Presbyterian Church SteepleTalk

[Pages:12]Davidson College Presbyterian Church


Out with the Old--In with the New! (Watch Night)

2017 has been a hard year for most people. The news has been challenging to say the least. Here are the top 10 news stories of 2017 according to NBC News:

1). The New President (Women's March on Washington) 2). The Mueller Investigation 3). Greater tensions with North Korea 4). The #Me Too Movement 5). The Massacres in Las Vegas and Texas 6). Terrorism in Popular Tourist Destinations (London, Stockholm, Manchester, Barcelona, & Lower Manhattan) 7). The Opioid Epidemic 8). The Devastating Hurricane Season 9). The Total Solar Eclipse and 10). The Culture Wars (Removing Confederate Statues, Re-emergence of the Alt-Right, Charlottesville, Football Players kneeling for the Star-Spangled Banner).

Undoubtedly, this is an incomplete list, but it serves as a good reminder for what we've been through.

Many Christian denominations (Moravians, Methodists, Baptists, Pentecostals, and African American Churches) have a tradition on New Year's Eve, called "Watch Night." Watchnight services are held late on New Year's Eve, and end after midnight. This provides the opportunity to review the year that has passed and make confession, and then prepare for the year ahead by praying and resolving. The services often include singing, praying, exhorting, and preaching.

Watchnight services have added significance and history in the African-American community in the United States, since many slaves were said to have gathered in churches on New Year's Eve, in 1862, to await news and confirmation of the enactment of the Emancipation Proclamation by President Abraham Lincoln, on January 1, 1863. 2017 is the 155th anniversary of this tradition.

According to the Rev. Joan Harrell, "it is a tradition in the Black Church in America that five minutes before midnight, men, women and children will kneel, hold hands and pray to God from the present year into the New Year."

I think the Watchnight tradition could benefit, not only Presbyterians, but Christians and people of faith of all persuasions--to gather together and pray for the healing of the wounds and divisions in our society that have been intentionally exacerbated in 2017, particularly regarding race.

The current Co-Moderators of the PCUSA General Assembly, Denise Anderson and Jan Edmiston (a North Carolina native!) have been encouraging all PCUSA congregations to study the book, Waking Up White, by Debbie Irving (; here's an article about their effort: and a study guide to the book: waking_up_white_study_english.pdf

It would be a wonderful thing for hundreds of people in our own congregation and community to gather in small groups or individually to study this book and then put its wisdom into thoughtful practice. I'll volunteer to lead a group myself!

Yes, 2017 was a difficult year and 2018 will have its challenges, as well. But the words of Margaret Mead are still

true: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever

In This Issue...


Worship/Planning/Adult F.F. 2

Jesus, of course, knew this, too. He did it with a small group of Retreat/Clothing Drive/Financial Peace 3


PNC Nominees 4

Blessings for 2018, Pastor Scott

Missions 6 Music/Men's/Young Adults 8

Children's Ministry 9

Click on the link as a shortcut to the page

Youth/SAGES 10 DCPC Information 12

January SteepleTalk 2018


January 2018 Worship & Liturgical Schedule

News from the Planning Committee

Saturday, January 6th ~ Epiphany of the Lord

Isaiah 60:1-6; Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14; Ephesians 3:1-12; Matthew 2:1-12

Sunday, January 7th ~ Baptism of the Lord (8:30, 9:45, & 11:00 am)

Renewal of Baptismal Vows/Ordination/Installation of New Church Officers (Elders/Deacons)

Genesis 1:1-5; Psalm 29; Acts 19:1-7; Mark 1:4-11

Scott Kenefake, Preaching *Congregational Meeting, 10:40 am, Sanctuary, for the

election of Pastor Nominating Committee

Sunday, January 14th ~ 2nd Sunday after Epiphany Sacrament of Holy Communion (8:30, 9:45, & 11:00 am)

1 Samuel 3:1-10, (11-20); Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18; 1 Corinthians 6:1220; John 1:43-51

Claire George-Drumheller, Preaching

Sunday, January 21st ~ 3rd Sunday after Epiphany (8:30, 9:45, & *11:00 am)

Jonah 3:1-5, 10; Psalm 62:5-12; 1 Corinthians 7:29-31; Mark 1:14-20

*Sacrament of Holy Baptism, Connor Gorman, 11:00 am Scott Kenefake, Preaching

Sunday, January 28th ~ 4th Sunday after Epiphany (8:30, 9:45, & 11:00 am)

Deuteronomy 18:15-20; Psalm 111; 1 Corinthians 8:1-13; Mark 1:2128

Robert Alexander, Preaching

Adult Faith Formation

On November 18 the Staff and Officers and newly elected officers had a Retreat at The Pines. We thought members of the Congregation might like to know something about this event so we asked Deacon Pat Rickert to write about her experience. Here's what she has to say:

I thoroughly enjoy the opportunity to gather with DCPC brethren as each time seems to afford a chance to deepen a relationship or even meet someone I did not previously know. The recent Officer Retreat did not disappoint. We opened with an interview of Pastor Scott conducted by John Ryan that helped us learn about our new leader's background, schooling, family, and faith journey. The lighthearted format of that session helped pave the path as we move forward to the next chapter of our church life. Our time together was largely spent in small group discussion with dialogue centering on our own spiritual autobiographies followed by creating a wish list for new ideas/improvements/enhancements at DCPC. When we came back together, the brainstorming session of each small group was shared, and it was quite interesting to hear both new thoughts as well as a number of items we all had in common. Listening as each group shared their list I was amazed at the breadth and scope of our church.

Thanks to Pat for sharing her experience. I'm sure others who participated would be glad to share their experience with you as well.

Covenant (9:45 a.m. Congregation House) January 7, 14, 21, and 28. George Ramsey, Professor Emeritus of Religion at Presbyterian College, will present four sessions on the Book of Amos. Amos was called by God from the life of a shepherd to cross over the border from his native Judah into the northern kingdom of Israel to be a prophet of the Lord. Amos proved to be a metaphorical boundary-crosser as well, as he sought to dissolve the boundaries between religion and politics, between worship and service, and between "us" and "them." In a time when our world and our churches are divided on issues of theology, politics, economics, government and morality, Amos indeed speaks a relevant prophetic word.

Maloney (9:45 a.m. Parlor) Jan. 7: A Sincere Faith: Daniel 1:8-21 Jan. 14: A Bold Faith: Daniel 3 Jan. 21: A Prayer for an Obedient Faith: Daniel 9:1-19 Jan. 28: A Strong Faith: Daniel 10; 11

The Pines (Marshall Room) See Maloney Class

Jubilee (9:45 a.m. Upper Room) The Jubilee Class will continue examining the following readings in The Day the Revolution Began, by N.T. Wright, a groundbreaking biblical scholar and theologian: Jan. 7: Chapter 13: "The Death of Jesus in Paul's Letter to the

Romans" Jan. 14: Chapter 14: "Passover People" Jan. 21: Chapter 15: "The Powers and the Power of Love" Jan. 28: Chapter 14: Concluding Review

January SteepleTalk 2018


Congregational Retreat @ Montreat

Mark your calendar now for our annual Congregational Retreat in Montreat, NC, January 19-21, 2018! Our retreat leader is Jeannie Dubose, wife of Montreat Conference Center's president Richard DuBose and the daughter-in-law of our own Bill & Sally DuBose! Jeannie is a licensed counselor and spiritual director with offices in Black Mountain, NC.

Our 2018 theme is Knowing Self, Knowing Others, Knowing God. According to Thich Nhat Hanh, a Vietnamese Buddhist monk and peace activist, who lives in southwest France, "The real miracle is not to walk on water but to walk on encounter God right in the present moment when we are washing the dishes, looking at a flower, looking into the eyes of another." Participants of the retreat will be invited to distinguish between narcissistic navel-

gazing and the theological relevance of how deepening one's knowledge of self and others can lead to a fuller communion with God.

Programs and activities will be available for the whole family ? adults, children and youth. You will have free time to explore Montreat and Black Mountain, hike the trails of Montreat and participate in our annual Saturday night Variety Show!

Registration details and cost can be found in a brochure that will be emailed in mid-November. You will also find a link to register online on the DCPC website. If you have any questions, please contact Robert Alexander or John Ryan. Please plan on spending a rejuvenating weekend in Montreat with your church family!

The Stephen Ministry program is again sponsoring the upcoming Lenten Devotional Book. The theme this year is "I Believe...". We invite you to consider making a contribution to the book. We have typically encouraged all sorts of expression in word or works of art, such as photography, sculpting, fiber art, colleague, prose, poetry, etc. Look for an email from us on January 2nd with all the information regarding your submission for this wonderful gift to the community. Lenten books will be distributed and available electronically beginning Sunday, February 11. 2018

January Winter Clothing Drive

Once again, Circle 7 is coordinating the January winter clothing drive for Lydia's Loft. Lydia's Loft in Huntersville is one of the biggest clothing banks in the region, assisting thousands of needy families each year. Please donate gently used or new coats, bed linens, towels and wash cloths, blankets, or new socks and underwear. Items can be placed in the marked collection bins in the hallways near the church office.

Please contact Vicki Gray at 704-999-4546 if you have any questions.

Financial Peace University

Starting in January for 9 weeks, the Adult Faith Formation Committee will be offering the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University classes beginning on Monday evenings from 6:30 ? 8:00 p.m. Erika and Phil Batten have volunteered to teach and are graduates of the class. For a nominal membership fee of $109 (purchased through the Dave Ramsey website,) you will receive all the materials you need to take control of your financial future. Some of the classes include: Cash flow planning, Real estate and Mortgages, Insurance, Retirement and Planning, and Dumping Debt. This is the money class that can change lives!

You can begin registering for this class online through the church website. Childcare available on request. Please direct any questions to John Ryan.

January SteepleTalk 2018


The Nominating Committee proposes the following slate of nine DCPC members to serve as the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) to conduct the search for our new pastor/head of staff:

D. Lynn Burris is a lifelong Presbyterian, and has served as an ordained elder for over 40 years in the Presbyterian Church USA. During his 40+ years at DCPC, he has served on many committees past and present and is currently serving on Membership, Property, Planning and as a Stephen Minister. Lynn and his wife Marjorie raised their daughters as members of this church. He retired from a banking career with Bank of America and its predecessors in both Greensboro and Charlotte. Lynn has served in various Presbytery positions over some 20 years and currently serves as a member of the Presbytery's Committee on Ministry. He served on the Presbytery's Search Committee of the current "Transitional General Presbyter". He fully supports the Charlotte Presbytery as it moves into a new format as the PCUSA finds stability for the future. Additionally, he has represented the Charlotte Presbytery at the Mid-Atlantic Synod in Richmond as it worked through re-organizations and served on two search committees for Synod executives. Lynn was a Commissioner to PCUSA General Assemblies in Long Beach and Detroit.

Cecil Clifton is a graduate of Davidson College ('68) and the Lumpkin School of Law at the University of Georgia ('75). He is now retired after 35 years of law practice, the last nine as chief legal officer of PruittHealth, a multi-line long term care company. Before attending law school, he served in the US Army as an Armed Forces Courier. One of his favorite activities was coaching youth sports. In Georgia, he served First Presbyterian Church of Toccoa as a deacon and an elder, a member of a PNC, youth group leader, and he taught Sunday school. Cecil served Northeast Georgia Presbytery as a member of the Presbytery Council, Committee on Preparation for the Ministry, and Moderator. After retiring in 2011, he and his wife, Jennie, moved to Davidson, where he helped start DavidsonLearns and worked with E2D. At DCPC, he is a newly elected elder, sings in the Chancel Choir, helps with VBS, and has enjoyed working on Habitat builds. He and Jennie have two sons and four grandchildren.

Scott Galloway and his wife Monica joined DCPC in 1999. They have three children: Beach (20), Brody (16) and Bella (15). Scott has served as an Elder on the Session and in January will join the Diaconate and become a member of the SAGES committee. During his time at DCPC, he has served on the following committees: A&P, Community Missions, Communications Taskforce, Faith & Family Formation and Membership. He has also participated on three nominating committees: Officer, Interim Pastor and Youth Ministry. He has taught Confirmation classes and currently serves as a substitute Sunday School teacher.

Rosemary Klein came to Davidson in 1971 with her husband Ben, who was joining the mathematics faculty at Davidson College. She and Ben joined DCPC shortly after their arrival. Rosemary has sung in the choir, taught Sunday school, served on the Diaconate, serving as chair of that body, the Campus Ministry committee, Community Missions committee, and the Worship Committee. She has led the Nicaragua Partnership since its inception, and has made numerous trips to Nicaragua. Currently she is completing her term on the Session and as chair of the Global Missions committee. She is the co-chair of the Blythe Elementary School team, and volunteers weekly in a Blythe classroom. She is one of the directors of the Amigos tutoring program, which targets the Latino community in Huntersville. She is a member of the Geneva Choir, and teaches 4th and 5th grade Sunday school. She is a member of the Mission, Justice and Outreach committee of the Presbytery of Charlotte, and is the chair of the Presbytery committee for the Self Development of People. She enjoys traveling, hiking, running, reading, and playing harpsichord, piano and recorder. Rosemary and Ben have two grown sons and two granddaughters.

Cissi Lyles is a native North Carolinian, having been born in Charlotte and moving to Wilmington with her family later. She is a graduate of Davidson College and works at her alma mater as Manager of Guest Services for the college. She is a lifelong Presbyterian and has been a member of DCPC since 1986 when she and her husband Steedman joined shortly after they were married. She has served in multiple capacities, including ruling elder, deacon, moderator of the diaconate, Worship committee, Stewardship committee, New Member committee , Pines Connection committee, and senior high advisor. Cissi also previously served in leadership positions with the local Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops and she currently serves on the board of Visit Lake Norman. Cissi and Steedman have three grown children ? JS, Betsy, and George ? who were baptized and confirmed at DCPC.

January SteepleTalk 2018


Susan Manning has been a member of DCPC since 1994 and is an ordained Elder, serving on the DCPC Session for multiple terms as well as one term on the Session from her previous church in Raleigh prior to moving to Davidson. She has served as the DCPC Clerk of Session. Susan has chaired the Worship and A&P Committees at DCPC and has also served on the Christian Education, Congregation Care and Planning Committees. She is a trained Stephen Minister and Stephen Leader, and was involved in establishing Stephen Ministry at DCPC in 2006. She has taught Sunday School, Disciple Bible Study, and is currently facilitating one of the Covenant Bible Study classes. She is a member of the Chancel Choir and one of DCPC's wedding coordinators. She has previously served on a Pastor Nominating Committee (Allen Brindisi), an Associate Pastor Nominating Committee (Kathy Beach Verhey), and twice on Interim Pastor Search Committees (Russell Mase and Bill Cockrill). Susan is a Human Resources professional, having served more than 25 years in various HR leadership roles in state and local government in North Carolina. She is retired as the HR Director of Mecklenburg County and currently provides HR consulting services to local governments and non-profits. She has utilized her professional experience in her work at DCPC on the A&P and Planning Committees to develop and recommend staffing plans, updates to the DCPC Employee Manual, and staff compensation. Susan was married to Bob Manning until his death in 2015 and has three children, three stepchildren and twelve grandchildren. She enjoys traveling, reading, and music.

Mary Muchane has been a member at DCPC since 1999 and served on the Session from 2009-2012. Mary was involved with the Christian Education Committee for over five years. She has taught elementary and middle school Sunday School and is currently co-leading the confirmation class of 2018. Mary is also a key participant in DCPC's Global Missions partnership with Sigona Presbyterian in Kikuyu, Kenya. Mary, her husband, Mur, and their two sons, Michael and Mark, live in Davidson. Michael is a junior at Wake Forest University and Mark is an 8th grader at J. M. Alexander Middle School. A geologist by training, Mary started her education in Nairobi, received her masters from the University of Sheffield, and her doctorate from Duke University. She worked for several years as an environmental scientist and now directs the Office of Grants and Contracts at Davidson College, a position she has held since 2005. Mary's hobbies include collecting rocks, cooking, and reading biographies of Christian women.

Steve Scruggs was born in Statesboro, Georgia and moved to the Charlotte area when he was five. After graduating from South Mecklenburg High School, he went on to earn a bachelor's degree at NC State University and an MBA from Wake Forest University. Since joining DCPC in 2001, he has served on the Endowment Committee, Stewardship Committee and on the Session as an ordained Elder. He has also served on the boards of the Bethlehem Center of Charlotte, Kindermourn, Johnston YMCA, Davidson Community Players and A Giving Spirit Foundation. Steve is married to Katie (Bragg) and has four daughters (Lulu, Clara, Emma and Julia). When not working at Bragg Financial Advisors in Charlotte, he enjoys hunting, golfing, cooking and hopelessly pulling for the NC State Wolfpack.

Suzanne Worely is a fifth generation Charlottean. Suzanne grew up at First Presbyterian Church where she began ringing handbells as a youth, and continued to ring when she was a student at Eckerd College. She continues to enjoy ringing here at DCPC with the Tower Ringers. After serving in the past as VBS Missions coordinator and as a member of the planning team for Congregational Retreat at DCPC, Suzanne is now completing her service as a Deacon for the past three years. During that time she has also been a member of the Common Grounds Fellowship Committee. Suzanne and her husband Steven have attended DCPC since 2009, and have two children--Ben is in 5th grade, and Katie Claire is in 1st grade. Suzanne has worked as an Occupational Therapist for 14 years at Trinity Oaks retirement community in Salisbury.

The 2017 DCPC Nominating Committee sincerely appreciates the many recommendations, thoughts and suggestions received from the congregation

over the past few months.

Sallie Kerr, Phyl Justus, Linda Griffeth, Dennis Appleyard, David Batty, Greg Fawcett and Dottie Sloan

January SteepleTalk 2018


Christmas Eve, 7:30 p.m. Candlelight Service

Room in the Inn Underway! Sign up to volunteer!

Room in the Inn season is upon us. Each Friday night we will host guests in our Congregation House through the ministry of Urban Ministries in Charlotte. If you would like to volunteer for one or more nights , click here. Here you can see one of our coordinators, Jane Campbell, giving instructions to one of our volunteer groups.

January SteepleTalk 2018

Join Us for a Summer Mission Trip to Nicaragua!

This summer we will conduct another trip to Kilambe, Nicaragua to meet with our partners. We plan to be gone June 15-23, 2018. If you are interested in learning more about this trip please contact Robert Alexander at ralexander@ or join us for an Information Meeting on January 28 at 4 pm or February 4 at 12:15. An info packet will be available online and by the Global Mission bulletin board.


Thanks for supporting White Gift!

On December 10th our youth did a fabulous job of sharing the story of the nativity with us. And you did a great job of sharing food and financial gifts to help end hunger. Financial donations for food totaled $1147.00. Food donations were also abundant! 71 bags of groceries were donated as well! Great work DCPC Family!

Thanks for giving to The Christ-

mas Joy Gift Offering!

Our Christmas Joy Offering supports scholarships to our Presbyterian Racial/Ethnic Schools and the Board of Pensions Assistance Program. Your generous contributions to this offering make a difference for retired church workers who are struggling to get by. They also help young students find the resources they need to improve their educational options and succeed in life. To date the funds collected from DCPC for this offering are $3748.00.

Alternative Gift Fair a Great Success!

This year our Alternative Gift Fair, launched during Christmas in Davidson focused on four of our partnerships ? 2 global and 2 local. We are so grateful for the generous contributions that have been made to support these mission partnerships. To date, the contributions brought in total $9713.00. They break down as follows ? Blythe Partnership - $2142.00 ? Habitat for Humanity 2018 House - $1587.00 ? Kenya Partnership - $2293.00 ? Nicaragua Partnership - $3691.00.

Thank You For

Contributing to Angel Tree!

Through our partnership with Safe Alliance we contributed hundreds of Christmas gifts that served nearly 250 families who have suffered pain due to domestic violence. You gave so generously and the gifts you purchased and delivered to the church were transported to Safe Alliance in Charlotte where they were incorporated into the Safe Alliance Holiday Store. Thanks again for helping to make a difference and bring about transformation in the lives of others.

January SteepleTalk 2018


Multi-talented Rising Star Organist Opens 2018 Program

Charlotte native Chase Loomer, completing his senior year in organ performance with David Higgs at Eastman School of Music in Rochester, NY, returns home to play an impressive and enjoyable program on January 15 as the first artist of 2018 in Organ at Davidson's 12th annual series.

Organ at Davidson performances begin at 7:30 p.m. Mondays in the sanctuary. The free recitals are followed by a meet-the-artist reception hosted by Friends of the Organ. Donations to expand the 12-year-old series are appreciated.

Loomer's program opens with the first movement of Widor's Symphony no. 6, followed by Brahms' Fugue in Ab Minor and Messiaen's Dieu Parmi Nous. The second half selections feature Calvin Hampton's Lullaby, J.S. Bach's Trio Sonata no. 2 and concludes with Persichetti's movements 2 & 3 from his Sonata for Organ.

Currently Assistant Organist at Greece, New York's Bethany Presbyterian Church, Chase Loomer served Mooresville's Centre Presbyterian Church as interim organist as well as having summer music internships at Charlotte churches Covenant Presbyterian and Christ Episcopal. In Rochester he was a VanDelinder Fellow at Christ Church, awarded the inaugural Casparini Prize for excellence in organ performance.

During high school years January's recitalist was a fivetime recipient of the valued Stigall Scholarship. In recent years Chase Loomer has won first place and judges' notice in American Guild of Organists' competitions throughout the southeast. His previous teachers have included Dr. Patrick Scott, Dr. Katie Ann McCarty. He also studied piano with Dr. Dylan Savage and the late Dr. Ruskin Cooper.

In 2016 Chase Loomer was featured as a Rising Star at the American Guild of Organists' National Convention in Houston and attended the Organ Historical Society Convention as an E. Power Biggs Fellow. Additionally he was a featured young artist at the 2017 Pipe Organ Encounter Advanced in Birmingham, Ala.

Men's Ministry

Our Brindisi Men's Bible Study meets every Tuesday morning in the DCPC Parlor. Join them at 8:00 a.m. for Bible Study, fellowship, and prayer. They are currently studying the Book of the Revelation. Resource books are available. Contact the church office.

Our Thursday Morning Men's Group meets from 7-8 a.m. in the Parlor at DCPC. During the month of January we will consider several topics brought by group members for discussion. Join us for discussion, fellowship, and prayer each Thursday morning.

January SteepleTalk 2018

This is not an exclusive group but it is primarily for adults between the ages of 20-40 ? single, married, with or without kids ? it doesn't matter. We gather for fellowship and faith formation. Contact John Ryan if you are interested.



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