1 What worries me is the amount of time kids spend on computer games.Kid s who spend too much time on computer games worry me the most.2 The reason online education is so popular is simply its convenience.The popularity of on line education is due to / because of / is owing to its convenience3 What technology does is replace face-to-face communication.Face to face communication is being replaced by technology4 It’s only people with too much time to waste who use social networking sites.Those who use social network sites are the ones who only have too much time to waste.5 The worst thing is that our personal data is all over the Internet.The fact that our data is all over the internet is the worst thing / and as a consequence dating sites are dangerous / which makes dating sites dangerous6 It’s these online dating sites that are dangerous.7 It is only / just older people who still prefer printed books.Printed books are preferred only by the elderly.Those who still prefer printed books / publications are only the older generation and as a result no one is going to purchase books and subsequently / consequently / and there is no doubt /undoubtedly unemployment in this sector will grow.8 What the government shouldn’t do is monitor and regulate people’s Internet usePeople?s internet use should not be monitored and regulated by the government in order that the public?s privacy is not only respected but protected. ................

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