SBPllO Funda m e ntals of the FAR for Small Business ...

SBPllO Fundam entals of the FAR for Small Business Professionals lesson 0.1 - Course Introduction

W e l co m e

The SBPllO course introduces FAR Fundamentals in

a web- based curriculum for new Small Business

Professionals (SBPs) in the Federal Acquisition

Regulation (parts 1-53) and the Defense Federal

Acquisition Regulation Supplement ( DFARS). It

consists of self-paced Web-based modules and

application - based learning Caps tone exercises.

The course will allow you to apply your knowledge of

the purpose and struc ture o f the FAR and DFARS by

utilizing them to loca te rules governing small

business participation in DoD acquisitions.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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