Esa Or 529 Dave Ramsey

[Pages:3]Esa Or 529 Dave Ramsey

If you'd like to save more than $2,000 per year, or if your income disqualifies you from participating in an ESA, you can save for your baby's college in a 529 plan. ESA vs 529. Wade Suhr DAVE RAMSEY'S BABY STEP 5! NY's 529 College Savings.

But do your homework first! Depending on your income and what state you live in, a 529 might be better than an ESA. All that's left then is to get started!

He is also the host of the nationally syndicated The Dave Ramsey Show, and is a regular Our son is 6 years old, and we have $18,000 in a 529 plan for him. Q. What happens to the money in an ESA if the child gets a scholarship and no. Lastly - should I look into other ESA options? What about 529's? I have no clue what I am doing. Thanks! Edited: 12/06/2014 at 12:59 PM by MyTMMO User. And unlike a Coverdell ESA, money within a 529 plan can't be used for K-12 "A family friend turned us on to Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University,".

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