 2020 may bring. We will be offering a full day with over a dozen readers to help you in many areas, so bring your friends and stop down for a day of fun. * Tarot * Channeled Readings * Oracle Card Readings * Aura Photos * Angel Readings * Foot Reflexology * Numerology * Spirit/Power Animal Retrievals * Medium/Intuitive Readings * Refreshments*??Looking Ahead to February & More...?Community Meditation & SatsangEvery Tuesday in February:? 4, 11, 18 & 25 @ 7pm - 8:30pm?with Higher Self Staff?Deeksha Blessing and Meditation ??Thursday, February 6 & 22 @ 6:00 - 7:30pm?with Jane Hale?Sound BathSaturday, February 8 @ 4:00pm – 5:00pm?Sacred Belly Dance for BeginnersSunday, February 9 @ 11:15am – 12:15pm?with Amira Hamzar??Reiki ShareWednesday, February 12 @ 7:00 - 8:30pm?with Higher Self Staff?Advanced Reiki TrainingSaturday, February 15 @ 10am – 5:00pm?with Jo & Jeff Currier?Quantum Energy/Medical Intuitive SessionsSaturday, February 22 @ 11am – 7:00pm?with Kathleen Sherman?Foot Reflexology SessionsSaturday, February 22 @ 11am – 6:00pm?with Pat McGhan?Journey CircleWednesday, February 26 @ 7:00 - 8:30pm?with Higher Self Staff?Gem Show RevealThursday, February 27 – Sunday, March 1 open to close each day?Learn To JourneySaturday, February 29 @ 10am – 4:00pm?with Jeff???Click?HERE?to book a class!2020 Reiki Training?Advanced Reiki TrainingFebruary 15 @ 10am – 5:30pm each day?Reiki 1 & 2 TrainingApril 4 & 5 @ 10am – 5:30pm each day?2020 WorkshopsSummoning Your Personal Power WorkshopFriday, March 13- Sunday, March 15 with?Jeff CurrierIn this weekend workshop, we will take a deep look at using and reclaiming personal power and the proper use of power in an empowering and new way using shamanic concepts and methodologies. Click here for all the details.? Investment: $200Women’s RetreatFriday, March 20- Sunday, March 22BALANCE, balance, BALANCECan a RETREAT change the direction your life is heading?If you feel mired in the past or in past emotions…??If your relationships, your job, your thoughts “don’t fit” any more…??If you need a BIG BOOST of inspiration…If you really need to balance your time and personal energy…?If you’re seeking an illuminated path to transform how you are living…?then THIS is the retreat for you!??Why?? Well, besides this being an opportunity to experience a feminine coming together filled with the perfect blend of restorative balance and empowering speakers, multiple energetic happenings make this an excellent time to change your destiny and to connect with your own deep, innate wisdom.Our retreat happens immediately following the first equinox of the new decade!? Equinox is celebrated and honored as a time of balancing light and darkness, birth and death; it reminds us of the equalizing energies in and around our own personal lives. Knowing that this equinox happens in the spring when daylight starts to increase, we will be celebrating that the earth is preparing to “tip over” to more daylight.? Therefore, the spring equinox represents new light and life, new beginnings, seeds of change, and new pathways.? Now is the time to focus and move forward, in fresh, positive ways.? Are you ready?!?!?? Jump in to YOUR personal Self Equinox experience!Spring Equinox -- Self EquinoxTopics our guest presenters will be speaking on include Learning as You Go; Moving Beyond Grief; Creating Personal Balance; Visioning to Manifest Your Hopes, Goals, and Ambitions; Discovering Healthier Nutritional Lifestyles; and more.Restorative practices include Gentle Yoga; Crystal Singing Bowl Experience; Morning Tai Chi; Energy and Wellness Sessions; Natural Outdoor Setting; and more.??Total cost for the weekend will be?$322 per person, including?all meals and lodging, speakers and supplies.? RSVP and?deposit?of $100 (non-refundable) due by January 20, 2020 – full payments may be made at any time.? Final balance payments due March 11, 2020.? Please note -?each of the other retreats have filled quickly so please sign up early.?Click?HERE?to book a Workshop!Click here for an on-going, updated version of the?Higher Self Bookstoreupcoming classes & events calendar. munity WritingEach Monday, January 6,13,20, & 27 @ 6:30 – 7:30pm?with Tara Pobuda?Join Tara every Monday in January for community writing. Writing is very influential to our Higher Selves. Each course starts out with free writing and putting our minds into the healthy state of NOW. After the warm-up, there will be weekly assignments and free styled discussions, interpretations, and meditative work-outs to bring the best of ourselves on a piece of paper. This class will help you channel your Universal Mind and teach you different perspectives of growth within your greater being. Paper and pens will be provided but would prefer you to bring the materials for writing due to your personal connection with the tools themselves. All ages and All People are welcome. Cost: $5Community Meditation & SatsangEvery Tuesday?in January:? 7, 14, 21 & 28?@ 7pm - 8:30pm?with Higher Self StaffTraverse City Community Meditation & Satsang. Join your local community members for a free meditation class. Suitable for both beginners and experienced meditators, this class is open to people of all backgrounds and traditions. Class will start with a brief introduction to meditation, what it is, and how to meditate. After meditation, there will be time for spiritual Q&A (also known as "satsung" which means spiritual discourse or sacred gathering).? Just drop in…? Feel free to bring friends!? All are welcome! FREE community event.Deeksha Blessing & MeditationThursday, January 9 & 236:00 - 7:30pm?with Jane Hale?Jane Hale traveled to India in 2006 to receive training and initiation from Sri Amma-Bhagavan, the founders of the Oneness Blessing, also known as “Deeksha”. Deeksha is a transmission of divine energy which begins a process of neuro-biological shifts within the brain. When linear information in the parietal lobes is reduced, the recipient can feel a sense of boundless awareness and connection. Each transmission helps recipients learn to embody the great silence and peace, linking each of us to a more universal experience. Jane has been facilitating Deeksha in various settings, including the Higher Self Bookstore, for more than 13 years. In addition, she offers classes and sessions in T’aiji Gong, Movement Therapy and other healing arts. Cost: $15 Minimum Donation?Sacred Belly Dancefor BeginnersSunday, January 12th11:00am - 12:00pm?with Amira Hamzar??As far back as the matriarchal Sumerian times, women danced, feminine deities were worshiped, and the Goddess was seen as the creatrix and nurturer.? Throughout history, what became known as Belly Dance was passed down and has expressed these qualities.? These movements harmonized with the Moon phases and connected the dancers to the celestial rhythms.? Women today can utilize these same dance movements to help balance their energies.? All ages, sizes and shapes welcome.? No dance experience necessary.? Cost: $13?Reiki Share?Wednesday,?January 15?@ 7:00 - 8:30pm?with Jeff & Jo Currier?Our Reiki Share is open to everyone…those who are curious and want to experience Reiki… those that have experienced the joy and healing of Reiki…and those who are practitioners of Reiki at any level.??Reiki Share is offered at no cost, although donations are accepted in any way you feel guided – all donations are given to local community charities. Cost: Free —Benefit: Priceless.? Just drop in…? Feel free to bring friends?Check out our other services...?Psychic Tarot/Oracle ReadingsReiki HealingShamanic HealingHypnotherapyShamanic DivinationHouse/Land ClearingAccess Consciousness "The Bars"Past Life RegressionAromatherapy ConsulationScent TentChakra BalancingSound HealingAstrology Readings?Click?HERE?or call?(231) 941-5805?to schedule an appointment!????FOLLOW US??CONTACT US???Email?|?Website?|?@higherself?Newsletter Editor: Madie Begley? ................

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