THE SERVANT LINK - JRBA – James River Baptist Association




James River Baptist Association

P. O. Box 1219, Dillwyn, VA 23936

Rev. Jimmy Dunn – Moderator

Tel: 434-983-7385 Email: jrba@

Hours: Monday & Wednesday 8:30 AM – 2:30 PM


Volume XIV August 2015 Edition VIII


August 1 Straight Street School Supply Distribution at Straight Street Building on Route 20 9:00 – 10:00 AM

For information, call Michelle at 434-983-1745.

August 2 HOMECOMING at Cedar

Sunday School – 10:00 AM, Worship Service – 11:00 AM with lunch immediately following. Song service at 1:30 PM, featuring Smokey Wilson

REVIVAL on August 3 – 7 at 7:00 PM

Guest Speaker: Rev. Jerry Gray from Iva, South Carolina

Each evening the service will begin with special music.

Monday – Second Time Around, Tuesday – Betty Jo LeSueur & Family,

Wednesday – Lauren Black, Thursday – Richard Carner, & Friday – Barry Snoddy

August 2 HOMECOMING at Mt. Zion 11:00 AM

Guest Speaker: Rev. Jerry Stewart, former pastor

REVIVAL on August 3 – 5 at 7:00 PM with music nightly

August 3 & 5 – Rev. Adam Tyler, former pastor, will be speaking. On August 4, Rev. Steve Donahue, former pastor, will speak.

All are invited to attend.

August 2 Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University Class at Buckingham 5:00 PM

To register or for additional information please call 434-547-5219. All are invited to come and learn how to get out of debt and manage your money the way God wants you to manage it. The first class is FREE! It is a nine-week program. Childcare will be provided.

August 6 Missions Trip Presentation at First Baptist Dillwyn by the Youth 6:00 PM

Meal at 5:00 PM, followed by a presentation by the Youth on their mission trip to TeamEfforts.

August 7 Movie Night & Ice Cream Social at Jones Chapel 6:00 PM

There will be a movie for the adults and one for the children. Everyone is invited.

August 9 HOMECOMING at Antioch Union (at the Antioch facility) 11:00 AM

Meal to follow the service.

August 9 Worship at Gladstone Memorial 11:00 AM.

The service will be followed by their Sunday School picnic.

August 9 HOMECOMING at Mulberry Grove 11:00 AM

Guest Speaker: Rev. David Washburn, BGAV Treasurer

REVIVAL on August 10 – 12 at 7:00 PM

Guest Speaker: Rev. David Vogt, Pastor, Antioch, Scottsville

Special Music: Monday – The Oak Hill Boys, Tuesday – Praise Band from Antioch (Scottsville),

Wednesday – Ruby Gray and Mark Waldrop

August 9 HOMECOMING at Sharon 11:00 AM

Guest Speaker: Rev.Jimmy Dunn, Pastor Emeritus, First Baptist Dillwyn

A covered dish lunch will follow the service. Special music by popular local musician, singer-songwriter,

Barry Snoddy, at 1:30 PM. All are invited.

REVIVAL on August 10 – 12 at 7:30 PM

Monday – Message & Special Music by Anthony Clore, Antioch Baptist

Tuesday – Message by Rev. Doug Adams, Buckingham Baptist, & Music by Gayle & Robert Noble

Wednesday – Message by Rev. Lewis Brandt, First Baptist Dillwyn, & Music by The Fraticelli Brothers


August 12 Senior Citizens Fellowship at Mulberry Grove 11:00 AM

Bluegrass/Gospel Music & Covered Dish Lunch

August 14 & 28 Blue Ridge Food Services Food Distribution at Crystal Cathedral, Dillwyn

Volunteers needed at 9:30 AM.

August 23 HOMECOMING at Enon 11:00 AM

REVIVAL on August 24 – 26 at 7:00 PM

Speaker: Roger Roller, Evangelist

Special Music: Monday – Holy Temple Church Choir, Tuesday – Smokey Wilson, & Wednesday – Al Gough

August 23 HOMECOMING at Mt. Tabor 11:00 AM

Lunch after the service.

REVIVAL on August 24 – 28 at 7:00 PM

Speaker: Chet Roden from Lynchburg, VA

Special music nightly. All are welcome.

| |

|Monday, August 24 |

|Information is due by 9:00 AM for the September edition of the JRBA newsletter. |

August 28 “Seven Project” Friday Night Gospel Rally at the Fluvanna Middle School 6:30 – 8:00 PM

This is part of a seven point project for middle school students. Antioch, Scottsville, is praying that students will come

out in the evening for this service. Pastor David Vogt is one of the speakers for the rally. Doors open at 6:15 PM.

August 30 Compassion Sunday Observance at Buckingham 11:00 AM

Compassion Sunday is a national event that helps us grow in our understanding of God’s very special love for the poor.

It is also an opportunity for each one to intervene in the life of at least one child in poverty. For more information,

contact Angie Robertson at 434-414-5924 or visit .

August 30 Communion Service at Gladstone Memorial


September 12 Warrior Event at Antioch, Scottsville

A day of fun for youth from several churches. It is an all day event with games and food, as well as a worship service.

All youth of the area are invited.

September 13 HOMECOMING at Fork of Willis

Sunday School – 10:00 AM, Worship – 11:00 AM,

Lunch on the Grounds immediately following the service.

Everyone is welcome!


September 18 Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of VA Assembly 2015 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Location: Mechanicsville Baptist Church

Keynote Speakers: Jennifer Lau, Kim & Marc Wyatt, Sue & Greg Smith, & Bo Prosser

Theme: “Neighbours”

Saturday: Mission Morning at Hugenot Road Baptist Church (9:00 AM – 2:00 PM)

Partnering with Hugenot Baptist to help serve the Richmond community with their annual community clinic.

Go to ministry/general-assembly for more info & to register.


September 23 See You At The Pole at Buckingham County High School 7:00 AM

Students will meet at the school’s flag pole to pray for friends, schools, and our country. Straight Street will

provide a light breakfast following the prayer time.

September 24 – 27 Antioch’s (Scottsville) Annual Tent Revival at the Hardware River

Nightly revival services at 7 PM (special singing at 6:30 PM).

Sunday morning worship at 10:00 AM, followed by lunch and a river baptism.


Saturday, September 26, 2015

Expect a call in August about your plans.

Start planning now for your church to participate.


September 26 Tar Wallet will be holding their Fall Fest in connection with Operation InAsMuch

Mt. Zion will be hosting a Free Yard Sale with Free Food & Sprucing up Oak Grove Chapel for Operation InAsMuch event.

September 27 – 30 Antioch Union’s Tent Revival at Pearson Construction (Rt. 24) 7:00 PM

Services will start each night at 7:00 PM. On Sunday night, hot dogs will be served prior to the service.

Different speakers are scheduled for each night and will be announced soon along wit the special music.

Plan now to come out and join in. Pray for Revival in our community and our country!

October 4 HOMECOMING at Jones Chapel

Worship at 10:00 AM with Rev. Jim Lamb, former pastor, bringing the message.

Song Service featuring The Browns, from Iowa, at 11:00 AM.

Lunch will follow the services.

October 11 World Hunger Sunday

October 12 JRBA Executive Board Meeting at First Baptist Dillwyn 7:00 PM

October 15 JRBA 183rd Annual Meeting at Antioch (Scottsville)

Registration – 4:45 PM, Business Session – 5:00 PM, Fellowship Supper – 6:00 PM, Worship – 7:00 PM

October 19 – 21 Better Than Ever (Fifty Plus Retreat) at Eagle Eyrie

Theme: RISE – Living the Resurrection

Featured Guests: Jim Baucom, Bob Smith, Jeff Cleghorn

Several Personal Interest Breakouts and Special Group Activities

Cost: Voight/Hotel: $179/person Lodge: $143/person

Get more info and register online at: BTE

October 26 2nd Annual Family Fun Festival at Jones Chapel 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Watch for details on this event in future newsletters.

November 6 – 7 or 7 – 8: 2015 Women’s Get-Away at Eagle Eyrie

Register online beginning August 1 at .

Theme: All For You

Let every detail in your lives – words, actions, whatever – be done in the name of the Master, Jesus,

thanking God the Father every step of the way. Colossians 3:17 (The Message)

Keynote Speaker: Beverly Caroll Worship Leader: Keith Tan

WMUV Annual Meeting will be held between sessions on Saturday, 2:00 – 3:30 PM.

Speaker: Ann Brown, President, BGAV

192nd Annual Meeting of the Baptist General Association of Virginia

November 9 – 11, 2015

Second Baptist Church, Richmond, VA

For the first time in over 30 years, the BGAV Annual Meeting will be held in a church.

Second Baptist Church hosted the first BGAV meeting in 1823 as well as the Centennial

meeting in 1923.

Featured Speakers: Ed Stetzer, Alan Jamieson, & John Upton

The Ministry Fair will open on Monday with Gathering I at 7:00 PM.

The Business Session and Gathering II will take place on Tuesday morning with Regional Meetings and

Breakouts in the afternoon. Gathering III will take place at 6:30 PM.

The second Business Session will be on Wednesday morning at 9:00 AM, followed by Gathering IV.

The newly elected Mission Council will meet following the Annual Meeting.

Pastors/Clerks: Registration packets will arrive in August.

Visit meeting for continuing updates.



Missions Committee Report

I. Stop Hunger Now: We are so very pleased to hear that some of our JRBA churches are busy raising money for Stop Hunger Now throughout the year. As we all set aside some money each week for this worthy cause we will meet our goal of $7,000 by April 20, 2016.

II. Operation InAsMuch: We are very pleased that many of our churches have made a commitment to take part in Operation InAsMuch on Saturday, September 26, 2015. If your church has not yet made that commitment, please do so right away and send the name of your contact person to Valerie Breault right away. Her phone number is 434-96-4603 or email her at vbreault@.

III. Mission Volunteers: It is exciting to hear that many Youth Mission Teams and other mission teams have gone forth or are getting ready to go on mission trips. These teams include:

A. A group of 10 youth and adults from Jones Chapel took part in the MC2 event at Eagle Eyrie July 20 – 24. They were blessed and blessed others as they carried out mission projects, shared in worship, helped pack Stop Hunger Now meals, and shared in wholesome recreation. Gwynn & Phyllis Tyler, Mulberry Grove, also participated in this event.

B. A group of 20 persons (13 youth, 6 adults, & one baby) from First Baptist Dillwyn left on Sunday, July 26, to share in a TeamEfforts mission project at Myrtle Beach, SC.

C. Susan Adams and some youth from Buckingham took part in the Impact Virginia mission week in Fluvanna County.

D. A group of youth and adults from Chestnut Grove served at the Lighthouse Community Center in Lynchburg, VA, June 29 – July 1.

IV. Hispanic Ministry: The Bi-Lingual Bible Studies from Luke’s Gospel are still being taught by Rev. Michael Kohl at First Baptist Dillwyn. Most weeks the classes are being taught on Thursday night.

V. Blue Ridge Food Ministry: Workers continue to be needed to help with the food distribution at the Crystal Cathedral on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month at 9:30 AM. Thanks to those who are helping.

In Christ’s Love,


Rev. Jimmy Dun, Chair

VBS Reports

Buckingham’s VBS kicked off with a bang on July 5 with pre-registration featuring an ice cream social and an obstacle course ending with a giant slip and slide. Their Journey Off the Map included 30 children, ages 3 – 11, and 24 workers. After a rousing Worship Rally each night, the children and workers had a light meal before classes began. Crafts included decorating tote bags(later filled with goodies), stuffing fleece-tied pillows with prayers written by the children, and tie-dying tee shirts. Recreation featured ball games, the giant slip and slide, and water balloons on Thursday night. That was a good and very wet time! Missions featured learning about missionaries who are now serving. The children enjoyed learning new songs in music. The week ended with family night and a cookout with hot dogs and all the trimmings. The classes were challenged to bring a mission offering each night. There was a lot of stiff competition. One little girl in the 6 – 7 year old class collected $52 from friends and relatives. A Total mission offering of $405.00 was collected. The mission classes were challenged to bring items for the Samaritan Purse shoe boxes. The class who brought the most items got a prize of an ice cream cone from the Dillwyn Dairy Freeze. The 6 – 7 year old class won the prize. There was an average attendance of 53.

Praise the Lord for a fantastic VBS at Cedar during the week of July 12 – 16! They were blessed to have a total enrollment of 154 workers and youth. What a wonderful problem to have to look for more room to put everybody. A very special thanks to all workers who helped to make this a meaningful time for so many children.

First Baptist Dillwyn held a Youth VBS on July 12 – 15. It ended with a pool party for all the youth and workers.

Jones Chapel had a wonderful week of VBS, with Thailand Trek as the theme. High attendance was on Tuesday, with 36 children (average attendance 33) and an average of 26 adults each night. Each night a guest speaker told about their mission experiences and the children were excited to hear about their trips. One child accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior and several others made a recommitment or asked to learn more.   At commencement, the children sang and received their certificates for attendance. Following the program, children, VBS workers, parents and guests ate a meal of hot dogs and side dishes, dessert and drinks. Then, for each $100 collected for the backpack ministry, a child’s name was drawn to throw a pie in the face of an adult worker whose name was also drawn. Workers who got the pie in face were Judy Chambliss, April Whaley, Michael Parker, and Mackiinzie Green. The children who drew the honor of throwing pies were Caitlin Whaley, Frankie Large III, Jack Parker and Robert Atwater. The final activity was to light and release Thai lanterns into the evening sky. What a sight to see so many lanterns drifting up and away. One lantern made its way to the fence of Grace and Ray Martin’s property, but we do not know where the others made landfall. We were blessed to have so many people devoted to VBS and we are thankful to have had such a committed VBS Director, Lisa Parker. Total collected for the backpack ministry was $450.00.

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The Youth VBS Weekend at Mt. Zion had 7 youth and 2 adult leaders. This weekend included Bible Study, crafts, mission study, and a mission project.

The youth made bags and filled them with things for the foster children in Buckingham. At the end, they went on a prayer walk throughout the church, visiting each of the areas that VBS breakout sessions would be held. Afterwards, they made prayer flags to represent their prayers for VBS and hung them in the sanctuary for VBS week. The youth from this retreat were also volunteers leading in music, helping with crafts and nursery during the week of VBS. Mt. Zion’s VBS was blessed by 42 children/youth in attendance and 32 adult volunteers helping. VBS ended on Friday with a Fun Night. They had Isaiah Blair with Wild Earth Encounters come with animals (a crocodile, a lynx, a wolf hybrid, and a python). Isaiah presented the creation story to the children with the animals. The children were able to take pictures with the wolf hybrid. This time was enjoyed by all. The offering exceeded any previous VBS offerings with $1,105 being collected for the Back Pack Ministry. May God bless the Back Pack Ministry and the Foster Care Children in Buckingham.

Tar Wallet held VBS on July 27 – 31 from 6:00 – 8:00 PM. Their closing ceremony was on Friday, July 31, with a cookout for the participants and their families.


Antioch’s 5 Loaves & 2 Fish food ministry fed 161 meals on July 25 and gave out 86 boxes of food. The next food ministry meal will be on August 22, from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM.

Buckingham’s Children in Action, led by Shelia Mozingo and Betty Toney, were treated to a Splish-Splash Party on Saturday, July 25, as an outreach for the group. There were 12 adults and 11 children in attendance. All kinds of water activities were offered, including a large pool, a giant slip and slide, and various water toys and bubble wands. Of course, there had to be water balloons. The day ended with a cookout with hot dogs and the trimmings plus ice cream with brownies.

Chestnut Grove’s WMU collected $125 for Standing Rock Indian Reservation in North Dakota. Their project for August is collecting school supplies for Buckingham County Schools.

First Baptist Dillwyn is proud of 10-year old, Elizabeth Tomlinson, who saved her money to buy Gideon Bibles to give to the Fluvanna Women’s prison.

Mt. Zion’s WMU sent $100.00 to Standing Rock Indian Reservation. Mt. Zion held its first Operation InAsMuch planning meeting on Sunday, July 26, and are making big plans for the September event. Involved in the Intentional Transition Program, their slogan is, “2015 – Celebrating Our Heritage – Visioning Our Future”. To go along with that slogan, they are going to give Oak Grove Chapel a sprucing up with replacing the door, fixing the slate roof, painting, etc. Oak Grove Chapel was built in 1917 as part of Mt. Zion because the members in this area had a difficult time getting to church with their families in horse-pulled wagons in the winter cold. The parsonage is across the road from the Chapel where they will hold a free yard sale with prize drawings, free hot dogs, chips, cookies, and water being given out. Mt. Zion is planning and looking forward to another great time giving in Jesus’ name.

The major focus for Mulberry Grove in July was collecting school supplies for the August 1 Straight Street distribution. Members continue to be involved in the Outreach Ministry, the bi-monthly food distribution at the Crystal Cathedral, and the weekly Hispanic Bi-Lingual Bible Study. Several Members contributed to the end-of-the-school-year Backpack Ministry food boxes. The major emphasis for August and September will be the Operation InAsMuch mission blitz and the Alma Hunt offering for state missions.

Sharon’s Undie Sunday collection drive garnered 144 pairs of socks and 135 pairs of underwear for delivery by Virginia mission teams to the people of Standing Rock Sioux Indian Reservation. A collection drive is currently underway to provide school supplies for area children. Rose of Sharon WMU continues donating magazines to the Fluvanna Correctional center for Women, and visiting and delivering meals to those who are sick or homebound.


Antioch (Scottsville) has begun a separate Children’s Church during their 10 AM worship hour. The Children’s Church is for ages 3 to 5th grade. It is held in the old Chapel, and the children look forward to this time. They have a group of wonderful volunteers each Sunday who work with the children. They use games, videos, and Bible Study to teach the children about our Heavenly Father and Jesus.

A new Pastor’s Sunday School class on What Baptists Believe will begin on August 2 at Buckingham. The class for adults will meet at 9:45 AM. Do you know what you believe? Do you know why you believe what you believe? Join this group to explore the beliefs of Baptists!

Jones Chapel Youth Mission Trip

Eight children and two adults attended the MC2 Missions Connection week at Eagle Eyrie on July 20 – 24. They had a wonderful time doing mission projects, learning and having fun. Some of the teens have been attending this same week at Eagle Eyrie for years and look forward to meeting old friends and making new friends. Holly Whaley celebrated her 17th birthday at Eagle Eyrie.



Gwynn and Phyllis Tyler, Mulberry Grove, also attended MC2. Gwynn served on one of the off-site work teams. His team held prayer walks around each of the other work sites on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Thursday and Friday they did landscaping in a memorial garden at the Sedalia Center in Bedford. Phyllis greatly enjoyed babysitting her grandson while her daughter-in –law worked with her youth group. The Tylers also enjoyed the beauty of the Eagle Eyrie campus, the nightly worship services, and renewing friendships with old friends. They especially enjoyed getting to hear Rev. Ron Wyatt speak each evening and catching up with Rev. Michael Jordan, their former pastor. (FYI – the Jordans are getting close to their goal of 10,000 pairs of shoes. You may recall that JRBA helped collect shoes for them in their quest to Bring Paco home. They have completed the required paperwork for the adoption, but anticipate that it could still take up to 2 years to bring Paco home. They ask for your continued prayers for Paco and the process.)


Gwynn and his work team


JRBA Pastors’s Huddle

Eight pastors met on July 15 for their regular monthly gathering. The group welcomed Rev. Dave Peppler who recently began his pastorate at Fitzgerald Memorial. Dr. Jeff Cranford, BGAV, was also in attendance. The pastors will meet again on Wednesday, August 19, at First Baptist Dillwyn.


Rev. Michael Khol

JRBA Pastors’ Wives’ Fellowship

Two of the pastors’ wives met for a quiet dinner at Frida’s on Friday, July 17. The next gathering will be held in September (date not yet determined).


Sarah Threet


Cedar’s Youth Committee held a mini lock-in for the youth ages 9 – 12 on Friday, July 24. Thanks again to all the adults that work so hard to keep the youth in church and learning more about God.



I would like to thank everyone for the prayers, cards, and calls since having a hip replacement - of a hip replacement! All of them brought me a lot of comfort and a real feeling of love from our community. I wanted everyone to know I am off the walker and on a cane and hope not to be on the cane any more than a week from now (July 26). I am feeling GREAT! Love ya’ll and thank you all so much


Rev. William Wood


Thank you to those that made donations for the annual Back to School Supply Distribution held on August 1. In September, Straight Street will support and sponsor “See You At The Pole” on Wednesday, September 23. This is a student-led event held at the high school. Students across the nation unite in gathering at their schools’ flag poles to pray for their friends, their schools, and the country. Students at Buckingham High School will meet at the school’s flag pole at 7 AM to pray. Straight Street will provide a light breakfast following the prayer time at the flag pole.

A talent show sponsored by the Buckingham High School SCA and Straight Street is tentatively scheduled for October. More details aobut this event will be forthcoming.

Anita Adams

Straight Street Board


But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. Acts 1:8 (ESV)

July 14 & 28

Brothers and sisters in Argentina are being called by God to go to other countries and share the Gospel. Asbury and Hope Martin request prayer for those they have been helping in the Center for Cross-Cultural Missionary Training in Córdoba. Pray for the 19 missionaries and their families as they are learning skills on how to learn a new language, cross-cultural ministry and church planting. Pray for these missionaries as they adjust to a new way of life. Many will be learning several languages as they minister in the new places they will be living. Pray that God would provide them the funds they need to serve Him and help them in their language acquisition in other countries.

Please pray for the mission team from Calvary Baptist Church in Dothan, Alabama. They will be in Córdoba, Argentina, focusing on church planting activities that will include prayer walking, evangelistic home visits, neighborhood witnessing, and sports evangelism July 31 – August 4, 2015. Pray for Asbury and Hope as they work with the Jesus Is Life Baptist Church to reach the lost in various towns that do not have a Gospel witness.

Hope Martin, Prayer Coordinator

Central Northern Argentina Affinity Mobilizer



Antioch (Scottsville) held their annual Homecoming on Sunday, July 26. It was well attended. There was special music by the Gospel Six, and Pastor David Vogt was the speaker.

Antioch Union is planning a Baptism Service for Brittany Renee Murphy on September 6, at 10:30 AM at the James River State park. The service

will be held at a shelter and followed

by a meal. Come and enjoy the


On July 19, Buckingham held its Homecoming services. There were approximately 120 people in attendance. The morning kicked off with a music service featuring the Oak Hill Boys. The Worship service followed. The service included additional music from the Oak Hill Boys and a message by guest speaker, Roger Hesch. He serves with the International Mission Board. After the worship service everyone was invited to join in for a Fellowship Luncheon. It provided a great time of fellowship. It was a great morning of worship and fellowship.

Logan Morris, son of Shawn and Todd Morris, was awarded a scholarship from Chestnut Grove’s Scholarship Fund. Logan will be attending Liberty University this fall.


• JRBA’s Stop Hunger Now Event (May 3, 2015) was featured in The Farmville Herald on Friday, July 17, 2015. Jordan Miles, reporter, did a great job with the article. We appreciate his help in covering our events and getting the word out that we are busy about God’s business of reaching out to others.

• ATTENTION YOUTH LEADERS: If your youth took a mission trip this summer, please be sure to send in some information on their efforts. Please include the names of those who participated, where they went, the mission work completed, etc. Plus, we are hopeful that you will provide some photos to be shown at the Annual Fall meeting to be held on October 15.

• JRBA Website Coming Soon! As many of you know, our web site has not been maintained for a couple of years. Rev. Michael Khol has volunteered to help us out by getting us back online! He is currently building a new web page for us at . If you want to take a look, please remember that it is a “work in progress”. As Michael collects the necessary information, he will continue to update the site and expand it. It will have a map that shows where JRBA churches are located, links to each of the churches, as well as things like our officers, committees, and special events. The church links will include church addresses, times of services, a photo of the church, and the pastor’s name, as well as connecting to the church’s website and/or Facebook Page if the church has them. We appreciate all of Michael’s time and effort!


• Those who are lost and need to know the Savior

• Churches without a pastor: Jones Chapel and Mt. Zion

• Families of the victims of LA movie shooting and random shooting throughout the country

• JRBA Pastors’ Huddle & Wives Fellowship

• JRBA Hispanic Ministry (Bi-Lingual Bible Study)

• Florica, JRBA WMU Project Ruth adoptee

• Local family serving IMB

• All those in our congregation who are ill or have lost loved ones.

…the prayers of the righteous please Him.

Psalm 15:8b

Summary of JRBA Executive Board Meeting

July 13, 2015

Moderator, Rev. Jimmy Dunn, opened the meeting with a devotional message. He spoke on Hebrews 10:23-25: Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another – and all the more as you see the day approaching. This passage was written when there was much evil going on and Christians were being persecuted. That continues to be true of our world today. Four principles from this passage can help us: 1. Hold fast unswervingly for He is faithful – have unwavering hope that Jesus will ultimately WIN. Hope in the Biblical sense – God is going to do what He says He will do! 2. Do not give up assembling together – don’t take church attendance lightly – it needs to be primary. We need to hear preaching of God’s word; we need to be challenged; we need to be there not only for our own sake but for the sake of others; we need to be there for all services and activities, not just at 11:00 on Sunday morning. 3. Spur one another on to good works and love. We need one another and need to work together to help others (Operation InAsMuch will be a great opportunity to do this.) 4. Encourage each other. Talk about the good things that are happening and what God is doing. Encourage our young people and use kind words and sweet smiles. Have confidence in God, in Jesus, and in one another to do God’s work in the best possible way.

Rev. Dunn then led in prayer.

Frank Breault had the roll call of churches. There were 21 in attendance representing 10 churches. The minutes of the last Executive Board Meeting were presented and approved. The Treasurer’s Quarterly Report was presented and approved. As of June 30, 2015, the JRBA Checking Account had a balance of $24,746.19 including the following designated funds: Hispanic Ministry - $1,124.49, Local Missions Fund - $608.04, Youth Encounter - $500.00, Stop Hunger Now - $140.00, and Additional Missions Fund - $978.00. The Savings Account stands at $4,107.16. Total receipts for the quarter were $9,286.95 and total disbursements were $12,950.88. (Disbursements included the payment for Stop Hunger Now meals of $6,000.10.)

Betty Toney, Chair, presented the quarterly John E. Mann, Sr. Emergency Benevolence Fund report. From April 1 – June 30, 2015, the fund assisted 2 individuals with one night’s lodging each, 1 family after losing their home to a fire, 2 families with overdue electric bills, and 1 individual with gas to go to a doctor’s appointment. Additionally, with the opening of the new account at Farmers Bank, deposit slips and checks were purchased at a cost of $77.22. Total disbursements for the quarter were $512.22. There were no contributions to the Benevolence Fund. The checking account balance on June 30 stood at $2,986.99. The report was approved as given.

Rev. Dunn then gave the Moderator’s Report. He introduced Rev. David Peppler, Sr., pastor at Fitzgerald Memorial, and welcomed him to JRBA. Jimmy noted that we had packaged over 20,000 meals at our May 3 Stop Hunger Now event and encouraged everyone to continue to set aside money for our next event. He suggested that the churches try to establish a pattern for collecting for this cause. Several participants were asked to tell something about the recent mission trip to Bland. Doug Adams shared about the construction work that was done and told how 4 of the team members had returned to assist one of the homeowners the team worked with in May. They did additional work on his water system and kitchen and he was blessed through their efforts. Betty Toney told about the food and clothing ministries at Bland and Phyllis Tyler mentioned the work done at the Bland Dental Clinic. Gwynn Tyler mentioned the grounds work done by Rev. Dunn and himself. Rev. Dunn mentioned the summer VBS and Youth Mission Trips happening currently. Betty told about their “Pie in the Face” activity at VBS to raise money for missions. Rev. Russell Threet told about his youth trip to the Lighthouse Community Center, Lynchburg, and encouraged others to take their youth to this ministry. It offers a great opportunity to get involved with inner city ministry, especially with youth. The upcoming Youth Mission trips were mentioned: Buckingham – Impact VA, Fluvanna, Jones Chapel – MC2 Missions Connections, Eagle Eyrie, and First Baptist Dillwyn – Team


Efforts, SC. We were encouraged to pray for these groups as they

minister in the name of Jesus. Rev. Dunn noted that the following individuals had agreed to be possible BGAV Mission Council nominees: Rev. Doug Adams, Rev. Perry Clore, Rev. Jimmy Dunn, Chris Moss, and Judy Ownby. They will be considered as nominees at the regional meeting in September, and if chosen, will be voted on at the BGAV Annual Meeting in November.

Gwynn Tyler, current JRBA representative on the BGAV Mission Council, gave a report. He noted his attendance at the April 30 gathering of the Mission Council, its first meeting under the new governance procedures. He briefly told about the structure of the new governance and the purpose of the Mission Council. He then gave an update on BGAV and what it is doing throughout the world to advance the Kingdom. Over 1400 churches belong to BGAV from across VA, several other states and around the world. Some current happenings include Disaster Relief efforts in Baltimore, MD, after the riots, and aid to Nepal after the earthquake, partnership missions with Panama and Ghana, Youth programs including Impact VA events throughout the state and programs such as MC2 Missions Connections, continued support of the Bland Ministry Center, as well as training renewals and other conferences available to our members. Gwynn noted that taking time to peruse the BGAV website helps one keep informed on all that Virginia Baptists are doing and accomplishing to advance God’s Kingdom. () Rev. Dunn announced that Rev. Russell Threet has agreed to be the new JRBA Disaster Relief Coordinator next year and noted what a good job Liz Steger has done in promoting Disaster Relief and getting training here in our area.

Rev. Dunn distributed copies of his Missions Committee Report from the July edition of the newsletter. Recommendations from the Program Committee were presented as follows:

1. Registration for the Annual Fall Meeting on October 15, 2015, will begin at 4:45 PM, with the Business Session beginning at 5:00 PM, a Fellowship Supper at 6:00 PM, with Worship at 7:00 PM.

2. Oral reports will include Comments from the Moderator, the Treasurer’s Report and Proposed Budget; other reports will be presented in a Book of Reports, but will not be given orally. Officers will be installed at the end of the Worship Service.

3. Slides of Summer Youth Mission trips, the Stop Hunger Now meal packing event, the Bland Mission Trip, and our 2015 Operation InAsMuch projects (as available) will be looping prior to both sessions.

4. A Roll Call of Churches will be done during the Business Session.

5. The fellowship meal will be “covered dish” with the host church being asked to provide the meat, drinks, and paper products; attendees will be asked to bring side dishes and desserts as in the past.

6. The host church will be asked if they can provide child care.

7. The speaker for the Annual Fall Meeting will be a JRBA pastor.

8. Special Music will be contemporary.

After some discussion, the recommendations were approved as presented.

Valeria Breault, Operation InAsMuch, spoke about our 2015 event scheduled for Saturday, September 26. She noted that an email had gone out requesting a contact person from each church and that nine have responded. She stressed how well last year’s event went and that we are anticipating that all of our churches will again participate. The goal is to have as many of our members involved in helping others on that day as possible. Churches should begin planning their projects right away. There was a wide variety of projects last year with little overlapping. She needs the church contacts, along with their phone numbers and email addresses as soon as possible. She will need to know the type of project planned and reminded us, too, that followup will need to include photos, the number of people who participated from each church, and at least an estimate of the number of individuals who were assisted. It was noted that we have a new JRBA logo for this year’s event. Rev. Tim Scott, Goshen, volunteered to check on having tee shirts made with our logo in case any of the churches wish to purchase them. Valeria noted that she has a DVD on Operation InAsMuch if any church wants to show it. It was also suggested that testimonies from individuals assisted would be good to share if available.

The Christian Life report was presented on the baccalaureates sponsored by JRBA in Cumberland and Buckingham. It was noted that JRBA is blessed to work with school systems who were welcoming to our efforts to hold a Christian service for the seniors.

Rev. Michael Khol gave an update on the JRBA Hispanic Ministry. At the April Executive Board Meeting, he had asked our churches to partner with those involved in the Hispanic Bible Study through our prayers and by eating at Frida’s Restaurant, Dillwyn, to show our support of their decision to close on Sundays. Rev. Khol thanked everyone for their wonderful response to this request. He noted that our ministry is primarily working with two families connected to Frida’s. The Bible Study continues to go well with relationships being built and spiritual growth being witnessed. He also noted that he is checking into becoming involved in the Hispanic ministry at the prison and hopes to be able to speak at their Sunday night services once his clearance is obtained. Rev. Dunn noted that we will have another Christmas Fiesta at Buckingham and hopes to schedule another fall event for Hispanics in our area.

There was no Old Business. Under New Business, there was a discussion as to whether or not to again schedule a fellowship outing to a Hillcats ballgame in Lynchburg. The Faith Nights have been changed to Tuesdays this year and there will be games on July 28, August 4 & 18, and September 1. It was decided that the July date did not leave time to get tickets, etc. It was also noted that the other Tuesdays were prior to school days. The majority seemed to feel that the September date would be best. It was agreed that folks would check at their churches to see if enough individuals would buy tickets to justify our getting a block of seats this year. Contacts should let Phyllis know by July 27 how many would like to go to the September 1


Rev. Michael Khol talked about the lack of a JRBA presence on the Internet. He made a motion for the association to invest up to $200 to establish a website. This would cover the costs for 3 years + the $12/year fee. He will build the user-friendly site and oversee its maintenance free of charge. He plans to have it in full operation when he hands it to Phyllis as a complete package. It would include pages for each member church with their addresses, phone numbers, photos, pastor, etc. He hopes to link the JRBA site to those churches who have their own websites, too. He also hopes to have a map with the location of the churches – the map link will go directly to each church’s page. Additionally, the site will feature JRBA’s function, office location, officers, etc. Having an up-to-date web site will greatly expand our availability to the young adult population. After some discussion, the motion was seconded and approved. Rev. Khol asked that if anyone has additional ideas for the site to please let him know.

Rev. Tim Scott announced that when any of our churches or the association print information about missionaries in closed countries, their location should not be revealed. Gwynn Tyler announced that the 2015 BGAV Annual Meeting is scheduled for November 10 – 11 at Second Baptist Church, Richmond. Rev. Doug Adams announced that Buckingham is going to hold a series of classes on Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University beginning on August 2, from 5:00 – 6:30 PM. It will be a DVD presentation by Dave Ramsey on financial planning, stressing how to get out of debt and how to manage your money according to Biblical principles. Everyone is invited to participate.

The meeting was adjourned with prayer by Rev. David Peppler, Sr.






Many of our JRBA churches are having Homecoming Days and Revival Services during August. As we attend these special services, I pray that we will be revived so fully that we will come home to a deeper faith in Jesus and a fuller commitment to follow Him. I also pray that each of our churches will find fresh spiritual life and a fresh passion to serve Jesus more fully.

In Christ’s Love,


Rev. Jimmy Dunn


2014 - 2015

Regular Budget Receipts

|Church |July |Year-to-Date |

|Antioch(Scottsville) | |$ 900.00 |

|Antioch Union | |$ 500.00 |

|Arvon | |$ 1,000.00 |

|Buckingham | |$ 840.20 |

|Cedar | |$ 2,000.00 |

|Chestnut Grove | |$ 500.00 |

|Enon | |$ 700.00 |

|First Baptist Dillwyn | |$ 3,000.00 |

|Fitzgerald Memorial |$ 550.00 |$ 550.00 |

|Fork of Willis | |$ 427.00 |

|Gladstone Memorial |$ 331.25 |$ 1,315.00 |

|Goshen | |$ 1,257.00 |

|Jones Chapel |$ 212.43 |$ 987.83 |

|Mt. Tabor | |$ 731.40 |

|Mt. Zion | |$1,600.00 |

|Mulberry Grove | |$ 2,300.00 |

|Sharon |$ 377.75 |$1,511.00 |

|Tar Wallet | | |

|VBMB – Alma Hunt | |$ 192.52 |

| TOTAL |$ 1,471.43 |$20,311.95 |

Approved Budget for 2014 – 2015: $24,671.00

TREASURERS: Please note that unless a specific ministry or project is designated on the memo line of the check or in an accompanying note, the contribution will appear in the regular budget receipts.


July Expenditures: NONE

Contributions: NONE

Balance: $978.00


Carryover: $500.00

(Enon, Goshen, Mt. Zion & Mulberry Grove)

No contributions/expenditures in July


Impact VA/Spreading God’s Gifts

No contributions/expenditures in July.

Carryover: $608.04




|Church |July |Total-to-Date |

|Antioch | | |

|Antioch Union | | |

|Arvon | | |

|Buckingham | | |

|Cedar | | |

|Chestnut Grove | | |

|Enon | | |

|First Baptist Dillwyn |$ 90.00 |$ 220.00 |

|Fitzgerald Memorial | | |

|Fork of Willis | | |

|Gladstone Memorial |$ 150.00 |$ 150.00 |

|Goshen | | |

|Jones Chapel | |$ 10.00 |

|Mt. Tabor | | |

|Mt. Zion | | |

|Mulberry Grove | | |

|Sharon | | |

|Tar Wallet | | |

|Individuals | | |

|TOTAL |$ 240.00 |$ 380.00 |

John E. Mann, Sr. Benevolence Fund

|Church |July |Total-to-Date |

|Antioch Union (2014 VBS) | |$ 60.00 |

|Buckingham | |$ 100.00 |

|Cedar | |$ 300.00 |

|Goshen | |$ 250.00 |

|Mt. Zion | |$ 100.00 |

|Mulberry Grove | |$ 300.00 |

|Sharon | |$ 200.00 |

|TOTAL | |$ 1,310.00 |

July Disbursements: $100.00

Balance on Hand: $ 2,886.99

JRBA Hispanic Ministry

|Church |July |Total-to-Date |

|Carryover |$ 403.13 |

|First Baptist Dillwyn | |$ 100.00 |

|Mt. Zion | |$ 200.00 |

|Mulberry Grove | |$ 200.00 |

|Fall Meeting Offering | |$ 138.50 |

|JRBA (Budgeted Line Item) | |$ 600.00 |

|TOTAL | |$ 1,641.63 |

Expenditures for July: Rev. Michael Khol (mileage) $ 85.07

Balance on Hand: $1,039.42





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