WORKS CITED FORMAT GUIDESourceProper Citation Method and ExampleBook with 1 authorAuthors Last Name, First Name. Title of the Book. City of Publication: Name of Publisher, Year. Medium of Publication.Example:Jones, Stephen. Walk of a Lifetime. Salt Lake City: Brown Publishers, 2002. Print. Book with 2 or 3 authorsAuthors Last Name, First Name and Second Author’s Full Name. Title of the Book. City of Publication: Name of Publisher, Year. Medium of Publication.Example:Jones, Stephen and Bridgette Spackman. Listen to Your Dreams. New York: Mifflin Press, 2009. Print.Book with many authorsFirst Author’s Last Name, First Name, et al. Title of the Book. City of Publication: Name of Publisher, Year. Medium of Publication.Example:Blackburn, Judy, et al. The Truth About Junk Food. Chicago: Montgomery Press, 2008. Print. Encyclopedia“Title of Article.” Name of Encyclopedia. Edition Year. Medium of Publication.Example: “Recycling.” Encyclopedia Britannica. 2010 ed. Print. WebsiteAuthors Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Title of Web Page. Name of Sponsor. Web. Date Researcher accessed the source. Example:Barlow, Michael. “Healthy Eating in Today’s World.” Barlow’s Tips For Eating. Juniper Enterprises. Web. 21 July 2010. Magazine ArticleAuthor’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Name of Magazine. Date of Publication: Page Numbers. Medium of Publication. Example: Erickson, Dennis. “Kicking the Tobacco Habit.” Men’s Health. 14 Aug 2010: 13-14. PrintBlog PostAuthor’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Blog Post Entry.” Blog Title. Publisher. Date Posted. Web. Date Accessed.Example:Brown, Sara. “Always on My Mind.” How to Survive Dating. Blogspot. 1 Feb 2012. Web. 31 Jan 2018.YouTube VideoTitle of Video. Date of Publication of Video. YouTube. Web. Date Accessed. Example:Eating for Life. 11 Mar 2018. YouTube. Web. 21 Mar 2018. ................

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