Living Wi$ely - Amazon S3

Living Wi$ely

Personal Financial Planning creating a nice encounter in your church?

Many have heard of Dave Ramsey, the talk show host and Christian financial guru.

Many churches help their members get insight and support in difficult economic times by using his resources and individual training workshops. His program is entitled, “Financial Peace University,” and it has been very successful.

It will be good news to all of you to know that through the Episcopal Church resource organization, TENS (The Episcopal Network of Stewardship ) the Diocese of Spokane has access to a wonderful workshop for our churches to offer to its members that also addresses this need at lower cost.

One of our Stewardship Team members has made a comparison by engaging in both programs. The Episcopal Church workshop is designed for four sessions, is very inexpensive, and also covers key points of the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace offering.

A downloadable leader’s manual and power point sessions are easily available.

The name of the TENS program is “Living Wi$ely.”

You may want to reach out with the opportunity to do this workshop in your congregation.

What do we think this might do?

One of the intriguing aspects of this is to discover “who” might take you up on this offer. One of us found in attending such a workshop, a surprise in attendance, and people from outside the church who came as well. (A very nice way to encounter new community people who might find your church very friendly and welcoming.)

Another aspect of the program is building community occurs. People (even Episcopalians) are really quite anxious to talk openly about financial issues and to laugh, or express frustrations over shared common financial challenges with credit cards, car loans, student loans, etc.

Choose a good, safe, trusted workshop leader.

While Dave Ramsey is very entertaining on video, the program is 7-9 weeks long and costs around $90 per family. Take a look at TENS and see what you, as a leader may think of this alternative!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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