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The Good Guy Guide Swipes***Don't forget to replace XXXXX with your Clickbank ID in all the links. Video Lander swipes, Opt-in swipes and Article Lander swipes are below the main swipes (main swipes go to main sales page).***Main Sales Page Swipe:Subject: The Four-Letter Word That Makes Women Want You...Subject: The 4-Letter Word That Makes Women Want You...Hey Man,Did you know that there's a four-letter word that makes women want you?In fact, if you follow what it says, you'll spike a woman's attraction through the roof...And, if you don't follow what it says, you'll KILL any attraction she feels for you guaranteed.My good friend Jim explains:==>The 4-Letter Word That Makes Women Want You (Click Here)…()Here's the best part: No "tricks," fancy cars, or six-pack abs are required to use the four-letter word to make any woman want you.And you don't have to pretend to be someone you're not...Just apply the four-letter word using your unique personality and she's yours.Check it out here now:==>The 4-Letter Word That Makes Women Want You (Click Here)…()Let me know how it goes!Cheers,Your NameP.S. You might be ruining your chances with women without even knowing it simply because you’re missing ONE little part of the 4-letter word...So, make sure you know the whole thing:==>The 4-Letter Word That Makes Women Want You (Click Here)…()Video Lander Swipe # 1 of 2 (Best to send on a Monday at midnight or Tuesday):Subject: The 4-Letter Word That Makes Women Want You...Subject: The 4-Letter Word That Makes Women Want You (new video)...Hey Man,Did you know that there's a four-letter word that makes women want you?In fact, if you follow what it says, you'll spike a woman's attraction through the roof...And, if you don't follow what it says, you'll KILL any attraction she feels for you guaranteed.My good friend Jim explains in this new video:==>The 4-Letter Word That Makes Women Want You (Click Here)…()Here's the best part: No "tricks," fancy cars, or six-pack abs are required to use the four-letter word to make any woman want you.And you don't have to pretend to be someone you're not...Just apply the four-letter word using your unique personality and she's yours.Check it out here now:==>The 4-Letter Word That Makes Women Want You (Click Here)…()It’s 100% FR*EE to watch (for a limited time) and there’s nothing to sign up for, so don’t miss out on this powerful intel.Watch the video here now:==>The 4-Letter Word That Makes Women Want You (Click Here)…()Let me know how it goes!Cheers,Your NameVideo Lander Swipe #2 of 2 (Send the next day to the entire list...):Subject: Which step(s) are you missing?Subject: 4 Steps to Make Any Woman Want You (new video)Have you ever thought you had an awesome connection with a woman or had a great time hanging out with her and then, all of a sudden, she DISAPPEARS?No more text messages. No more hanging out.She's GONE.If yes, you're not alone.See, most guys ruin their chances with every woman they meet without even knowing it...And, here’s why: There’s a 4-step process that will attract any woman...If you follow all four steps, she’s yours.However, if you miss even one of the 4 steps, you’ll completely destroy any attraction she ever felt for you as if you blew it up with bricks of C4...Most guys are pretty good at one or two of the steps, yet they don’t know about the other steps and it KILS their chances with women.Luckily, my good friend Jim reveals all four steps in this new video (FR*EE):==>The 4 Steps That Make Women Want You (Click Here)…()When you finish watching, you'll know the 4 steps involved in ALL successful interactions with women...And again, if even ONE of them is missing, you have absolutely no chance with her, so make sure you watch the presentation until the very end.==>The 4 Steps That Make Women Want You (Click Here)…()Let me know how it goes for you.Have an awesome day,Your NameP.S. Almost forgot…keep watching until the entire 4-step process is revealed. It’s insanely powerful. Plus, it’s completely F-REE; there’s absolutely no obligation to buy anything and the tips in the video are PURE GOLD. Check it out…==>The 4 Steps That Make Women Want You (Click Here)…()Texting E-Book Opt-In Swipe:Subject: NEVER Send Her This Text…Hey Man,Have you ever had something going with a woman and then, all-of-a-sudden, she STOPS texting you back…We all have. And it SUCKS!It’s a little bit insane how even SMALL mistakes, especially when it comes to something as silly as texting, can instantly turn a woman off FOREVER no matter how awesome you are.Well, that’s just the way it is…so we have to make sure our texting is always on point.Luckily, my friend Jim has created the ultimate guide to texting women…and today I want to offer it to you AS A FR*EE GIFT just because you’re awesome (and I don’t want you to lose women over something as silly as texting)!This powerful guide reveals the 7 most important principles that allow you to consistently attract beautiful, high-quality women...And, more importantly, NOT SCREW THINGS UP with them. You will DISCOVER:The one text you must NEVER send any woman if you want to have a chance with her…The 3 BIGGEST TEXTING MISTAKES men make and how to avoid them…How to use texting to get her chasing you, spike her attraction, and keep her interested…And, MOST IMPORTANTLY: How to NOT screw up your chances with a woman with something as silly as texting…Claim your copy now:==>F-REE E-Book: 7 Texting Principles That Make Her Want You (Click Here)()Don’t let little green, blue, and grey boxes with words on a digital screen ruin your chances with women…Grab your copy now:==>F-REE E-Book: 7 Texting Principles That Make Her Want You (Click Here)()Enjoy the book and let me know how it goes.Best,YOUR NAMEArticle Lander 1 Swipe:ARTICLE LANDERS COMING SOON... ................

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