The Fall of the Roman Empire

The Fall of the Roman Empire

1) Chronology

ii) Below are a list of events leading to the decline of the Roman Empire. Put them into chronological order. Your Workshop teacher will help you make the timeline. Make sure you learn these dates.

AD 410 Alaric seized control of Rome.

AD 284 Diocletian divided empire into two in order to make it easier to control.

AD 211-284 there were 23 soldier-emperors during this time and 20 of them were killed by enemies.

27 BC – AD 180 This is called the 'Golden Period' of the Roman Empire because it was peaceful and prosperous.

AD 307 Constantine became first Christian emperor.

AD 476 Odovacar the Goth removed the last Western Roman emperor, Romulus Augustulus. The Western Roman Empire was finished.

AD 330 Constantine built a new capital in the east at Constantinople (Byzantium). Each of the two empires now had its own ruler.

AD 190 Barbarian tribes such as the Franks, the Goths and the Vandals started to invade the Empire.

AD 395 Alaric the Visigoth moved towards Rome.

AD 455 Rome was attacked again but this time by the Vandals.

ii) Make sure you know how to say the dates above.

2) Problems in the Empire

Look at the list of PROBLEMS which existed in the Roman Empire before its downfall.

-the empire was being attacked by fierce tribes like the Goths, Visigoths and Vandals.

-The emperors ruled badly and argued amongst themselves

-the empire was too big to control

-armies in the empire chose their own emperors and this led to civil war

-there was no fixed method of choosing the next emperor and this encouraged arguments and fighting.

-the population was falling and so the army was getting smaller

-the Roman army cost a lot of money – weapons, food, clothes, wages

-building new defences cost money which led to higher taxes which were unpopular

-the Romans allowed some tribes to live inside the empire but this encouraged their power

-barbarian tribes took control of Spain, Britain, France and North Africa


a) Put these problems in order of importance. Make sure you all agree.

b) Try to think of solutions for each of the problems.

c) Now write a discussion paper to be presented to the Emperor's advisers. You need to explain all the problems which face the empire and then suggest solutions to help the problems.

You will need to use certain language:

|Expressing an opinion: |

|It seems to me that .......................................................... |

|In my opinion ................................................................. |

|To my mind .................................................................... |

|I think / believe that ....................................................... |

|Suggestions: |

|I recommend that we .................................................... |

|We should + Verb ....................................................... |

|We ought to + Verb .................................................... |

|I suggest that we ............................................................ |

| |

|How about + Verb –ing ................................................ |

| |

|Why don’t we ............................................................... |

ACTIVITY: Cut out and put this timeline in the correct order.

AD 410 Alaric seized control of Rome.

AD 284 Diocletian divided empire into two in order to make it easier to control.

AD 211-284 there were 23 soldier-emperors during this time and 20 of them were killed by enemies.

27 BC – AD 180 This is called the 'Golden Period' of the Roman Empire because it was peaceful and prosperous.

AD 307 Constantine became first Christian emperor.

AD 476 Odovacar the Goth removed the last Western Roman emperor, Romulus Augustulus. The Western Roman Empire was finished.

AD 330 Constantine built a new capital in the east at Constantinople (Byzantium). Each of the two empires now had its own ruler.

AD 190 Barbarian tribes such as the Franks, the Goths and the Vandals started to invade the Empire.

AD 395 Alaric the Visigoth moved towards Rome.

AD 455 Rome was attacked again but this time by the Vandals.


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