Name __________________________________ Class _____ Date

Name _________________________________________ Date ___________________ Class _____

Holocaust Research Project


← Book and Internet Bibliography Cards and Note Cards Monday, March 3rd

(Class Work Grade)

← PowerPoint Outline Thursday, March 6th

(Class Work Grade)

← PowerPoint Presentation Monday, March 10th

(Test Grade) Wednesday, March 12th Thursday, March 13th


Your research project will consist of a PowerPoint or Prezi presentation that will answer the questions provided for your selected Holocaust topic. Using these questions, students will research and explain the details of their topic and its impact on the Holocaust. This will be accomplished by using research techniques of summarizing and paraphrasing from a variety of sources in the media center and at home. Each student will create a Power Point or Prezi presentation with text and pictures that will explain the Holocaust. The presentation will give detailed information about the topics impact on this horrendous time period in history.

Media Center Research/Workdays: Tuesday, February 25

Wednesday, February 26

Monday, March 3


The term Holocaust is used to define the mass killing of Jewish people by Adolf Hitler during World War II; he ostracized an entire race of people by deliberately discriminating and persecuting the Jewish population during World War II. Your research will reflect the impact of a specific topic on the Holocaust; you must convey your topic’s importance in this historic period. You will follow the outline to create a PowerPoint or Prezi which presents your research in an informative and creative fashion.

Everyone will use a minimum of four different sources to locate information that supports the topic. Students must use at least two books as well as internet sources listed on the media center webpage. Students are responsible for documenting source information for every source used on bibliography cards. Students will summarize and paraphrase appropriate information regarding these topics, and each student will create note cards to build information for the visual presentation. It is extremely important to include the source information (parenthetical citation information) on the notecards so points will not be deducted for plagiarism. Plagiarism is an unethical act of stealing someone else’s ideas and using them as your own. All source information will be included on the last slide of the presentation as the Bibliography.

The PowerPoint/Prezi will consist of a minimum of 10 slides/text boxes. The slides should follow the format detailed in the rubric. Each student will be able to select his/her own choice of background/picture, color combination, font, transitions, and sound. Remember, complete the content requirements first, and then spend time on the creative aspects of the presentation. The majority of the grade will be based on the summarization of the historical content given in the presentation. Your PowerPoint outline should be finished before you enter class on Thursday, March 6, so that you can devote your time on creating your PowerPoint presentation / Prezi.

Media Center PowerPoint / Prezi Workdays: Thursday, March 6

Friday, March 7


“How did my topic impact the Holocaust during WWII?”

|REQUIREMENTS |Possible Points |Actual Points |

|Slide/Textbox 1 Title Page w/ Picture |5 | |

|Font size must be 40 or larger in Power Point | | |

|Include your name, the date, and the class period | | |

|Slide/Textbox 2 Table of Contents w/ Picture |5 | |

|Include the topic of each slide/textbox 3-10 | | |

|Include a quote about the Holocaust at the bottom of slide | | |

|Slide/Textbox 3 Introduction w/ European Map |10 | |

|A paragraph with a hook (statistic, startling fact, question, or quote) about the Holocaust. | | |

|General background information about the Holocaust that will introduce the reader to your content slides. (5 W’s) | | |

|Include a thesis statement which introduces your topic as the main idea. (Expository Style Thesis Statement) | | |

|Minimum of 5-6 sentences | | |

|Slides/Textboxes 4 – 8 Holocaust Content Slides w/ Pictures |30 | |

|Include bullet points in your own words (at least three), and a picture for each topic. Remember, you will be filling | | |

|in the details for the bullet points as you discuss each topic during your presentation. List the questions/answers | | |

|/information to be included on each slide below: | | |

|Slide 4: __________________________________________ | | |

|Slide 5: __________________________________________ | | |

|Slide 6: __________________________________________ | | |

|Slide 7: __________________________________________ | | |

|Slide 8: __________________________________________ | | |

|Slide/Textbox 9 Concluding Paragraph w/ Picture |10 | |

|Restate the thesis and main ideas of the presentation | | |

|Conclude with a thought provoking statement about the your topic and the Holocaust | | |

|Minimum 5-6 sentences | | |

|Slide/Textbox 10 Bibliography (4 source minimum) (follow MLA) |10 | |

|Book and internet source information with correct punctuation | | |

|Alphabetized by author’s last name and indented correctly | | |

|“Plagiarism is an unethical act of stealing someone’s ideas and using them as your own” | | |

|Use writing text (pages 339-340) or | | |

|Presentation to class |30 | |

|Visual Presentation is grammatically correct | | |

|Adds more information/Doesn’t just read the presentation (Knows it) | | |

|Presentation reflects creativity | | |

|Overall effort and project quality | | |

|Comments: |100 | |

| | | |

| | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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